• Solo • [Treth] A Child Lost

Tei'serin helps to search for one of her students during a storm.

19th of Cylus 717

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Tei'serin Nji'ryn
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[Treth] A Child Lost

19th Cylus, 717

Tei'serin tried to keep her mind on her work. The spelling tests for the first year students, math tests for the fourth year students, and history papers for the students who would be graduating at the end of the school arc weren't going to grade themselves, after all. But the bitter cold made it difficult to concentrate on anything other than how cold she was. And the small fire burning brightly in the fire place along the back wall did little to ward off the chill. Still, the sooner she got the papers graded, the sooner she could make her way to Sorin's house. The couple he was living with had insisted that she stay with them as long as the snow lasted rather than make the long ride back to her small farm. Arrangements had been made for one of her neighbors to house the few animals she had with his own at his insistence. His daughter was one of her students, and like the others in the village, had no desire to risk losing their teacher when it could be easily avoided.

She looked down to see that one of her youngest students had spelled the word snow "snoo" instead of the correct way. She chuckled at the mistake for a few trills before marking it wrong, and writing the correct spelling next to the misspelled word. Perhaps she would have to go over the vocabulary with her younger students again. Snow seemed to be a word that a lot of the younger kids had had trouble with this time around.

Snow, huh? What a fitting word for this season.

Tei'serin had picked words that were fitting for the season that she felt her students should be able to spell. Snow, ice, and the like. Making her lessons relevant to the season, or to particular events and holidays when possible seemed to make them more interesting for her students, and as such, easier for them to remember.

After finishing grading the test she was currently grading, she paused to look out the window. It was snowing heavily, as it had been for the past few trials.

It was snowing that trial, too. Tei'serin thought.

Not like this, though. The falling snow was beautiful, then. she mused.

Her thoughts drifted back to the trial she had met Ziell, and the wonderful journey he had taken her on. She blushed as she remembered what had happened at the end of that journey. Without realizing she was doing so, she placed a hand over her abdomen protectively. It was too soon to tell for certain, of course. And it would be for some time to come. But her menstrual cycle was several trials late now. Normally, it was quite regular. And while stress could affect it, and had in the past, this was Cylus. With travel as difficult as it was, she was safer from...unexpected "visitors" now than she was at any other time in the arc.

There's this to consider, as well. Ziell is the Immortal of Prophecy. Something about me had to have drawn his attention. I live on a small farm, in a small, out of the way place. Nothing about me as a person stands out in any way, and aside from getting dragged into the war among the Immortals last Vhalar, I haven't done anything to warrant the attention of an Immortal. Even then, I didn't stand out. I was one healer among many, and not even a very good one, since most of what I know about herbs was useless there. It isn't much of a stretch to believe that it wasn't me that attracted his attention at all. Or, it was...but it was because of a child I will bear in the future rather than anything about me specifically. If I am to bear a child...

Tei'serin's eyes widened as she remembered the note Ziell had left for her to find when she woke up. It wasn't an if; it was a certainty. She was going to bear Ziell's child. What would it be like to be a mother? To have a child of her own? In some ways, it wouldn't be all that different than it was now. Her students were her children in a very real way. But in other ways, it would be very different. To have someone to love as fiercely as a mother loves her child. To have that kind of special bond with someone...a part of Tei'serin longed to have that for herself.

A child of my own...well, only time will tell. Dwelling on it now isn't going to do any good. And it certainly isn't going to get these papers graded any faster. Tei'serin told herself firmly as she focused on her task once more.
Last edited by Tei'serin Nji'ryn on Sat Jun 17, 2017 3:32 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 824
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Tei'serin Nji'ryn
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[Treth] A Child Lost

It was with great satisfaction that Tei'serin marked the final paper she had to grade with a grade worthy of the efforts made by the student who wrote it. Tei'serin shivered from the cold, and rubbed her icy cold hands together briskly in the attempt to warm them, since by the time she had finished grading the various tests, and papers, the fire had burned down to its last dying embers. She had been so caught up in what she was doing, that she hadn't noticed that it was getting progressively colder as the fire died. And now that she was finished, it wasn't worth building the fire back up, anyway. So she quickly put out the last of the fire, bundled up in her cloak, and headed out of the school.

