[Calendar] Cold Cycle 723

For storing OOC things.

Moderators: Pegasus Pug!!!, Avalon

Tech Guy
Posts: 27
Joined: Mon Sep 10, 2018 12:47 pm
Race: Human
Renown: 31415
Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 1

[Calendar] Cold Cycle 723

Image Borders
Image ImageImage
a festival or other recurring events. a specific event for this season a weather or natural phenomena event
Event Types
Reward Moderated Open
this thread offers some kind of reward for pcs. This might be training or items. a thread run by a Scalv mod! this is a plot point which is open for anyone to use.
Guest Storytelling
We really want to encourage Guest Storytelling on Scalvoris. Any of the "Open" or "Reward" plots can be used as a story prompt by a GST - please simply PM Peg and be assured that I'll be VERY happy to help! Each season, I'll also pick one plot point which I'd be happy to Co-Mod with a GST!
Specific Events

Vhalar: 123 Trials
Image Name Date Description
Image Heroes Celebrated! All Cycle The events of the Forging and the heroes that saved Scalvoris and maybe the entire world on top of it have inspired many a playwright, artist or musician. Most of those plays or songs, or works of art, are quite flattering, of course, but there are certain inaccuracies, and the quality varies wildly. A clever dollmaker has even started to sell little action figures of the people that released the three Induks, those that were at Glass Temple, and the villains. Open! This event was created by Doran - thank you!
ImageUniversity OpportunitiesAll SeasonThere are a number of opportunities with the Univesity throughout the season
ImageSaoire!All SeasonThe Immortal remains in residence this Cycle, and her school has recovered excellently after the pirate attacks and continues to be a beacon of hope. The enormous Oak Tree still stands in the middle of the central courtyard of the school - known as the Naficula-Àdánù it becomes well known that it is the tree gifted to her by Kisaik, the tunawa Knight
Image Magic exchange! All Season Thread: Winston's Works ~ Magic exchange!
Details: With the success he saw from the previous season, Winston continues to offer his services in exchange for magical donations. Throughout this season, the local Cadouri ferret, continues to run drop-in session in the markets of Scalvaris. Come one, come all! Any mage with some magic to share, please come and trade for a range of masterwork items, food or simply donate to the Willow Tree Hospital with our thanks!
Note: Winston is after any magic you care to offer up and will make you something in return (with Masterwork Smithing, Alchemy, GM Cooking and/or Engineering).
Plot Notes Needed? No
Consequences / Rewards? PC-to-PC trade! :-D Winston will make you something bespoke.
ImageBounties and Odd JobsAll SeasonThe Odd Job, Bounty, Rumour & Expedition board is up to date!
Image Always, on the 1st..... 1st Vhalar The 1st Vhalar has long since been known to be just weird. This arc is no exception. On 1st Vhalar there are reports of animals all over Scalvaris taking offence at anything even remotely Pirate Themed. From day-to-day seafarers being attacked by birds to Old Peg-leg-Pete being mauled by a passing hedgehog. The occurrences last the trial and many speculate about the manifestation of the Scalveran's fears in the creatures of the land. Open
Image Festival of the Immortals 1st - 8th Vhalar This is the largest festival in the Scalvorian calendar. Festival of the Immortals, as it is called, lasts for eight trials (one for each of the Original Beings), with each trial having a different theme. Open.
Image Vhalar's Dawn 1st Vhalar This arc, the 1st of Vhalar is in darkness and so the Market is cancelled. Traditionally, this has always been the trial when very weird things happen on Scalvoris and so, at the dawn of the trial all the citizens of Scalvoris congregate together in public places, parks and so on. Each person brings a ribbon or piece of cloth or lace which they tie to a tree or fence and make an oath for the arc to come, in Vhalar's name. This arc, they instead make offerings to Vri and some proclaim that this is Syroa and Audrae's revenge. Or Chrien's. Or Faldruns. Panic grows. Just at the apex of their panic, the Volcano of Faldrass trembles, spewing smoke, while lava flows begin to stream down the slopes of the mountain. The damage from this eruption isn't too great, but people are on watch for tidal waves, which never seem to occur, thankfully. Still, people generally wonder if something they did upset Faldrass. Open
Image Celebration of Taste 2nd Vhalar, On this trial a great feast is held, allowing the residents to taste. There are perhaps a few additional meat-dishes this day, as a result of the past trial's nueces. Every household is expected to bring a plate to the feast and then long trellis tables are put out and the citizens of Scalvoris sit and eat and drink together.Open
