[Approved by Pig Boy] Khalfani

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Khalfani  [Approved CS]

Liberator of Nashaki

Race: Avriel
Date of Birth: 9th Saun, 688
Age: 35 Arcs old
Last edited by Khalfani on Tue May 16, 2023 8:35 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 16
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"You can not take freedom from a strong man. So they will not take mine."

A seemingly calm and rational man, Khalfani has seen the horror of slavery and the twisted path Nashaki has taken, changing his outlook on the place he called home. With a history as a proud infantry in the Nashaki army Khalfani is desensitised to violence, seeing all sorts of horror in his time serving. However, there is a noble heart within the man, hating the nonchalance and violence shown to some slaves. Civilians taken from the streets, turned to slaves with seemingly no cause. People he once knew. It was this sight that led him to become the disciplined yet firm man he is now. Calm and controlled, yet ready to kill at a moment's notice. As such, he did not desert the military because of cowardice, but in fear of what the government of Nashaki were doing to his own people.

"A strong mind is useless without a strong body to follow suit."

Standing taller than almost any Avriel he’s met prior, at 6’1”, Khalfani is decorated with beautiful white feathers. He is always standing up straight and maintains some pride and vanity in his form, as is common in Avriel. While he is prettier than many Avriel, he is also fairly intimidating, with wider chest muscles and a larger figure. Very few scars litter his pristine body, but the few that do each tell a story, one he would happily share with any friendly passerby. To some, Khalfani likely appears intimidating, tall and unwavering.

word count: 266
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Re: Khalfani

History - Pre-Magic
"Nashaki...my home"

Born and raised by a family of merchants in Athart, Khalfani was well travelled at a young age. The family of Avriel would often purchase rare items from across Idalos and resell them in Nashaki for a higher price. It was a work-heavy but fun life for the young Avriel. Each city had new adventures for him to witness, food to try. But Nashaki was, by all accounts, his home. Of course he never stayed in one place at a time, but Nashaki had more. The cool wind of night and the warm sunlight was perfect, the beautiful dunes of sand. Even as a small child he ran across the dunes and learned the language of the Hotlands.

By the time he was ten he spoke better Vorkelien than Common. When his family would stay for weeks at a time in Nashaki he would explore the city, made friends with other kids and spoke to local merchants. His family was laid back about it, letting him explore so long as he returned by the correct time of night, but to be safe they agreed to teach him to use a weapon. Very few caught his eyes, his Avriel vanity wanting more than a simple sword or shield. He wanted something special, something that would catch the eye of others, make him stand out in a crowd. Eventually he came across a merchant selling exotic weapons. When he explained what he wanted with great enthusiasm the merchant smiled, displaying a few options. A pair of curved Khopesh, some staves before finally reaching a beautiful weapon. Khalfani fell in love with the palm axe immediately, the beautiful weapon unique - like nothing he had ever seen before. So with the money his parents gave him he purchased it, the weapon far too large for him to use now. But the boy didn’t care. He made sure to buy a small knife for the time being, though he never ended up using it.

After another five years of travelling Khalfani was finally strong enough to begin training with his weapon, practicing each day he could between trips. His relationship with his family was a good one, yet he didn’t spend much time with them, his father and mother often out finding new business opportunities. One of the few things his parents did teach him however, aside from his vanity, was his respect. While he was proud of himself and held himself highly he also ensured to respect those around, rich or poor. It was an uncommon view for the Avriel yet one his father claimed was incredibly important.

As soon as he turned eighteen the Avriel decided that his next visit to Nashaki would be his last time travelling like he had been, wanting to settle in to a city and make his own way. Both of his parents respected his decision and left him with parting gifts, enough money to own a home and take care of himself for a short while. Khalfani was hesitant to take it, not wanting to be a liability to his family, but he swallowed his pride and accepted the gift. He was finally a resident of Nashaki after loving the city for so long, it was wonderful. He’d go out in the sand and enjoy the heat, travel across the Hotlands for short journeys just because he could.

Eventually, at the age of twenty-two, he joined the military. Being a merchant wasn’t for him and very few other jobs existed in Nashaki that appealed to the Avriel. Fighting for Nashaki was a job worth doing, protecting people from threats, be it wildlife or bandits. Khalfani was assigned to infantry division and begun his training, albeit basic compared to many of the other cities fighters. But he had pride for his fellow comrades and his city. Nashaki was his home now, had been for many Arcs.

Unfortunately, that pride didn't last long.

Khalfani's belief of respect for others was deeply rooted in him, every person he met was greeted with a polite bow of his head or a shake of his hand. So as he learned more of the Towers and the disappearance of citizens he became suspicious. Some civilians seemed afraid, claiming that people had been taken from the street and never found. For a short time the Avriel chose to ignore it, believing people to be paranoid. What kind of city would take their own citizens away and enslave them in the Tower of Flesh? All the slaves were bought from Athart or other cities, or were people that had committed great crimes at least.