As she made her way into the school yard, she was startled to see people gathering in front of the school near the school bell. Most of them were adults, but several of her older students were there as well. All of them wore worried, but determined looks. Concern hastened her steps as she rushed over to join them.

"What happened?" she asked worriedly.

"Tei'serin! I'm so glad you're safe! We were so worried about you when you hadn't returned either."

Tei'serin stared at Derrick Gardener in confusion as she tried to make sense of what the man had just said. He, and his wife Anya were the couple who were raising Sorin in his father's stead. Why would they be worried about her? She had told them that she would be staying at the school for several breaks once class had been dismissed for the day so she could grade the students' exams. And what, exactly did he mean by "either?"

"Sorin never made it home after school today. The storm got worse shortly after the kids would have left, and we're afraid he got lost out there, somewhere."

"But...that was breaks ago!" Tei'serin said in alarm.

As cold as it was, no one would last long out in the snow. Being Cylus, it was dark; easy to get lost when it was snowing so hard. Even a very familiar path would be hard to see, and easy to stray off of. Sorin had to be found...and quickly.

"What can I do to help?" Tei'serin asked.

"We want to use the school as a base of operations. Volunteers will go out searching, while others will build the fire up and get the place warm, as well as gathering supplies we will need. Torches, and lanterns, extra cold weather gear, food, water, and medical supplies."

Tei'serin nodded.

"I'll go out with the searchers." she decided after a few trills.

She knew that her skills as an herbalist would be needed when Sorin was found, but the boy had to be found, first. And there were others who were more capable than her to tend to anyone who was injured in the search; herbs were her specialty, not broken bones, and other such injuries. But that didn't stop her from taking charge of the medicines that people were bringing in, and making suggestions as to what would likely be needed. She had her own supply stored in the school house, of course, but the steady stream of colds, minor fevers, and the like that were so common for this season had put a strain on them. Any that the others could bring to bolster her own supply would be much appreciated. While she waited for the searchers to ready themselves, Tei'serin took stock of what was available, and arranged it in a way that the herbs that she was most likely to need would be easy to get to in a hurry.

"We're ready, Ms. Nji'ryn."

"Then let's go."
word count: 652
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Tei'serin Nji'ryn
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[Treth] A Child Lost

Someone handed her a lantern, and Tei'serin thanked the woman who did softly. One of the men took charge, and assigned each of the volunteer searchers a partner, so that if something happened to one, the other would be able to seek help. By chance, Derreck Gardner was chosen to be her partner. Then it was time.

The storm was oppressive. It was so hard to see through the heavy snow, that even with the lanterns, the school vanished into the swirling white mere trills after they left it. And little could be heard over the howling wind that blew the snow about so viciously. There were no tracks to follow. No way to know if Sorin, or even any of the other search teams were moving in the direction that Mr. Gardner had picked for them. No way to even tell what direction they were moving in at all, of if they had strayed off course.

It was slow going. The deep snow was difficult to move through, and every drift they passed had to be checked. If Sorin had succumbed to the cold, or exhaustion, and collapsed, it wouldn't take long at all for the snow to bury him. Each drift that failed to produce the boy gave them hope because it meant that Sorin was still out there, not frozen to death beneath the snow. But at the same time...it meant that Sorin was still out there. And if they didn't find him soon, they wouldn't find him alive.

Time quickly lost all meaning for Tei'serin. She had no idea how long she had been searching. The entire world had narrowed into a dim, twilight howling whiteness. The intense cold burned her skin and lungs, making her entire body ache. But if she was suffering as much as she was, then how much worse was it for her student?

"I think I found something!"

