Pegasus' Templates

In this section, players can learn how to construct their own post templates for their roleplays. Inside is a list of BBCode available on the site as well as how to use it. If anyone needs any help with developing a template, feel free to hop into chat or PM someone for assistance.

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Pegasus' Templates


Code: Select all

[center][img]/gallery/image.php?album_id=2&image_id=3485[/img][/center][style=max-width: 540px; background-color: #574336; padding: 20px 30px 30px 30px; margin: auto;margin-top: -20px; font-size: 14px; color: #b89680;][googlefont=Coming Soon][align=justify]


Thank you Kingdom!!!

Review Code:

Code: Select all

    [center][img]/gallery/image.php?album_id=2&image_id=3485[/img][/center][style=max-width: 540px; background-color: #574336; padding: 20px 30px 30px 30px; margin: auto;margin-top: -20px; font-size: 14px; color: #b89680;][googlefont=Coming Soon][align=justify]

[/tab][tab=Name 1]
XP Points: 15


Magic: No


[/tab][tab=Name 2]
XP Points: 15


Magic: No

word count: 129
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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Pegasus Pug!!!
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Pegasus' Templates

Here is where I write things. Good things!

Code: Select all

[center][img]/gallery/image.php?album_id=128&image_id=3486[/img][/center][style=max-width: 610px; background-color: #000000; padding: 20px 30px 30px 30px; margin: auto;margin-top: -20px; font-size: 14px; color: #ffffff;][googlefont=Coming Soon][align=justify]Here is where I write things. Good things![/align][/googlefont][/style]
Here is where I write things. Good things!

Code: Select all

    [center][img]/gallery/image.php?album_id=128&image_id=3489[/img][/center][style=max-width: 604px; background-color: #000000; padding: 20px 30px 30px 30px; margin: auto;margin-top: -20px; font-size: 14px; color: #ffffff;][googlefont=Coming Soon][align=justify]Here is where I write things. Good things![/align][/googlefont][/style]
word count: 124
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Pegasus Pug!!!
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Pegasus' Templates

Odd Jobs Template:

Code: Select all

[style3=max-width: 650px; background: #a3aad6; margin: auto; padding: 5px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 3px 1px #000000; color: #000000;][googlefont=Gentium Basic][font size=135]
[b]Job Name:[/b]
[b]Skills Required:[/b]
[b]OOC Requirements/ Notes:[/b] Any change to words, must be solo etc
[b]Hazard Level:[/b]
[b]Pay/ Reward:[/b]
[b]Additional Info:[/b][/googlefont][/font][/style3]
Bounty Template:

Code: Select all

[style3=max-width: 650px; background: #a3aad6; margin: auto; padding: 5px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 3px 1px #000000; color: #000000;][googlefont=Gentium Basic][font size=135]
[b]Bounty Name:[/b]
[b]OOC Requirements/ Notes:[/b] Any change to words, must be solo etc
[b]Hazard Level:[/b]
[b]Pay/ Reward:[/b]
[b]Additional Info:[/b][/googlefont][/font][/style3]
Expeditions, Explorations & Exchanges Template:

Code: Select all

[style3=max-width: 650px; background: #a3aad6; margin: auto; padding: 5px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 3px 1px #000000; color: #000000;][googlefont=Gentium Basic][font size=135]
[b]Item Type:[/b] Expedition, Exploration, Exchange, Rumour
[b]OOC Requirements/ Notes:[/b] Any change to words, must be solo etc
[b]Hazard Level:[/b]
[b]Pay/ Reward:[/b]
[b]Additional Info:[/b][/googlefont][/font][/style3]
word count: 227
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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Pegasus Pug!!!
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Pegasus' Templates

Hold on!! Review is on its way!!

Code: Select all

     [center][img]/gallery/image.php?album_id=128&image_id=3495[/img][/center][style=max-width: 540px; background-color: #c7a679; padding: 20px 30px 30px 30px; margin: auto;margin-top: -20px; font-size: 14px; color:#4b261b;][googlefont=Coming Soon][align=justify]Hold on!! Review is on its way!![/align][/googlefont][/style]


Points! 10 / 15


Magic EXP:


Code: Select all

[center][img]/gallery/image.php?album_id=128&image_id=3492[/img][/center][style=max-width: 540px; background-color: #c7a679; padding: 20px 30px 30px 30px; margin: auto;margin-top: -20px; font-size: 14px; color:    #4b261b;][googlefont=Tangerine][font size=250][b]Name[/b][/font][/googlefont]
[font family=fantasy]Points! 10 / 15


Magic EXP:


Every additional pc:

Code: Select all

[googlefont=Tangerine][font size=250][b]Name[/b][/font][/googlefont]
[font family=fantasy]Points! 10 / 15


Magic EXP:
Last edited by Pegasus Pug!!! on Tue Oct 18, 2016 11:23 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 170
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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Pegasus Pug!!!
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Pegasus' Templates