As time went by he discovered the truth, however. The Tower of Flesh was feared, talked about even by fellow soldiers and civilians as a place to be cautious of. Nobody wanted the fate of being sent to such a place and many crimes were punished with such a place - magic to name one. Khalfani had never understood the fear of magic, seeing it as a tool. Imagine how powerful they could be if they used such tools to build an empire. Shaping buildings with the snap of their fingers, repelling any attackers with bombardment of spells. A city like that would be impenetrable. While he understood the chaos it could cause there was an undeniable curiosity present.

Another Arc went by, the fear and curiosity of the tower of flesh growing with each trial. But even more than that was the curiosity around magic. Despite the belief that it was some sort of plague mages still seemed to pop up all over. Yet of the ones he had to arrest in his time he didn't see evil in their eyes. Some were more evil than others of course. But some simply wished to grow, use their powers to help Nashaki and her people. Defiers that could summon water to drink at will for those in need, Abrogation to form shields and protect themselves and others from attack. So many possibilities.

One trial Khalfani met one of these mages, bound in shackles that prevented them from casting, waiting to be taken to the tower of flesh. An older man with a look of sadness in his eyes. Two other soldiers told Khalfani to stay with the man and keep him chained until they returned to bring him to the tower, reporting to their higher-ups first. While many mages fought and resisted their fate this man had not. Once the two were alone it was quiet for a moment, before Khalfani asked him why he did not fight.

The man explained he didn't wish to harm the people of Nashaki, claiming a fight would only lead to more destruction. He told Khalfani he wished no harm on his people, but with such dangerous times upon them he only wished to have the power to protect his family and people, hence why he learned magic. There was a moment of quiet before the old man looked to Khalfani, staring directly into his eyes and asked one question. 'Am I going to die?'

The Avriel was visibly taken aback by the question, the fear in the mans voice. As his hand gripped his palm-axe tight he shook his head. "Not today. Not here and not now" he vowed, the man sensing the resolve that formed in the Avriel. Khalfani waited for his two fellow guards to come back, standing beside the mage. They were in a small alley, quiet but still in the middle of the city. It would take time if they wished to flee. Which meant they had to be quick. Khalfani could not let this man be taken to the tower of flesh to be killed or enslaved. No more. No more of Nashaki's people would be trapped in a place so feared and infamous. Not at Khalfani's hands.

The moment they were close enough Khalfani struck, swinging the palm axe in a way that the blunt side of the blades would hit them, knocking them flat to the floor. They would bleed, they would be sore, but they weren't dead. They were bystanders in this. It wasn't the other citizens or soldiers he had a problem with - but the Towers. Of course, anyone who stood in his way would become his enemy, but he had no time to ask the pair to surrender in case they called for backup.

Next time he may not be so merciful.

Khalfani took the key from them and unbound the mage, holding his weapon close. He pulled his helmet on as the man put a cloak over his head and the two fled the city as fast as they could, fleeing towards the city gates. On the way Khalfani grabbed a camel from a nearby stable, allowing the old man onto the back before they fled the city. By the time the guards awakened and were found it was too late - Khalfani had fled. No longer could he sit by and watch his own people being imprisoned, no longer would he stand by and witness injustice.

When the two had left the city he told the man to flee, Khalfani deciding to stay and fight for the freedom of his people, one freed slave at a time. But the old man wouldn't leave without a gift. He offered Khalfani magic, the two that he knew best, and for a moment the Avriel was hesitant. Necromancy in particular seemed a dark and foreboding magic. Yet an undeniable tool. The old man shared this sentiment, explaining that the dead was not the only thing necromancy could control, but that even control of the dead was merely control of bodies after life - that it was the lesser evil compared to enslaving and torturing the living.

After some coercing, the Avriel agreed.

History - Post-Magic
"They will not take my people any longer"

Once he had learned his new magics he said farewell to the old man, vowing to fight for the people of Nashaki. To this day Khalfani doesn't know where the old man is, but his magic still remains, helping the Avriel fight every trial he has to. Now, he lives out in the hotlands, bettering himself and preparing for the day he takes back his city - whatever it takes.

Last edited by Khalfani on Wed May 31, 2023 9:52 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 1738
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Re: Khalfani

"Better to be armed and ready, even when you don't have to be."

Wealth Tier: 4
WP: 46

Good+ Double-Bladed Palm Axe (Deserters Pack)

Masterwork Scalemail Armor (Deserters Pack)

Good Camel mount (Deserters Pack)

Leather Camel Armor (Deserters Pack)

Good Survival Kit (Deserters Pack)

Wooden flute (Heirloom)

"Come sit beside the fire with me, my friend."

Khalfani lives deep out in the Hotlands, far enough away from Nashaki to avoid bounty hunters and soldiers hunting him. When possible he sets up camp near any water source he can find.

Last edited by Khalfani on Wed May 17, 2023 7:57 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 93
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Re: Khalfani

"My body may evolve. But my mind remains the same."


"It gives me no joy to do this, but now you rise. For Nashaki and her freedom."


word count: 31
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