It was a puzzle, that was certain. There he was in a deserted corridor, no one to ask really. He'd found the "4" section, and then the doors were laid out ~ all except the one he wanted. What might be perturbing to an individual like him, of course, was that it
should be easy. The rooms were all numbered depending on the floor they were on and then assigned a letter. The letters went in a clockwise pattern from the main stairway which spiralled up the middle of the building. It couldn't be that there was a stray "4" room on the floor above, because he was at the top.
"Hey! Can I help? Are you the new guy?" The voice that came from above him was a female, she sounded relatively young and friendly and as he looked up there, clearly labelled was door 4C. Of course, it was rare to look for a door in the ceiling so he could be forgiven for missing it. A full sized door in the ceiling and, next to it, a small hatch. It was the hatch which had been opened and through it there was the unmistakable shape of a woman wearing a top hat.
"Hi! I'm Pippa. You looking for 4C? Padraig? We're expecting you. Prof's up here. Just... move three steps to your left, please?"
Assuming that he did, the large door in the ceiling slid back and a set of stairs unfolded.
"Come on up!"
No sooner had he got up there than the woman in the top hat stuck out a hand with a grin. She had tattoos on her face and a friendly expression.
"Pippa. Associate Professor Fre'nell, but Pippa here. I help the Prof with things and stuff. I'm a Naerrik." The room they were in was large, taking up the entire roof space, in fact. Accessed via a spiral staircase in the middle of the room there was a large telescope pointing out of the roof. A huge table dominated the room itself and every available wall space had shelves. There were books everywhere, items of scientific curiosity, lab equipment and things that Padraig just didn't recognise.
"Put your stuff over there." Pippa directed, pointing to an area which was slightly less chaotic than any other place. As he did, a tall, very tall woman swept into view from around the corner. She was at least six foot four, dressed in a long black formal gown with a high neck. She had a formal black hat atop her head with a black veil pulled back from her face. She dressed like a widow in mourning at a formal event. Pinc-nez glasses perched on her nose and she was smoking a long, thin black cigar.
She looked down her nose at Padraig, although in fairness it was hard for her not to look down her nose considering her height.
"Prof!" Pippa grinned.
"Professor Dashiell, this is Padraig, the catch up student I told you about?"
Professor Dashiell examined him for a good two bits before she spoke. When she did, her diction was perfect.
"We do not play at physics here. If I agree to allow you to study with me, it will be because I believe you are serious. You have three tasks to do immediately." The professor looked at him, tapping her cigar onto the small tray on the shelf next to her.
"Give me a good reason for you needing to catch up in the first place, assure me that you will not ever need to again without good cause and then impress me with something you've done. You may begin."
Pippa grinned and carried on with pulling up the stairs and closing the main door.
Off Topic
NPCs added to the university write up and the main NPC repository FYI!