A one-for-one match? He shrugged. "Such great resources expended," he pointed out. "Your dealings with me are distinct from the arrangements you make with Talia. I'm sure she will allow you a one-for-one exchange, on certain conditions. Favorable to both the Coven and to yourself, I'm sure. I can, in fact, promise that if she finds your terms acceptable - she would be willing to offer you this number to defend the southern frontier." He nodded.
The Coven had been growing, slowly, for some time. Whilst Vuda surely meant to thin them out for the sake of reducing their cult-like influence on their members, Alistair imagined that the opposite could take effect; more of his mages could join their fold. The Coven would surely send their most charismatic, and those who projected power. They would seek to entice these other mages with that power.
It was all a game, but one that the Sae'a'fei - Talia - would play with Vuda, without Alistair's involvement. He didn't care; he would play a courier for their terms, and in exchange, gain Fridgar's freedom. The mage was content, particularly in seeing the gnarled creature of a man remove the ring from his fingers. Alistair stepped forward and placed the artifact within his palm. Before wearing it, he would present it to Talia for inspection, to judge the safety of the ring. She was an exceptional dustforger and ensorceller, and he imagined she would be able to ascertain any nefarious properties. It would be in her best interest to do so, as well, considering the Rupturer's position as the negotiator between these parties.
His minions stood back and moved into a statue-like, disciplined position, with their arms at each side and their weapons stowed. There was no longer any conflict that called for their services, and their inaction was a sign of the agreement they'd forged.
"A useful gift," he told Vuda. "If this allows me to assert influence over the wearer of the other ring, then... I can use this, indeed. But I am a nobleman of a great and powerful family, and I pay my dues. You say you have too many enemies, creature -- if you ever wish of me to dispose some of them, I will do so. The Coven will provide you the means of my contact." He nodded. It was a show of good faith of his own, and it was a necessary one. The man had Fridgar. None of this was worth it if his love was harmed.
"Now, may I see my love returned to me?" he asked, opening his palm and staring at the ring.
The Coven had been growing, slowly, for some time. Whilst Vuda surely meant to thin them out for the sake of reducing their cult-like influence on their members, Alistair imagined that the opposite could take effect; more of his mages could join their fold. The Coven would surely send their most charismatic, and those who projected power. They would seek to entice these other mages with that power.
It was all a game, but one that the Sae'a'fei - Talia - would play with Vuda, without Alistair's involvement. He didn't care; he would play a courier for their terms, and in exchange, gain Fridgar's freedom. The mage was content, particularly in seeing the gnarled creature of a man remove the ring from his fingers. Alistair stepped forward and placed the artifact within his palm. Before wearing it, he would present it to Talia for inspection, to judge the safety of the ring. She was an exceptional dustforger and ensorceller, and he imagined she would be able to ascertain any nefarious properties. It would be in her best interest to do so, as well, considering the Rupturer's position as the negotiator between these parties.
His minions stood back and moved into a statue-like, disciplined position, with their arms at each side and their weapons stowed. There was no longer any conflict that called for their services, and their inaction was a sign of the agreement they'd forged.
"A useful gift," he told Vuda. "If this allows me to assert influence over the wearer of the other ring, then... I can use this, indeed. But I am a nobleman of a great and powerful family, and I pay my dues. You say you have too many enemies, creature -- if you ever wish of me to dispose some of them, I will do so. The Coven will provide you the means of my contact." He nodded. It was a show of good faith of his own, and it was a necessary one. The man had Fridgar. None of this was worth it if his love was harmed.
"Now, may I see my love returned to me?" he asked, opening his palm and staring at the ring.