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Template Plot Notes

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Re: Template Plot Notes

Thread Tracker
Origins and Flashbacks


Origin Reknown Rewards
Character Sheet +10 +18 sp, knowledges x3 Deception x2 Stealth

Arc 723

Date Thread Reknown Knowledges Summary
Text11 Text21 Text31 Text31 Text41
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Arc 722

Date Thread Reknown Knowledges Summary
Arc 724


Date Thread Reknown Knowledges Summary
7th Coop Catcher +5 x1 Tactics, x1 Stealth, x4 Hunting On the road from Yaralon, Jinyel accepts a job to catch a fox and sets a trap.
8th Foxbite +5 x2 Animal Husbandry, x2 Hunting, x2 Combat: Unarmed The trap is sprung. Jinyel catches his fox, and recieves a nasty bite in return.


Date Thread Reknown Knowledges Summary
75th A Horse Is A Horse +5 x3 Animal Training, x2 Hunting, x1 Mount Jinyel is hired to track down a horse with a few... oddities.
75th A Horse Is A Dog? +5 x4 Animal Training, x1 Cooking, x1 Mount Jinyel returns with the horse in hand.
75th Clearly A Medical Matter None x5 Medicine, x1 Socialization Jinyel is accosted by medical students looking to practice their skills.
Arc 725


Date Thread Reknown Knowledges Summary
1st [Sacred Forest] Winterdoves xxxx x2 Animal Training, x1 Fieldcraft, x3 Hunting Rebirth job thread.
6th [Sacred Forest] The Beast xxxx REQ: Jinyel follows a very peculiar specimen.
9th Out Of Thin Air (Rickith) xxxx x2 Combat Ranged, x3 Discipline, x2 Medicine, x1 Fieldcraft In the middle of the forest, a Scalvoris native appears literally out of nowhere. Jinyel is mauled by a warthog.
9th Out Of Thin Air pt. II(Rickith) xxxx x1 Athletics, x2 Discipline, x3 Fieldcraft, x1 Medicine, x1 Teaching Rickith sets Jinyel's broken leg and they head toward the castle.
10th Rotten Secrets xxxx x1 Appraisal, x5 Discipline A mysterious doctor coerces Jinyel into eating rotten meat in exchange for medical care.
10th Wanderlust (Rickith) xxxx x3 Cooking, x1 Deception, x1 Detection, x1 Fieldcraft, x1 Investigation, x4 Leatherworking, x1 Tactics, x1 Teaching Rickith finds Jinyel for conversation.
11th Into The Sacred Forest Once More (Rickith) xxxx REQ: x3 Animal Training, x1 Appraisal, x1 Combat: Ranged, x1 Fieldcraft, x1 Hunting, x3 Mount, x1 Stealth, x1 Tactics Jinyel and Rickith head into the wild in search of medicinal plants.
11th Into The Warmth Of The Stables (Rickith) xxxx REQ: x1 Alchemy, x5 Animal Husbandry, x3 Animal Training, x1 Appraisal, x1 Medicine, x2 Mount, x2 Teaching Jinyel and Rickith warm up after the journey.
11th Into The Warmth Of The Kitchen (Rickith) xxxx REQ: x2 Appraisal, x3 Cooking, x1 Fieldcraft, x1 Linguistics, x3 Medicine, x2 Stealth, x1 Tactics Jinyel and Rickith head to the kitchens.
12th The Pleasantries Of Hoghair xxxx REQ: x5 Leatherworking, x1 Meditation Jinyel works his first hide.
15th A Feast In The Dark (Rickith) xxxx REQ: The Feast of the Empress.
30th Sparkwake xxxx x1 Discipline, x5 Graft Jinyel is unwittingly initiated into Graft.


