• Solo • Yurt too close

Oram tries to help the good people fo Harvardr get back on their feet

20th of Ymiden 723

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Harvardr is made up almost entirely of yurts. While any single building may be disassembled and reassembled elsewhere, there are always enough left here that it has become it's own little village. What was once wholly a mobile camp of fisherman, sealers and whalers placed to take advantage of migrations is now just as likely to have full families, some who have been there for several generations.

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Oram Mednix
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Yurt too close

20 Ymiden 723

”Karem help them!” gasped Elise Shmickel, as she and Oram approached the sad collection of improvised lean-tos and half-ruined tents. The Chief Ranger followed Elise’s gaze towards “them”, a desperate-looking knot of men, women, children, huddling near an inadequate number of tattered tents and improvised lean-tos. He suppressed a groan, trying to stay positive at least as much for the other Ranger as for himself, and spurred Rocky closer to the group. Karem might or might not help the survivors of Havardr, but Oram had come to do precisely that.

The Havardeens regarded the newcomers in dull silence as they neared. One of the men rose and approached. ”You come at an ill time,” he called out. ”We’ve nothing to trade. Or steal.” He pointed at the ragged remnant behind him. ”Unless you have come to aid us, I suggest you move on.”

”We have come to aid you,” Oram assured the man. ”I am Oram Mednix, Chief Ranger. This is Ranger Elise Shmickel.” A glimmer in the man’s eye suggested that he recognized the name, but none of the other onlookers reacted.

”Rangers,” he said flatly. The name did not appear to please him. ”And where have you been before now? We have struggled to survive for the last two tentrials and you appear only now?”

Next to him, Elise spoke up, starting to explain, a bit defensively, that Darbyton had been hit as well, and that they had been regrettably preoccupied, but Oram gently stopped her short. ”We can talk about what we have done for the last two tentrials,” he said to the man, ”or we can talk about getting through the next two. I would prefer the latter. What about you?”

The Havardeen gave both Rangers a sharp look, obviously struggling to bite back whatever bitter retort had formed in his mind. After a trill he snorted sharply and then said: ”Yes, let’s talk about that. I am Odnar, by the way,” he said, gesturing to a cleared out area in front of a knot of lean-tos.

As they took their seats, Odnar said: ”I’m afraid I have little hospitality to offer you. We have thus far been able to scrape together enough food to stave off starvation, but not much more.”

”We have some food, but not much,” Elise explained. ”We came here not knowing what we would find. But you’re welcome to what we have.”

Odnar nodded appreciatively. He seemed somewhat mollified from their earlier tense words. ”Any little bit helps,” he responded.

Elise excused herself to retrieve and distribute the food. The refugees grew animated at the arrival of a meal, even though it only came down to a few mouthfuls for each person by the time it was divided out. They did not, Oram noted, squabble nor push and shove. On the contrary, they were quite efficient at dividing up the food on a scheme that they all seemed to agree on.

Odnar seemed to note Oram noting this, for he pointed out: ”We Havardeens have always worked together. We have neither time nor use for quibbling and carping in our midst.”

Oram, continuing to watch the distribution of the food, nodded absently. ”It looks like there are about twenty of you here,” he offered. ”Is this really all that is left?”[/knowledge]

”Twenty-five in all, counting myself,” Odnar answered. ”Four of our people are currently out foraging.” Oram noticed just then an older woman setting aside portions of the food, and it was not lost on him that none of the others took this amiss. ”As to whether there are more, I don’t know.” the man’s face grew grim. ”It is possible that some others have turned up elsewhere, but if so, they were not many. The pirates killed everyone they got their hands on, even women and children. They killed Linca and Orik. They killed by the score.”

”By the hundred,” added a female voice. Oram looked up to see the older woman he had noticed earlier, setting aside food for what he assumed was the foraging party. She looked knowingly at the hunter. ”You said you are Oram, yes? You make fish baskets?”

The Chief Ranger was a bit surprised that that would be something he was known for here. ”Yes. They are for freshwater fish though,” he replied.

”We know what they are for,” the woman rejoined. ”I am Wourna. My husband bought a couple of your traps. We Havardeen mostly catch whales and other sea fish by boat. But we also have use for catching river fish, especially when we move overland.”

Oram looked at Wourna questioningly. ”Do you have those traps now? Do you need more?”

”We were able to save two fish baskets when we went back to the camp afterward to see what could be salvaged. We could make more ourselves, if we had tools.”