Image Celebration of Scent 3rd Vhalar This is the Celebration of Scent or 'Immortal's Scent' and it is traditional that a gift is given which is scented in some way, often dried flowers or a candle. This is also a very traditional trial for couples to get engaged and is considered to be the most romantic trial in the Scalvoris calendar.Open
Image Festival of Flight 4th Vhalar On this trial is the Festival of Flight where literally thousands of people fly to Darbyton. For this night and the next, Darbyton becomes a vast city of tents as people from all over the island travel there, in preparation for the 5th. The skies of Scalvoris are quite an amazing sight to behold on this trial.Open
Image Festival of Sight 5th Vhalar This festival is given over to beautiful sights and is a trial when crafts and other items of beauty are displayed and sold in a special market which happens only once an arc. Many of the shop and business owners spend all arc in preparation for this market ~ the largest and most impressive one is always held in Darbyton, as the first settlement on Scalvoris, although each town / village will have a market of their own.Open
Image Festival of Dreams 6th Vhalar. Jesine is the Mortalborn who is honoured on this night - and it has become even more important since she died. In a bizarre tradition, a tent or other area is set up in the town or village and there must be at least eight people sleeping throughout the trial. This is achieved by people volunteering and then taking a herbal tea which effectively puts them to sleep. This tradition ensures good dreams and keep Jesine's protection over the island. During the night of the Festival of Dreams, people will find they have dreams of spiders, whether nightmares, Nightmares, or just ordinary dreams featuring spiders. And when these people having these dreams awaken, they will find a lattice of glowing web has been woven over them by a group of lunar spiders. The web above their bed will spell out, very clearly in the webbing, the name of Kielik, former Mortalborn of Nightmares..Open: Reward: The lunar spider web, will be enough to yield 1 bolt of lunar silk if it's harvested and processed in a loom by someone of appropriate skill. This event was created by Woe - thank you!
Image Festival of Sound 7th Vhalar Music and musicians are celebrated on this trial, with groups, individuals and singers all being given a stage to perform throughout the day. The whole trial is filled with song and sound all across Scalvoris. Each region organises this slightly differently but celebrates it to its fullest.The birds which appeared last arc are back and they seem to have taken aggressive pills. People who sing or perform are covered in bird-poo (they're very good shots) or divebombed. The only people immune are priests or followers of Delroth. Open
Image Festival of Touch 8th Vhalar The final trial of the 8 day period is the Festival of Touch. This is a strange trial where each of the regions in Scalvoris chooses a "lord" and "lady" of the festival. They spend the whole trial blindfolded and with their ears covered in as close to sensory deprivation, except for their sense of touch, as possible. At the end of the night, during a party held in the most open area, they are tied together to a dancing pole and must manage a very specific 'Immortals Dance' for one hundred trills. Hysteria usually descends and they have their blindfolds removed no matter how well, or poorly they did.Open
ImageDaia's Dancers
10th Vhalar
True to their promise Daia's dancers return to Scalvoris, with groups in all the populated areas of the island. They host impromptu parties and celebrations, dancing and celebration of friendship. They also sell unusual fabric, and items made from it, alongside teaching anyone who wants to learn the art of needlecraft. Dance lessons happen throughout the five trials that they are on the island and are free for all to join. [/b][/glow]
ImageFestival of Dance 15th Vhalar The dancers who arrived on the 10th Vhalar have the final celebration and festival in honour of the Immortal Daia. There are dances and festivities, singing and music, all alongside stalls selling clothing, musical instruments, and all sorts of wonders Open
ImageProving Grounds 18th Vhalar Bramwell Foy was so happy with last arc's events that he has decided to make it an annual thing at the The Proving Ground. From the 18th of Vhalar to the 21st of Vhalar, practitioners of various armed and unarmed combat styles will demonstrate their skills and even give short impromptu lessons. To that end, Mister Foy is looking for people that are willing to work for him for one or all five trials. Furthermore, there are competitions where people can test their combat skills, with small prizes to be won, and spectators can enjoy drinks and snacks. Reward: Please post completed threads for this into the Impact Tracker for mods to provide rewards. This event was created by Doran. Many thanks!
