Saoire Zielmas 724 Event
Saoire's Gifting Adventure zone!
Welcome to the seventh annual holiday event! The Staff of Standing Trials are overjoyed to bring you this event to celebrate the various traditions around the world and we'd like to recognise the work of Nymph, Rumour, Munchkin, Pegasus, and Tio who have hosted previous events. This year, Winston, Pig Boy, and Pegasus are teaming up to organise this!
For anyone that has not already gotten the idea, this year's event will be an open adventure zone event. For a set period of time (until November 21th) signup's will be permitted for this adventure zone for threading out your personal or collective Zielmas adventures.
You do not need to have created any thread before then, only have signed up to the event.
We invite player characters (no more than 3 sign-up characters per player) to sign up for our Gifting Adventure event before November 21st. The Gifting Adventure event involves an In Character "random act of kindness" towards another PC or NPC (there are higher rewards for PC gifting).
The events of the adventure must happen over, immediately around or culminating on the Trial of Zielmas. Meaning you can write threads well in advance of the gifting trial, spanning adventures and preparations for the final gifting, but the goal is and must be to be giving for the season of Zi'da.
You may participate with up to three characters - but it is important that we know who you play, so please fill the form in carefully. You can't gift yourself things!
Using the details below, you can thread your gifting escapades and gestures of generosity and seek the rewards and acclaim that comes with them!
Off Topic
Note about Collabs vs Solos:
Collabs may follow the same rules, with two exceptions:
1) If you are gifting to another PC instead of an NPC, you will gain additional rewards!
2) If you are gifting WITH another PC Instead of facing the event solo, you will gain additional rewards!
When doing this, instead of only one encounter, navigational threat, or reward, collabs double (or triple depending on the number of players involved in the Giving).
Collabs may follow the same rules, with two exceptions:
1) If you are gifting to another PC instead of an NPC, you will gain additional rewards!
2) If you are gifting WITH another PC Instead of facing the event solo, you will gain additional rewards!
When doing this, instead of only one encounter, navigational threat, or reward, collabs double (or triple depending on the number of players involved in the Giving).
1. You sign up here before November 21st.
2. You thread out your adventure(s).
3. Your threads must be complete before July 30th 2024, after which the event and it's Adventure Zone will be retired.
Questions? Ask them on our Saoire Holiday Event: Chat and Q&A thread!
An event medal will be issued for those who participate!
Developed by: Winston