[Notated] The Toadower

Fauna (Flora too)

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The Toadower

Name: Toadower
Quick Facts: The Toadower is both a flora and a fauna. It features resemblance to a toad, and can often be seen where there is ample amount of insects.
Height: They can only reach heights of about 2 to 3 inches.
Width: Being a round creature, they also circumference around 2 to 3 inches.
Length: 2 to 3 inches
Weight: 1 to 2 lbs
Native to: Ponds and sometimes rivers if stale water is nearby.
Locations: All across Idalos

Appearance: These creature do not feature large tongues that snap up insects as most toads or frogs. They will often use their unique flowers to consume and lure in insects. Appearing quite ugly, and coated in a film of algae, these toads will often appear to be puffed up with air. Although, this isn't always the case. They can also deplete their supply and appear like a lily pad upon the top of water as well with their flowers expanded and opened up to consume insects.

Habitat: These unique toads prefer stale fresh water, but have been known to travel across salt water during winter times when insects are not in ample quantities. They need water to thrive and breathe, and can only survive on land for a day at most.

Lifespan and Development: These toads grow much like a seed would. They are germinated by lucky insects which escape with pollen of another toadower and then seeds are born of their flower. When it reaches time to hatch the seed is deposited into algae where the toadower will grow by eating waterskeeters that float across the top of the water. This is the only time they will use their mouth to eat. Once fully developed the toadower can live up to 10 arcs. As they age their bodies grow more and more covered in algae.

Diet: They only eat insects, and their special flowers that grow from them are the ones that consume the insects.

Temperament: These Toadowers normally do not involve themselves in the matters of humanoids, and do not possess much intellect. They are driven by instinct, and are not completely territorial. They migrate as the seasons change, but can always be found in Southern Idalos, where they are regarded as a mysterious species. They are extremely hard to catch due to the abilities of their flowers.

Abilities: Able to create croaking music that causes their flowers to dance, the Toadower are a mysterious species, where most of their abilities lie in their flowers which were named the Dancing Dragons. However, they do have defense mechanism. If the toad is caught, its body has lesions when if squished a filmy white coagulation pops out of it. This coagulation is extremely bitter and has a texture like butter. If consumed, it creates a drug like effect which causes the victim to hallucinate crazily and their face to go numb. This often causes the victim to drool uncontrollably and get dehydrated. Most hallucinations surround a dream like state where the victims deepest fears surface and visualize themselves. Even the Tunawa can not resist the hallucinations, causing it to be a very potent poison if used properly. As it is a butter like substance, this white substance will coat itself on whatever it touches and will soak into skin. The effects will dwindle over time, but if consumed in any amount; especially if not washing one's hands the effects eventually show themselves and can last upwards to 2 days.

Name: Dancing Dragons
Quick Facts: Always seen in pairs, these flowers grow from the infamous Toadower. They move the croaks of the toadower, and possess unique abilities to snap up insects with their tongues.
Height: up to 5 inches
Width: 1 inch
Nectar: These flowers produce a green nectar which is made from devouring insects. The nectar glows in the dark and can only be found by squeezing the stem of the flower. The nectar is not poisonous, but instead has strange qualities to it which can cause a person to momentarily become bioluminescent. Even a few drops of this nectar is enough to last an hour, as it is very thick and dilutes well with water.
Native to: Ponds and sometimes rivers if stale water is nearby.
Locations: All across Idalos

Appearance: The dancing dragons flowers always come in pairs. They feature a large bulbous flower with an extending tongue and a glowing stem. They will move to the croaks of the toadower and will close up when the toadower is on the move. The often appear yellow or orange, with a large stigma.

Habitat: These unique toadowers prefer stale fresh water, but have been known to travel across salt water during winter times when insects are not in ample quantities. They need water to thrive and breathe, and can only survive on land for a day at most.

Lifespan and Development: These flowers grow as the toad does and much like a seed would. They are germinated by lucky insects which escape with pollen of another toadower and then seeds are born of their flower. When it reaches time to hatch the seed is deposited into algae where the toadower will grow by eating waterskeeters that float across the top of the water. This is the only time they will use their mouth to eat. Once fully developed the toadower can live up to 10 arcs. As they age their bodies grow more and more covered in algae.

Uses: Unique abilities of bioluminescence

Temperament: The Toadower will not mind most humanoids, but are fairly hard to catch, as they can dive underwater and swim rather fast.

Credit: Tai'klein
word count: 943
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The Toadower

A couple of questions I've got here.

How does the slime from the Toad make it a poison? At best I see it as a powerful hallucinogenic that blocks some nervous system signals. Also not sure why it needed to be specified that it affected the Tunawa- if that's the case, does it also affect the Yludih who don't have many of the internal organs that other species do?

Stating that they don't involve themselves in matters of the humanoids makes it sound as if they consciously choose to remain aloof- I'd advise simply leaving it as stating that they lack intelligence. And they're not completely territorial? Does that mean they're partially territorial? To what extent are they?

Does smearing the cream cause the same effect as ingesting the cream?

Also, the germination of them is really unclear. Are they germinated by insects that escape one pod only to be trapped by another? If so, they wouldn't be very common.

Now, onto the Dancing Dragons

How much nectar is created from each flower? How fast does the nectar act? Is it simultaneous, or is it more of a '5mins later' kind of thing? Does it affect the odd races (Tunawa, Yludih, Mer) differently? If so, how?

Theres some minor rewordings I would advise before moving forward, but that can wait till we've worked through some of these questions first.

If you've got any questions, comments or concerns about this, feel free to send me a PM or post here and we can work through it!
word count: 265
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