Image Immortals' Night 25th Vhalar The tradition of Immortals' Night is that Scalvorians all (or as many as can) go to Immortals' Tongue and spend the night eating, drinking and singing. It is believed that miracles happen on that night, but if so, no one is telling. This Arc, many people report of having strange dreams on this night (whether they're on Immortals' Tongue or not) - these dreams all center around a small box with a swirling storm engraved on top of it...... Open
Image Harvest Dawn 35th Vhalar This is the first harvest of Vhalar on Scalvoris. At dawn on this trial, as the farmers and agriculturalists make their way to the fields, the people of their area stand holding candles, lighting a path to the fields. This is done in Qylios' name as the light is believed to protect and give courage to the farmers. The same path of carefully held candles returns at dusk in order to lead the farmers home.Open
Image Rainbow Fairies 50th Vhalar The fairies of Sweetwine put on a display, starting in the early trial with appearances all over Sweetwine woods, summoning people to the Super-loo-loo that evening. For those that go, there is a display of rainbow-soloured fairies that paint the skies with bells and sings and a vast array of Fairy Foods to be consumed, should people wish to become part of the show. Open This event was created by Winston. Many thanks!
Image Harvest Dusk 55th Vhalar Harvest Dusk marks the last trial of the last harvest of the arc, at least symbolically. At dusk, the farmers bring baskets with fruits and vegetables and place them all on a table in the town or village so that the residents can be assured that there is sufficient food for them all. It is the superstition that should the harvest be bad in this season, then next Vhalar some awful calamity will occur.Open
Image From Afar 70th Vhalar Quite out of nowhere, a band of travelers, claiming to be world-trotting traders, arrive in Scalvaris docs. Initially met with some suspicion, they quickly dispel concerns with free samples of foreign and exotic produce, the likes of while are most uncommon even in the stories of foreign places. Open - please feel free to make some trades and have access to a few things, rare or otherwise, from places outside Scalvaris (wealth tier rules all still apply).
Image Ritual of Remembrance 85th Vhalar This trial marks the very private ‘ritual of the dead'. At some point during this trial a family gathers together and celebrates their dead, in the hope that they didn't stick around last season. This is done in a large family group or small ones, it does not matter and it is individual to each family.Open
Image Starsong 92nd Vhalar All over Scalvoris, tonight, there is the sound of singing. From the moment the first star appearing in the night sky, this song is heard. People gather outside and all who hear the song report feeling full of hope and joy. Impromptu parties break out. Note that this happened the same time last year. What causes it is a mysteryOpen
Image U'frek's Trial 100th Vhalar This is the trial that the Immortal U'frek is celebrated. This is an incredibly important Immortal to the people of Scalvoris, living on an isolated island as they do. Beautiful, intricate maps a drawn and placed in a leather binding, creating a unique book each arc. Offerings are made to U'frek and the trial usually is finished off by visits to the beach and boat trips. The town of Almund especially enjoys this tradition and fully engages with the festivities.Open
Image That's Fast! 101st Vhalar Around the 100th of Vhalar, the temperature plummets, and it won’t be warm again for quite some time. AFter a successful wedding off the back of last Arc's event, the Knight’s Rest has organized another speed-dating event. Each speed date lasts ten bits, and at the end of the date, each person makes a note, stating if they want to see the other person again. There are free drinks, and if a marriage results from one of the dates, the Knight’s Rest promises to pay all of the couple’s wedding expenses.Open: Reward! This event was created by Doran - thank you!
Image Enormowls 109th Vhalar Almos tot the trial the Enormowls take flight over Scalvoris once again and can be seen high in the skies above all the island - they fly in flocks and are joined by many owls of the usual variety. A chance for people to learn more about these beautiful creatures and their annual rituals in flight.Open
Image Vhalar's Farewell 120th Vhalar Throughout this trial the children of Scalvoris go in large groups and collect up fallen leaves, ferns and flowers. These are taken back home and dried then used for craft activities or placed in decorative bowls. Originally this tradition was a last chance to let the children run around outdoors, but it has become something significant in its own right as it provides colour and entertainment throught the winter trials.Open
Weather, Nature & Trends

