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Joined: Mon Jun 10, 2024 7:50 pm
Race: Ithecal
Renown: 10
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



Name: Augustus "Two-Soul" Trachalio

Race: Ithecal

Date of Birth: 32 Saun 700

Languages Spoken: Fluent = Common


Augustus is Thiussum Ithecal in all its bulky glory. Standing at almost 10 feet tall with around 350lbs of muscle honed by battle, he really does not qualify as inconspicuous or house friendly. His body is zigzagged with scars. It is exceptionally difficult to find clothes that fit him and he isn't one to spend money on tailors (not that he has any money to begin with). So he is often dressed in worn and mended armour or daywear adding to the rough and scruff of his overall image. Whilst some Ithecals may have limited facial expressions, Augustus also nails this one like a skilled coffin maker. His face only seems to know how to stare pointedly or snarl (though the optimists or desperate like to think at times it's him smiling). Oh and let's not forget about his tail. That good for nothing appendage which he doesn't seem to have mastered despite the arcs. Admittedly, it seems to carry larger number of scars than other parts of his body.
Last edited by Augustus on Mon Jun 10, 2024 9:39 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 193
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Posts: 21
Joined: Mon Jun 10, 2024 7:50 pm
Race: Ithecal
Renown: 10
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



Where to even begin (as he often asks himself). Augustus can come across as a grumpy old fart. Constantly grumbling to himself, always unhappy about something (usually connected to his own body) and quick to temper or to dismiss anyone and everyone. He can also appear confused most of the time as though he isn't quite focused up in the head. And maybe that's right. Maybe it's not because there are moments when his eyes grow sharp, his body still and no one knows which way the serpent will launch. It could be for someone's throat (tripping over his tail in the process) or laying it thick in verbal rebuke on an unsuspecting bystander who randomly uttered an incorrect fact. Augustus is unpredictable in every sense of the word. But dangerous? Maybe to himself if someone doesn't chop of that tail of his soon.
Last edited by Augustus on Mon Jun 10, 2024 9:46 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 150
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Joined: Mon Jun 10, 2024 7:50 pm
Race: Ithecal
Renown: 10
Wealth Tier: Tier 1


How Augustus became Augustus and what the heck happened to Trachalio?

Some said it was the sun that put the heat in his blood. Others argued it was his upbringing. Trachalio always thought it was the combination of the two. From the moment he hatched, it was all fight. He was one of three and on multiple occasions, he almost became one of his own doing. But that all worked well for his parents who were both hardliners in the "burn the world to the ground and let's rebuild with only Ithecals in charge". For obvious reasons, Trachalio thrived in that environment and did not feel sorry much when he overshadowed his siblings. Though in spirit of family and being the same race, something both of his parents had to continuously remind him off, he did his odd deed here and there of helping his weaklings. That usually took form of training which was just a cloak excuse for indiscriminate assertion of his own physical superiority in the spirit of building endurance and fighting vigour.

Either way, it was not a surprise that as soon as Trachalio was mentally ready, just after his tenth arc, not even his parents could keep him from getting hold of two axes. Not that they tried particularly hard to be honest. But they did keep him from running off on his own in chase of the Ithecal destiny and forced him to join a band of "Dragon" fighters as they liked to call themselves. Dragon fighters were loosely organized military group that trained more together in preparation for the eventual world take over, then actually spending time planning or even carrying out any world domination. You can probably imagine how any "brainstorming" meeting of this kind between grown Ithecals looked like - lots of bandages and more rivalry between them than towards the outside.

In this way, Trachalio has built himself a steady number of haters who did nothing about it due to the man's sheer size and brutality with which he ruled even among the Dragon fighters. It was by those qualities that Trachalio has forced his way to the top and enjoyed his few moments of glory there. Until by what historians (and Ithecals alike) may call a miracle. The Dragon fighters actually came together. But not for the purpose to dominate the world. No. That had to wait. They had a much bigger liza--- fish to fry.

Trachalio never suspected a thing. In his mind, his leadership skills had finally rented when all Dragon fighters agreed to an expedition which would take them on a boat and across some unsettling waters so they could begin to bring all the lesser races under their rule. Funding wasn't hard to find for a select few members sent out as the first convoy. Well...three-Ithecal-convoy to be precise. Trachalio and the two others who Trachalio respected because they took sparings like champs. He trusted them. Unfortunately.

The night on the ship when Trachalio lost his life spelled doom for everyone and some sailors who survived took away a life lesson - never let a lizard on board. In other words, what one could consider a successful murder attempt was carried out on Trachalio. But it wouldn't be him if he went down easy. And he didn't. Sustaining life threatening injuries whilst putting multiple holes into the ship (some as his two Ithecal characters), he fought tooth, scale and tail. But to no ava... He drowned at the end.

Or did he?

His body washed up on the shore. All 10 feet and 350lbs of bulk just deposited on the sands like a baby whale and the sea really not trying hard enough to pull him back under. Which is when he gulped for air. Desperate. Wheezy. Confused and for the first time in his life - scared. Yet, it wasn't Trachalio behind those eyes. But someone entirely different who did not remember who he was, where he was and why he was. He could only hear the sea behind him before the wind brought a whisper to his ear - "Augustus".

Augustus used to be a Wyvarnth Ithecal. Skilled in politics, well-read, believer in alliance and in fact hard at work to create them. He was the day to Trachalio's night. He was also ninety-seven arcs and on his deathbed eager to be reunited with his long-gone wife in the afterlife. This was when Trachalio was fighting for his own life on the ship. It so happened that both of these men died at the same time. Their souls pulled out of their bodies and by whatever strange mechanism, Augustus' soul was planted in Trachalio's body.

Whether by mistake or on purpose, Augustus sure as hell does not know. All he knew was that he wasn't supposed to be where he was and that there was someone he desperately wanted to meet.
word count: 832
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