Date Thread Reknown Knowledges Summary
12th [Sacred Forest] Small Favors pt. I 0 x5 Fieldcraft, x1 Hunting Jinyel encounters a water anak who has a problem.
12th [Sacred Forest] Small Favors pt. II 0 x5 Fieldcraft, x1 Animal Training Jinyel solves the water anak's problem, and is rewarded with a fish.
18th Sorrows In A Gossamer Mist (Woe) Pending REQ: x1 Appraisal, x1 Athletics, x4 Combat: Ranged, x2 Stealth, x1 Tactics The trip to the warfront takes an unfortunate turn.
19th The First Deer Pending REQ: x1 Combat: Ranged, x3 Graft, x1 Hunting, x1 Stealth Jinyel kills his first deer.
19th [Imperial Frontier] This For That Pending REQ: x1 Appraisal, x2 Deception, x2 Hunting, x1 Stealth Jinyel shelters in a frontier village and agrees to help them.
20th [Imperial Frontier] Freedom's Echo Pending REQ: x1 Investigation, x1 Linguistics, x2 Medicine, x1 Meditation, x1 Tactics As he plans an attack, Jinyel recieves aid from an unexpected source.
20th [Imperial Frontier] The Quiet Dusk Pending REQ: -- Jinyel lays a trap for bandits.
21st [Imperial Frontier] The Quiet Twilight Pending REQ: -- Jinyel springs his trap.
21st [Imperial Frontier] The Quiet Dawn Pending REQ: -- Ouch. That hurt.
Planned Schedule Cylus
3rd - Combat: Ranged practice, in the dark. Uses a torch to illuminate target.
13th - After soaking in quicklime solution and then being dried out for a few days, Jinyel brain-tans the warthog hide
14th - Jinyel cuts a few strips from his new hide and fashions the warthog tusks into two necklaces.
15th - Feast of the Empress, calendar event.
Planned Schedule Ashan
7th - Hang out with ragdila, focus Animal Husbandry/Mount
11th - A trade caravan passes through HQ, Jinyel sees the jewelrycrafter has raw jade. Shows his own, and is taught to identify some raw gemstones. Appraisal/Fieldcraft
Territory Expansion

73rd - The Blooming event. A pregnant slave asks Maguon to end her pregnancy so she can escape with the baby she already has. Jinyel teaches her to make mugwort tea and helps her escape. (Ashan mark progression?)
110th - Egg Day event. A child runs into the forest in search of eggs, Jinyel must rescue them

Undetermined Dates
  • To bolster the war efforts, a herd of wild horses is rounded up, and a particularly clever mare escapes. Jinyel tracks her down and tames her to replace the lost Ajan. (For mark progression, possibly releases the herd as well?)
  • Jinyel is commissioned by a militairy thairoch breeder to capture a specific wild thairoch before it bonds with a mate. In preparation, trains Jinyel on Thairoch care and riding. Mount/Animal Husbandry/Animal Training
  • Jinyel captures the requested thairoch, and perhaps an additional one for himself? Hunting/Tactics
Last edited by Jinyel on Wed Mar 05, 2025 5:20 am, edited 48 times in total. word count: 929
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Re: Template Plot Notes

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Name: Agnis Carlethyr
City Location: Eternal Empire, Imperial Medical Headquarters, Sacred Forest
DoB: Ymiden 10, 674
Race: Human
Organization: Imperial Medical Headquarters, faculty member
80 Graft
60 Teaching
55 Medicine
55 Art

Approved here.



Once, Agnis was an important woman to know. Sharp-tongued and quick-witted, she swept into the Imperial Medical Headquarters and studied healing with a fervor that few of her peers could match. More than one Imperial mage could be found in her bloodline, and she knew all the right words and passed all the right tests. When the opportunity came to enlist in the mage corps, she took it with the same attitude she took everything else: with determination and the youthful confidence that she could accomplish anything she put her mind to.

For many years, that held true.

She was a researcher, first and foremost, although that came as little surprise given the nature of Graft. She combined it with the art of medicine to serve as a powerful healer, first on the front lines of battle, and then in the rear garrison as the years caught up with her. When she aged into a desk job, she decided it was time to choose her own protege. After all, it would be a waste to let her knowledge die without an heir. She never married, so being a mentor was the closest she would likely get to being a mother.

