• Closed • The Tavern Gambit

4th of Cylus 721

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Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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Re: The Tavern Gambit

Cylus 4, Arc 721

She hadn’t planned on lingering outside the tavern, but the drunk’s approach had temporarily forestalled her departure. Once Sabine had sent him off, watching him wobble off to wherever, a familiar voice emerged behind her.

Twisting around, Sabine arched her eyebrow lightly at his comment. “Probably a good idea, although I’ve found that fascination with the hair doesn’t stop at the edges of Rharne. A blessing and curse, it seems.”

Nodding in the direction of the retreating drunk, she continued. “I wouldn’t have tried that with someone sober or less drunk. I’m not intimidating enough for that, but I thought with him, I had a good shot at making him go away without having to involve the authorities, which is never optimal.”

Doing as not-William suggested, lithe hands swiftly pulled up the hood of her cloak, hiding her red tresses for the time being as she considered what to do next. She had left the man to his own devices, not wishing to overstay her welcome as company, but he had engaged her again in conversation. That left her with a choice to make.

“Seems the night isn’t done with us yet. May I walk with you for a bit?” she asked. It was up to him whether to accept or deny, but it felt appropriate to ask. Sabine wasn’t worried about her safety as much as continuing a conversation with an interesting personality.

Having no place to be gave the young woman certain freedom many didn’t, and while it was all she knew, there were evenings it got to her. Her life was something of a solitary one when traveling, so when Sabine did come into the cities, she tried to soak up as much socializing as she could. It was always superficial, really. Never digging too deep into another, being polite and charming while getting her fill, mingling with all sorts. Not-William had offered her a bit of a different experience with his measured responses leaving Sabine keen to continue their conversation for as long as allowed.

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Revan Blackhand
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Re: The Tavern Gambit

4 Cylus 721
He couldn't argue against what Sabine had said about her hair. The color did seem to fascinate people beyond the walls of Rharne but in Rharne it drew a specific type of attention. Religious attention from those who worshipped Ilaren. Sexual attention from drunks in bars who would have liked to bed the immortal. Probably criminal attention as well but Revan really felt the red hair might have been useful for avoiding that sort. If everyone was looking at you, you were harder to rob.

"People like those touched by fire it seems." Revan said in a somewhat contemplative voice as he eyed the woman's hair again. Maybe he needed a redheaded face. Not for the name she'd given him, though. He didn't feel that the name William suited a redhead but he was sure he'd think of something eventually. There was no rush for the time being. Sabine from Melrath explained that she wouldn't have tried what she had done on someone more sober or more intimidating and Revan gave a small shrug. He understood her logic but in his experience you never really knew what you were facing until it was too late. Drunk or not.

When Sabine asked if she could walk with him for a bit, Revan shook his head gently. "My leg would just slow you down wherever you're going." He pointed out before tapping his 'injured' leg with the cane he used to walk around. There were more reasons for his refusal but they were not exactly reasons he would share with someone he didn't know. There were things to do in the dark of the night that would support the Blackhands. Things he could not do with someone accompanying him- well at least someone who was not a Blackhand like he was. Trust was one currency Revan did not like to play with. "Maybe if it were earlier, but I should be getting back home now. It's not always safe to wander at night in this city."

word count: 346
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Re: The Tavern Gambit

Cylus 4, Arc 721

She would take his dismissal in stride, but then again, there was nothing else to do in that regard. Did she necessarily believe his reasons? No, but she also didn’t have an excuse not to believe him. A tricky thing, trust.

They bid each other farewell, and the young redhead began moving down the street. Rharne wasn’t unknown to her, yet there was something different in the air. Change. It happened everywhere, and Rharne wouldn’t be an exception to that. Part of Sabine longed for change and new experiences, but on the other hand, there was something comforting about the known. It was cozy and comforting to know that some things would always stay the same despite time progressing.

Sabine hadn’t made up her mind yet regarding Rharne. Would she stay longer or go? It was always difficult making that decision, but there was little desire to overstay her welcome in any city, and usually, a clear sign presented itself when it was time to move on. Were the evening’s events that sign? Hard to say, but it did give her pause and would prompt further consideration.

The streets were bustling, but in Rharne, they never felt crowded. As she strolled back towards the inn, Sabine watched those around her. Some kept to themselves, while some celebrated with others. Such was the nature of life and how it ebbed and flowed, pulling everyone along for the ride.

word count: 246
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Re: The Tavern Gambit

Hmm, Sabine is an interesting one. Although her choice of tavern is anything but upscale, it's probably one of the better ones in the Dust Quarter, or thereabouts. Still, it's interesting how she enters this story.

If she wants to fish for attention though, sitting in the back corner of the room is the last place I'd expect to find her. She really needs to work on her positioning. She doesn't stay there long, anyway, so it's probably a moot point.

It's interesting how you position her early in the thread, as a bit of a drifter grifter. I'll admit I haven't seen much of this character in a setting that she's comfortable with, so this is a refreshing take where we get to see her relax and be herself.

It was a funny diversion when she decided to play at riddles with Revan. He seemed genuinely intrigued by her decision to engage him with a riddle, even though he plays it off as coolly as he can.

I think both of your writing styles compliment each other well, and it's obvious the chemistry between the two characters. It's a shame that they cut their night short, though. I wonder what might've happened if Revan had decided to make something more of the night, maybe some light burglary to break the ice :D

Anyway, good thread you guys.

Sabine Devereaux

  • XP: 15
  • Knowledges:
    • Stealth: Concealing a feature to avoid attracting attention
    • Etiquette: Ask before joining someone for a walk
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Revan Blackhand

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    • Deception: x4
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