Light/Dark Agira Topic is solved

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Light/Dark Agira

Light/Dark Agira
Developed by Seira Shiryu
Short Description: A type of flora that has multiple stages and varying uses for each stage.
Forums Found: Stormlands Forum
Toxicity/Hazard: Low to moderate. There are short and very thin, very sharp spines on the very tips of the leaves that are difficult to see. When harvesting Light Agira, the only danger is a sharp pain in the fingers of those who aren't careful enough to avoid the spines. This pain gradually fades over the course of three breaks to a painful itchiness that will fade in 1-3 trials; one trial if the harvester has a strong immune system and no allergies to plant based allergins, longer (to to 3 trials) for someone who has plant allergies or a weakened immune system. But when harvesting dark Agira, the spines are filled with a mild to moderate poison. While this poison isn't fatal or especially debilitating, it can cause mild fevers and mild to moderate nausea for anywhere from a few trials up to three seventrials unless treated.
Appearance: Agira is a round plant that when fully grown reaches the size of a head of lettuce. It's leaves are long, narrow and pointy at the tips. At the end of each leaf is a short spine that is both very thin and very sharp. This spine is very difficult to see. The leaves of a light agira can be shades of blue ranging from pale blue to sky blue, shades of green ranging from pale green to sea green, or yellow. A dark agira's leaves can be shades of blue ranging from dark blue to twilight blue, white, or black. An agira can be a solid color, or have leaves in a variety of colors. At the center of the plant the smaller leaves grow in a way that forms a chicken egg sized dome that is filled with a thick nectar. These inner leaves are either yellow (light agira) or white (dark agira) tipped and can be any color that the particular plant has. They also have a slight luminescent quality to them.
RPG Properties:
Property 1: alchemical; light and dark agira (all parts of the plant can be used to intensify (light) the effect of the other reagents used or used to create a potion that will weaken the effects of an alchemical item temporally (dark))
Property 2: culinary; light and dark agira (leaves, nectar, and seeds; the leaves and seeds can be consumed cooked or raw, and the nectar can be drunk on its own or used as an ingredient in a dish)
Property 3: medical; light agria (all parts of the plant except for the spines; when added to medicines and herbal remedies (fresh in a paste or dried as a powder the herb will intensify the effects of the other herbs used in the remedy/medicine)
Property 4: poison; dark agira ( The spines are filled with a mild to moderate poison; while this poison isn't fatal or especially debilitating, it can cause mild fevers and mild to moderate nausea for anywhere from a few trials up to three seventrials unless treated. The spines can be ground into a poisonous powder that intensifies the natural poison (by concentrating it) to cause the same effects as the natural poison plus causing a weakening effect that lasts for the same amount of time)
Property 5: gardening; light and dark agira

Rarity: Rare; it can only be found around Lake Lovalus and only during Cylus (dark agira) and Saun (light agira).
How To Use: This plant has a variety of uses. Those uses depend on whether you have a light agira or a dark agira.
Side Effects: The spines of a dark agira are poisonous. The spines of a light agira have skin irritating properties. And the spines of both are very sharp so getting pricked with one causes moderate pain.
Status: Legal
Price: Wealth Tier 9 or 1 WP per level you are under tier level.
Notes: Light and dark agira have different qualities but they are actually the same plant. This plant has two stages. When first grown from a seed, the agira is a light agira. If enough of the plant is left after being harvested it withers and comes back as a dark agira. Agira grown only on the shores of Lake Lovalus. Light agira only grows in Saun and will wither the moment that it is exposed to darkness (true darkness, not shade). Dark agira is grown only during Cylus and will wither the moment it is touched by the sun. Once either is harvested and dried, it can be stored and used for arcs.
Fast Facts Skill Levels Required ~ please fill this in using this page for reference.
Fast Facts
Knowing It
-- Rharne: Novice
-- Idalos: Expert
Wealth Tier
-- Rharne: 9
-- Idalos: 10
Sell/Buy It
-- Rharne: Novice
-- Rharne: Rare
-- Idalos: N/A
Finding It
-- Rharne: Competent
-- Idalos: N/A
Collecting It
-- Rharne: Expert to gather it safely due to the danger of its thorns but anyone who is willing to accept the risk (or doesn't know of it) can harvest it.
-- Idalos: N/A
Using It
-- Alchemically: expert to be able to balance it with the other reagents safely
-- Gardening: expert to avoid the danger of the spines
-- Medicine: competent
-- Poison: competent since it isn't a lethal poison
-- Culinary: expert to be able use it, master to be able to balance the flavors perfectly
Killing It
-- Novice
Capturing It
-- N/A
-- Low to moderate
Tending It
-- Expert
Last edited by Seira Shiryu on Wed Jun 12, 2024 9:08 am, edited 4 times in total. word count: 931
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Re: Light/Dark Agira

Heya so a couple of overarching things here:

Can you tell us where this flora tends to be found? You said the rharne development forum, I assume that's a mistake. Stormlands? Stormwastes? Stormlakes? Umbral caverns??

Also, can you be more specific when listing out the rpg properties? It doesn't give much detail there beyond the applications of it. Like how is it used for culinary/medical/poisons? That sorta thing.

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Re: Light/Dark Agira

1. That was a mistake and the folder has been changed.
2. I did add more about what the uses were.
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Re: Light/Dark Agira

I really like it now. So one thing that seems unclear to me, the poison section.

It can be ground into powder, but just for reference ( I know you mention it elsewhere in the write-up) could you put what the poison powder does?

A strengthening and weakening agent might be really interesting for that as well! I like the general direction you're going. Sounds like a very useful plant.
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Re: Light/Dark Agira

I'm gald you like it! :) I've made those corrections. I like the idea of the poison having the same strengthening/weakening effect as the other uses, but am uncertain how to include the strengthening part. Any ideas?
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Re: Light/Dark Agira

I think what you have here so far is good. Do you have any other things to add before I approve it?
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Re: Light/Dark Agira


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