Barges, Burns, and Boxes

Job Thread: Neronin finds more than he though when retrieving a package for the museum from a barge.

Etzos, ‘The City of Stones’ is a fortress against the encroachment of Immortal domination of Idalos. Founded on the backs of mortals driven to seek their own destiny independent of the Immortals, the city has carved itself out of the very rock of the land. Scourged by terrible wars of extermination, they've begun to grow again, and with an eye toward expansion, optimism is on the rise.

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Barges, Burns, and Boxes


717th Arc, 5th Trial of Cylus

Neronin waited patiently by the docks, glad to be away from the Museum. The attendance had gone up twice over by the time Cylus had set in. Everyone was bundled up and looking for something to do that kept them inside and warm. Eventually the draw of the drink pulled most away from spending all their time at the taverns around town in search of a less expensive pass-time. Neronin himself had even been drawn to the tavern on one cold night. The deep dark of the sunless season brought everyone closer together, physically that is. Neronin stood upon the docks with his dark black hood up against the stiff chill.

He was waiting for a shipment for Head Curator Tabard. The riverboats from Foster's Landing were slower now, having to navigate by torchlight and stars when they were lucky. The bargemen were not as accustomed to those methods as the traditional sailors who brought the goods to Fosters. As a result, Neronin had been waiting for nearly half a break past the arrival time as far as he could tell. The mage stood with the torch held high, sending orange light dancing across the Etzori cobbles. A few dock workers eyed the dark figure as they passed, but Neronin was more a more familiar sight than he would have liked around the docks. Tabard often sent him to receive parcels and packages, works of arty and artifacts from afar. Neronin liked to be away, especially today when the Museum was host to an especially rowdy and dense group of city officials who were determined to milk their tour for all it was worth.

Eventually the Etzori curator saw a flickering light in the distance. It appeared at precisely the same place it always did. First a faint glow, and then around the bend in the river came the bright, albeit small, dancing form of a prow torch. Neronin could tell because the obvious grate around it. He had watched a few such lights approach the docks in his service with the Museum. Neronin sighed and approached the edge of the dock where the boat would inevitably tie in. He retrieved from beneath his robes the official seal of the Museum, a token of ownership over whatever rare and expensive artifact Tabard had seen fit to acquire next.

Neronin could see that something was amiss on the barge. It moved less smoothly through the water and in the torch light those aboard seemed sluggish. The mage frowned. Usually these bargemen were the epitome of efficiency when it came to navigating the river, even in Cylus when they needed to be slower and more careful. Neronin glanced behind him. A few haggard looking dock workers were taking a lunch on a low wall nearby. He waved to get their attention, the action all but futile in the darkness of Cylus.

"You there. Does that barge seem in distress?" Neronin called to them. The barge was coming closer and Neronin could make out a few figures on the deck. He noticed that they moved in a more lurching way that most sailors. He watched as one seemed to drag a lame leg across the deck in his haste to push the barge further. Neronin knew now that something was wrong. He could hear their faint curses carried unnaturally far over the calm black water of the Southwood. The dock workers seemed to have ignored his query, opting to maximize their lunch time. Neronin squeezed the torch in frustration, moving along the dock.

"Hey! You there, are you alright?" He called after a moment, waving his torch over his head. His yell attracted not only the attention of the bargemen hard at work, but that of a few onlookers. Dock workers and Black Guards seemed to converge on the spot where he stood, all gazing out at the barge. Neronin saw the bargemen moving faster, more chaotically. They seemed to find renewed vigor in his shout. As the barge approached and slid into the light of the more numerous Etzori torches, Neronin saw the side of the barge was scorched black. The men aboard seemed to move faster now that they could see people on the dock.

"Look at their boat!"

