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5th of Ymiden 724

Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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Kura Wolfsdotter
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Timestamp:5th of Ymiden, 724
Location: Glass Quarter in Rharne

Kura had gotten news from people in Rharne that she could scarcely believe, to the point where she flat out wouldn't have believed it if it hadn't come from people she at least professionally trusted, and who would have known better than to joke about such things. Neither Gennadiya of the Order of Adunih, nor Winston of Isonomia were the types to give credence to false rumors or to raise a hope that had no chance of being fulfilled. So it was that Kura had used the Eclipse Portals to travel to Rharne, ostensibly on a business trip after the refugee crisis the previous cycle. It wasn't often that Kura kept secrets from her staff, and she been sure to be quick so as not have to repeat the matter, but she felt this was urgent enough to warrant the occasion. She also had not told her family about this trip, as while it would be good news for them all if it turned out to be true, there were some parts of what she had been told that made her more cautious.

Once in Rharne, she took one of those strange lifts they had up the Glass Quarter and from there to the address she had been given. It was apparently the house of a ranking member of the Lightning Knights, but that was not who she was there to see. Instead, she was looking for their house guest. When Kura found the house, she went up and knocked on the door, her hand shaking a bit from the nerves. She was dressed much the same as usual, wearing a white shirt under a black vest with black pants and boots under a black great coat. She looked unusually nervous, though, constantly fidgeting with the edge of her coat as though she didn't know what what was going to happen.

If no one answered, she'd knock again. "I'm lookin' for a friend of mine. She's a bit short, kinda pale, really nice?" she said, hoping to draw someone from the house at least. When Faith opened the door, she let out a hitched breath when she saw her. It really was her, as far as could be told physically. "Faith? Is that really you?" she said, almost stepping forward before she remembered that Faith had apparently lost her memory. "My name's Kura Wolfsdotter, we knew each other before." she said, fully aware that her introduction was about as bare bones and understated as it was possible for it to be, but she didn't want to immediately overwhelm her with information if Faith really didn't remember her.
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Re: Reunion

Reunion. .. ....

Faith was in the back garden, sipping a drink and reading a book.

It was a story about Illaren, the Immortal of Rharne, and some of the exploits and tales of her times. It was a piece of sensationalised over-exaggerated hyperbole, Faith thought, but it was good sensationalised, over-exaggerated hyperbole, so that was fine. She heard the echo of the door knocking out the front and, for a moment, she considered simply continuing to read.

Instead, though, she decided to make her way around the side of the house and have a look. However, as she put down the book and started to walk, she changed her mind and decided to answer the door. She wasn't sure why, other than because she thought it was rather rude to sneak up on people. So, she opened the door.

The woman who stood there provoked a gasp from Faith. The woman spoke, introducing herself and obviously holding herself back, carefully considerate of Faith's emotional state. Later on, Faith would consider that she had afforded Kura no such consideration and as she saw Kura, and heard her voice, Faith felt a whole raft of emotions tumbling in on her. Tears sprang to her eyes and Faith felt the wave of emotions wash over her, hitting her nearly off her feet, it seemed.

Except, of course, what those emotions actually did was propel her. Not off her feet but forward and Faith moved, literally running to hug Kura. It wasn't something that she would have done before, but she didn't know that - it was always something she would have felt.

As she hugged the closest to a mother she had ever had, Faith felt tears fall and she hugged Kura tightly. "I don't know who you are," she said with a sniffle. "I know that I love you and trust you completely, but I don't know who you are." She hugged Kura tightly and then moved back slightly. "Come in, please?" she asked around another sniffle. Faith of old rarely showed her emotions and such public displays and obvious emotion just wouldn't have been her way at all. However she was, in a very real sense, a different person.

"I'm sorry," she said, tugging gently at Kura's arm to bring her into the house. "I'm sorry you thought I was dead. I was dead, so you were right, but I'm alive again now," and, she thought with a slightly ironic smile, she was also rather talented at stating the obvious. "Who are you? Kura... I don't... I'm sorry." She wasn't ashamed of the tears which fell, nor was she trying to hide them, but they didn't help in terms of knowing who the heck this woman was.

"Would you like some tea?" Faith asked and gave a sudden, beaming smile. "Oh, it's so good to see you!"

It was, she thought. It was good to see Kura. Somehow, even though she'd only just found out that Kura existed, Faith had missed her.


word count: 519
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Kura Wolfsdotter
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Re: Reunion

When Faith stepped forward to hug her, Kura let out a soft huff of suprise, then hugged her back. It didn't take more than a second for Kura to tear up herself and she let them fall. There was a time for tears, especially when they weren't tears of sadness, and this was definitely one of them. "Then you know the most important part." she said in response to Faith saying she didn't know who she was, her voice soft and gentle. "Of course." she said, when Faith asked her come in, following her into the house. It wasn't Faith's own house, and Kura would normally not have entered without the actual owners permission, but from what she understood, this sort of thing was allowed at the moment. Of course, she probably wouldn't have cared at the moment, all things considered.

Faith made an apology for having been dead, and going by the way she said it, Kura was pretty certain that no one had yet filled her in on how she had died. That was honestly probably for the best, and she decided that she wasn't going to be saying anything on that particular subject either. "You don't need to apologize for that, Faith. None of it was your fault." she said, her tone gentle. It was when Faith asked her Kura actually was that she let out a heavy exhale. "That's a question with a long answer, if you want the whole of it." she said, her tone showing some amusement at herself. It was true, Kura was a lot of things these days, as tended to happen when you lived an unnaturally long life and had a complete inability to actually sit still and not being doing something.

"Don't think you're askin' for my life story, though." she said, still chuckling a bit through her own tears. "But yes, tea would be lovely." she said, before smiling when Faith said it was good to see you. "It's good to see you too, Faith. I don't doubt you've heard it plenty, but I missed you." she said, her tone soft. She waited until Faith returned with tea and got herself seated. There was a moment of hesitation before she continued, though. She wasn't sure how much the others were telling Faith, and she didn't want to do anything that might hurt Faith's recovery, but after a moment she decided that she was going to at least tell the truth about the relationship between the two of them. There had been too much time wasted dancing around the truth before, and she wasn't going to wait until it was too late. Not again.

"You asked who I am, meanin' who I am to you, yeah? My name's Kura Wolfsdotter, as I said, and I'm...well, in any way that matters, I'm your mother. Not by blood, but...in just about every other way." she said, her voice coming out in a bit of a rush. If Faith was as observant as she had been before, she would probably notice that Kura was nervous about admitting it. It was almost certainly a different relationship than anyone else would have had with her. Though, Kura thought, even she couldn't have said how many of Faith's friends had been considered family by her daughter. Even the two of them had never openly admitted the nature of their relationship before, even to each other. Still with that said, she waited for Faith's reaction.
word count: 604
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