• Closed • Sweetsong Strikes Back

123rd of Ashan 723

The home to the Induk Sweetwine and populated by fairies, this enchanted forest has many secrets

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Re: Sweetsong Strikes Back

Jaspers Stats
6 Feet 3 Inches
205 pounds
Brown Hair
Brown Eyes
Scares on Right Arm
Tattoo on Left Arm - Matches scares
Moon Tattoo on Left palm
Sun Tattoo Right palm
Don't Mind Me.

Jasper, Rewan and Lanquin found their charge though the pirates greatly helped by the vines that were suddenly wrapping themselves around the feet of pirates. A number of the pirates were seriously injured as Lanquin plowed on by. Jasper and Rewan’s fist made contact with a number of chins as they moved by. The captain though was still the problem. That blasted ice weapon was still the biggest danger to everyone. Jasper noticed that the man was turning fairly mad in his attacks. That held potential.

“Rewan, pull out the net.” Jasper said. His brother did as asked but said.

“Isn’t this for the dragonlings that haunted your old home for a while.”

“Yes, but a net is a net.” Jasper said. “Besides if we are lucky enough he might make it more dangerous.” Jasper had Lanquin take up and come to a outer range. Once again he instructed the horse to begin to taunt the pirate captain. He was aware the Kisaik was also trying something, and he wanted to draw the captains attention so its focus was split between the two of them. Jasper also wanted to put the captain off guard.

Dodging in and out to avoid being hit, but still distracting them Jasper would keep that up. Once Jasper saw a chance he would fly directly over head and tell his brother to drop the net on the stuck captain. The net might not really capture the captain but it would be a hindrance, and even if he did freeze it he would now have a sheet of ice falling directly on him. Jasper was aiming to get the captain on autopilote so the sudden next would surprise him. If it didn’t work they would move to continue taunting the crazy man. If the net proved effective so that they could come close without being frozen they would take the chance.

Bryil and the other bowman would move in to check and prepare if more pirates or something else emerged from the ship that had just crashed by their shore.

Spirit Meld-When near a spirit, can mental sense its emotions.
Spirit Sight-Perceive all spiritual forms within a ten foot proximity.
Rupturing-Detect all motions within 10ft.

Post Specific Effects
Mount at Master
Unarmed at Expert
Taunt and dodge flying ice.
Drop the net on his head.

Dragonet Net: In the aftermath of Ruin's Dawn, everyone in Light's Gluttony will find their homes, when they return, infested by Lethe dragonets. To help with this problem, Stone Talon has gifted them with an ancestral heirloom of his, which is a net that is used for catching rats typically but also works well on the Lethe. When captured by the net, any dragonet inside of it will find it cannot escape. Moreover, it will be rendered helpless for a bit after being removed from the net. Allowing it to be slaughtered for food. They will find the Lethe, upon capturing with a Dragonet Net and rendered into meat for consumption, increase their physical capabilities by one full level (Athletics, Strength, Endurance, Resistance) for roughly a break after eating them. The Lethe infestation will last a full cycle after the Global, or until they write a story to rid themselves of the Lethe.

Obviously the Dragon part isn't relevent but its still a net.

Bryil position themselves again anything coming off the crashed ship.
Last edited by Jasper on Mon Mar 27, 2023 10:07 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 618
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Re: Sweetsong Strikes Back

Pirates! .....

Embers sparked from her furiously as Vega did what she knew she had to do to protect the people here.

Later, when the embers stopped sparking, she would shed private tears over the lives she took here. But that was for later - so much later. First, she had to do her best to ensure that every soul in Sweetsong was safe and saved. Right now, in this moment, Vega was focused - entirely focused - on making sure that not one hair on any one head was harmed. These people - these pirates - were attacking. They were the instigators, they were the ones who sought to prey on the defenceless. Or so they thought.

As the Gutripper tore itself apart, Vega took a moment - just a split second or two - to check the actual situation here . Things got lost in the moment and keeping that big picture was important. If there were any in the Gutripper, or any part of the Gutripper posed a threat, she would deal with that but, when she saw that there were not, she turned her attention to the others.

