The Terror Disease (Kovic)

Foster's Landing is targeted

Etzos, ‘The City of Stones’ is a fortress against the encroachment of Immortal domination of Idalos. Founded on the backs of mortals driven to seek their own destiny independent of the Immortals, the city has carved itself out of the very rock of the land. Scourged by terrible wars of extermination, they've begun to grow again, and with an eye toward expansion, optimism is on the rise.

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The Terror Disease (Kovic)

The Terror Disease
45th trial of Zi'Da, arc 716
The rumors, among the mage circles, that Chief Adviser Vuda, of Etzos' Tower of Ministers, always placed magic users in the army to keep them monitored was far from true. Of course, there were a number of magic users that would attest to the veracity of such claims. But they tended to be the ones that resisted the application of Tower authority over their comings and goings too stubbornly.

Vuda would of course claim that his need to maintain protection over Etzos' population gave him no choice but to go to such extremes to curb the potential threat of unchecked mages within the city's walls. It could even be said to be true for the most part. But there were other mages that had their growth checked and monitored on other fields of battle.

The one in Foster's Landing fell under the purview of politics. Though the enemies in Rhakros were surely in a rebuilding mode for some time, retribution would certainly be on their agenda in the future, possibly the near future. Etzos needed to be sure that this threat was not taken lightly or forgotten. There was a furious construction project going on throughout the Southride Plains. Numerous small walled towns were being built to be an early warning system for Etzos against Rhakrosi aggression.

Some of these mages were stationed there to activate alerts and cast delaying magic against hostile troops. But with Rhakros, it needed to be remembered that their "troops" were less likely to be soldiers and more likely to be insects and germs. Vuda had decided to give the southern region a taste of this less-conventional warfare. As this was more of a propaganda move than an actual attack, he felt it to fall under the umbrella of politics. Vuda's version of politics always included the policy that occasional sacrifices had to be made to ensure the safety of the majority.

One of his recent acquisitions, the mortalborn agent, Kovic, had a peculiar affliction, which caused his body to deteriorate into a monstrous form when he got hungry enough. This hunger extended to a willingness to sate it upon human fare. Vuda had tested this supposition already and had found that the subject's only problematic tendency was that he became the center of a cacophony of endlessly shrieking demands to be fed. And Vuda wanted him starving for this "mission".

Now the mage accompanying the wagon transporting this freak to the Foster's Landing area had no means to counter this noise. He had the ability to deceive eyes from seeing anything other than clear landscape, when that even became necessary. So the noise problem was solved by a quartet of Vibatir plants, growing in pots connected to the wagon itself. This unusual plant swallowed noise with it's sympathetic "sound bowl" which vibrated a neutralizing wave of countering frequency to whatever set it shaking.

This of course created a dead sound zone around the wagon, but the wagon did not pass through any of these burgeoning new towns on its way south. Nor did it pull into Foster's Landing, but stopped a few hundred yards short, and another thirty or so off the track in some high shrub growth that had not been burned in the recent sack of Rhakros.

It had the additional effect of rendering communication impossible for the bulk of the journey. Vibatir thrived mostly underground, so it was actually beneficial to the plant to keep it enclosed in a dense housing until needed. Once Kovic had gotten hungry enough to begin his relentless din of howling, the plants were brought out and conversation ceased abruptly. But this was alright; the agenda was already set.

The second mage was a rupturer, a creator of portals from place to place. And one of his places was back in Etzos. So the wagon was stopped, acid was poured over the lock, and the mages disappeared into a circle of fiery-looking ether that crossed the hundreds of miles in a single step. A few bits after the portal closed, the lock burned through, and Kovic was free...
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The Terror Disease (Kovic)

The moment Kovic’s senseless banging against his cage landed on the door, and he was propelled outside his pen, the first thing he did was run to the shrubs. So much had he been thinking about the idea that, in truth, even in his desperate state he remembered his task. Perfect Organism had taken control long ago, for the male ran not on his two feet, but instead on his fours. Running like a quadruped offered him greater speed, and the creature had soon left his cage far behind. Through the foliage he lingered, splitting it quickly, looking for something to toss into his drooling maw, yet not even a worm was found. It was only when the creature had found its way back out of the shrubs, and saw Foster’s Landing on the horizon once again, that his hunger fed the delusion of having traveled hundreds of miles away from the town spotted bits ago.