Tei'serin knew that Mr. Gardner must have been shouting, but his voice was barely noticeable over the roar of the wind. Still, she turned, and followed the voice, hoping that this time, Sorin had been found. Instead, all she saw were more drifts of snow. Then one moved. Tei'serin stared at it blankly, certain she had imagined it.


Tei'serin's eyes widened. Sheep! She wasn't seeing drifts at all, she was seeing a flock of snow covered sheep! They must have reached the edge of the village, then. A number of farmers lived near the village proper, but none of them ever brought their animals into the village itself. Had Sorin gotten so lost that he had strayed out of the village entirely? That was a chilling thought. If he were lost out in WIllow Woods somewhere, they might not find him again until Ashan...if they ever found him at all.

"I think we should turn back!"

Tei'serin hated to admit it, but she knew that Mr. Gardener was right. They would do no one any good at all if they got lost themselves, and added to the number of people who needed to be rescued. But she felt like she was failing her student. A teacher's duty went beyond the class room. People trusted her with their children; the future of their families. It was her responsibility to see them safely back to their care. To make matters worse, if Sorin died, Tei'serin would always wonder if it were her fault; if he might have lived had she put just a little more effort into finding him...and if she had failed to do so because he was his son, and a way for him to spy on her.

"I think you're...wait! I think I heard something!" she exclaimed as she thought she heard a faint coughing sound.

Tei'serin listened as hard as she could. Had she imagined it because she had wanted to hear some sign of Sorin's presence? Or if she hadn't imagined it, had it been one of the sheep? Just when she was about to give up hope, she heard it again. Tei'serin quickly moved towards where she thought the sound was coming from, but it was hard to tell for certain where that was since the wind distorted the sound.

She kept moving until she stumbled over a mound in the snow. She flailed wildly until she managed to get to her feet again. When she tried to see what she had found, she discovered two sheep lying in the snow, huddled together for warmth. Between them, curled up into a tight ball, was Sorin.

"I found him!" she cried excitedly.

Please let him be alive, Moseke. Let us have found him in time. she prayed silently.

She checked his wrist, and was grateful to find a pulse. It was slow, but strong. Sorin was unconscious, as Mr. Gardener reached them, and lifted the boy into his arms. Then they began trying to find their way back to the school with their precious burden.
word count: 848
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[Treth] A Child Lost

Come and get your Loot!

(There's plenty more where that came from)


  • Story: +5
  • Collaboration: +0 (solo)
  • Structure: +5

These points can NOT be used for magic.


  • Detection: Listening Past Consistent Noise for Small Sounds
  • Detection: Running Your Legs Through Snow Mounds to be Sure.
  • Endurance: Out in the Freezing Cold
  • Field Craft: A Fire Should be Completely Built or Completely Out
  • Field Craft: Big Difference Between a Gentle Snow and a Blizzard
  • Field Craft: Friction Rubs Build Body Heat
  • Field Craft: Crowd Together for Body Heat When It's Cold
  • Field Craft: Travel With Others When There's Danger
  • Leadership: Can Be Following Others Quickly and Completely
  • Leadership: Taking Charge of Only That Which You Know Well
  • Logistics: Finding the Victim is the First Priority
  • Logistics: Keep Necessary Supplies in Many Places
  • Psychology: A New Mother's Protectiveness Manifests Immediately
  • Psychology: Feeling Responsible Even After School is Out
  • Psychology: Worse Weather Outside Makes More Cozy Inside
  • Psychology: Zeill's Prophecy is Synonymous With Certainty
  • Sociology: Accepting an Offer of Lodging When Weather Strikes
  • Story Telling: A Story of Your Own is Growing Within You
  • Teaching: Different Grades and Ages Need Different Help
  • Teaching: Making a Lesson Pertinent to the Students' Experience

Fame: +10

Finding a lost child in a snowstorm? Hell yeah!

Injuries, Loot, Loss, Devotion:

Nothing to speak of


There's something very special about those threads where I think I'm not going to find too much knowledge to award, but loved the story. And then actually find plenty of knowledge on review.
Very well done!
PM me with any comments or concerns :D
word count: 274
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