• Mature • Sliders

34th of Saun 724

Etzos, ‘The City of Stones’ is a fortress against the encroachment of Immortal domination of Idalos. Founded on the backs of mortals driven to seek their own destiny independent of the Immortals, the city has carved itself out of the very rock of the land. Scourged by terrible wars of extermination, they've begun to grow again, and with an eye toward expansion, optimism is on the rise.

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All template credit, love and admiration goes to Kisaik

Don't mind me, I'll just loiter around over here...

Perfectly content to leave those that preferred to keep their wounds, the ferret moved through the willing with aplomb and a chipper expression. "Jost like de renowned pit fightas af Rharne wanting tuh keep de scare from deir winning champion fights, me ondastand de value af a scare. Et's a part af yuh 'istory..." He said as he erased one particularly nasty plague mark. "Bot yuh know, prabably yuh don't need mar den one 'badge', right?" He grinned, sharing stories of the other locations he'd been to in the world that might share similar values in an attempt to ingender more open relations some trial.

As they moved through the city then the halls of the tower, he googled at the architecture and surroundings with genuine interest as he sat atop the trotting luggage. "The people here are hardy." Offered Alex, the tone of his voice giving away that he felt they were probably more hardy than was their fair share.

"Yeah, though lott."

"It will take some time to become accepted here." He observed, his calculating eyes thinking over the need to earnt the residents trust.

Nodding, the alchemist gestured toward the architecture. "Strong walls. Strong people. A good foundation I'd say." He said with a smile. The administrator agreed wholeheartedly. "And we can fund whatever is needed to get established." He said, with reference to the seeding funds he'd arranged.

As the friendly minister introduced them to their situation the ferret nodded along as he and his representatives all held themselves as well as they usually would... which is to say everyone seemed professional with the exception of the tiny, whiskered Cadouri that always looked amiable and ready to scurry off to look at the closes curiosity at the drop of a hat.

Assuming quite rightly that he was not yet being addressed, the ferret remain silent as the Diplomat replied to the questions put forward. His story was plentiful and interesting and he took in the details with interest.

The fact that not a single sole had thought to introduce him, not the council to ask or the diplomat that had brought them here to offer, was not lost on the ferret, though he didn't let on through his demeanor that this was a game they could play if they wished. It was not usually the ones in the ivory tower that needed his help anyway and he'd endure this meeting until they could get out into the city at large.

All template credit, love and admiration goes to Kisaik
word count: 450


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: Sliders

The point of a bodyguard, was to be a deterrent. Seen and understood as certain punishment, should an attempt at violence be made. Kasoria was savvy enough to know that his job wasn't just to swing a sword or fling himself in front of one. It was to make a legion of unseen chancers rethink their dreams of reward and glory. Because who would live to spend their coin, with him protecting their target?

He wasn't prone to self-aggrandizement, but the Raggedy Man knew his name rang loud, and his small frame cast a long, terrible shadow. His fists and eyes and blades and magics did not protect Manclin or his gaggle of scribes. His legend did.

It also meant, his voice was absolutely superfluous. He wasn't expected to speak or negotiate or contribute, just like he wasn't expected not to defend his charge. Oh, there'd been times where it had been different. With Kura in Scalvoris, that strange summit in Khorlasir... but mostly, he was just a looming threat. At his mildest, a reminder of retribution. So it was when he was on the other side of the world... and now it was the same.

At least the air smells familiar.

Manclin left out nothing as he recounted their journey. His clerks and scribes and translators were always at hand with whatever parchment or agreement or pact he was describing at the moment. As his words wove a tale from Rharne to the Eternal Empire to Yaralon and beyond, a growing stack of paper was presented before the silent Council. He even recounted the story of Kasoria's.... indiscretion in Yaralon, where he'd allowed his raging ate of Lisirra and her followers to nigh-obliterate their good graces with the city's powerbrokers. Only Manclin's deft handling and some unseen skullduggery on Kasoria's part had mended that relationship.

