
Clearly Yndira has lost it, and Narav is witness to it

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Another shriek, weaker this time, left her as the light hit. It forced her illusions back within less than a trill, but not before she dug into his bandaged wounds. The higher functioning part of her mind might have remarked at this. Had he gotten into confrontation prior to this for the same exact reason? Did he make it his business to piss others off enough to want him dead? Of course, that part of her lay dormant, slumbering while baser instincts worked at keeping her alive. The man drove his dagger into her side, causing her to still. He took that trill as the moment to flip them, his hands soon on her throat.

To her luck, it would seem she could remember a little unarmed combat in the heat of the moment. Her small size made it easy to maneuver her knee up and into his groin. Once off her, she rolled away. His retaliation was to wrench the offending weapon from her side. Her response was a raspy cry. For not the first time in her life, everything hurt. It was dulled only by adrenaline and the vestiges of rage. If only he'd just gone back. Neither of them would be in this mess, but most importantly, Yndira would not be in such jarring pain. Her pain threshold might have been something spectacular before, but now it was not so. A life of luxury had left her void of torture or malicious acts upon her person such as this one.

Getting to her feet alone was a difficult task. The world would not remain still enough to stand straight, nor would the pain radiating through her side. Like a feral beast, she shuffled away from the light. His words, which she could process very little of, were met with broken laughter. Her hands, which had gravitated to the wound in her side to shield it, pressed harder into flesh. Blood trickled over her fingers, mingling with that of her meal and the man's already on it. Her laughter picked up, hysterical to the point that it might have been tears. Was whatever he was saying supposed to mean something to her? It was likely just more pointless poetic words.

Her laughter did not turn to tears. It was the recessional hymn that followed as she retreated to the shadows. Her dark framed her bloodied face and bright eyes, a picture of madness. Lifting one hand, she slid a finger over her throat before a step took her into the dark and obscured every but her eyes from sight. Should he chance coming after her, she could not guarantee her victory. Her legs trembled under her weight with each step she took, a hand out to steady herself against the wall beside her. But if he did follow, she would not hesitate to retaliate. While her will to live had been stronger than her pride, her body was weaker than both. Even if she tried to run a second time, it was likely he would catch up with her and finish the job.

The Naer would reprimand herself for her actions later, when she was far removed from this man. What she needed now was healing and cover. Surely, he would inform any nearby guards of what he saw. She would need to disappear for a short while, hide out.
word count: 564
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Narav struggled to his feet as the woman departed, slipping back towards the safety of the shadows. As her body slipped into the darkness, the illusion of skin was once more unbound from her form and the haunting demon of darkness returned. Narav limped after her, dagger brandished, but she limped quickly into the alley. All she left behind was trail of dark blood, intermingled with is own, and the shell of her hysterical laughter.

Resting against the wall, letting his weight settle, the wounded sailor counted his breaths and kept his eyes to the movement in the darkness. She was gone, long gone, sliding out of focus as if she had never been.

It took almost a break for Narav to find a night watchman and conduct him to the remains of Yndira's feast. He waited while the Iron Hand we called to give his statement, describing the demon as clearly as he was able. Her face, the contours of her bones, the way her body shifted from empty night to flesh, the long claws. They went after her, of course, taking hounds through the alley after the trail of blood but Narav felt she would be long gone now, nursing her injuries somewhere quiet and private.

A cannibal stalked the streets of Rynmere, but he had proved she was no Immortal or demon...just another diseased mind, injured, and ready to be slain. Again he was offered medical treatment, a small price for his heroics in trying to apprehend the criminal...but they insisted he not try it again, ever. There was no guardsmen he would live the next time.

No, Narav thought, there was no guarantee she would live next time.

Instead he let the fog of pain and exhaustion roll over him, slumping against the wall after the last questions were posed. All she had left in him was a hollow yearning, a vicious hunger to continue and finish what he started. Down the alley, far from here, she would be fighting to survive.

He hoped she would...he hoped they would meet again.

Maybe he'd take a bite out of her next time.
word count: 360
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Plot Notes
Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 1




Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/ 5
Structure: 5/ 5

Detection: Noticing noise when trying to be stealthy
Detection: Listening to the small points in a speech
Endurance: The ongoing strain of battle
Psychology: Fury and exhaustion provide a unique emotion.
Tactics: When to step forward, when to step back
Tactics: When to retreat
Unarmed Combat: Feris Tenebris: Using nails to increase damage
Unarmed Combat: Feris Tenebris: Eye strike
Unarmed Combat: Brawling: Adrenaline gives focus
Unarmed Combat: Brawling: Rush and tackle

A number of injuries from the fight as you have detailed. These will take up to 20 trials to heal fully and you run the risk of infection.
-5 (murdering someone), -5 (breaking quite a lot of city laws!), -5(bad deeds)
These points may NOT be used for arcana


Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/ 5
Structure: 5/ 5

Bladed Combat: Dagger: Driving a blade with precision
Bladed Combat: Dagger: Attacking more generally when visibility is limited
Bladed Combat: Dagger: Slashing attacks
Bladed Combat: Dagger: Switching attack hands
Detection: The feeling of a semi-solid shadow
Detection: The sound of someone eating flesh and bones
Detection: Identifying a fresh kill
Discipline: Not screaming at horrors
Endurance: Fighting whilst already injured
Endurance: The slow burn of an unpleasant injury
Endurance: New injuries on top of old.
Intimidation: Taunting your attacker
Persuasion: A compelling argument to an Immortal.
Tactics: The delicate balance of an individual combat
Unarmed Combat: Brawling: Defending your eyes
Unarmed Combat: Brawling: Defending against multiple attacks

Injuries: The damage over the wounds created by Fridgar have caused more injuries ~ Narav will be given medical attention by the Iron Hand, but this will extend his healing time by 10 trials. Narav is also given a 20gn reward as thanks for his brave actions.
+10 ~ you saved the day! The guards are very grateful
These points may NOT be used for arcana


General comments. Yndira: The act of ripping open a human torso to the point that you describe would require more strength that your average mortal would possess ~ since Yndira does not have the strength skill, I would just caution against over playing her skills / abilities. I haven't deducted points as you maintain her skill level in the rest of the thread.
Narav Just a request - if you could put your knowledge into order, it would make reviewing your threads a lot easier - at the moment it isn't, but it shouldn't be a big job. When checking for what knowledge you have, it just makes it so much easier. Up to you though!
Both I would advise that you put this thread up in the "Impact Threads" for Rynmere ~ as this is likely to lead to a bounty on Yndira's head and Narav's telling of the tale might make the difference between her being captured, or not!

Story Well, at "No. Not tonight." I cheered aloud, so that tells you a little of what a compelling story this was. I loved reading this, it was a fantastic thread and I was so impressed with the way you both wrote. You had me hooked from the first post.

Structure A few minor errors here and there but not anything worth worrying about. Lovely!

Please do PM me if you think I've missed anything or you have any questions!
word count: 569
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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