And as he ran, desperate for fodder, he reached one of the stone walls that surrounded the town. Climbing up a tree was easily accomplished with some helpful mutations, the thing now jumping over the wall and landing somewhat ungracefully on the ground. A light was seen in the nearest building, and shadows dancing before it. His hands now became claws, these claws slamming against the wood, the creature loudly crawling its way up the wall. The light on the window was like a beacon, so much that the thing growled and whimpered in anxiousness. It grew closer, and closer, and just when he looked inside, he was met with javelin.

The weapon shattered the glass and lodged itself within Kovic’s chest, the creature letting out a terrible screech of pain. Panic was heard within the household, for whilst the male on the other side of the javelin stared, the woman and her child screamed as they rushed out of the door. Kovic’s eyes were focused on the male, for even if pain was felt within him, the hunger was felt even more. His limbs penetrated the window, lodging themselves on the wall and pulling. So much he pulled, in fact, that the javelin penetrated even futher until it came out from Kovic’s back.

The citizen, despite being well trained and prepared for an attack, as most of Foster’s Landing was, was now defenseless. Before he could flee Kovic jumped behind him, his claws digging within his face until his maws dug into his neck. The meat was bloody and it was hot, and it brought comfort once it was swallowed. With little time to delight on the ingest, Kovic glared towards the door. Witnesses, he managed to think. Disciplined enough to know how important secrecy was, Kovic’s claw lodged itself deeply within the deceased male’s chest, the creature running towards the door whilst a cord unraveled from his body, connecting claw and body.

Down the stairs Kovic found a wide open door, the night outside disturbed by the distressed screams of the woman and the loud cries of her child. Little was his doubt when he ran after them, on his two legs as opposed to the far superior quadruped dash. They had not spotted him, and the woman was quickly restrained by her hair before Kovic’s maws pierced her jugular. She died shortly after, and so did her screams, yet her warnings were not in vain. The promise of her flesh within his stomach made Kovic forget about the child.

More witnesses came to their windows, and even some of the guards not in on the whole ordeal where gathering in the streets. Their target was clear, yet Kovic’s was not. Aware that he would found himself surrounded, the creature captured the female and quickly drug her back from whence she came, the organic cord left behind by the male serving to guide him back. His return was swift, especially as doubt and panic still seeped over the populace.

Once back into the second flood, Kovic used the moment to eat as much as he could. He chewed and dug within the meat with haste, his body repairing itself at an alarming rate. Once he began tasting the relief within his body, for his hunger was slowly decreasing, the Mortalborn somewhat forgot about the populace. This was until the torches shattered the remaining windows of the home, of course, and fire and smoke grew within the property. When that happened, Kovic did the most logical thing he could imagine in his state; he saved the food first. This was done by tossing the two bodies out the window he had penetrated, and tossing himself out of it afterwards.

Whilst the bodies suffered little to no damage in their fall, Kovic’s own living body did, for he had fallen awkwardly and his ribcage was completely shattered. Pain, however, was not felt, for his monstrous ability worked in his favor, not allowing said pain to settle in. Whatever happened to the ribs was unknown, not only because Kovic felt them not, but also because they were immediately repurposed by his ability. His shape changed so much and so often that, most times, he knew not just what he was or what he looked like.

He only knew that he was hungry.

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The Terror Disease (Kovic)

The surroundings of the house were not secure in the first place, yet now they were completely compromised, for voices spoke and fingers pointed towards the creature. Questions and panic surfaced loudly, yet doubt still paralyzed the populace. The alley from which they gaped gave Kovic a chance to react, for the distance the citizens couldn’t cut shot served as a barrier of protection. Upon spotting them, Kovic quickly grabbed a hold of both bodies, and with haste he began dragging them away. The resistance of the bodies dragging against the cold soil hindered his strengths, the task inefficient in its core. The possibility of increasing the distance between the citizens and himself was almost null, for the male traveled next to the wall that allowed him not to escape. The next building’s cover ended too, and the alley that separated once again hosted the fearful humans and their fixed gazes.