Her first initiate died just two breaks after taking her flesh.

It was a tragedy, of course, but not a surprise. That was the reality of magic: more initiates died than survived. She had spent most of her adult life surrounded by the survivors, so a few failures were to be expected. She didn’t know how to explain that she was supposed to be better than that. She had always been at the top of her class; she wasn’t supposed to fail. So she taught, and she trained, and she taught what she had trained, and she picked through her classes for only the brightest, strongest students. Some were clever, but with weak constitutions. Some were strong as oxen, but with wits to match.

After ten years of searching, Agnis found her next initiate. Her perfect candidate. A young woman from a career military family, who had spent her whole life training her body and mind. Strong. Smart. Ambitious. Everything a new Spark could want.

Her second initiate died, too. And not in the clean way as the first; the young woman suffered the half-failure of Graft, and lived out her last painful trials as a Mortise. Agnis’ peers made all the platitudes, of course. Perhaps it just wasn’t meant to be. This sort of thing happened. She had to let it go, or she would go mad.

Always the curious one, Agnis couldn’t let it go. If madness was the other option, then she chose it gladly.

Her third initiate died quickly. Her fourth died slowly.

Agnis’ last years in the mage corps were tumultuous. She and her Spark had grown old together, and this was one mystery they could not solve. Something was wrong, but what? They had to try again. They had to discover the answer.

Before she could make a fifth attempt, Agnis was politely informed of her retirement to the Imperial Medical Headquarters and impolitely ordered to spend the rest of her days teaching medicine, or to stop teaching entirely. She was forbidden to teach Graft, and absolutely forbidden to attempt any more initiations. She was shipped off to the place where her career began, under the careful watch of younger, more obedient Grafters.



Agnis and her Spark both hungered for an answer. What went wrong? Was it her weakness, or theirs? The nature of Graft is to discover, and she had solved every mystery in her life except this one. She also hungered for an heir, and for proof that her legacy would not die with her. If she succeeds, will her initiate be different from others? What new and exciting discoveries will they show her, now that she is too old and too caged to wander?

Agnis first noticed Jinyel as a hunter. He was willing to accept unorthodox requests: recapture escaped test subjects, deliver live animals, even gather plants. He knew more about the natural world than she did, and his stories of the wild managed to slake some of her thirst for discovery. More importantly, he was a foreigner with no records, no family, and no friends. If she failed a fifth time, his disappearance would not be noticed.


Appearance: An old woman with a proud, stern face. Long white hair, usually braided. Her witchmark is an eye on the back of her left hand, which she makes no attempt to cover.
Drafting table

Bit of a complicated one, but ask Bask about the possibility of a mage mentor as an antagonist, who uses master level deception to either enslave Jinyel or to sign him up for the mage corps in the Eternal Empire. Specifically, see if it would be possible to write a plot where Jinyel, while trying to antagonize his mentor, betrays the interests of the Empire by deliberately messing up a job, and what reprecussions that would have. Am particularly interested in this mentor using the Singing Scrublands as a training ground, which, in his mind, is a deadly and torturous punishment. Meanwhile Jinyel falls in love with the scrublands, and practices deception solely to convince his mentor he's terrified of the place so he'll be "punished" and sent back there again.

Whether this entire plot would conclude in the mentor being court martialed, or his deception being so high that he has Jinyel court martialed, I love the idea of two people who want to kill each other, but they have the ability to look through each other's eyes. And also teleport. Fascinating way to sharpen Jinyel's ninja skills.
Last edited by Jinyel on Sun Feb 16, 2025 10:52 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 1004
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Re: Template Plot Notes

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Memory NPCs


Name: Hecrin
City Location: Outskirt settlement of Yaralon
Race: Human
55 Combat: Longsword
55 Combat: Unarmed
30 Mount
20 Field Craft

Approved here.


