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Rynmere OOC Social Thread

Malcolm wrote: When you say streamline and big changed, what do you mean? I don't find the city or lore confusing at all, and I know that in part is because I wrote it, so I am conflicted about that being changed, especially considering the success and popularity of Rynmere.

What I would like to see is some care taken. I believe Rynmere could easily be over complicated, especially with people breaking down regions into mini regions and towns and suburbs, and what have you. Venora being a key example.

I would love to see the news paper utilised as it was intended (esp all the deaths there have been lately, Teddy for example, and crimes committed) and the rumour system continued.

Thread wise I would like to see storytellers opening doors rather than closing them. ST has an awesomely intelligent playerbase who don't need anything forced on them, but enjoy being indulged by the individuals who volunteer their time here. I think the best thing you can do is read and listen, and bridge the gap between what players are allowed to write themselves and what they need you for (immortals, high ranking NPCs, Modded Events).

Rynmere doesn't need new and exciting, it doesn't need drastic change, it just needs continued support and that brilliant enthusiasm you've armed yourself with.

I'm not going to beg you, but I'm going to ask very nicely. Please respect my work, and the work of many others who poured their hearts into bringing Rynmere to life. I know I'm not staff anymore, but I will support you with anything you need for this city, I mean that.
Hey, Malcolm! I realize now, perhaps "streamlining" was maybe an incorrect use of what I meant. By big changes, I can't speak for my other mods, nor what they have already planned or set into motion, but my personal focus on those is finding that balance between nobility and commoner, which is why I included question one. My own concern is that there might be individuals who don't feel noticed, or get the attention/support that they've earned in thread. And perhaps that might be the size of the city that makes it challenging to keep track of everyone's plots and everyone's threads related to them, but I think that would be a problem in any city with this type of success. I do have a great respect for the work you've already put into place here, so if it sounded like anything other, I do apologize.

I agree that this is an amazing player base and bridging the gap would be a great first step in any avoid future confusion. I also agree to the Gazette and rumor system. It was one of the first things I wanted to do, but there had only been a week left before the season change and so there was a focus on calendars and other things instead. But I will definitely be bringing that back up, thank you.

To everyone else, you have given amazing feedback, and it was exactly what I needed. I wanted PMs only because I feared with my finals coming up, checking back here would lead to missed information, but I think Rafael has a great suggestion to open a thread for this type of stuff. I'll see what I can do.
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I think it all comes with experience. Players who want help or collaboration usually make themselves known. Read and listen is my best advice. I think the attraction of Rynmere is its nobility, it's kind of black and white, like masters and slaves. Some people love playing slaves, others like the role of keeper. The players who hate nobility really excite me, because they are the ones who act. I love commoners, I love stories of rags to riches, I think we all do. Disparity is encouraged, it forces the weak to rise up, factions are formed, wars are started, characters die. We love the conflict, don't be tempted to "cottonwool society" the divide, feed the divide, make people want to change things, don't do it for them. Trust me, the players know what to do, they are here to run with your ideas (events calendar), just open the gate and watch them go.
Last edited by Malcolm on Tue Apr 18, 2017 12:28 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 157
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Rynmere OOC Social Thread


  • Here we go! A feedback forum for Rynmere!

    Thank you!
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Rynmere OOC Social Thread

Personally, I don't think there's a lot of increased moderation with noble permissions now vs. before. I was told I needed permission to play the Duke/Duchess - my grandparents - before, on any capacity. Now, noble players are allowed to play their grandparents on a smaller capacity without permission - such as in basic appearances and conversations. Similarly, I was not really allowed to move forward plots with my parents without permission. Now, there is at least some headway and definition being written in terms of the capacity on which nobles can utilize their parents and grandparents in plots, which is very important.

I really think the only thing that requires outright approval is moving up in the world - like gaining a Barony or Duchy, but that was always the case. All-in-all, I don't see any increase of required moderation now vs before, if anything, I see an opposite trend.

I do agree that we should utilize the Gazette more - I was going to suggest that the other day. It's a pretty nice outlet for IC announcements and it should be acknowledged for its uniqueness to the Kingdom, too.

I also agree that noble plots are more interesting, and they're sort of what defines Ryn. Commoners get plots, too - but they also have to have a demand, you know? Ask for plots, start things up. The nobles have always been the more brave of the PCs, I've felt - usually Iron Hand or regular PCs kind of just do social RP without really asking for moderation. It doesn't really give them much to do, but that's their own choice. Interacting with the world around you and making yourself recognized by your actions is something that anyone needs to do.

I do not agree that the lore is set up perfectly well, though - I do think it could be organized better. And this is coming from someone who's been around for a really long time. A lot of information is dispersed, or missing. There's also a huge lack of historical lore on the noble houses, even in regards to the Sacred Seven. There's a lot of complexity involved in any noble system, especially when rivalries, reputation, and political adversaries become involved. I personally think that the Rynmere we see right now is great, but it could be better. I think that's really the intention of all of these changes - make it better. Not over-complicate things. In fact, that's a part of what I think is being fought against. Over-complication already exists due to the spread out and unsure nature of the lore - it's very taxing to try and deal with the lack of information, from a player or mod standpoint.