The only one left was the Butcher and even he was putting up a losing fight. However, he was putting up a fight and that not only was very, very irritating, but it also endangered them all. So, she checked where her companions and friends were, and when she was clear what was happening, she used the ring gifted to her by Ilaren. Sir Chip had engaged him and Jasper had dropped the net on the Butcher and she hoped that kept him occupied, but Vega didnt want to take chances - especially since he had a ranged weapon. If he had time to monologue, she figured, it was time for him to die. So, she gave Martha the nudge towards where she wanted to go and let Martha do it . Martha dived down, and Vega held on as the dragonling twisted and turned and then, as soon as she hit the range needed, Vega activated the ring and appeared directly behind the Butcher.

Her aim was simple. Appear behind him, run him through twice, to make sure that he was properly dead.

Vega didn't hold with any nonsense like having to fight him face to face. That sort of rubbish had gone out of the window when he led an attack in the cover of darkness, as far as she was concerned. So, she zapped over there, and stabbed forward with both swords - her aim was to embed both blades into his stomach and then pull the blades apart, one to the right and the other to the left. If he had been hit by the freeze of his own staff or the net and that meant that she needed to be at the side - at the side she'd be.

If that didn't stop him, she figured, she'd have to change her breakfast to whatever he was having.

Because once he was dead, they could turn their attention to that other ship. So far, they'd done nothing except attack the attackers - which made her inclined to pause and maybe talk. If they backed off, then she'd let them. But if they so much as twitched an eyebrow funny, she was not in the mood for messing around.
1.Makes sure that the Gutripper is really dead-dead-dead.
2. Flies close enough to teleport directly behind the Butcher and then butterfly him. :D
Gets the armour from her dancing and hears quiet music.

Everyone - bond together as per the Qylios mark
Following on from her capstone, this ability allows Vega to effective 'buff' a group who hear her play. So inspiring is her music that, when she is attempting to instill any emotion linked with the Domains of Xiur or Qylios, she gives them the ability to fight together, as though they are bonded as per the Qylios mark. Whole groups can function together, fighting as one with each individual having full knowledge of what is going on in the battle. All of the people who are bonded in this way must have heard Vega play at the same time, and within the last trial. This applies to herself, as well.

Everyone + 1 level on a skill appropriate to what they're doing.
She can play and, when she plays, it gives a boost to the skills of those who hear it. When Vega focuses on a group and actively uses this ability - she is able to inspire them to be the very best version of themselves. Any and all who are in the room / area where she plays (so not someone that hears it in passing, they have to be listening) have a +1 level bonus on a non-magic skill for the next trial (so, novice becomes competent, competent becomes expert etc). This skill will be directly linked to the focus Vega has so - if it is in a camp preparing for battle, for the soldiers it will be a combat skill - but the cook for that camp would gain a bonus to cooking for the troops. No more than one bonus per day can be given.

Everyone + 2 levels in a skill of their choice - OR - 50% more efficient.
The impact on those in the area is that they have a shared sense of identity, of community, and they work together better. There is less conflict, more co-operation and people are, basically, happier, more hopeful and getting on better. This translates to a drive to get on and work and impacts PCs and NPCs thus:

NPCs: Learn and develop skills more quickly. In the case of personal NPCs, once they have met the criteria for skill improvement, rather than 10 points per season, they gain 15. City NPCs who are used in the same way (2 x threads per season) may also be improved in this way, with moderator approval.

PCs: PCs who are working towards the goal of the clan are given more support, more help. Things happen quicker and more efficiently for that reason. PCs who are actively using skills which benefit the "clan" and are doing so with NPCs / PCs of the "clan" - may assume that the task is less difficult and by everything going smoothly and people helping, everything falls together more easily. This allows the task to be easier / a stroke of luck /teamwork to mean that the task is completed in 50% of the time OR to 2 levels higher a standard than they could otherwise achieve.
Personal Buffs

Armour up!
+ 1 on mount to make her Master (usual level Expert)
+2 on Singing (from Lion's locket) - makes this GM (usual level Expert)
+50% on her efficiency as a leader in this situation, rather than a +2 on skills for Vega.
word count: 1143

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: Sweetsong Strikes Back

Victory Fanfare

Kisaik opened the portal with a wave of his glowing green blade, cutting through space and time and simultaneously opening an egress behind the Butcher's head, before he could use his ranged attack on Aquarius. The bolt of ice sailed through the air as he made his monologue, but narrowly got pulled into the portal and then out the egress, piercing his skull and making him into a very icy pirate. Then Jasper and Vega arrived to finish the job, make sure it was done and everyone was protected.

The archers soon moved into the shore, to clean up the stragglers, if there were any. Kisaik wiped his brow as he landed back on the ground. Then he blinked onto Aquarius' riding saddle and saluted Jasper and Vega. "Well done you two! Now what do you make of the one over there?" Kisaik said, pointing toward the fourth ship approaching.