Here are more words

Code: Select all

[style=max-width: 550px; margin: auto; border: 15px double #ffffff; background-image: url(/gallery/image.php?album_id=128&image_id=3776); padding: 10px; padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; border-radius: 4px;][style2=max-width: 7=500px; margin: auto; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #ffffff; background: rgba(24,20,48, 0.83); box-shadow: 0px 0px 7px 0px #FC6194; color: #ffffff; border-radius: 1px;][center][b][font size=150]Words[/font][/b][/center]
Here are more words[/style2][/style]
word count: 88
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Pegasus' Templates

Thread Title

For Pegasus. Something bright and sparkly for someone bright and sparkly.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus nec tortor ut nisl malesuada consectetur nec a tellus. Ut accumsan suscipit neque, in consequat massa mattis eu. Nunc mauris elit, cursus lobortis elementum ac, rutrum et ante. Phasellus odio ex, aliquet eget gravida a, molestie vitae urna. Maecenas in ipsum quam. Nam bibendum tristique iaculis. Cras pretium volutpat tortor. Integer sed leo vitae ligula feugiat mattis sit amet vel ligula. Vivamus faucibus felis in tincidunt ultricies.

Curabitur volutpat ac enim blandit vehicula. Vestibulum dapibus arcu nec velit placerat pulvinar. Curabitur tellus magna, gravida a orci eu, condimentum fringilla nulla. Nam metus leo, tempor eu interdum vel, convallis quis quam. Quisque eleifend leo nec velit maximus, vel facilisis libero gravida. In blandit iaculis sapien non faucibus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Mauris nisi urna, pellentesque quis auctor quis, egestas nec elit. Cras iaculis a mi et fermentum. Cras finibus elementum enim a pulvinar. Nam sollicitudin pharetra orci in lacinia. Suspendisse potenti

Code: Select all

[center][img]/gallery/image.php?album_id=143&image_id=4097[/img][/center][style=max-width: 530px; background-color: #1c256a; padding: 20px 35px 25px 35px; margin: auto; margin-top: -15px;font-size: 15px; color: #9b7bac;][googlefont=Caudex][align=justify][center][font size=125][b]Thread Title[/b][/font]
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus nec tortor ut nisl malesuada consectetur nec a tellus. Ut accumsan suscipit neque, in consequat massa mattis eu. Nunc mauris elit, cursus lobortis elementum ac, rutrum et ante. Phasellus odio ex, aliquet eget gravida a, molestie vitae urna. Maecenas in ipsum quam. Nam bibendum tristique iaculis. Cras pretium volutpat tortor. Integer sed leo vitae ligula feugiat mattis sit amet vel ligula. Vivamus faucibus felis in tincidunt ultricies.

    Curabitur volutpat ac enim blandit vehicula. Vestibulum dapibus arcu nec velit placerat pulvinar. Curabitur tellus magna, gravida a orci eu, condimentum fringilla nulla. Nam metus leo, tempor eu interdum vel, convallis quis quam. Quisque eleifend leo nec velit maximus, vel facilisis libero gravida. In blandit iaculis sapien non faucibus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Mauris nisi urna, pellentesque quis auctor quis, egestas nec elit. Cras iaculis a mi et fermentum. Cras finibus elementum enim a pulvinar. Nam sollicitudin pharetra orci in lacinia. Suspendisse potenti[/align][/googlefont][/style]
word count: 388

"There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about."
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Pegasus' Templates

For Pegasus. Je t'aime.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus nec tortor ut nisl malesuada consectetur nec a tellus. Ut accumsan suscipit neque, in consequat massa mattis eu. Nunc mauris elit, cursus lobortis elementum ac, rutrum et ante. Phasellus odio ex, aliquet eget gravida a, molestie vitae urna. Maecenas in ipsum quam. Nam bibendum tristique iaculis. Cras pretium volutpat tortor. Integer sed leo vitae ligula feugiat mattis sit amet vel ligula. Vivamus faucibus felis in tincidunt ultricies.

Curabitur volutpat ac enim blandit vehicula. Vestibulum dapibus arcu nec velit placerat pulvinar. Curabitur tellus magna, gravida a orci eu, condimentum fringilla nulla. Nam metus leo, tempor eu interdum vel, convallis quis quam. Quisque eleifend leo nec velit maximus, vel facilisis libero gravida. In blandit iaculis sapien non faucibus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Mauris nisi urna, pellentesque quis auctor quis, egestas nec elit. Cras iaculis a mi et fermentum. Cras finibus elementum enim a pulvinar. Nam sollicitudin pharetra orci in lacinia. Suspendisse potenti

Code: Select all

[center][img]/gallery/image.php?album_id=143&image_id=4099[/img][/center][style=max-width: 530px; background-color: #e9e9eb; padding: 20px 35px 25px 35px; margin: auto; margin-top: -15px;font-size: 15px; color: #878d9b;][googlefont=Caudex][align=justify]For Pegasus.

