Finn O'Connor
:: 12th, 717
Finn had his hands stuffed deep into his pockets as he zig-zagged through the rowdy crowd at the Citizen's Market. Merchants announced their wares loudly, each boasting to have the finest goods at the lowest prices. Finn wasn't interested in grapes or pies however. He'd snuck out of the orphanage right after breakfast, as had become his custom, and was shaking off any potential pursuers in the thick of the crowd. His real destination was a pet shop he liked to visit in the commercial district. The owner was an old lady he'd gotten to know quite well over many trials of visiting the shop and she always let him feed the birds before shooing him back home.
He was just about to break out of the crowd and into a narrow alley, leading deeper into the heart of the city when a loud voice called out. "C'm here you mutts!" Finn turned in the direction of the voice. A sleazy looking man in a long overcoat yanked the reigns on three whining, moderately-sized, pitch-black labradors. The perpetual smirk Finn carried vanished at the sight of the stout, broad man with a patched beard, dragging the dogs into the alley.
Finn removed his hands from his pockets and moved up to the man. "Where are you taking them?"
The man let out a guttural "huh?" and turned to look over his shoulder at the spritely boy darting after him.
"Non' of your business," he grumbled in Ith'ession and gave another firm yank when one of the dogs whined pitifully at Finn. While the dogs were quick to obey the man's violent tugs, Finn didn't relent. His Ith'ession wasn't as good as his common, but with the help of some gestures, he managed
"You're hurting them," he insisted. "Are they yours?"
The man gave Finn an incredulous look. "Look 'ere boy, these are street mutts, I'm just gettin' rid of 'em."
"They look thirsty," Finn said, having guessed at the gist of the man's meaning. He lowered himself to a crouch and gave one of the dogs a pat to which the heavily breathing animal replied with a quick lick. "Whatcha getting them rid of for?" he said, as he slipped back into common. The man grumbled something under his breath, then cursed.
"Don't touch!" The man gave another hard pull on the reigns and seperated the dogs from the boy with a shove of his large boot. Finn shot up in surprise and shot a questioning look at the man who, it turned out, was quite capable of speaking in common, though his voice was laced with a thick, rubbery accent. "They're riddled with lice. You'll get yourself infected. Now sod off, will ya?"
For a few trills, Finn remained half-crouched as he watched the glorified dogcatcher turn his back on him and drag the black hounds after him. As soon as the man turned into another street, Finn raised himself back up to his full height and gave chase, taking care not to run too hastily, fearing that his footsteps might betray his presence.
When he peaked around the corner, the bald man had just finished up loading the dogs into a large cage resting on the back of a cart. Finn inhaled sharply as the man was about to put a large padlock on the cage. He had to act quickly!
Luck was with him however, there was a loose stone in the road. Bending down he pried the cobblestone free and without a moment's hesitation slung it around the corner, aiming way over the man's head for he didn't mean to hurt anyone, just cause a distraction. After the stone had landed on the street and caused the dogcatcher to turn his head, Finn darted over to the cage and yanked it open.
At once the three dogs sprung up and shot out of their prison. "Go!" he shouted, rather needlessly, a smile returning to his face as he watched the dogs run away. His victory didn't last long however as the dogcatcher recovered from his surprise and bolted a heavy hand on Finn's shoulder.
"You little shit..." he fumed.