For a moment, cool and powerful eyes swung to Kasoria, as if he might recount exactly what those actions had been. The Raggedy Man of Etzos stared back at them, and blinked slow as a cat. That was between him and some Knights in a far off land. They kept staring and so did he. Eventually, predictably, they looked away, and Manclin renewed his tale, until they came to-

"Which brings me to our most distinguished guest," he swung wide his arm and took in the Scalvoris contingent, headed up by a short, furry, curious, and fashionably attired ferret. "Master Winston of Scalvoris. Inventor, engineer, scientician, and provider to the common man."

That last part raised a few eyebrows, especially from Lady Terris, but Manclin thought it accurate. He'd definitely pegged the Cadouri as one who cared more about the possibilities of his inventions, than their actual application. He was a tinkerer and a wonderer and a pusher of boundaries. But as to what happened after, well... that was for other, more limited minds.

Fine by us.

"Master Winston is held in high confidence by the Albarech of Scalvoris, Lady Kura Wolfdotter, and is a truly remarkable innovator. He is able to blend magic and science in ways... well, honestly it is better to show you what he is capable of."

With that, the diplomat stepped back and gestured for Winston to take the center stage. Kasoria could see a dozen hands tense around weapons and hands tighten around spear hilts. The Tower Guard did not like such unpredictable displays, even with their armor that he knew from experienced was runed and hexed against magic. But they kept still, as the ferret approached, disciplined as always. Until a cause for violence was revealed, they would be as him. Still, watchful, silent...
word count: 620
Common Speech | Thoughts | Ith'ession Speech | Speech of Others
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Re: Sliders

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I spoke to Pig briefly and he said it was fine to assume that whatever magic I used broadly speaking worked, but that he would pick up how this changes/evolves in his post thereafter.
The Council Chamber of Etzos breathed hostility with every breath, or so it felt to the tiny Alchemist. Stern faces lined the walls, their eyes sharp as drawn daggers, watching the diminutive ferret with the kind of wary suspicion reserved for traveling salesmen and potential assassins. The air itself felt heavy with distrust, thick enough that even the torchlight seemed to struggle to pierce it fully. Guards stood at rigid attention, hands never far from their weapons.

These were not just any politicians, they were Etzori council members, hardened by years of betrayal and attempted manipulation. Their crossed arms and tight expressions spoke volumes: outsiders were tolerated, never trusted. Especially not magical ones.

Winston's tiny form (barely reaching the height of a human's knee) cut an almost comical figure against the grand columns and towering council seats. His rainbow-colored
seemed to deliberately challenge the somber colours favored by the Etzori, while his whiskers twitched with barely contained excitement. He'd opted to stand atop his fellow, Chest, though even with this boost he still had to crane his neck to meet the gazes of the seated council members. The contrast between his diminutive size and boundless confidence was striking, like watching a mouse prepare to conduct an orchestra.

As the diplomat concluded his introduction... "and provider to the common man." The ferret seamlessly interjected "An woman!" With a bright and charismatic smile.

The Devil on My Shoulder
Curiosity: Wow, tough crowd. They look ready to throw us in a dungeon.
Winston: Den we jost gonna 'ave tuh show dem someting dey neva seen befar!
Curiosity: You mean... the FULL Winston experience?
Winston: Time tuh turn dis funeral intuh a party, mun!
Curiosity: I'll be kind at your eulogy...

Stepping forward he bowed to Manclin in gratitude for the introduction and then continued by offering a hand to his fellow Isonomians. "Tank yuh far seeing me tutrial. Me come an behalf as a lat of peepal, but also a 'umble inventor... Right naw, me would like tuh focus as what me, Winstaan Millar af Winstaan's Works has tuh affar an nat as a memba af does dat come tuh seek new lives."