Vhalar: 123 Trials

Natural Phenomena

  • While there are no other mass reports of attacks on pirate themed appearances since the beginning of the season, rumors of the occasional wild animal attack on something pirate themed does continue to crop up. Open
  • Nocturnal animals prowl through Almund and Scalvoris at night. The streets are not safe at night Open
  • Throughout this season, Rainbow Sand returns and seems to be in abundance! It randomly pops up in places it isn't usually seen, there is still no further understanding of this phenomenon, but the university is showing great interest. Open
  • Ol' Tucks Run is the place where the Induk Sweetwine is spotted, in the guise of Ol'Tuck. Flora and fauna abound throughout Sweetwine and Fairies are a common sight, albeit mostly seen out of the corner of the eyes. Open


Vhalar is described as the season of harvest, where vegetables, herbs, and other produce are ripe for reaping one last time.
During the beginning of this season on Scalvoris, the temperature remains fairly hot and storms are common. The storms of Vhalar, however, are very mild in comparison to the other seasonal storms and locals call them "play-storms".
The second sun has moved away and returned the night to the island, leading to a new flurry of nocturnal creatures being seen. As the trials progress, the weather cools while the leaves slowly change from thriving green to lively red, yellow, auburn, and purple.
There is always a day, around the 100th of this season, where the temperature plummets and Scalvorians bid farewell to any hope of being warm again for quite a while. This arc, it's the 98th.


  • The stars are particularly bright on the 23rd Vhalar. Open
  • The skies by day are very clear and bright throughout Vhalar. Open
  • Fairy sighting inside Sweetwine seem to be on the rise all season. Open
  • The star-turtle of Saoire continues to be seen moving across the sky by day and night. It becomes an almost common sight and is known to wave to children. Open


The following trends occur on Scalvoris throughout this season:
  • Outrageous hats!: Feet are out, now looking up is the trend!
  • Orange: Orange is the new Yellow!
  • Praise the Induks! : Is now a staple in Scalvoris Linguistics. Drop the Induks into your speech - as an exclamation, or a swear, as a means of comparison - whatever and however. Induks are still very much In!

Location Specific

Vhalar: 123 Trials


This season, Almund has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • The increased Element presence continues.
  • The Almund Bazaar new overseer, Franque, is seeking to make some nefarious connections. It is now well known that Jacien was, in fact, working for the Elements all along. Write up has been edited.
  • Berlewin's Brews reopens and the man who opens it (Remus) claims to be Berlewin's twin. He certainly looks like him. Open
  • There is a general feeling of slight distrust of the Council and the Elements.
  • The streets, despite the increased Elements presence, are not safe. Attacks happen often.
Almund Information
Council Representative: Jo'ne Tide
Elements Presence: Rand Bronson (Militant)
Bank Available: Yes
Sand: Red
Religious Presence: High (The Glass Tree)
Most known for: dodgy dealings, nefarious folks



This season, Beacon has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • Beacon is thriving - population is growing. Open
  • In the wake of Faith's death, Beacon's independence continues to grow. Open
  • One of the farmers in Beacon is continuing to develop a reputation for excellent quality livestock. They are now a thriving business in their own right.Open
  • Beacon is more or less a village in its own right now - and they're seeking to make links and build relationships. This has begun with links to Egilrun. Open
Beacon Information
Beacon Subforum
Council Representative: None
Elements Presence: Yes. Earth & Water
Bank Available: Yes
Sand: None
Religious Presence: High
Most known for: Being a village where ex slaves are taught a trade.



This cycle, Darbyton has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • Oram is still Chief Ranger and Council Representative. Some start to question what he has done Open
  • The Ranger Headquarters is advertising. Open
  • The Sawbones Shack is the center of increasingly angry protests and demonstrations. It teeters on the edge of violence. Open
  • The Order of the Adunih Outpost announces that they're expanding their Darbyton branch. Open
  • The Golden Bit Stables is still hiring! Open
Darbyton Information
Darbyton Sub-Forum
Council Representative: None
Elements Presence: None. Darbyton Rangers
Bank Available: No
Sand: Purple & Pink
Religious Presence: Moderate (for Scalvoris)
Most known for: Rangers, logging, self sufficiency.



