27th Cylus 717
Being sat at home was the most useless thing he could imagine doing with his time. Fridgar growled, thumping his head on the table in anguish. Why was he sat at home? He could be out beating people up in Ilaren's name. Fridgar groaned very audibly, only to have his dissatisfaction fall upon deaf ears, or no ears at all. Wherever Rey'na was, he hoped she was having fun. "FUCK IT!" he roared, standing up from the table after a bit and a half of silence had passed. He'd decided to work out. But how? He'd already achieved the peak of his form. Perhaps go for a run? No, running took forever to do.
He eyed the floor before throwing himself at it with his hands stretched out in a feeble attempt to do a hand stand. The enormous Lothar crashed to the floor, hard. Okay, that didn't work. He got up and tried again, lowering a bit more gently this time around only to crumple into a ball of bear at the end, falling into himself. The Lothar was losing his patience, snarling a little. Why couldn't he do a simple handstand? He was surely strong enough? His black eyes fell to a wall free of furniture - Perfect. He pushed himself up once more and approached the wall. He lowered his head and put it to the corner between the floor and the wall along with his hands. Using his feet, he kicked himself up and pulled in with his core, straightening his body against the wall upside down. Now came the tricky part, he had to press up on his hands to extend into a full hand stand.
Carefully, he pressed into his hands into a slow full extension. He'd done it. He was hand standing against the wall. His body fell to the floor with his victory and a heavy thump that shook the entire cabin, then the boredom set in once more. He lay face flat on the floor before screaming and thumping his fists into the floor, why couldn't he escape this boring Cylus morning? Peeling his face from the floor, he echoed the bear's sense of smell and took a deep inhale. Surely, there'd be something to do in the area? The Lothar’s eyes shot open as he picked up on a scent. His hands flew out to his sides and pressed, he pulled out his legs under him and extended in an explosive movement before ripping the door open and sprinting for the smell.
What the hell was making that smell? It pissed him off beyond words. Why the fuck was it so damn close to the house? Hell, even in the woods? It needed to disappear. The scent burned his nostrils, spurring on his aggression. It needed to be destroyed, fire oughta do the trick. But first, an angry Lothar. He'd reached his destination, he put his back to a tree, looking in on the source with Eagle and Ryon vision, all three of his echoes consumed. He saw...
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