On this occasion, they limited themselves not in just staring, for an arrow flew towards Kovic, landing right into his shoulder. The creature screeched in pain, roaring to the skies, and his hands released the two bodies. Immediately he jumped behind the cover of the next building, hand gripping the arrow and making an effort to lodge it out. With the arrowhead left a part of Kovic’s shoulder, for the flesh was not common; Perfect Organism had weakened the meat, dried it out and made it extremely fragile. It was like red cotton candy, although somewhat more compact. The bleeding was severe and in great quantity, and it wasn’t until Kovic’s eyes landed on the wound, and he merely wished for it to stop bleeding that the leak was dried out.

The roars of the unseen citizens grew louder, and the creature was overwhelmed by fear. Feeding was no longer a possibility, nor was dragging the bodies towards a safe place. There were no safe places any longer. Clenching his teeth, Kovic looked up. He saw not the dark skies nor the clouds above, nor an occasion to repent on his monstrous nature. Instead, he saw the building and its two story height, which meant his salvation. Standing back up, his hands were hands no more, for sharp bones grew of his closed fists. Once slammed against the wood, these bones dug within the wood, and with a surge of strength from an artificial production of adrenaline, the male began his climb. The effort was major, and the doubts were many, for his body now revealed just how unprepared it was to mutate; his arms dislocated with every tug, his muscle mass tore with every effort, and his eyes struggled to remain open.

Once on the cold rooftops, Kovic laid for a moment, allowing his body to repair whatever it could. His extremely fast metabolism, although responsible for his inhumanly quick growth and tendency towards starvation, was also the catalyst for the many shapes Perfect Organism could perform. Atop the building he distinguished the change of tone within the mob below, how their panic turned into determination, how their doubt turned into anger. They had wounded the creature and they had scared it, and like every humanoid, their ego now prepared their soles to squash anything inferior to them. They had probably realized the creature had climbed atop the building by now, for the marks of his improvised climbing kit were obvious.

Without much options, Kovic began incorporating himself. On his feet again, and between heavy and fast pants, the creature looked around. Little he managed to see, for another arrow flew right past him, almost claiming his face with it. Panic now set in within him, and without doubt, he jumped towards the opposing rooftop. His legs barely had any strength at one moment, and at the next one they felt athletic and strong. In return, his stomach burned even further, to the point of intense physical pain striking him in waves. With every quick stride, more and more arrows took flight. The rooftops received most of them, whilst others simply flew past Kovic and past the buildings in general. In a quick glance, he spotted how the mob grew in size, not only composed of a few guards now, but by males and sailors from all over the town.

Everyone knew about him.

The sudden realization was very painful in quite the literal sense, for an arrow had lodged itself on the creature’s thigh. His run was broken, and he fell face first onto the roof, growling in a mixture of pain and rage. He gripped it, and he pulled it off, yet another arrow landed on his foot. Another struck him in the arm, and another one landed on the forearm shortly after. Without moving he was an easy target, and the arrows came so quickly that he couldn’t heal his own body. Kovic growled, he whimpered and he opened his jaws to the heavens as his eyes closed with strength. The Mortalborn waited now for a glimpse of hope, for a hint of fortune towards him for once in his life, for he feared his death was imminent.

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The Terror Disease (Kovic)

The rain of arrows continued, yet none managed to land the crawling creature, now dragging itself forth with the use of his damaged arms. The pain was major, and so was the damage throughout his body. Were he not as perfect as he was, he would’ve perished long ago. The mob, ignorant to the Mortalborn’s true glory, only yelled and waved their torches down in the streets, their strength being their numbers. Said false superiority over Kovic made the child angry, his determination to destroy every last one of these inferior creatures granting him a small surge of strength. He took a hold of an arrow and ripped it off, again and again, until his form was untouched by their puny weapons.

With how little strength he held, Kovic used his last energies to repair his legs - action that claimed one of his arms in its entirety. Blood for blood, as usual. Quickly he rose, and despite the poor balance, the creature ran forth, his feet left the roof, and the jump managed to get him to the next rooftop. There was no way he could do something similar to that once again. The current rooftop was bigger than those visited previously, the building below it being bigger in consequence. An idea struck him as he saw the chimneys that decorated his current rooftop. Two of them released smoke, yet one of them did not. Swiftly he’d slide inside it and let himself fall within. Suffice to say, the landing was once again not pretty, for both his legs were severely shattered.

