[Saoire's Dream]The Amature Surprise

67th of Zi'da 724

A small island with an active volcano, Faldrass is the home to Saoire's school and to the Faldrass Induk.

Moderators: Pegasus Pug!!!, Avalon

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Approved Character
Posts: 65
Joined: Tue Jul 16, 2024 8:55 pm
Race: Hyludin
Profession: Gardener
Renown: 35
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 5



[Saoire's Dream]The Amature Surprise

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Boed i Anadl y Dreigiau
lenwi'ch Adenydd.
(May The Dragons Breath
Fill your Wings.)

Luesco 1 1024

Bedwyr panicked for a moment as he felt himself being abducted. He paused though and didn’t start reacting, well that wasn’t complete true his tail at this point had slapped three people, one person on each side of him who he knew were holding his arms and pulling him along. As he took a moment he realized that the people holding his arms weren’t holding them that tightly. If he really wanted to he could break away out of the grasp.

He was suddenly very suspicious of this abduction and with that suspicion he relaxed and allowed himself to be lead by his abductors. There were turns this way and that Bedwyr had no clue where he was being led. Though it didn’t sound like it was out of the building as he could hear the sound of boots on solid floors. As they walked the pressure of his captors grip loosed more. They never let go, but seemed to become les concerned with him trying to break out.

Eventually the group stopped, somewhere, and Bedwyr could hear the sounds of everyone trying to hush other people. He paused and focused on breathing, not because he was suffocating but just because he was trying to pick up a specific scent. After a moment he though he detected the scent of his wife. He wasn’t by any means a master at detecting smells but he had spent arcs around that smell. He was now sure this was something his Arianwyn had arranged.

The bag on his head was suddenly pulled off and he blinked at the suddenly flood of light into his eyes. The room was occupied with all of his dragonic students, a few others he didn’t recognize as well as a few of the family of the farm he helped last season with the harvest. He noticed this while he was blinking letting his eyes adjust. Arianwyn was standing there in the middle of the room holding their son and smiling at Bedwyr.

“Happy Birthtrial” Came the shout from various parts of the room. Bedwyr smiled at those who had gathered, surprised that there were this many people. True the room wasn’t full by any means, which worked fine with Bedwyr. He hadn’t ever been anti social he talked with those around him while he was doing something, but he hadn’t ever sought out company. He didn’t attend gathering, well he wouldn’t go to the effort to attended them, but his wife was a different story. She liked gatherings, she like people, she was social. Planning a birthtrial party for him was exactly something she would do. He walked forward and took her and the little boy into her arms and still smiling said in draconic. “By the Dragons Wisdom I don’t deserve you.” And gave her a public kiss.

“I am glad we agree on somethings.” She said back grinning at him. She stepped away as the various guests began to approach Bedwyr with there Birthtrial wishes.
word count: 529

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