[Approved by Kingdom] Kala

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Approved Character
Posts: 73
Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2016 1:47 am
Race: Naerikk
Profession: Apothecary
Renown: 30
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Personal Journal
Wealth Tier: Tier 1





24 Arcs.

Human, Mixed (Biqaj)

Date of Birth
4th of Saun, 692 Arc.


Factions Joined

Languages Spoken
Common and Rakahi

Last edited by Kala on Tue Jun 14, 2016 9:56 am, edited 20 times in total. word count: 29
"I'm young and I love to be young
I'm free and I love to be free
To live my life the way I want
To say and do whatever I please"

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Approved Character
Posts: 73
Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2016 1:47 am
Race: Naerikk
Profession: Apothecary
Renown: 30
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Personal Journal
Wealth Tier: Tier 1






Kala is a slim woman, of average height and weight. Her face is angular, her nose straight, her lips full and her skin a natural, nutty shade that tends to tan rather than burn. Her hair is thick and a medium brown, and falls in straight sheets to the mid of her back, though she generally keeps the length braided back out of her way and her work.

The most interesting feature of the woman is her thick lashed eyes, the shades of which shift with the fluidity of water. At any one time Kala could have multiple colours, just as she can experience multiple emotions at once, but they may flare gold with glee, or crimson with anger, all depending on the changes of her mood.

Kala carries herself with an agile grace, and seems to slink and sashay with each step. She speaks in a soft, slightly husky voice, her words generally enthusiastic though not overly eloquent, which is in most part due to her thick accent and bilingualism. When it comes to clothing, Kala keeps her garb simple, practical and above all, comfortable.


Kala is a bold and opinionated woman, and is not afraid to speak her mind, though it tends to get her into trouble. She takes her work seriously, and strives to expand her knowledge to the very best of her abilities. She is incredibly ambitious, and determined to excel and gain recognition as a apothecary, herbalist and healer, and to work her way through the ranks until she is one of the best.

Kala is generally an open and honest person, as she sees no point in keeping secrets, or withholding stories that are better off told. Similarly, she's happy to tell people exactly what she thinks, both on matters, and about themselves, and she will do so with cut throat honesty. She greatly values her right to do as she pleases, and heavily dislikes people and situations that attempt to dictate what she may and may not do. To this effect, Kala is not the best at following rules and laws, and she will happily break them if she knows she can get away with it. She is warm and affectionate to those she is familiar with, and adores both children and animals.


The child of a Biqaj woman and a human fisherman, Kala lived a simple life on the water with her mother and extended family for most of her childhood and teen years. At the age of 17, Kala gave into the longing to properly explore the mainland of Rynmere, and during a supply stop at Norr Bay, Kala bid her family a sorrowful farewell. From Norr Bay, Kala travelled with a convoy of traders to Fort Endor, where she apprenticed under a well known apothecary. Kala studied with the woman until the age of 19, when, satisfied she had learnt enough from her mentor, she left Fort Endor to establish herself on her own. From Fort Endor, Kala spent the next 3 years travelling along the North of Rynmere, eager to see the sights and find a town to settle down and ply her trade. Finally, Kala arrived in Andaris, and has since settled there indefinitely.
Last edited by Kala on Tue Jun 14, 2016 9:22 am, edited 20 times in total. word count: 540
"I'm young and I love to be young
I'm free and I love to be free
To live my life the way I want
To say and do whatever I please"

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Approved Character
Posts: 73
Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2016 1:47 am
Race: Naerikk
Profession: Apothecary
Renown: 30
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Personal Journal
Wealth Tier: Tier 1






Kala lives in a modest stone house in the Midtown of Andaris. Sage the house cat has taken up residence in the building, and he spends most of his time sunbathing and people-watching on the sill of Kala's small window.

Knowledge & Skills

Skill NamePoints AcquiredTotal Points SpentProficiency
Medicine 42/100 Fast Tarcked Novice
Gardening 10/100 10/251 Novice
Surgery 10/100 10/251 Novice
Poison 5/100 5/251 Novice
Seafaring 30/100 30/251 Competent

Basic Knowledge

Idalos: Oceans
Rynmere: Waterways
Medicine: Human Anatomy
Rynmere: Flora and Fauna
Rynmere: Geography

Specialized Knowledge

Medicine: Glowing herbs of Raven’s Holt
Medicine: Assessing A Patient
Medicine: Use of Medicated Teas

PC/NPC Knowledge

Adam: Suave

Skill Ledger

Skill/ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentTotal
Starting Points 50 50
Racial Bonus 25 75
Seafaring 25 50
Medicine 25 25
Gardening 10 15
Surgery 10 5
Poison 5 0
Thread: Safari 8/15 8
Thread: A Day In The Life 9/15 17
Medicine 17 0
Marks and Fame

+30 Fame (SF)



  • One set of clothing
    • Coat
    • Shirt
    • Pants
    • Undergarments
    • Boots


[*]One Set of Toiletries
  • Soap
  • Brush
  • Razor
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste
[*]One waterskin
[*]Two sets of eating utensils
[*]First Aid Kit (Prized Possession/SP)


Starting 100 100
Ymiden Wage 302.1.2 402.1.2
Total Currency: 0 ON, 402 GN, 1 SN, 2 CN
Last edited by Kala on Mon Aug 29, 2016 1:29 am, edited 31 times in total. word count: 229
"I'm young and I love to be young
I'm free and I love to be free
To live my life the way I want
To say and do whatever I please"

User avatar
Approved Character
Posts: 73
Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2016 1:47 am
Race: Naerikk
Profession: Apothecary
Renown: 30
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Personal Journal
Wealth Tier: Tier 1





Thread List


Rebirth Cycle, 716


10th - Safari - Adam Michaels - Abandoned, Marked


6th - An Itch For Your Scratch - Peake - In Progress
39th - The Consequences of Ignorance - Vakhanor - In Progress

Hot Cycle, 716


13th - Dead or Alive - Vincent D'Ordyn and Sabine - In Progress
37th - A Day In The Life - Jobthread - Complete, Marked

Cold Cycle, 716


word count: 56
"I'm young and I love to be young
I'm free and I love to be free
To live my life the way I want
To say and do whatever I please"

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