Born 19th Saun 688
Died 11 Zi’da 723



There’s a common saying amongst armies: “You can be a strong soldier, or you can be a smart soldier. If you’re enough of one, you don’t need to be much of the other.”

Hecrin was never very smart.

As a young man, he enlisted in the militia of his local village, and was promptly kicked out. He went to another village, a second and third after that, until rumor spread that he was just too aggressive and arrogant to work with. So he left his homeland behind and enlisted in a mercenary company, which was also full to bursting of arrogant warriors who thought they deserved anything they could plunder. The mercenary company tore itself apart soon after.

After taking a young slave boy as his plunder from the company, Hecrin made his way toward Yaralon with the hopes of joining a real mercenary company. He was unable to find Yaralon. The closest he could get was an outskirt mining settlement, which did indeed house a real Yaralon mercenary company, but once again Hecrin’s abrasive personality proved his undoing. None of them enjoyed his company except to laugh at him, and certainly none of them would show him the way to Yaralon, and so he spent one humiliating arc trying to beg, buy, and bully his way into knowledge of the Run.

In that arc, his slave boy grew taller than him. One night of drinking mixed with a thousand nights of beating, and the slave boy managed to kill Hecrin and make off with his equipment.



Hecrin was Jinyel’s enslaver for many years, and the origin of Jinyel’s starter equipment. Because Hecrin had no patience for anything but riding and combat, Jinyel learned to care for horses, cook, and pitch camp. During their last arc in the Yaralon regions, Jinyel finally finished puberty and managed to kill Hecrin



A gruff, surly man with a permanent scowl. Usually covered in mud, usually smells bad, always has something unpleasant to say, and a discerning person can likely gauge all that just by looking at him from a distance.
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Re: Template Plot Notes

In the wilderness east of Rynmere, north of Rharne, and west of the Eternal Empire, the Keha’al wander. Though Rynmere once had claim to the west, the rest of the land has been relatively ungoverned, filled with farms, villages, and tribes with no ruler to either guide or defend them. As nomads, the Keha’al have always connected settlements that would otherwise be unconnected. In times of peace, the Keha’al are traders and storytellers. When two settlements disagree, the Keha’al are advisors. In times of disaster, they are carriers of news and warning. In times of war, they are negotiators of alliances and logistics.

The Keha’al do not lead others. On the contrary, they much prefer the role of wandering guests. They are a friendly people who love to collect and share interesting items and stories, and the more settlements they visit, the more opportunities they have to share. To peaceful settlements, the Keha’al are usually a welcome sight, and everyone has at least a few friends they know by name.

Although they are not leaders, the Keha’al often function as advisors in times of strife. When a settlement suffers danger, the Keha’al will know if any neighboring settlements are experiencing the same thing. If a problem has occurred before, chances are the Keha’al will know a story about it. If a bandit tribe grows too large for one settlement to handle by itself, the Keha’al will serve as diplomats to neighboring settlements for aid, and often coordinate logistics. Every settlement has been their host at some point, and the Keha’al always feel obligated to ensure their hosts are happy.

They are usually human, but will adopt members of any race who prove themselves both capable and honorable. Plenty of children have mixed traits from various races. The Keha’al follow a strict code of hospitality, wherein hosts are to treat all guests as members of their own family, and guests are to treat their hosts the same. To knowingly harm one’s guest or host is a serious offense, which can be punished anywhere between being stripped of possessions to being exiled.

The tribe is guided by a pair, the Loktul and the Keha, both of which can be either male or female. The Loktul is a daughter or nephew of the previous leader who has been raised for the role since birth. The Loktul leads the tribe, chooses their travel routes, settles disputes, and manages food supply. The Keha is the shaman and doctor, chosen as an apprentice in childhood. The Keha is trained in medicine, meditation, and dreamwalking, so they can look after the dreams of the tribe as well as communicate with various spirits the Keha’al encounter. Though the Keha doesn’t make decisions, they understand the psyche of the tribe much more intimately than the Loktul, and whenever they make a suggestion, the Loktul almost always follows. Conflict between the Loktul and Keha is seen as a terrible omen.