Death crept over him, and Kovic found it surprising to be so peaceful. It was similar to flirting with a deep and comfortable sleep the creature had never experienced before. His whole body accepted the perish save for his stomach, vile organ that disturbed the peace. Instead of relaxing and of letting go, said stomach now burned inside him - quite literally, in truth, for it had ruptured within him, the powerful acids now causing havoc to his inner organs. Not even death could be free of hunger, it seemed, and so simply dying was discarded once again.

The mob’s cries were not present in this building, for the walls muffled the popular rage to a light whisper. The room was dark but warm, and the ground was made of stone. Kovic slid out of the fireplace now, using his one arm to advance so pathetically slowly towards the room that, surely, would be his coffin. It wasn’t until his eyes saw the collection of beds, and the many defenseless hospital patients ignorantly sleeping that his fate truly changed. Even with his stomach acids burning through his insides, the inability to more properly, or the extreme drowsiness that washed over him, Kovic couldn’t help but relish. Salvation was so close.

Unable to climb atop the first bed, Kovic’s arm reached for the hand of whoever laid beneath the blankets, and after several forceful tugs, he managed to pull the patient off. Said patient awoke, obviously, and his screams woke some of the patients. None of them could escape, however, for all of them suffered crippling maladies. The old man Kovic had tossed to the ground had a broken leg, a sailor whose life would now end due to slipping on a banana peel. Kovic crawled over him, salivating profusely, and even if the old man’s arms were strong, he couldn’t manage to shake off the creature.

Something new happened within Kovic, something glorious and terrifying at the same time, a great achievement for his Perfect Organism. He dug not his maws into the male’s flesh, nor he wrapped him within an amniotic sac to drain him. Instead, as Kovic pressed his body towards the flesh of the male, an infinity of worm-like mutations spawned from the creature’s frame, digging within the live fodder. Whatever happened next Kovic was ignorant, for his mind was too tired to use logic. Instead, he only realized his maladies were being cured, that he was on his feet again, and that his victim’s limbs were his to move now. It happened so quickly, in truth, that the victim still found itself screaming. Kovic felt how his body fed, how his strength grew, and how his life was saved.

The sensation was a bit too good, for the repaired creature now moved towards the next bed, where a heavily bandaged male was having a heart attack due to the events witnessed. Kovic gripped him by the hospital gowns, pulled them off, and then repeated the method once again; he pressed his chest to that of the male, and once those mutations took a hold of him, the dead man’s mass was Kovics’. He grew, perhaps for the first time, for now he was not only one starving man, but instead three men in one perfect, ever-changing creature.

Three men in one was not enough, however, for this room held at least a dozen individuals, all screaming in their beds, trying to crawl away in tears, or sleeping in an ignorant bliss to their incoming demise. Their inferiority would be turned into strength, for now Kovic engulfed them one by one, turning their genetical mediocrity into a large, glorious shape.
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The Terror Disease (Kovic)

When the monster finally tore down the doors of the hospital, whatever confidence the villagers had gained faded away. Their mouths gaped in horror as the shapeless mass of legs, arms and mutilated torsos squeezed out, and more than a dozen mouths opened to fiercely roar into the darkness of the night. Monstrous eyes watched from every direction of this hellishly living mass, all joined for the common cause of survival. A dozen hearts beating like battle drums as unnaturally large limbs carried the mass forward in an uneven and broken gait. Little hope remained in the eyes that watched it move, breathe and live, for their minds were turned lame before they were lost into the madness of the scene. The weak willed dropped their weapons and ran for their lives. Those that remained, strong in their will, couldn’t begin to describe how quickly their mind was scarred.

Kovic, lost somewhere in all the mass, leeching from everyone he had engulfed into his locust, striked at last. One of the large limbs lashed out with force, stabbing through the chest of a farmer who died instantly. The limb broke with the hit, inperfect in it’s designed, and so the body hung uselessly. Another limb lashed to the side, striking the gut of a woman that was knocked aside, alive but in pain, yet the limb could not finish the kill, for it too broke with the force of the impact. It mattered not, for Kovic’s nervous system had spread into the body of everyone he had devoured, and their bodies were his to command. With his nervous system came his blood, fountain of eternal health and accelerated growth, which now began to quickly but poorly healing the broken limbs.

