• Closed • [Mistral Woods] The Shack in the Woods

22nd of Saun 724

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The surrounding lands of Rharne boast several towns and settlements that lie on the northern shores of the River Zynyx. This includes Mistral Village, Caervalle Town, Zynyx Market and Volta.

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Re: [Mistral Woods] The Shack in the Woods

When Elowen explained what garlic and cloves were for, Cassander blinked a little as he wasn’t sure if he had understood some of the words correctly. A moment later, his eyes lit up, and he inquired, “Cough? Like that?” He pretended to cough. He was beginning to see how the different ingredients could work together. He’d been sick often enough in his life that he was familiar with the symptoms. You didn’t only suffer from a cough or a runny nose. You were often slightly nauseous as well and didn’t have much of an appetite.

He’d hated being sick.

But of course, being a king hadn’t exempted him from it.

He hesitated for a moment when Elowen asked him about the king’s fate. He hadn’t expected her to want to know more about him, but he realized that he should have. Dragons and kings were probably equally interesting to a girl her age. And a man like the one he pretended to be wouldn’t have a reason not to talk about him.

Rynmere being a monarchy had been one of its defining features.

“King probably gone”, he said, allowing a hint of sadness to briefly seep into his voice. He preferred to think that at least some of his citizens missed him, in spite of everything that had gone wrong, everything that he had supposedly done, but didn’t even remember, at least not clearly.

“Maybe tried to leave … Some people managed to flee in time when the dragon came. I prefer to think that the king joined them rather than letting the dragon enslave or kill him, for as long there is life, there is hope. Whatever happened, he hasn’t been heard of since the trial the last ships left and the Jacadons escaped though”, he told her, briefly switching to Common again, because he wanted to answer her question properly.

The story he told Elowen was not really a lie; he’d just omitted certain details.

He looked at her, hiding his thoughts behind a smile, his posture relaxed once more.

“Jacadons dangerous”, he confirmed with a nod. “But can become … friends. Ride like horses. Xiur Sky Riders”, he mentioned the name of the branch of Rynmere’s military that had ridden Jacadons. Sometimes, he wondered if some of them had escaped along with their mounts. If a few common citizens had managed to get out, why not highly trained solders?

“Moseke’s Mist and Noble’s Blessing from Rynmere”, he said when Elowen placed the herbs in front of him. He recognizd the names because of how common the herbs in questions had been in his homeland.

“Saikuru”, he continued after a moment of hesitation and pointed at the dried petals of Noble’s Blessing, hoping that Elowen would understand that this was the plant’s other name. It had rather distinctive sky blue petals, although they were slightly harder to recognize in dried form. Very common in Rymere. Moseke’s Mist common in Rynmere as well. Weed”, he added.

He remembered that his gardeners had always gotten rid of Moseke’s Mist due to its commonality. Such common plants had no place in the palace gardens.

“What do you use Moseke’s Mist for?” he inquired.
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Re: [Mistral Woods] The Shack in the Woods

Elowen realized that she may have spoken too quickly or in a complex way when Cassander asked for a qualification on cough. Her cheeks reddened and she nodded to confirm with him that he understood that point very well. Then she broke down all the information again in simpler sentences, hoping that would help her visitor.

At the talk of the king, Elowen listened intently. When Cassander said that he was probably gone, her frown deepened and she wondered if it meant that the king was dead.

But her visitor provided the other alternative to her. Though in common, she was getting used to the cadence of his speech, the way he pronounced words with that particular accent. Moreover, the longer she listened, the more it felt as though she had known all this at some point. The words that was, not the theories about what happened to the monarch of Rynmere.

She nodded along, digesting the information she understood, wondering what had been lost in translation. "Maybe he alive somewhere. Recovering to fight dragon and take Rynmere back one day." Naive as that probably sounded, Elowen hoped for it to be true. After all, she didn't know if Cassander missed his home, but the young apothecary knew that she would if something were to misplace her like that.

Then her eyes lit up as though something had just occurred to her. "If you here, maybe king here too. In Rharne."

Jacadons confused her though. They reminded her of the Rharnian Blitznir. At the thought of the lightning horse, Elowen shivered slightly. A beast of the Stormlands with hooves that sounded like thunder. No. She never wanted to meet that beast again.

It must had been noted though that when Cassander identified two of the herbs as from Rynmere, a visible wave of astonishment passed across her features. Somewhere inside her, she did not expect the man to succeed. After all, these plants were not in their original form. But then, she also did not know Cassander that well to make such a far-reaching presumption about his knowledge of plants native to his homeland.

She picked up the two jars and inspected them closely as though seeing what was inside for the first time. But she was, in fact, imprinting the origin information in her memory, along with its alternative name - Saikuru.

It was interesting to her that one's weed was someone else's medicine. Sometimes people responded badly or not at all to certain herbs and needed alternatives. Moseke's Mist was one such plant. Though when Cassander asked what it was for, her gaze quickly raised and she looked at him over the top of the jar. The look in her eyes was sharp and the jars themselves hid most of her face where heat rose to her cheeks slightly. She pressed her lips together. Women's bodies were different to men's requiring a different set of treatments at times. But was the knowledge that important for Cassander to know? Perhaps not all the ins and outs, no.

"Prevent babies," she said flatly a moment later. Then she gathered the other jars and went to return them back to their place.