"No matter I suppose! I should let the Oh'Deer know they should disperse, once they've finished their carnage." So saying, Kisaik began riding back into the treeline, to check on the status of the village. Aquarius lumbered through the trees, and Kisaik kept an eye out for all of the other settlers, making sure none had done a folly and left Chest. Thankfully it appeared Winston was successful at keeping their attention focused on safety.

Kisaik called to the Oh'Deer, with Clarion Call, and spoke thus, "Oh'Deer, thank you for your aid today! Now, I pledge that my tribe, and mayhaps the people of Sweetsong shall hold your friendship sacred during the season of Rebirth." Kisaik shouted with all his might, using rupturing to amplify his voice through a roar, so that all heard. He would be understood even by the mortals present, as his voice was translated through the mirror pendant. "For every Rebirth from now until the last!"

Meanwhile, in the Chest, Aida clapped her hands, as she sensed the impending victory along with the rest of them. She wrapped her arms around Winston's neck, and kissed him on the fuzzy snout. "Ohhh Winstie Pooh, my hero!" She would not let go, but continued to shower him with leafy smooches and hugs.

word count: 372
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Re: Sweetsong Strikes Back

Can you see a blush through fur?

The new ship was still incoming, but the people of Sweetsong were standing strong and thanks to their protectors in the form of heros both large, small, Induk and deer, they were going to come out of this relatively unscathed.

As Aida grabbed him and kissed him repeatedly, there was little to nothing the tiny fairy-ferret could do but embrace the experience and so he did.
"Well... done... yuh... did... et..!"
He said between kisses and hugs.

The celebration would not stop inside Chest, as he and Aida danced around the room. She was significantly better at it than he and so he mostly followed her lead as they spun and she sang.

Until the swards were sheathed and the ships all settled, the energy inside his home would continue to flow.

He made sure to keep people inside for now. Anyone looking like they were getting brave would be told that things were not yet over and continued to praise Saiore, Ol'Tuck and the hero's of Sweetsong.

Actions Taken
He ensures people remain inside Chest until the area is completely clear (which it currently is not).

He continues to use his Socialisation (Expert) to charm people into remaining 'in the spirit' and join in with praising.

Aida and Winston smooch.

He openly praises (and encourages others to praise) Ol'Tuck, Saiore and Sweetsong in general as they open themselves.
Winston's Buffs

Boosted Discipline to Expert with Vega's Flag to keep his head and be able to make good choices.

Boosted Leadership to Competent with Vega's performance to allow him to steer some basic order inside chest.
Chest's Defensive Advantages
  • Chest is resistant to damage and magic generally (not immune of course), but is considered during write up to be almost indestructible (able to regenerate from near complete destruction).
  • Chest heals damage fast.
  • The inerio of Chest is largely speaking not affected by the outside.
  • Chest is being ignored by the Pirates: The locket he has attached to chest has this permanent charm on it:

    Pass Unnoticed - Level: Favoured
    Based uppong "Pass Unnoticed - Level: Favored" from here.
    Activation: This is a passive ability that is simple active while wearing the locket.
    Power Description: Neutrality is a wonderful thing. It allows merchants to trade in war zones, generally to both sides. It lets the banker enforce peace and calm in his bank. It allows the glass maker to create beautiful works of art while the world rages around them. This ability takes that to an extreme, however, as it allows the wearer to pass through any conflict without either side noticing them. However, this ability only works so long as the wearer remains absolutely neutral. Favoring a side of a conflict will render this ability . It also doesn't prevent the wearer from any of the side effects of a conflict, such as thrown pots, boiling oil, or stray arrows.

    So Winston intends to offer GENUINE sanctuary to ANYONE, pirate or otherwise, that wishes to take and honour it inside chest. As such, the pirates should ignore it completely, unless of course, they choose to seek shelter in peace.
word count: 531


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: Sweetsong Strikes Back

Jaspers Stats
6 Feet 3 Inches
205 pounds
Brown Hair
Brown Eyes
Scares on Right Arm
Tattoo on Left Arm - Matches scares
Moon Tattoo on Left palm
Sun Tattoo Right palm
Don't Mind Me.

Jasper swung Lanquin back around even as the man was butchered. Lanquin slowly moved through the air as the all looked down to the that the butcher was in deed dead. Jasper motioned for Lanquin to go down. “Are we getting the net?” Rewan asked.