It was truly unstoppable, for its excess of limbs, large and sharp like spears, stung everyone nearby. The body count grew before common sense kicked in, and everyone left the beast some breathing room – quite literally, as well, for the beast gasped horribly with inward growling coming through the choir of vocal chords that composed it. Movement was slow and problematic, yet it was movement nonetheless. The healing was poor but fast, even if chunks of flesh were often dislodging from the living being. It changed with every passing second, creating more tissue and destroying old ones, growing bones where there shouldn’t be any, repurposing organs that weren’t needed and, instead, becoming more of an abomination by the bit. Such was Kovic’s majestic power.

When the inhabitants began fighting back, they found their strikes to be inefficient. They’d draw blood and bone with their pitchforks, but they’d find the beast barely afflicted by their attacks. Wherever they poked, it was there where the organic would strike next. They dodged its clumsy attacks and attacked again, and allowed the cycle to repeat itself repeatedly. It wasn’t until an axe came into play that the creature was damaged, for the woodcutting tool removed an entire limb from Kovic’s frame. The next chop ended the pseudo-life of one of Kovic’s hosts, which was freed from the parasitic organism, falling to the ground, and finding peace as the old man died immediately. Said axe set a dangerous precendent that Kovic couldn’t hide.

Swords now joined the carnage, and the amount of damage they did was unrepairable. With every swing, no matter how poor, the blade slashed entire limbs and penetrated deeply into the fragile but intimidating carcass Kovic’s evolving body had fabricated. Those long limbs made of brittle bone were shattered effortlessly, and Kovic lost their mass and sensation within his nervous system forever. When he went to regrow, whatever little progress he made was amputated and killed before he could defend himself. With every cut and slash, the angrier the crowd grew, for now they feared not the weak beast. Kovic felt it too, how he no longer was the fear but instead the fearful, how he no longer grew and killed but, instead, he was becoming slower and was being killed.

The creature shrieked to the skies as he felt its slowly looming death, how his charade was slowly falling apart with every blade that cut down his tarp. His body couldn’t keep up, no matter how fast his metabolism was by default, or how much mass he possessed. The trained mob and their anger destroyed him with every passing thrill. Kovic cried now, afraid for his life, bitter at whatever had created him and angry at the Etzori for their own mercilessness.

Suddenly, a bang. He heard it, the crowd heard it, and possibly everyone that hid in their homes heard it. Everyone turned towards it, moment in which Kovic managed to squeeze a couple of fresh kills. Even those that looked towards him saw him not, as if he wasn’t there already, as if he had slipped down into the very soil or if whatever they had fought was merely just a waking nightmare. When Kovic finally looked towards the source of the sound explosion, he only managed to see two hooded individuals approaching. When one of them held the other, and now laid a hand on the remains of the monster Kovic had been.

And with another bang, Kovic was out of Foster’s Landing and into his locked cage once again.
word count: 899
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The Terror Disease (Kovic)


Story 5/5
Structure 5/5
Collaboration 0/5
  • Perfect Organism: Starvation leads to a monster
  • Perfect Organism: Extreme healing factor
  • Perfect Organism: Unable to suppress the Hunger
  • Perfect Organism: Can be used to find your way back to food
  • Perfect Organism: Can't combat constant barrages
  • Foster's Landing: Self-reliant and ready
  • Foster's Landing: Knows the Kovic Monster
  • Perfect Organism: Infesting bodies
  • Perfect Organism: Becoming an amalgamation of limbs and bodies
  • Perfect Organism: Weaker flesh when hungry
Additional loot: You are known now in Foster's Landing as "The Terror" or "The Creature". Your legend will be used to scare misbehaving children.

Notes: First off, let me just say... This is one of my favorite threads ever. Seriously, I loved the way this went, and I'm really upset you thought of Kovic before I did. I hate you for that. You get 0/0 on all your points because of this. Just kidding. This thread was a treat, man, and I really needed it. I need to figure out a way to be Kovic. Can I ban you and take him over?
word count: 187
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