I always felt like it was impossible to really move forward in my plots because there was just such a small amount of information to work with in the surrounding Duchies - they were basically empty. Where do I begin? How do I achieve the things I want? Because of the vast lack of information, I [had] to rely on mods for everything, because otherwise I'm basically just creating Ryn's lore as I go, without permission, and thus subjecting myself to penalties, ret-cons, etc. I think adding clarifications to the system will vastly help players. And adding some lore to each Duchy, just a bit, really does help - adding Sabaissant to Venora gave the House and its players such a vast amount of stuff to work with. We all set up our rooms, did plots around the city, had our dramas and RPed together in the castle - stuff like that really helps the houses that aren't Andaris. The places that never really got that much attention.

Also, I understand Venora's complication issues - I'm totally axing the vassal families/vassal villages idea. But that was my idea as a player, anyway, that's not something the mods endorsed. So no worries there. Though I do think allowing players to develop their baronies is a basic expectation of having an interesting role.

Overall, my suggestion is just to hear players and provide them opportunities. But that's something I've already expressed in the past, so... yeah. And I think we're getting better at that. Honestly. It's a difficult role and already I can see the mods doing well with it. The ball and everything - that was very interesting stuff. I'm looking forward to the plots in Ashan!
Last edited by Alistair on Tue Apr 18, 2017 12:16 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 758
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Rynmere OOC Social Thread

The calendar is such an important tool. This season though it has been hard to engage with. After centuries of tradition, the ‘Arena event’ on the 13th of each season has vanished without mention. In previous seasons it was cancelled but the populace was informed as to why, or there was a reason for it to be called off. This season it’s just not there – which removes a powerful chance for PC’s to express their views on slavery and maybe try and interfere.
The introduction of the RCA also feels as though it has come out of no-where. Civil unrest is understandable following a war, and with the Qe’Dreki still at large. However, did PC’s make the RCA, was anyone engaged in such a faction before the calendar was announced? If they were that’s awesome because the faction has now been put in the spot light – if not, it’s a scramble for those players whose PC’s might have been interested, to try and find a way of shoe-horning their way into the plot, when it’s half developed.

This isn’t meant to be dis-respectful, as a lot of work goes into the calendar. But I just think the best thing to go from, is what the players are writing themselves and making that work. Picking up the little twist of threads (and it is impossible to read everything!) that you might review or catch your attention and going …oooh well we can do something with this…

@alistair I don't mean the adjustment of being able to NPC family members. I mean what is currently being developed and hasn't been released yet. Fear of the unknown may be greater than what the fear deserves to be, but it's still unknown. I presume you're not concerned about what is to come, as previously mentioned, you're more aware of what the ryn moderators are developing?
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@Elyna: Well, I'll say this: I'm someone who hates over-saturation of rules and regulations. I absolutely despise it. I like people being able to kind of do their own thing, without an overseeing eye getting involved in everything they're doing. I've always been very free with my plots, too - I rarely ask for permission unless I think it utterly requires it.

That being said, as someone who feels similarly on the permissions/etc as you do, I can say that I strongly believe you won't be disappointed by what's coming forward. It's mostly about background information and clarifications. For example, defining the Duchies resources, like what they trade, develop, etc. It's really just lore for people who really like to have immersion and more to work with. It's not like a rule system for the nobility.

It could be changed as a concept from now to then, and frankly I don't think we have any ideas set in stone yet, but yeah - right now, this is really just stuff that will provide more and more resources available for PCs playing in Rynmere who want to understand the world they're interacting with.
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@Alistair, exactly – you’re missing my point. You’re comfortable with the coming changes because you’re helping to develop them. If Burhan history and social geography is being developed, should I not be involved? Should Malcolm not be involved in Krome?
I’m also not talking about when I ask for permissions, I’m talking about when a simple thread is interrupted and told that it required permission to continue.
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The main reason there is so little (and yet so much) history, is because I was letting it develop naturally in RP. Sometimes this got updated, other times it was just left to those on the know, aka those who were involved in the threads. The sacred seven are a bit like dead immortals. Sure there are stories, but who really knows what happened? I don't think we have to fill in all the gaps, but in saying that there was a lot left unsaid that I was sitting on, such as the scar in the sky, the labyrinth, the heart of Rynmere, which immortal Rynmere belonged to, etc, etc, etc.

I isolated myself, I got overwhelmed, not just by ST but OOC responsibilities, and I took a break. I've got a better routine now and I can be here more, so if my help is wanted, it's offered.

PS. I agree, bring the arena fights back! CONFLICT!
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@Elyna: Actually, it's good that you bring that up, because I was planning - if I'm to be involved on developing these things - to PM both of you asking if you had any suggestions or if you'd like to help work on those two. I have always had a lot of freedom given to me in developing Venora, by both Kingdom and Pegasus, so I agree that the PCs most prevalent in those Duchies should definitely have a say on their background information/etc.

As for what you're saying with that thread intervention - I personally can't say anything to that, as that's a situation that I have no knowledge of.

@Malc: Yeah, I understand exactly what you're saying here. I honestly would love and appreciate, myself, to have your insight and your ideas. Not just as Incubus, but as a player. I've often found myself asking questions that I know you would've been able to answer, and I really would love to see you help develop Krome, for example.

In terms of history, I understand letting a lot of things come about IRP. My idea was just to develop the very basic history of the progression of each house - where they are now, how they got there. Not crazy in-depth stuff really; I understand what you're saying about overcomplications.
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@Alistair - well as this is reliant on the other Mods giving you go ahead; I won't hold my breath.

Otherwise, I'd be happy to help create a brief-sketch of Burhan history etc.

I think @Malcolm and I are both cautious about piling too much into nobility houses and who was cross with who when -politics because we both came from a site where it was all based on the nobility and that kind of court-intrigue; and it was a nightmare.
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