Wabbit Season

2nd of Ymiden 724

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Any area not within one of the major cities. Most of The Eternal Empire.

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Re: Wabbit Season

Luvi looked at the blade and then back at the supply crew. “Want to give it another shot? We probably have a good half hour till they get here and then…”

A higher up interrupted everyone’s conversation with a whistle. “Alright you lot, here’s the plan. We’re sending half of you back to the city – congratulations, your time in the desert is over, for now. Those returning will be all of the privates and a couple others who have already been spoken to in private. We have a tight schedule so be ready to go when they get here. Keep your eyes out on your way back to the city.”

Luvi glanced at Goku and said, “phew, I can’t wait to get out of this forsaken desert.”

Knowing she still had some time left, she went back to shooting the arrows. She had gathered the fired arrows and changed the cactus she was using, picking one a little closer so she wouldn’t miss so much. She took a deep breath and let it out. She felt comfortable at a 5 yard range, but she knew she could do better. She was happy with her performance after firing six more arrows, hitting the cactus with four of them.

She released six more arrows, hitting it with four of them this time as well. All four of them struck a little more closely together than the previous time. She sighed, but at least she was making progress. Soon after, it was time to go. She returned the bow and his arrows to the archer who ‘owned’ them and then called Goku over so they could get going.

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Re: Wabbit Season

Goku listened to the announcement with relief. The news that he would be returning to the city brought a sense of relief from the harsh desert conditions, and hearing that Luvi would be joining him was even better.

"I'm looking forward to getting out of this desert too. It will be nice to be back in the city."

Determined to make the most of the remaining time, Goku decided to give the sword sharpening another try. "I'll give the sharpening another shot," he said, nodding toward the whetstone. "I'll meet you back here when it's time to go."

Returning to the whetstone, Goku focused on the task at hand. He recalled the soldier's instructions and tried to apply even pressure as he moved the blade along the stone. The repetitive motion required patience and precision, and Goku found himself getting into a rhythm, the sound of metal on stone almost meditative.

After a while, Goku tested the blade again, slicing it against a piece of cloth. The result was slightly better than before, but the blade still wasn't as sharp as he hoped. He sighed, realizing that mastering this skill would take more time and practice.

When it was time to go, Goku found Luvi and handed her the sword. "I tried sharpening it again, but it's still not quite there," he admitted with a sheepish smile. "I'll keep working on it along the way if I can. Hopefully, I'll get the hang of it soon."

"Let's get back to the city," Goku said when the supply crew arrived. "We've got a lot to look forward to."
word count: 278
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Re: Wabbit Season

Rewards Requested

Notes/Warnings: This thread is about hunting and killing time

Thread: Wabbit Season
City/Area: The Imperial Regions

Skills Used:
Meditation: Master
Detection: novice
Hunting: Novice
Smithing: Novice
Combat: Ranged: Novice
Hone: Master

Knowledge Requested:
Combat: Ranged: x2
Hunting: x3
Detection: x2
Hone: an umbral trap only affects one limb
Hone: using dilation to make an umbral trap larger
Smithing: whetstones are used to sharpen blades
Smithing: getting the angle right when using a whetstone


Skills Used:
Hunting: Novice
Smithing: Novice

Knowledge Requested:

Hunting: x2
Smithing: x4

Renown: 0
Do you want this to be considered for Mark Progression? (Y / N) N
If so - which mark. NA
If any PC in this thread is in a faction, please list them: Luvi is in the Empire's Army
Faction Points: NA
Wealth Points: NO
Collaboration: YES
Local Language Thread? NO
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
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Re: Wabbit Season



  • XP: 15


  • Combat: Ranged: x2
  • Hunting: x3
  • Detection: x2
  • Smithing: x2
  • Hone: an umbral trap only affects one limb
  • Hone: using dilation to make an umbral trap larger



  • XP: 15


  • Hunting: x2
  • Smithing: x2
Notes: Kiiil the waaabbits.

I like the premise of replenishing a group of soldiers' provisions while on the move. Umbral traps are fairly useful in the hunting of animals, and rune of weakness is just the right choice imo.

There were a few side actions here, such as learning to care for equipment and also learning and getting better at shooting. But otherwise the theme of hunting rabbits was still prevalent. Seems like the twosome is learning a lot from following the army.

Goku I only awarded the 2 smithing knowledges. In my opinion, learning to hone a edge and use a whetstone aren't worth 4 knowledges in smithing. If you'd rather have other knowledges to claim, you can pick up to 7 more in other skills. For instance, logistics, as he was concerned with the lowered provisions. Also weapon maintenance is also related to logistics. So that's probably worth a few of those. Maybe tactics.

Otherwise good thread.
word count: 202

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