This cycle, Egilrun has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • The Order of the Adunih continues to thrive Open
  • "Centipede" - a group seeking to cleanse Scalvoris of it's mages - icons are seen all over Egilrun. Open
  • The Slag's Deep Prison has still not been dealt with. People grow angry and anti-Council sentiment grows. Open
  • With continued popularity, the Egilrun Bazaar has become a permanently larger market Open
  • With Woe now the Egg, there are calls for him to increase the standing of Egilrun and it's crafts across Idalos Open
Egilrun Information
Egilrun Subforum
Council Representative: Woe Morandi
Elements Presence: Yes. Mostly Earth Troops
Bank Available: No
Sand: Blue
Religious Presence: High
Most known for: All crafts, esp. glassblowing.



This cycle, Faldrass has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • Saoire's school is up and running - lots going on there. Open
  • The badlands are entirely gone now - the Faldrass resort is rumoured to be being re-built. Open
Faldrass Information
Faldrass Overview & Link Map
Council Representative: None specific. Strong suggestions that there should be one
Elements Presence: Yes. All four branches
Bank Available: Usually yes, destroyed.
Sand: Orange
Religious Presence: Suddenly rather High
Most known for: Faldrass Eruption - now, Saoire is here



This cycle, Gunvorton has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • Shania continues to be very involved in Gunvorton, even though she is now the accountant.
  • The Consortium set out "criteria" for anyone seeking to live here. Open
Gunvorton Information
The Village of Gunvorton Subforum
Council Representative: Vacancy
Elements Presence: Yes. Mostly Earth Troops
Bank Available: No
Sand: Green
Religious Presence: High
Most known for: Boats, Trade, Whispered Nefarious Deeds.



This cycle, Havardr has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • The fishing off the shores is abundant.Open
Havardr Information
Havardr Facts
Havardr Subforum
Council Representative: Linca
Elements Presence: Yes. Earth & Water
Bank Available: No
Sand: Red & Yellow
Religious Presence: High
Most known for: Fishing, Whaling

Immortals Tongue

Immortals Tongue

This cycle, Immortals Tongue has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • Shrines have fallen into disrepair Open
  • Sightings of Tio Silver continue, who is said to live there. Open
  • No one has seen Rez'na for some time Open
Immortals Tongue Information
Immortals' Tongue Overview & Link Map
Council Representative: None
Elements Presence: None
Bank Available: No
Sand: None
Religious Presence: Total
Most known for: Shrines to the Immortals.



This season, Ishallr has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • The Base Camp stands empty - it's beyond eerie Plot Point
  • The University announces that it will be sending a new expedition this cycle. Open
  • The Eclipse Portals are still stable. Open
  • Increased Ghost activity this Cycle. Open
Ishallr Information
Ishallr Overview & Link Map
Council Representative: The Academic
Elements Presence: Small, but all four branches
Bank Available: No
Sand: None
Religious Presence: None
Most known for: Ice Caves, Scientific Expeditions

Scaltoth Jungle

Scaltoth Jungle
This season, the Scaltoth Jungles has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • The weather in Scaltoth continues to be unusual for the time of the arc with strange, freak weather conditions unnerving all three tribes. Open
  • Those who watch such things report a continuation and even further increase in an unusual number of lightning strikes hitting the Jungle Open
  • Bats are now an established problem. They're aggressively territorial and causing issues for other wildlife. Open
  • The three jungle tribes have a contest / olympics type event this cycle - it is a mark of great kudos and respect to win. Open
  • Rumour has it that there are a tribe of Cannibals in the Jungle. Can't be true, can it?! Open
Scaltoth Jungle Information
Overview & Link Map
Council Representative: None
Elements Presence: No
Bank Available: No
Sand: None
Religious Presence:Not known
Most known for: Not being known about!