"What could do something like that?"
Last edited by Neronin on Thu Mar 02, 2017 3:56 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 723
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Barges, Burns, and Boxes


Neronin stared. The barge slid into port and two of the most able-bodied bargemen vaulted the low bulkhead and began tying off the ropes. Guards and dock workers alike moved to help. Neronin could see men aboard the barge slumped against the bulkhead. The ones who could stand had been the few pushing the barge into port. The deck was scorched in chaotic patterns, and the men sported burns. The curator stepped onto the barge and crouched. The scorch marks upon the deck seemed fresh. Neronin reached out a hand and felt the charred wood. It was warm. He looked and saw that the scorches were all shallow, as if the fire had raced across the surface, burning only what it needed to to move further.

"Mage-fire." A cracking voice said near Neronin. The necromancer jolted and turned to a man sitting with his back against a barrel not far away. He was old and his chest and arm were blackened with burns. "Was magic that did this. Twas a big crack enough to bleed the ears of a man, then he was just standing there." The bargeman muttered, starting at Neronin with wild eyes.

"Who was?" Neronin asked, walking over to the man and kneeling next to him. "What happened to you?" A claim of magic was not a small thing in Etzos. Most mages were pressed into service with the Army, and a rogue mage was no trifling matter. Neronin put the thought out of his mind as the old bargeman started talking again.

"He threw fire like a whip." The man said, mimicking the movement with his good arm weakly. Neronin glanced down at the man's body and then at the destruction of the scene. "He burned half of us before we even knew he was onboard. Tavan, Morroc, Stell, all dead before they even hit the deck." His words cracked with pain. Neronin set a hand on his shoulder, hoping the comforting gesture would keep the old man talking. He nodded and tried to splay empathy across his features.

"There was nothing you could do." He said softly, gripping the man's shoulder slightly. It was a line he had heard many times when people comforted their loved ones. It seemed to suit the situation. The man looked up at him, his wet eyes seemed to be searching Neronin's for something. The feeling unnerved the mage more than he would have liked to admit. He could tell the man was looking for more of the empathy Neronin pretended at. The mage looked down on the pretense of checking the man's wounds. Around them Black Guards and dock workers were tending to others or else searching the barge for the culprit. "These wounds need to be treated." Neronin said.

"This is nothing." The bargeman said in a hushed whisper. His eyes sought Neronin's again, this time wide with fear. He caught Neronin's collar and pulled him closer. "Old Verg had it worse. I wouldn't believe it if I didn't see the damn thing myself." The man's voice seemed to plead with Neronin for understanding. "The warlock came and thrashed everyone with fire, then when old Verg charged at him like some sort of hero, that fiend of a slashed him with fire the same as us." The man's voice cracked and his eyes drifted past Neronin to a corpse laying across the deck. "Poor Verg got worse than mage-fire. He pulled his soul outta him. He just took it and spun it into some sorta gem or jewel. He left after that, without killing nobody else." Neronin was watching the burnt man speak with avid attention now. A mage stole the man's soul? How was that possible? Neronin glanced over to where the corpse he spoke of lay.
word count: 644
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Barges, Burns, and Boxes


"The warlock trapped a soul in some gem?" Neronin asked. "He took that man's soul and put it in a stone?" He was trying to wrap his head around it. The attack was clearly some sort of mage. He and the rest of Etzos knew about the rumors of a serial killer Edísi mage, but this description was completely new.

"No, he made the gem. It appeared in his hand as if formed from smoke, and it came out of old Verg." The bargeman held out a hand as if to indicate this. "We all lost something today, some even lost their lives. Old Verg, he lost the most." Neronin stood, letting a Black Guard in close to inspect the man. The barge seemed to be more settled now, the Black Guard were making a more orderly containment of the chaos, ushering the wounded who could walk off the barge and cordoning off the dock so as to avoid looting. One of the soldiers was approaching Neronin.

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. Only Black Guards onboard." The guardsman said, eyeing Neronin's robes. He was clearly of some middling importance with such fine clothing. Neronin drew on that sense of importance as he straightened and leveled a gaze at the guardsman.