As she was by the worktable, she looked outside the window. Ark was still somewhere out there. She failed to call him earlier not long before Cassander arrived. He had been uncontrollable and also incredibly smart, Elowen began to suspect. To say the least, teaching him basic commands had been a challenge.

She turned back to Cassander with a tight smile. "Ark out there," she told him. Realizing he might not know who she was talking about, she added with a bigger smile. "The black pup. Terrible listening. Maybe we go look and I show you forest?" Then her eyes fell on the basket which was still on the table, near abandoned and a pang of guilt rushed through the girl. It must had been a hassle bringing anything with him and she did not even acknowledge it. Belatedly, Elowen recognized her mistake. So with her cheeks a little redder, she pointed at the basket: "Thank you. For basket. And sorry. Sometimes...don't know what right to behave."
Last edited by Elowen on Tue Jul 30, 2024 6:27 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 706
Language legend: Gernevoir (Fluent), Common (Conversational)
Elowen's appearance
Petit 15 arc old.
Always wears a head scarf that fully covers her hair.
Comfortable, loose cotton shirts and pants that do not accentuate her body shape in any way.
Clothing is clearly worn and mended but does not appear scruffy.
No jewellery or other marks on her body.
Face has gentle features.
Eyes are round with blue-grey irises.
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Re: [Mistral Woods] The Shack in the Woods

When Elowen suggested that the king might be in Rharne as well if he was here, he smiled slightly and nodded. “Maybe. Maybe he’s here. There are a lot of refugees from Rynmere in Rharne. Someone even built a memorial for them so that they will never be forgotten. Maybe, the king is hiding among them, getting ready for the fight and trying to fulfill his destiny. And maybe he’ll reveal himself when the time has come”, he said.

It was a nice story.

Maybe it would happen that way, once he had finally managed to figure out what exactly the strange prophecy he had received in Ashan meant and once he knew why he had done what he had done and why he had been so mad.

For the time being, he would just be a young foreigner who had begun to care for a girl who lived alone in the shack in the forest though.

When Elowen told him that Moseke’s Mist was used to prevent babies, he raised an eyebrow slightly. He couldn’t help but wonder what had happened with all the weed the gardener had removed.

Had the noble ladies of Rynmere secretly taken it and made a tea from it?

“Yes, better look”, he decided and laughed as he tried to picture Ark’s antics. “Would love to see forest”, he added and glanced at the basket as well. He’d almost forgotten it over their conversation about herbs and missing kings.

When Elowen thanked him for it, he inclined his head.

“You’re welcome. And it’s okay. Sometimes, I don’t know how to behave either”, he remarked before he stood, ready to follow her to the forest. He needed to check on his horse, he realized. The little black and white mare was probably wondering where he had disappeared to and might be getting a bit lonely.

As for the basket, if Elowen checked its contents it at any point, she would discover that there were some treats for her new dog as well as a few packets of common spices and a single jar of strawberry jam. Cassander had decided to go for useful itemsWhatever is available at Tier 5, without spending WP. rather than luxury goods.
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Re: [Mistral Woods] The Shack in the Woods

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Notes/Warnings: Cassander's horse has good training, so he should be able to ride it with his Novice Mount skill.

Thread: [Mistral Woods] The Shack in the Woods
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 ! Message from: Winston
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Re: [Mistral Woods] The Shack in the Woods


Review & Rewards

Skill Review: Appropriate to level.



Hello! This might be the first of your threads I've reviewed and it was lovely.

I really liked the casual manner in which you played his limited success with the horse riding, that read well and seemed natural.

Misunderstandings in etiquette! Nicely played. It's also always nice to see PCs shearing knowledge. Paymire was tragic, I hope everything works out for Cassander.

Thanks for a great thread!

Enjoy your rewards!


  • XP: 15


  • Mount: How to halt a horse
  • Mount: Pulling at the reins to slow a horse down
  • Mount: Dismounting by swinging your right foot over a horse’s back
  • Discipline: Schooling your face into a calm expression
  • Etiquette: Bringing a gift when you visit someone
  • Deception: Pretending to be comfortable in an unfamiliar environment
  • Socialization: Asking people about a topic they are familiar with to make them more comfortable
  • Linguistics: Gernevoir: Ginger, garlic and cloves
  • Medicine: Ginger can be used to treat a sore throat
  • Storytelling: The return of the dragons
  • Medicine: Garlic is good when you cough and boosts your internal strength
  • Medicine: Moseke’s Mist can be used as a contraceptive



Hello! This might be the first of your threads I've reviewed and it was lovely.

I really like the additional detail you add to your narratives, like the chickens etc. that offer depth to your posts.

You do a lovely job on playing Elowen's shy nature and fears.

A little tip, you used Deception early on for trying not to be noticed. That should be Sealth in future please. :-)

Thanks so much for a lovely read.

Enjoy your rewards!


  • XP: 15


  • Detection: x2
  • Socialization: x1
  • Socialization: Offer seating
  • Socialization: x1
  • Detection: x1
  • Teaching: x1
  • Linguistics: x1
  • Research: x1
  • Research: x1
  • Medicine: x1


  • 1 gift basket with dog treats, few packets of common spices and a single jar of strawberry jam

Winston's Catch of the Day is YOU!

word count: 332


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.

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