With that, so separating his approaching presentation from his position within Isonomia as a diplomatic representative, he reached to his neck and plucked a small, cadouri-size disk from a chain. Taking in the room for a moment, the potential tension was obvious.
Holding up the disc, he activated it
. "Lights please..." He said as if it were an inconsequential thing.

The tiny disc grew to the size of a full (still cadouri sized) shield of Masterwork quality and floated in the air, offering a radiant and colourful aura to the proceedings. Urging the shield to rise up into he air above him and shine a beam, such as a spotlight down upon him, he further continued to gradually produce small trinkets and magical wotsits from his
literal bag of magical tricks

"Me shar yuh have all sarts af queschuns an' tings yuh want tuh know, but befar yuh get started, please enjoy de show." He he raised a hand,
several trays began to rise up out of the bag
, each containing
a single scriby
, a
and a small selection of delectables upon it. Gently floating around the ferret for a few revolutions, he picked one final scriby from his bag, with a bit of paper, which he placed to one side.

"While me get started an 'ang op me coat, let dis pen 'ere take a small note." He continued, willing the pen to come to life and move over to the paper, where it proceeded to jot down what the ferret was saying. His words and the things that he did were performed as one. There was no long pauses or awkward silences, he simply flowed from one thing to the next as intrigue hopefully took hold.

As he focused, it became apparent that things were not quite as simple as they normally would be. He was not certain what it was, but doubled down in his focus to cater for it while he could.

"Come see de tings me 'ave in here. Poshuns af flight an' magical bear. Wood so strang it could break a sward, bot me don't make weapans so don't say a word."

Hoping that people were more enthralled now then terrified, he injected with some joy a little more and began to have the tray gently approach the council.

"Me know me small an' ef et helps yuh at all,
please take a glance st dis eva so breezy, soh yuh might see me a littal mar easy.
Et's shiny an grand an' can be see fram acrass de land."

As he spoke, he took a small holo-com attached to his hip into his hand and (showing it to all) he pressed a button on the side that connected it to the devices found on the trays. Having done so, he projected his visage onto each of the trays with a grin and a flourish. Flickering slightly, the wells did their work as he continued his spectacular sales pitch as the tray floated a safe distance from the council members, waiting for permission to approach.

Winston watched for permission as he continued and sent any try offered consent to float harmlessly within arms reach of the people wanting them, where they placed themselves harmlessly upon the tables before their subjects.

Beneath the glittering and colourful spotlight, he beamed, both figuratively and literally at those that watched. "Please take a pen an' give it a try, while me continue tuh show yuh all de reasons why.

Dis ferret's gat equipment yuh won't belief, tuh affa yuh solutions and relief."

Next to emerge from the pack was the shovel and the bucket (taken out by the fettet), which were simply instructed to hang in the air beside him. "Wether et's a tool or a bucket, jost say... 'I'll take two' when yuh know where tuh tuck et." The pause (not to mention to casual smile) was delicately and expertly timed for impact and comedy, but whether his charisma was sufficient to carry the humor to a chuckle rather than offence might only be something time would tell.

"With poshuns gallar dat heal, foat and mar, me gat all manna of tings tuh raise dat flar.
Ploughing de fields an' sawing de seeds ar talking tuh diplomats ova seas..."
He began to conclude, gesturing to the devices that would do this for them as he referenced each of them. "... an' even ef dere's something me lack, be shar Winstaan's Work's gat yuh back.

Me presentashun tutrial might be silly, but jost take de word af ol' Billy,
dese tings work as me 'ave told, even in the wake af some silliness, if me cun be so bold.

All af dese tings are up far sale, far de right price yuh cun bag a whale.

So ef dere's someting else yuh need tutrial, come on round an' talk a while."

With that, he paused, doing his best to hid the effort going into the show... His next intention was to begin to put things back in his pack, one at a time, given the bead of sweat running down the left side of his fury temple at the effort involved in the show amidst the difficulties the magical atmosphere was casugin him.
word count: 1291


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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