Scalvoris Mountains

Scalvoris Mountains

This Cycle, the Scalvoris Mountains have the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • Deep snows cover the mountains this cycle. Open
  • There are yet more reports of animals around and on the mountains which should not be there - no one knows why Open
  • The Vault has not been mapped - calls for the Council to do something grow louder!! Open
  • They say that there are tribes living in these mountains and that, if they accept you, the tribes have currently unknown magics. Open
Scalvoris Mountains Information
Overview & Link Map
Council Representative: None
Elements Presence: Air Troops Visit
Bank Available: No
Sand: Rainbow
Religious Presence: Not known
Most known for: Enormowls

Scalvoris Town

Scalvoris Town

This Cycle, Scalvoris Town has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • The Menagerie is recruiting!
  • The Knight's Rest is offering an apprenticeship to one talented chef. This will include money and education and training. Open
  • The University is a source of pride for the people of Scalvoris Town, and there is some pressure to become independent of Viden.
Scalvoris Town Information
Scalvoris Town Fast Facts
The Town of Scalvoris Overview & Link Map
Council Representative: Leigh Birch
Elements Presence: Yes. All four branches
Bank Available: Yes
Sand: Green
Religious Presence: High
Most known for: Academia, Viden Academy


Sweetwine Woods

This Cycle, Sweetwine Woods has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • There are regular sightings of Ol'Tuck Open
  • A further increase in the sightings of Grizzly Bees and Bumble Bears Open
  • The fairy population is settling right in this cycle and making themselves quite at home! Open

OOC Info

Please note: All of the aspects of this calendar are plot points for players to enjoy. Feel free to claim one.
word count: 4284
Tech Guy
Posts: 27
Joined: Mon Sep 10, 2018 12:47 pm
Race: Human
Renown: 31415
Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 1

Re: [Calendar] Cold Cycle 723

Image Borders
Image ImageImage
a festival or other recurring events. a specific event for this season a weather or natural phenomena event
Event Types
Reward Moderated Open
this thread offers some kind of reward for pcs. This might be training or items. a thread run by a Scalv mod! this is a plot point which is open for anyone to use.
Guest Storytelling
We really want to encourage Guest Storytelling on Scalvoris. Any of the "Open" or "Reward" plots can be used as a story prompt by a GST - please simply PM Peg and be assured that I'll be VERY happy to help! Each season, I'll also pick one plot point which I'd be happy to Co-Mod with a GST!
Specific Events