“Yes please, if no one else grabs it please also grab that stupid ice bolt thing.” Rewan nodded his head at the statement. When they came down Jasper watched as Kisiak saluted them all after the victory. Jasper saluted back to his friend. Rewan jumped off and grabbed the net, and the ice bolt weapon (unless vega grabs it first.) He then jumped back up and Jasper motioned for the sliepnir to take them back into the air once again. The two men came up into the air and looked to the last ship that was approaching them. Jasper took a deep breath. He prepared to possible have to attack, but the signs spoke something possible different. Winston was saying that an ally had come, and this ship had fired upon the others. It also wasn’t hiding.

So Jasper watched to see what would happen, and prepared to react.

Bryil with a couple other archers approached the gutted out ship, and inspected it to make sure there was no surprises. Inside the saw the carnage of the battle. Byril gritted his teeth and accepted that this was the consequence of this ships own actions.

Spirit Meld-When near a spirit, can mental sense its emotions.
Spirit Sight-Perceive all spiritual forms within a ten foot proximity.
Rupturing-Detect all motions within 10ft.

Post Specific Effects
Mount at Master
Unarmed at Expert
Retrieves net, and weapon if no one else does.
Waits for the last ships actions

Bryil investigates the ship.
word count: 341
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Re: Sweetsong Strikes Back

Pirates! .....

It would be easy to assume that it was over.

Vega, however, made no such assumptions because she simply didn't know. She looked around, quickly, taking stock of what was happening. Kisaik was dealing with the situation which could have destroyed them all. Later, she would thank him from the bottom of her heart - he had headed off the attack from behind which could easily have undone their defence. He was truly a saviour of Sweetsong, she knew. She saluted him back and nodded.
"I'm not sure,"
she said.
"I'll go talk to them. Sir Chip, thank you. You saved us from that attack at our flank an' that saved a lot of lives."

He let the Oh'Deer know that they were grateful for what they'd done and that they wouldn't be hunted during the Rebirth Cycle. Vega nodded her head - that was right and fair and she would see to it that it was done.

Glancing at Jasper, she saw that he was taking care of the situation on the ground, and for that she was grateful. Winston, she knew, was keeping everyone's spirits up in Chest, but Vega still had work to do. It looked like a gift horse, and she didn't want to look it in the mouth. But, equally, she wasn't prepared to lose what gains they'd made.

"You'll understand if we seem a bit twitchy about Pirate Lords round here,"
she said, using the Lion Locket to ensure that her voice carried.
"So how about one of you,"
she flew on Martha, towards the ship.
"Come shout back at me an' we'll discuss what's goin' on an' hopefully,"
she said, her voice carrying.
"I don't have to waste time killin' any more folk who think we're easy pickin's."

Because whatever was happening, whatever internal struggle was going on in the Pirate Lord ranks, Vega cared not one jot. She was protecting Sweetsong and that was that. So she flew forward, she shouted a greeting and she waited to hear back. Whether they knew it or not - and she suspected they did - this was their one chance for her not to get testy. If they messed about now, she'd be dropping things on their heads.

Things like the one remaining ship of the three.

And, while all this happened, the Diri of Usefulness wrote to everyone.

Noodle Reporting In Again

All three Pirate Lords are dead.
Gutripper ship is destroyed, all crew dead.
Hopeless Durge is stuck on top of a frozen water spout.
All aboard the Unforgiven are either dead, or surrendered.

Sir Chip saved us from an attack at the rear.

Sweetwine Induk says that help has come from an unexpected place. The new ship hasn't attacked us, only the other Pirate Lords. Vega's talking to them. Or, actually, Vega's shouting at them.

Diri of Usefulness and Excellent Penmanship.
Gets the armour from her dancing and hears quiet music.

Everyone - bond together as per the Qylios mark
Following on from her capstone, this ability allows Vega to effective 'buff' a group who hear her play. So inspiring is her music that, when she is attempting to instill any emotion linked with the Domains of Xiur or Qylios, she gives them the ability to fight together, as though they are bonded as per the Qylios mark. Whole groups can function together, fighting as one with each individual having full knowledge of what is going on in the battle. All of the people who are bonded in this way must have heard Vega play at the same time, and within the last trial. This applies to herself, as well.

