As Faith and Grimwald lingered and considered the gates leading into the larger cavern, the Warden was in his office, giving Val and Ricard the berating of a lifetime.
"So Augustin is here. And the rookie is giving her a little tour. How nice. Where, pray tell, is the rookie leading her. Did neither of you even think or consider that you ought to accompany such an important visitor, to make sure she doesn't go where she shouldn't? Where I don't want her to?"
Val was smirking as Ricard took the brunt of his spittle in his face. She seemed content to let Ricard handle the hardest questions, but did thrive on his squirming.
"I er... I thought I should go straight to warn you. I didn't thi..."
"Yeah clearly thinking isn't your forte." Val snickered.
The Warden then turned his attention to Val, "And you! Don't think I didn't notice what you did. Our resident attuner saw what you did. How can you be so reckless."
Val rolled her eyes, "Really, you're worse than my mother."
The sound of metal scraping on wood for a fraction of a second was the only warning the Warden got before Val plunged a sword into his abdomen, severing several nerves but narrowly avoiding the artery. He fell to his knees, a shocked look on his face. Ricard hadn't even the time to react before Valtharn's other hand stabbed a dagger into his upper vertebrae, paralyzing him.
"Now... You're going to tell me all about what you're looking for, Warden. And maybe I'll make the pain pass"
Faith would get the hunch that time was of the essence, and that she currently was at a critical position in this scenario. She was vaguely aware that things were slowly but surely falling apart at the top of the prison, but not the details. Something was coming down to them.
Grimwald, meanwhile, was fairly clueless, but had the key and a very important visitor to the prison in his custody.
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I will post again around the 25th of September 2022. Posting quicker as players will get me to post faster as well. Thanks!