”Tools are one of our biggest wants at the moment,” Odnar cut back in. ”People didn’t think to grab them when they fled the attacks. And the pirates plundered those. All we have are some knives and sewing needles. Not even a hatchet or a machete for cutting branches.”

”Do you have anything at all for fishing or hunting?” Oram asked.

”A homemade bow with a handful of arrows, and a couple harpoons,” Odnar answered. ”We *did* grab things that could be used as weapons.”

”We had a falchion that could have doubled as a tool,” Wourna added ruefully. ”But it got damaged during the fight, and broke when we tried to use it; we have not the means to fix it.”

Oram thought over the things he had brought with him. ”Elise and I brought tools that you may borrow for now,” he offered. ”But we’ll need to get you your own soon. I have a bow and some arrows I can give you, too, if you want another bow.

Odnar nodded enthusiastically. ”Definitely want that, thank you!”

The Chief Ranger continued: ”As for shelter, I have a pair of magical crystal turtles given to me by Saoire herself that can turn into shelters one can stay in. Not quite enough room for everybody here, I don’t think, but a lot of people could stay there.” He explained to Odnar how the turtles worked. He both suspected and hoped that Saoire would approve of making a gift of the turtles to those who needed them.

Elise had by now finished distributing the provisions and had rejoined Odnar and Oram.

”This is the aid we have on hand for you,” Oram concluded, nodding towards his fellow Ranger as she sat next to him. ”We can talk now about what else we can get for you.”
Last edited by Oram Mednix on Thu Jul 20, 2023 11:13 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 1136
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Re: Yurt too close

Just do gift cards

”I heard tools as I came over,” Elise said, as she rejoined the conversation with Odnar. ”What sort of tools, and what else?”

The Havardeen thought a moment before he started to rattle off a bunch of tools and other items, such as cloth and cordage. His first preoccupation was not so much food as shelter, it seemed. ”It is good that the weather is fair this season,” he explained, ”but soon enough, we will want something over our heads when we sleep.”

Elise looked over at Oram with a smirk. ”You should have brought Refed. He could have taken one look at this camp and written a complete shopping list for them off the top of his head.”

Just then, there was a stir among the refugees. Looking up, Oram could make out a small number of approaching figures. The returning hunting party, he guessed. ”I should go talk to them,” he suggested. Looking over at Wuorna, he asked: ”Could you introduce me to them?”

Elise put her hands on her hips and cocked her head. ”Oh, shall I prepare the shopping list while you talk big game hunting with the other menfolk?” she asked teasingly. Before Oram could stammer out a few embarrassed excuses, she chuckled. ”Of course. You go do your mighty hunter thing. I’ve got this.” She nodded her head towards Odnar.

Oram then went with Wuorna to meet the four hunters. They had snared a few rabbits, but had only shot one wood dove, and had lost the deer they had chased for most of the morning. Oram asked them more details about how they hunted, and it quickly became clear that they had much to learn. It didn’t help that they lacked tools to do things like make deer blinds. They did not have so much as good dressing knife, which would hinder not only their hunting, but their ability to process anything they caught.

Once he had finished with the hunters, he rejoined Odnar and Elise, who were finishing up their list. ”They are lucky that they don’t need a lot of medical supplies,” the female Ranger announced, as she went over the list. ”No serious injuries or illnesses currently.” She gestured around the campsite. ”Being nomads, they understand a thing or two about field sanitation, so I don’t think they’ll have dysentery problems any time soon.”

Odnar made a grim face. ”The pirates ran down anyone who was injured or unwell,” he explained. ”Only healthy, fleet-footed ones got away, and even then not most of them. We got some cuts and bruises and a sprained ankle, but that’s it.”

A palled silence followed that comment for a few trills, before Elise moved the conversation along. Looking at Oram, she questioned: ”One of us should take this list into Scalvoris. Would you like me to do that?”

The Chief Ranger thought a moment, then nodded. ”Most of your items will require a smith or a textile merchant. As it turns out, I have a brother who is the former, who is married to a woman whose family is in the textile trade.” Thinking of Osric made him smile for the first time in several trials, and briefly he considering offering to go to town instead, so that he would have an excuse to visit. But no, his skills were needed here. So were Elise’s for that matter, though. Oram was about to suggest flipping a nel when Odnar offered another solution.

”We can send the list with one of our people. Wuorna’s daughter, Daune, knows her way around Scaltown. She can take one of the horses we were able to save.”

Elise asked: ”Couldn’t you use that parchment bird again, Oram? Send your brother the list that way.”