Everyone + 1 level on a skill appropriate to what they're doing.
She can play and, when she plays, it gives a boost to the skills of those who hear it. When Vega focuses on a group and actively uses this ability - she is able to inspire them to be the very best version of themselves. Any and all who are in the room / area where she plays (so not someone that hears it in passing, they have to be listening) have a +1 level bonus on a non-magic skill for the next trial (so, novice becomes competent, competent becomes expert etc). This skill will be directly linked to the focus Vega has so - if it is in a camp preparing for battle, for the soldiers it will be a combat skill - but the cook for that camp would gain a bonus to cooking for the troops. No more than one bonus per day can be given.

Everyone + 2 levels in a skill of their choice - OR - 50% more efficient.
The impact on those in the area is that they have a shared sense of identity, of community, and they work together better. There is less conflict, more co-operation and people are, basically, happier, more hopeful and getting on better. This translates to a drive to get on and work and impacts PCs and NPCs thus:

NPCs: Learn and develop skills more quickly. In the case of personal NPCs, once they have met the criteria for skill improvement, rather than 10 points per season, they gain 15. City NPCs who are used in the same way (2 x threads per season) may also be improved in this way, with moderator approval.

PCs: PCs who are working towards the goal of the clan are given more support, more help. Things happen quicker and more efficiently for that reason. PCs who are actively using skills which benefit the "clan" and are doing so with NPCs / PCs of the "clan" - may assume that the task is less difficult and by everything going smoothly and people helping, everything falls together more easily. This allows the task to be easier / a stroke of luck /teamwork to mean that the task is completed in 50% of the time OR to 2 levels higher a standard than they could otherwise achieve.
Personal Buffs

Armour up!
+ 1 on mount to make her Master (usual level Expert)
+2 on Singing (from Lion's locket) - makes this GM (usual level Expert)
+50% on her efficiency as a leader in this situation, rather than a +2 on skills for Vega.
word count: 1058

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: Sweetsong Strikes Back



Very well done, getting the final kill on The Butcher! Kisaik was a lot of help in this fight, especially taking up the rear guard and calling on the Oh'Deer.
  • Points Bank: +10 - Participate in, and Complete, a City Event (Seasonal Events run by mods)
  • Renown: 20
  • XP: 20
  • Knowledges:
    • Athletics: Mounting a dragonling in mid-air.
    • Mount: Flying fast on a metallic dragonling, powered by jet propulsion
    • Mount: Speeding on the beast's wings


Good job from keeping the civilians from getting panicky or worse. If there had been a panic among the citizens of Sweetsong, it could have screwed up the defense something royal.
  • Points Bank: +10 - Participate in, and Complete, a City Event (Seasonal Events run by mods)
  • Renown: 20
  • XP: 20
  • Knowledges:
    • Stealth: Glancing without being noticed
    • Detection: Noticing fear in others.
    • Socialization: Personal bubbles
    • Acting: Improvisation
    • Singing: Shanties
    • Singing: Communicating with a song
    • Socialization: Charming people under great stress
    • Non-skill: Songforged Power: Twister ~ Gentle breeze
    • Singing: Singing with a crowd


I haven't gotten much of a chance to see Jasper in action, and he got a lot of mileage out of his flying mount for this. Nice job on taking out The Unforgiven.
  • Points Bank: +10 - Participate in, and Complete, a City Event (Seasonal Events run by mods)
  • Renown: 20
  • XP: 20
  • Knowledges:
    • Engineering: tipping point on a ship hanging precariously
    • Mount: Charging a object that is teetering on the edge
    • Tactics: choosing between two forces
    • Mount: A Mounts speed is more important when racing through an enemy
    • Combat: Unarmed: Hitting people while on the back of a mount makes it hard for them to hit back
    • Mount: Keeps movement unpredictable while in combat
    • Tactics: Don't leave dangerous weapon for the enemy to use.


Well, Vega was highly effective here, as per usual. XD Very well done, especially taking out The Gutripper. I'd been curious as to how that was going to be dealt with.
  • Points Bank: +10 - Participate in, and Complete, a City Event (Seasonal Events run by mods)
  • Renown: 20
  • XP: 20
  • Knowledges:
    • Psychology: Recognising terror in your enemy
    • Intimidation: It's easier to be intimidating when you've just killed the boss
    • Tactics: Sometimes, you have to push an advantage
    • Tactics: dedicated and committed attack by people who were incredibly well resourced and prepared.
    • Tactics: In the heat of battle, take a moment to check the tactical situation
    • Mount: When working with a well-trained mount, you can often be more effective by directing less
word count: 423
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