"I understand your need to secure this crime scene, but I am the Assistant Curator of the Etzori Museum of Art and History and Head Curator Tabard has sent me to retrieve from this barge a very important package." Neronin loathed using Tabard's name to influence, but he needed to get the package.

The Black Guard narrowed his eyes. He wasn't sure how much sway the Head curator of the museum would have, and in truth neither was Neronin. But the man turned and found a superior. The old guardsman eyed Neronin suspiciously. The mage produced the seal of the museum and presented it to the guard.

"Alright, any idea what we're looking for? I make no promises. This old boat has been pretty torn up." The guard sighed, kicking a bit of charred wood with one thick boot. The mage had indeed been told what the package was, obviously, but he wanted to stay and find out more from the sailors.

"I'm sure Head Curator Tabard would want me to retrieve it personally-" He began. This, however, seemed to overstep even the bounds of Tabard's influence. The guard shook his head, the friendly glint in his eyes turning cold. He ledger a hand drop seemingly insignificantly to the hilt of the longsword at his waist. This was a motion that sent warnings through Neronin's senses. A warrior readying for action.

"I don't think that's such a good idea. Why don't you tell me what it looks like and I'll retrieve it for you, Assistant Curator." The guard said, his voice calm but hard.

Neronin smoothed the front of his robes and grimaced. "Very well." He conceded. "It is a box, chained and locked with the sigil of Viden painted upon the top. Handle it with care, for it is dangerous." Neronin said, his voice icy with indignation.

It took him no less than five minutes. The guard returned with a small chest in his arms. Neronin was pleased to see he was look apprehensive as he walked. Such men at arms often held a health superstition when it came to magical or mysterious objects, this guards captain seemed to be no different. The crowd on the docks watched silently as the guard brought the chest over to Neronin and the mage took it without hesitation.

He felt a warmth in his hands that seemed to have nothing to do with the burnt ship. The chains that wove through the many iron rings hammered into the chest gave the thing an ominous aura, and Neronin felt an acute danger about it. The guard might have been unsettled by it, but Neronin's sense was more attuned for such things and he felt the hunger in the thing as it pulled at the ether around it subtlety. This was a monstrous entity indeed. He wondered if Tabard knew what he had purchased.

As Neronin turned to leave the barge, now eager to hand the box off, he saw something that made his heart stop. He felt a chill rush through him and the box slipped from his fingers. It landed on the barge's deck with a muffled thud and he felt it's hungry aura surge. Neronin tried to slow his rapidly racing heart as he hurriedly retrieved it.

"Blasted blades, man! Why'd you drop the damn thing?" The guard shouted after him as Neronin left the barge. The mage was not paying the man any mind. He was frantically searching the crowd for the face he had seen. That gaunt, sneering face. The only one that could possibly make him react in such a way. It had been him, Neronin knew. He could never mistake such a face. Had he caused this mayhem? Had he been waiting for Neronin? How was he still alive?

All the way back to the museum Neronin was looking for that face. Gavrel, his supposedly dead master.
word count: 883
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Barges, Burns, and Boxes



Story: 5/5
Collaboration: NA (solo thread)
Structure: 5/ 5

Detection: Spotting details in darkness
Detection: Movements of boats in distress
Detection: Sound travels over still waters.
Detection: Spotting strange movements
Domain Arcana: Can be used to pull someone's soul?
Domain Arcana: Can souls be transformed into gems?
Investigation: Determining the age of scorch marks
Investigation: Considering small details
Investigation: Comforting witnesses can keep them talking
Location: Etzos Docks
NPC: Gavrel: Still alive?
Negotiation: Using influence, but allowing a little too.

+2 (good deeds), +3 (timely delivery of goods)
These points may NOT be used for arcana


General comments.
Story Love the story, love the way you weave the words together. Nero very much has two realities; what he is and what he appears to be and, in this thread he appeared to be a concerned and helpful citizen. Somehow, it still made me shiver! Awesome!
Structure No problems at all.

Please do PM me if you've got any questions
word count: 170
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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