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Re: News & New Features!

Hi all,

I'm excited to announce the latest update from Tech Guy and his Super Brain of Awesomeness!

For Mods:
  • Vast improvements to the event management and calendar generator, including:
  • Bug fixes.
  • New templating to allow finalised calendars to be generated.
  • Filters to allow you to chose which cycle to generate a calendar for.
For Players:
  • Added a ‘Spend XP’ feature to the UCP under XP that allows you to ’spend’ XP on things like Effigies. This means you no longer need to PSF these requests to get your Character’s powers!
  • Fixed TabMenu inside the Excerpt Previews.
  • Fixed TabMenu overlapping each-other when there are too many tabs.
  • Added a new ‘Loot / Belongings’ ledger in the UCP (currently beta, pending feedback and finishing touches).
  • Non-skill knowledges are now listed in your Skill ledger beside XP you spend on ‘non-skill’ things like Effigies. [/list[

    Massive thanks to TG for continuing to work so hard.

    Any feedback on these are, of course, welcome - especially the Loot / Belonging ledger in the UCP. Enjoy enjoy!

    **EDIT** For those who HAVE spent XP on Effigy etc, please post in the PSF, linking to the threads / tickets where you spent it. Then we'll re-assign you the XP (so your grand total is correct) and then you can spend 'em on the powers. :)

    Many thanks!

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Re: News & New Features!

Hello fellow players!

Today we're announcing the introduction of three different avenues for learning magic, that don't involve initiation by a spark-imbued mage. While 'Spark' magic, with all its mutations and flexibility of casting will still exist, and many, perhaps most players/pcs will prefer that form of magic still for its narrative richness and challenge, we're offering an option that doesn't involve the latching on of a foreign entity to the pc's soul, thereby corrupting and mutating them over time as spark domain magic tends to.

The three methods through which you can discover magic involve specifically three different skills: Meditation, Research, and Ensorcelling. Each of them have their own method for uncovering the potential to manipulate magic, most of the skills require high levels (expert+) to achieve that, with the exception being Ensorcelling which allows the following of its sparkless magic path at Competent. We've made changes to the write-up which include an almost full rewrite of Ensorcelling skill article begun by Pegasus and subsequently taken over and spearheaded by none other than Winston.

We've got a handy guide on this new magical learning penned by Pegasus, for any who have questions on just how this sparkless magic differs from Spark magic.

As always, if there are any questions about this new development whatsoever, please direct them to the Q & A Forum. Thanks!
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Re: News & New Features!

Hi all,

Re: Pigs' announcement above re: new magics.

As you can imagine, this has taken a lot of people a lot of time. There have been many discussions in the staff forums, as we try and consider the ramifications / mechanics etc.

We THINK we've gotten to every document in a list - but we might not have, so what we're going to do is:

Things to point out.

1. This will become available in character from Cycle Change (1st Feb 2024). No memory threads, etc - it's IC through discovery from that point on.
2. I've made a Q and A thread. here

Many thanks! Enjoy!

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Re: News & New Features!


Heya Players,

So we're at a point where we really could use few more active reviewers to look go through and review threads. It's a good way to clear the queue so some other reviewer can review your threads that much sooner, and if you enjoy reading the stories people write around site, why not get credit for it while you're at it? Of course, there's an application process if anyone is interested:

Volunteer Applications and Guidelines: This is where you'll see what's involved in the whole application process, if you want an idea if it's something you can handle. We're not very strict about attendence, heck a thread reviewed in a week per reviewer would be more than par for the course. And you get to join staff chat if you pass the process and are brought on as a reviewer, to enjoy discussions about the site's direction, influencing decisions, and even a plethora of cat memes and comics shared daily.

Thanks for your consideration. If you meet all the qualifications there, and want to help out on the site, this is really one of the best ways.

Have a nice day.
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Re: News & New Features!

Howdy Pilgrims,

You might have noticed there's a slight change to the site's banner art. There's a reason for that. We're rebranding the site from Standing Trials to Western Trails. Standing Trials has always been high fantasy, high magic setting with fantastical spirits, dragons, and Immortals and mortals of heroic capabilities. It will still be that, yet with an added flavor of Spaghetti Western and a bit of Steampunk thrown into the mix. Magic isn't going anywhere, thankfully, nor are any of the Immortals, Dragons, or any npcs weve come to know and love.

A great landmass is opening in the west of Idalos. Led by a group of sacred cattle animals, who can walk on water. The people of Idalos will be given a chance to depart to this amazing new land, which is centered around a few townships and settlements that players will be given the opportunity to start themselves off in.

Upon following the cattle to the western frontier, the PCs who take this route will then be introduced to technological paradigm shifts, as they are exposed to incredible new inventions such as coal-powered locomotives, six-shooters, lassos, and ten-gallon hats.

Adventure will abound in this new land, which is being called "The Cowpoke Level" until such time as we decide on a proper rpish name for it.

Starting April 1st, those who pre-purchase a special enchanted ox for the purposes of making this journey, for the low low price of $19.99, will in addition be given a starter package for use in this new land, which includes their choice of lever-action rifle or six-shot revolver pistol, and a horse with a wagon and an adorable complimentary piglet to raise as your own. A purchase page will be up shortly.

Till then, Pilgrims!
Additional Info April Fool!
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Re: News & New Features!


Heya Players,

It happened a while ago, but we may have forgotten to mention it. There's a Crafting Primer, which after a short review has been published to the wiki. This should clarify long-wondeered about processes when it comes to Crafting, and make it easier to understand what it takes to craft things, from small items to big ships/buildings.

If there are any questions, please refer to the Q & A Forum! Thanks.
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Re: News & New Features!


Heya Players,

For your information, minor update for today. The Igelak have had their naming conventions added to their article, for any interested in making a Igelak or an NPC of an Igelak. Thanks!

See more info here

If there are any questions, please refer to the Q & A Forum! Thanks.
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Re: News & New Features!


Heya Players,

We've updated the Magic Apprentice rules to accomodate for Non-Spark mentors and apprentices. Also we've clarified rule 5 a bit. Magic Apprentices exist to learn magic from the mentor, so that PCs can experience the mentor role as a PC.

Non Spark Magic Apprentices

Thanks. Any questions, please refer to the Q & A Forum.
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Re: News & New Features!


Hey everyone,

We've introduced the Brewing Skill write-up. This skill includes (since the Skill Scale Down) mixology, vinting, and brewing itself. It includes brewing teas to making alcohol, and even beverages of all kinds really. Check it out if interested. Brewing skill.

Thanks. Any questions, please refer to the Q & A Forum.
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Re: News & New Features!


Hey Players,

By the way, in case you missed it, the Iulure Isles and their Expedition Fleet is open for roleplaying and posting in. Fate is moderating the forum, and it's looking great so far.

If you have an interest in the winged dragonish people, consider having a visit!

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