Kisaik was so engrossed in the idea of finally fulfilling his bargain to the Yari Anak of Inferno, that he almost forgot his manners! He took out the shield from all the coverings and wrappings, and marveled at its craftsmanship. It was absolutely perfect, with a tree resembling the Sweetstone Tree, and all the right colors complimenting its outline. Truly a shield worthy of a hero, Kisaik only hoped… “I hope I prove worthy of such a shield! Thank you Winston, it’s brilliant and amazing and I can’t wait to USE IT.”
“Ahem…” Kisaik would’ve blushed, as it was some of the sap rising to his head brought a ephemeral glow to those around him, of being very well enthused about everything going on around.
“Thank you so much, Winston! Now…” Kisaik inspected the work Winston had done on the ever-burning log he’d constructed. “That should work! To keep the fire going I mean. Amazing, although I am proud to have taught you a little, you may just have surpassed me in the alchemy department, my friend.” Indeed, Winston had crafted some things that went far beyond anything he’d imagined possible, and Kisaik had a very good imagination, so that was saying something.
“I’m sure it’ll work! If not we can always make more of them.” Kisaik assured Winston.
Then Vega explained what she was bringing. Kisaik at first worried that he might’ve broken etiquette to have asked, as some of the things they were contributing were of very intense personal significance or value, or else marvels of alchemical engineering like Winston’s offering.
In the case of Vega, it was a deeply personal thing. All Kisaik could say to her was, “Thank you for bringing it, and giving us the story behind it. I miss your papa too. He was a good sort.”
He would’ve hugged Vega, but as it was he reached up with his stretchy arm to squeeze her hand briefly, before retracting it. And then it was time to turn toward the brazier that Winston had crafted, and all their collected fuel for the fire.
They’d all gathered things they were willing to let go, to support the flame, to discard material things that had become more things of the spirit, things that were indefatigable because they meant more than the objects they were invested in. They were their memories, parts of their soul that were now inextricably linked to who they were as people.
Yet it wasn’t a time for holding hands and singing ‘Hey Nonny or Kumbaya’, like the planting and establishment of the Sweetstone had been. The Anak of Inferno from Yari was a powerful spirit of consumption and in part of destruction. It would serve as a place to discard things, both trash and other things that had long outlasted their material use. Perhaps a blunt assessment of what the Eternal Flame would mean for Sweetsong, but it was accurate.
And so, Kisaik concentrated, and brought forth the Anak from his spirit cloak. At first, it resisted a bit, as it found Kisaik’s woody flesh very appetizing, and had begun to grow very attached to it as it began to consume him from inside out.
However, with a force of will Kisaik expelled the Anak onto the brazier.
At first, there was a confluence of anger from the Anak that was so rudely interrupted from its feast. For the first time that day, perhaps Vega and Winston would notice how tired and worn down Kisaik was as he let go of the spirit. That was in part what the Anak had been both propping up as it inhabited the Tunawa, and also what it had consumed of him.
But now it was at an end, and the healing would begin. But not before a reckoning with the Anak of Inferno.
”These trifles are my fuel?” The Anak rudely interjected as it gravitated toward the brazier. ”They are… Sufficient.”
Kisaik’s eyes flashed orange with irritation. “They are our treasures, but now they are mere matter to be consumed by you, Great Anak. We will feed you from time to time, with a variety of things. Some of it will be ‘trifles’ but it hardly would matter to you. So long as you get to destroy something, no?”
“You are not incorrect, Kindling.” The Anak stated through its crackling flames. “I will bide here, for as long as you maintain this compact.”
“Are we all in agreement then?” Kisaik asked, looking to Winston and Vega. And others of the village who’d gathered to watch the ritual. Kisaik meanwhile held up his shield, in case the Anak had second thoughts…
“Then by the power invested in me by my friend Ashan, through Loshova, Under the watchful sight of Vhalar the Oath Keeper,I hereby commit you to this place, so long as the people of Sweetsong hold up our end of the bargain struck so far to the south.” Kisaik bowed his head.
And then, the Etenral Flame began consuming its offerings, and just as Winston had intended, the alchemically treated wood healed with every lick of flame, although at the same time feeding it. It was a remarkable invention, one that Kisaik may well have to pick his friend’s brain on later.
But for now, he just stared into the flames with his friends, watching as the materials so significant to them went up in smoke, while the spirit they represented remained firmly in their hearts.