        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus nec tortor ut nisl malesuada consectetur nec a tellus. Ut accumsan suscipit neque, in consequat massa mattis eu. Nunc mauris elit, cursus lobortis elementum ac, rutrum et ante. Phasellus odio ex, aliquet eget gravida a, molestie vitae urna. Maecenas in ipsum quam. Nam bibendum tristique iaculis. Cras pretium volutpat tortor. Integer sed leo vitae ligula feugiat mattis sit amet vel ligula. Vivamus faucibus felis in tincidunt ultricies.

        Curabitur volutpat ac enim blandit vehicula. Vestibulum dapibus arcu nec velit placerat pulvinar. Curabitur tellus magna, gravida a orci eu, condimentum fringilla nulla. Nam metus leo, tempor eu interdum vel, convallis quis quam. Quisque eleifend leo nec velit maximus, vel facilisis libero gravida. In blandit iaculis sapien non faucibus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Mauris nisi urna, pellentesque quis auctor quis, egestas nec elit. Cras iaculis a mi et fermentum. Cras finibus elementum enim a pulvinar. Nam sollicitudin pharetra orci in lacinia. Suspendisse potenti[/align][/googlefont][/style]
CS Intervention


Thank you for submitting your CS. There are just a few things that you need to put right before I can approve it. Please just put these things right, then drop me a pm and I will lift this intervention. Thanks!

Code: Select all

[center][img]/gallery/image.php?album_id=143&image_id=4099[/img][/center][style=max-width: 530px; background-color: #e9e9eb; padding: 20px 35px 25px 35px; margin: auto; margin-top: -15px;font-size: 15px; color: #878d9b;][googlefont=Caudex][align=justify][font size=200]CS Intervention[/font]


Thank you for submitting your CS. There are just a few things that you need to put right before I can approve it. Please just put these things right, then drop me a pm and I will lift this intervention. Thanks!

word count: 505

"There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about."
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Pegasus' Templates

Put words here!

Code: Select all

[style=max-width: 600px; height: 410px; margin: auto; padding-top: 90px; background-image: url(/gallery/image.php?album_id=157&image_id=4338); background-repeat: no-repeat;][style2=max-width: 450px; overflow:hidden; height: 280px; overflow: auto; margin: 15px 10px 15px 55px; padding-right: 100px;color: #331a0d;][googlefont=Meddon][align=justify][font size=140]
Put words here!
word count: 74
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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Pegasus Pug!!!
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Pegasus' Templates



Code: Select all

[style=max-width: 780px; margin: auto; background-image:url(/gallery/image.php?album_id=173&image_id=5674); background-repeat: repeat; box-shadow: 0px 0px 3px 2px #000000; padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 30px;][style2=max-width: 720px; margin: auto; background-image:url(/gallery/image.php?album_id=173&image_id=7845); background-repeat: repeat; box-shadow: 0px 0px 3px 2px #000000; border: solid 5px #e9e9e9; padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 30px;][style3=max-width: 650px; background: rgba(163,170,214, 0.8); margin: auto; border: solid 5px #e9e9e9; padding: 5px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 3px 1px #000000; color: #000000;][center][googlefont=Lovers Quarrel][font size=300]Title[/googlefont][/font][font size=150]


word count: 124
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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Pegasus' Templates


Thank you for being awesome Peg!! :D

Code: Select all

[center][img]/gallery/image.php?album_id=94&image_id=4823[/img][/center][style=max-width:660px; padding: 90px 20px 40px 20px;  border-radius:60px; background-color: #b17f58; color: #292937; margin-top:-110px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;][googlefont=Roboto Condensed][font size=110]

Thank you for being awesome Peg!!  :D 

Sorry to see you haven't posted....

Hi Hi!

Since this thread hasn't been posted to in a while, I'm unsubscribing from it. If you return, however, and want to pick it back up just drop me a pm. I'll be more than happy to either pick it up straight away, put it in my waiting list if I'm at capacity, or ask another mod. Either way, it'll be no problem but I might not notice if you just reply.

Thanks! Hope to see you posting here again!

All the best,


Code: Select all

[center][img]/gallery/image.php?album_id=94&image_id=4823[/img][/center][style=max-width:660px; padding: 90px 20px 40px 20px;  border-radius:60px; background-color: #b17f58; color: #292937; margin-top:-110px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;][center][font family=Curlz MT][font size=300]Sorry to see you haven't posted....[/font][/font][/center]

[googlefont=Roboto Condensed][font size=110]

Hi Hi!

Since this thread hasn't been posted to in a while, I'm unsubscribing from it. If you return, however, and want to pick it back up just drop me a pm. I'll be more than happy to either pick it up straight away, put it in my waiting list if I'm at capacity, or ask another mod. Either way, it'll be no problem but I might not notice if you just reply. 

Thanks! Hope to see you posting here again!

All the best,


word count: 326

"Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night,
and when you move fall like a thunderbolt"
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