Zi'da: 93 Trials
Image Name Date Description
ImageThrice KnockedAll Season Throughout Zi'da, Scalvorians undertake the Zi'da ritual of knocking the inside of the door to their home three times upon their return, to ensure that their body, heart and soul have all returned home and none have been frozen in place.
Image Festival of Light 1st Zi'da Scalvoris town holds its annual festival of lights. Candles are lit throughout the city and every home prepared to offer a room to someone during the freeze to come places a candle in their window. The town opens up halls and the Temple of Glass opens its doors to those who wish to spend the cold cycle freeze in the relative warmth of Scalvoris Town. On this day and night, small candles light the way from the front gates of the town to the homes and buildings where those who seek it might get comfort from the storms to come. Open
Image Parade of Light 3rd Zi'da In a defiant gesture, this night sees the residents of Scalvoris create beautiful paper lanters in amazing shapes which they parade around the streets of Scalvoris Town.Open
Image Ziell's Trial 15th Zi'da Throughout the trial the citizens of Scalvoris celebrate Ziell. It is a trial of peace, any fighting is considered to be very bad luck indeed. During the early breaks of the morning people pray to Ziell and write down prophecies, which they store away. Then, during the last breaks of the night, they read the prophecies they wrote the arc before and they give thanks to Ziell for the wisdom he has granted them.This trial marks the beginning of a time of celebration, gift giving and reflection on Scalvoris.Open
ImageNight of Letters 16th Zi'da On this trial, the tradition is to write letters to all those who you plan on giving gifts to in the coming trials, not informing them what you plan to gift them, but rather telling them why you wish to give them a gift. It's a chance to tell people why you care for them.Open
ImageNight of Wishes 20th Zi'da On the 20th Zi'da there is a tradition between those who live together in a house. Each person, during the trial, writes their wishes for gifts in the form of a list. Then, during the evening they must pick a random moment to make a dash for the fire and burn the list. Their housemates must stop this from happening. This is largely symbolic since having the lists really helps.Open
Image Snowball Games! 27th Zi'da Someone seems to have forgotten to inform the Fairies that playing a game requires two party consent. All over Sweetwine, people are attacked by pelts of giggling snowballs, that explode with a tickle and a laugh as Ol'Tuck's fluttering friends execute a snowball fight with anyone in range. Open
Image Gift of Knowledge 40th Zi'da The first of three trials of gift giving. On this trial, gifts are given which symbolise knowledge. This might be academic knowledge, or it might be practical skills so gifts can range from books to tools.Open
Image Gift of Laughter 41st Zi'da The second trial of gift giving. On this trial gifts are meant to be fun and promote companionship and laughter. Games which can be played together are traditional at this time, for example. Open
ImageGift of Love 42nd Zi'da The 42nd Zi'da has people giving gifts which symbolise their love for the recipient. This is love in all its forms and is meant in the broadest terms. There are not traditional gifts to give here, the custom is that the gifts should be personal and thoughtful.Open
ImageZi'da Feast43rd Zi'da The 43rd Zi'da sees all members of a household sitting down together to a traditional Zi'da feast. Each town / village has their own traditions for this feast, as does each household, so a different feast is apparent in each home.Open
Image Festival of Snow 50th Zi'da On the 50th of Zi’da, Scalvoris holds the festival of snow to honor Ziell, the Immortal of Winter. There are ice and snow sculpting contests, people have snow ball fights or go ice fishing, and a few brave souls even dare to jump into frozen rivers or lakes. The taverns of the island make sure to have plenty of hot drinks and hot food available, and there is a cheerful and joyful atmosphere that can be felt throughout the island. Reward: Submit threads for this festival to the Impact Thread tracker for a specific reward. This calendar event was created by Doran! Many thanks!
ImageFrozen Seas59th Zi'da As expected this Arc, the temperature drops so low that the oceans and seas freeze. Ships are stranded, but people are better prepaired this Arc than last. Even so, danage if done by the freeze and ships need repairs - this lasts for 9 trials. Open
ImageSupplies! 65th Zi'da With ships stuck in the docks, tensions grow in all coastal areas and acrpss abandoned supply lines. Some supplies are stretched and crime rises as people are forced to share spaces and rations in times of shortage. Open
Image Arcs End 92nd Zi'da This trial sees Scalvorians taking stock of the arc which is about to end. They store items or written memorabilia in a trunk or chest. This is done each arc and is used to give gifts and share memories upon death.Open
ImageNew Arcs Eve 93rd Zi'da The final trial of Zi'da sees Scalvorians in the thousands spending the trial and evening outside, celebrating the last trial of the arc and welcoming in the new one. They wrap up warm, enjoy the last trial of light for some time and generally eat and drink and sing and dance together.Open
Weather, Nature & Trends

Zi'da: 93 Trials

Natural Phenomena

  • The extreme cold makes Ishallr inaccessible again Open


Zi'da rolls in, bringing with it the cold winds of death.
On Scalvoris, Zi'da starts cold with a high likelihood of snow and gets progressively colder. There is a LOT of snow this Zi'da
Usually, very few flora survive during this time and the trees are barren and lifeless, but see natural phenomena above.
Travel between areas on the island become more difficult, especially the more remote ones and the number of boats arriving drops.
Snow is common during this season, along with freezing rain and blizzards.
Scalvoris Town experiences less of the cold of Zi'da, but the blizzards which tend to hit the island at the end of the season are indiscriminate.


  • The night skies are clear and beautiful throughout Zi'da
  • Shooting stars in the sky are common throughout Zi'da.
  • During the daylight, the skies are heavy and dark with snow.
  • Days are short in Zi'da, darkness comes early


The following trends occur on Scalvoris throughout this season:
  • Snoods! Fury and stripy, the thicker and warmer and brighter the better!
  • Features in your collar.
  • Green: Anything green is the rage this season!
  • Anything pirate themed is still very much not on vogue.

word count: 1328
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