Gennadiya’s letter box

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Re: Gennadiya’s letter box

Sent: 16th Ashan 722.
Sent to: All Heads of Order of Adunih Branches throughout Idalos.

Dear Order Heads,

I am writing to you to inform you of an exciting new project which I am undertaking in Rharne. I have sent this proposal to Lady Saoire and have received, in return, an agreement in principle for the setting up of the gateways. I am due to meet with Lady Saoire next Cycle. I am due to meet with Rharne Council tomorrow.

The Proposal: As Sent To Saoire
I am setting up a large hospital outside Rharne, near to the town of Volta. My aim is to build the largest hospital currently on Idalos and - most importantly - which serves all of Idalos. This will be one complex which will have five distinct areas.

Four wings (each the size of a large hospital) with a central hub is what I envision. These will be:

- a hospital where currently incurable diseases and illnesses are treated and studied.
- a hospital where chronic and long term patients with complex and often terminal diagnosis and prognosis are cared for
- a children's hospital for the most complex and difficult children's cases
- a military and / or magic injury hospital for all those who have been injured in war or battle, those who have been harmed by magic or incapacitated by it

The hub will have research facilities and labs. There will be accommodation for the families of those who stay in the hospitals and therapy rooms for them. I have arranged for these buildings to be built and I will be donating them to the Order, so that they will not belong to me or any one person, but will be Order property.

My idea, Lady Saoire, is that I would ask you to provide a gateway between all Order buildings and this complex. It is my aim to ensure that no one is denied treatment because of their location and this is a first step towards that goal. If I can secure your assurance of the gateways, then I will contact the government and Immortal patrons of the relevant cities.

Current Actions
I have commissioned the buildings. I will be funding these myself and they will be immediately donated to the Order of the Adunih. These buildings are being created by Snodgrass, Pendleton & Snoot who have provided a substantial discount and will be the official builders for the Order of the Adunih, going forward.

I have met with Skydas mercenary company to discuss arranging security at the hospital site - and in each of the Order outposts, as and when this is agreed.

I have written to the councils for Scalvoris, Desnind, Rharne, Viden and the Eternal Empire. These will be the "phase one" contacts. I will be visiting Scalvoris and the Eternal Empire later this season. I hope to visit Viden and Desnind early next season.

Action Needed:
I would like you to consider how we will manage this, if you are in an Order Branch in the first phase of contact.

If you believe that the authorities where you are might be positive regarding this, please let me know.

We will need to recruit - I am going to run a competition in Viden, Rharne and Scalvoris next Cycle, asking people to propose innovations and ideas. It will allow us to plan.

I would like a list of any resources - including volunteers that you feel you can put forward - this should not be at the detriment of your branch.

Any and all ideas and thoughts are welcome. It will be a large undertaking but it will mean that we are one step closer to true equality for all in terms of health.

With best regards,

Faith Augustin
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Re: Gennadiya’s letter box

32nd of Saun, 722
Dear Doctor Gennadiya Lyosha,

Good morning, how are you and yours? I hope well. Please, I am sorry to bother you with our problem.

Please know that it’s not by mistake I am contacting you but by the special grace of the Seven. Let my start by introducing myself. I am writing from the Mayor of Volta's office, with an urgent message.

Now is the time for all good men and women to come to our aid.

First the Plague, then Ellasin, and finally if that weren't enough to break the spirit of my people, a Dragon has taken residence in my homeland, enslaving all. According to my very capable spymaster, however, I've learned of a large sum of the Krome family treasure that has lain in security in a pirate's cove off the coast of Volanta. My chancellor has reached out to these miscreants, and they refuse to part with the treasure unless I offer a certain amount of collateral and a Royal pardon. Only one of which I can afford to provide at the moment.

My state of present poverty cannot be allowed to forestall the restoration of my family's fortunes, their hopes and dreams for the future. I ask that you send only a small amount of nels, 150 golden nels will settle the collateral needed in order to assure a safe meeting with these devils. If you send the money by carriage to Volta, I will ensure that you receive half of the vast Krome family fortune, which has been held hostage for too long. Please, you must trust me.

After we send your kind loan, the pirates will come to collect the remainder, and that is when my Martial will strike with a modest squad of my modest retainers. We will force them to tell us where the treasure is, and then it will be ours.

I assure you this is all legal and not a scam. I would not cheat you, not on my honor as Duke of the fallen Duchy of Krome.

Expecting your soonest response.

With utmost hope,

your Duke Vincent Krome, In Exile

word count: 363
Rynmere: Jack North; Rharne: Robin Faulk, Tom Puddleton, Ruwayd al-Karim

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Re: Gennadiya’s letter box

3rd of Ymiden, 723


I'm afraid I have dire news, Faith Augustin has been murdered in a surprise attack by unknown assailants during the Pirate Incursion in Egilrun. While much of Egilrun was spared from their predations, and that of the Pirates, thanks in no small part to early intervention, we have been sent reeling by this loss. I despise being the bearer of this news, but I felt it my duty given my presence at her side when she died. We were both injured in the attack.

Should you need anything from Egilrun or myself, or the Order for that matter, you know you'll have it. For now we must look to the rest of the Island to see to the relief efforts.

Take care

- Woe
word count: 130
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Re: Gennadiya’s letter box

10th Ymiden 723

Dear Genna,

I don't ave the words to tell you jus how happy I am to both be invited to youre wedding an I wood be well honoured to be the one what performs the ceremony.

We'll see you there and I promise, I'll do my best to make shure you have a wonderful day.


word count: 63

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: Gennadiya’s letter box

15th Cylus, 724
15th Cylus, 724.
From the desk of the Acting Militant of Scalvoris: Vega Creede.

To: The Head of the Order of the Adunih, Gennadiya.

Dear Gennadiya,

I hope that this letter finds you well. I am writing to ask your support in a most urgent matter. Scalvoris has encountered a threat which requires us to offer the opportunity of evacuation to our whole island populace. One of the ways that I hope to achieve this is to send people through the portals in the Order of the Adunih outposts, to the hospital outside Rharne.

If that is acceptable to you, I will send through a group from Sweetsong, and possibly some from Hopetoun, with some Rangers in the aim of setting up a large temporary camp in the lands near the hospital. If you could let me know as soon as possible if this is acceptable, I would be most grateful.

Vega Creede.

Please reply to this office

Dear Genna,

Sorry for the formal stuff. I have to write so I haf someone who dose it for me. I talk and he turns it into words that almost mean what I said. Hope yore well.

Much love.

word count: 201

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: Gennadiya’s letter box

Date: 1st of Ymiden 724

An unmarked package arrives at Gennadiya's home on the 1st of Ymiden, wrapped in an Order of Adunih gold cloak. Inside the cloak is a package containing a deed to Egilrun Confidential in Egilrun, as well as its associated NPC employment contracts, and contact ledger that includes most of the businesses in Egilrun and Almund. Nothnig else is included.

word count: 65
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