Aside from the leaders, ordinary Keha’al are much like any nomadic tribe. They hunt and gather, they raise kahrun elk as mounts and milk animals, and almost every Keha’al has both a kahrun mount and a personal pet. They love beautiful things, and will craft, trade, and dye their possessions into as many colors as possible. Even away from their tribe, a Keha’al can be recognized by their clothing, which is usually a soft leather loincloth layered over with beads, cloth, feathers, and fur of every color. Keha’al love decorations, and it is considered an accomplishment to collect every color of the rainbow. Families are egalitarian, but tracked through the mother's line, and each family lives in a large communal tent. Marriage is nonexistent, as every child will stay with their maternal family throughout their life, and men and women are both free to mingle with anyone from another tent. Some will fall in love and choose a preferred partner as they get older, but it isn't expected, and childcare is shared by everyone in the family. Men and women can perform any job within the tribe. Both male homemakers and female warriors are common enough to be unremarkable.
Imperial Expansion
With Artere's presence in the west, Raskalarn's invasion from the east, and bandit tribes thick between the two, the Keha'al are frustrated and fearful. Currently, they see Raskalarn and Artere as equal threats to their independence, and the bandits as a natural consequence. Some of their scouts have been lost to the hive mind, and although the Keha can identify drones with dreamwalking, she has no idea how to save them. They are distrustful of Raskalarn, though not currently aggressive. That could change for better or worse depending on which side makes an effort to interact with them. Because of their reputation, the opinion of the Keha'al has potential to influence the opinion of ungoverned settlements, and to spur them either to peaceful assimilation or to open resistance.


Name: Akesha
Race: Mixed human/Biqaj
Birthday/Age: Cylus 3, 786
Title: Loktul
Skills: Master Leadership, Master Tactics, Expert Logistics, Expert Intelligence, Expert Combat: Polearms, Competent Hunting, Competent Instrument: Percussion
Details: Akesha is normally a cheerful man, quick to joke and happy to listen. He leads the Keha’al with a gentle hand, to the point that even children will come to him with problems or questions. His first priority is the tribe’s survival, and his second priority is joy. He believes joy is the key to life, and best multiplied by sharing, so he moved the Keha’al around a bit more quickly than the previous Loktuls in order to visit more settlements. In times of danger, though, Akesha’s cheer becomes serious, although he always exudes warmth and rarely loses his temper. He prefers to avoid conflict whenever possible, and if conflict is avoidable, he will always place survival over victory. He sees no shame in retreat, if it would save more lives. His fury is a rare thing, reserved only for people who are deliberately cruel or those who have knowingly broken the rules of hospitality. He has no reservations banishing such individuals from the tribe.


Name: Ota’ai
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: Ymiden 19, 781
Title: Keha
Skills: Master Medicine, Master Dreamwalking, Expert Caretaking, Expert Meditation, Expert Psychology, Competent Cooking, Competent Teaching
Details: Ota’ai is a quiet woman, slow to speak and even slower to celebrate. She loves her tribe deeply, but is more likely to show that love with action than words. Large, boisterous celebrations usually see her tucked away in her tent, cooking by herself until the festivities are at an end. She is much more talkative in sleep, as she walks the dreamscapes of the Keha’al and drives away their nightmares. This is a familiar task to the tribesfolk, who see no issue of privacy with her travels. Her help is instrumental in untangling the fears, traumas, and confusions that often manifest in dreams, especially when coupled with counselling in the waking world. At her heart, Ota’ai is as fascinated by the mind as she is the body, and sworn to keep both of them healthy. When looking after a patient, she can be a bit stern, especially if that patient disobeys orders meant to heal them. Especially disobedient patients can even draw a bit of mischief out of her, since she has no qualms about playing pranks to command attention.
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