Oram shook his head. ”I can only send messages up to fifty words,” he explained. ”Our list is much longer than that. But I could use it to let Osric know someone is coming, and why, so that he will be on the lookout.”

Everyone agreed that this was a good plan. Duane set out that afternoon, to arrive in Scalvoris some time the following morning.
Last edited by Oram Mednix on Thu Jul 20, 2023 11:16 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 705
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Re: Yurt too close

24 Ymiden 723

Oram may have been the first to see the cart approaching, but it was not he who told the refugees. One of the hunting party he was with had run off to inform the camp of the news. The Havardeens were passable stalkers, and good with their weapons, but they didn’t know how to track, nor did they know how to forage for the herbs and vegetables they would want to round out their food. [knowledge skill = Field Craft name=x1]For the last couple trials, Oram had shown them how to find sorrel, rubrum berries, edible mushrooms. He had also shown them how and where to harvest plant fibers for cordage[/knowledge]. A couple of the surviving Havardeens knew how to make twine and rope, but the foragers who had gathered materials had died in the attacks.

In the last few trials, Oram had realized that these refugees would need to replace not just their tools, but also the skills to use them. Rangers could provide some of these, especially hunting and field craft skills. The Chief Ranger thought of Sh’ron Ng’yi in Egilrun in particular. Others might have to come from town. There was another resource that Oram might be able to tap, though: the travelers in his old camp. His old friend Wig could help with horses, should they ever try to rebuild the horse market for which they had once been renowned. Another childhood friend, Clem, worked on the docks; he might know a thing or two about boat repairs and rope-making, or know someone who did. Once he left here, Oram’s next task would be to try to recruit some people with appropriate skills for the effort.

He was getting ahead of himself. A cart approached full of tools and other things to help the refugees in the coming trials. Oram went to talk to the driver. This turned out to be a Ranger out of Scalvoris that Oram hadn’t met before, a man slightly older than himself named Sumar. Duane, riding alongside the cart, was apparently quite resourceful, had made her own inquiries once she arrived in town, and found Sumar herself.

In addition to some food, the cart contained a consignment of tools, as well as canvas for making tents, and linen for making anything from clothes to blankets. While Odnar’s and Elise’s list had not specified any needs, Sumar and Duane had obtained some basic first aid supplies and common medicinal herbs for poultices, cold remedies and such.

The Havardeens were overjoyed at the arrival of these items, even though, as Odnar explained, it was far from the last aid they would need. Oram would depart the following trial to return to Darbyton, after which he would look to recruit others for the relief efforts. Elise would spend the following trial here with Sumar, to help the Havardeens organize and incorporate their newfound bounty. Then she, in turn, would return to Faldrass.

But that was tomorrow. Tonight, Oram would sit around a campfire with the other Rangers, and with the refugees, to share a meal and to share stories. For stories were one resource that the Havardeens still had in abundance, and, as Cassion himself would have been quick to remind his Marked traveler, it was a resource that enriched those who gave it generously to others.
word count: 566
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Re: Yurt too close

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Notes/Warnings: A thread in which Oram identifies a group of Havardr refugees and arranges the beginning of relief efforts for htem. Afew NPCs are mentioned here. Elise Shmickel is in the Ranger NPCs. Osric, his wife, Signy, and Wig are personal NPCs in Oram's CS. The others are flavor NPCs

Thread: Yurt too close
City/Area: Havardr

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Re: Yurt too close


Oram Mednix


Oram is really becoming a man about Scalvoris in the wake of the pirate attacks. I feel sorry for the Havardeens, they seem to have suffered almost as bad as Almund, and while there were never really that many of them perhaps as those in Almund, having most people in the village killed is a big deal.

The donations and stuff will surely go a ways to helping make sure they can rebuild, and perhaps recover someday. Havardr might've been gone otherwise.

Good writing.


  • Renown: 15
  • XP: 10
  • Wealth Points: -20


  • Leadership: People in need don't want to hear excuses; they want to hear the plan.
  • Intelligence: Estimating numbers of people in a group.
  • Hunting: Assessing the skills of other hunters.
  • Teaching: Figuring out what students already know
  • Caregiving: Just because someone is a victim doesn't mean that they are helpless
  • Storytelling: People need for their stories to be heard.


  • Average + quality hickory flatbow and arrows, detailed in CS Possessions.
  • Crystal turtles, listed on CS Possessions list
  • 20 WP
word count: 178

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