Element NPCs

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Element NPCs

Scalvoris' Military Forces:

Use this thread to create Element NPCs. This will allow consistency between players and will mean that you can have more skilled NPCs than the usual "faceless" ones being played consistently without needing to go through the full approval process. Please note that the NPCs here are mod-use.

As long as the NPC meets the requirements / restrictions below, you may play them immediately and don't need to wait for approval. It is perfectly ok for you to post them here after you finish your thread with them! If you use your skills against them, however, this submission MUST be linked in your review request to ensure that our Peer Reviewers can confirm.

Please note:
  • The Elements work in groups - usually of 3 or 4, but it depends on the situation. Patrols may be in pairs only.
  • They are a well-trained and effective military force. They are not incompetent, please don't play them as such.
  • While there are those who are corrupt AND those who are incompetent - this is NOT what this place is for. If you wish to have an Element NPC be corrupt, incompetent, look the other way, etc - then they must be submitted as a City NPC and this must be made very clear in the dev submission. This thread / these NPCs are for the ones that are doing their jobs.
  • Consider these "flavour" NPCs. They follow the same rules as flavour NPCs , but with more skills than usual flavour NPCs.
  • The same rules for story as Flavour NPCs apply. You can meet them, see them in passing, notice them in a bar, etc. If, however, an NPC becomes a significant part of your story, then they should be submitted as a city NPC or a city one.
  • The "titles" (Beginners, Intermediate etc) are not ranks. They are examples of their experience levels.
  • Please use them in a way which makes story sense for their level of experience. An Advanced Veteran is not likely to be called out to get your cat out of a tree.


    Basic troops, not very experienced.
    They may have up to 6 non-magic skills, 1 expert, 2 competent, 3 novice
    Alexandria, Water
    Created by: Mab Prell
    Name: Alexandria Maximillia Drenguarda
    Race: Ithecal
    Birthday/Age: Saun 2nd, 686 arc
    Title: Novice Water Element Troop and Menagerie Volunteer
    Skills: Animal husbandry expert, Animal training competent, Mount competent, Trident novice, Swimming novice, Unarmed combat novice
    Worships: Ethelynda
    Details: A light pastel green, the Ithecal is covered in a smattering of pale orange and yellow streaks. She wears nothing but a loose covering that is belted over her hips and falls to her knees, a belt with a variety of pouches hang loosely from her waist. She is covered in delicate thorny spikes that erupt like bone spurs from each joint including the curved arches of her face. The Ithecal began working at the Menagerie with the water mounts and was content for much of her life. However, following the evacuation of the refugees in arc 720 she wished to fight for her town and took up arms in the Elements. A late bloomer perhaps, amongst the younger novice troops, her background in the Menagerie serves her well and she is often called upon by fellow recent recruits for riding or animal handling lessons. Not one to suffer fools, Alexandria is a light-hearted and whimsical reptilian who is quick to employ disarming and witty repartee to combat remarks she deems unpleasant. The reptile will not let you escape a conversation without including some punnery. Although seemingly an odd choice for the water troops the Ithecal learns swimming by watching reptiles in the Sweetvine Woods and is delighted to inform anyone who cocks an eyebrow at her choice of section that, "Turtles are reptiles too." with a cheeky wink. Alexandria is often given new Menagerie staff to train, when Elise Flarsdotter doesn't have time or feels uninclined. While Alexandria is not well-educated compared to the scholars and intelligentsia that are new to Scalvoris she has a knack for learning through trial and error and encourages others to learn this way too - plus, it's more fun to watch.

    OOC note: I used Alexandria in this thread. I added her to the NPC Development thread because I want to use her more often in future threads in a more involved way so I thought I should put her there too. :)
    Blodwen Golly and Alexandria used in A Deer's Dula
    Cedric, Flame
    Name: Cedric Daegal
    Created by: Balthazar Black
    Race: Human
    Birthday/Age: Twenty arcs old, 24 Ashan 702
    Title: Flame Troop Recruit
    Location: Almund Element Hall
    Skills: Combat: Blades (Expert)
    Mount (Land) (Competent)
    Athletics (Competent)
    Investigation (Novice)
    Strength (Novice)
    Endurance (Novice)
    Details: Cedric is one of the more hot headed recruits to join the Elements in the arc of 721. Coming from a home that was practically shattered by pirates, he joined the Elements with the goal to rid the seas of the menace. In his time training he came to understand and appreciate that there are other issues which the Elements are needed to address, but his central focus on stopping piracy has not withered. He is passionate about what he does to a fault and needs someone who can temper his passion with caution. When Cedric steps out of line or out of order, he is almost always doing so from a place of passion and caring. He does not know how to sit silently while events he disagrees with transpire around him. In Vhalar of 721 Cedric was assigned to the group of Elements being trained and lead by Balthazar Black out of Almund.
    Crispen, Air
    Name of NPC: Crispen Alder

    Race: Human

    Birthday/Age: Zi'da 1st, Arc 676 (45)

    Type: Beginner

    Branch of the Elements: Air Troop

    Skills: Animal Training (Expert), Animal Husbandry (Competent), Blades: Dagger (Competent), Unarmed Combat (Novice), Research (Novice), Intelligence (Novice)

    Brief Description of Personality: The straight forward sort, Crispen has a very questionable way of speaking and it has the feeling of interrogation when he questions you. He's not stiff and he's very kind if not work oriented. He's not unfriendly, but he cares more for thr job than the relationships he forms with people- animals are an exception, of course.

    Links to threads where used: In Perspective
    Lunden, Flame
    Name: Lunden Leoric
    Created by: Balthazar Black
    Race: Human
    Birthday/Age: Twenty seven arcs old, 4 Vhalar 693
    Title: Flame Troop Recruit
    Location: Almund Element Hall
    Skills: Combat: Blades (Expert)
    Mount (Land) (Competent)
    Psychology (Competent)
    Business Management (Novice)
    Medicine (Novice)
    Singing (Novice)
    Details: Lunden is a man of courage and honor who has tried to live his entire life by a moral code that his father taught him. He spent his earlier life working at his father's tavern in Scalvoris, gaining skills that would later help him place in the Flame Branch of the Element due to his unique insights. Shortly after a robbery lead to his father's death, Lunden turned his attention to criminal justice. He joined the Elements, older than most of the recruits joining with him, in arc 721 and was assigned to the group being lead out of Almund by Balthazar Black. Lunden is a good man at heart who wants to make Scalvoris a safer place but he is often blinded by his sense of morality. There are lines he must cross to do his job correctly that he is unwilling to cross because he feels that it is wrong.
    Pylos, Flame
    Name: Pylos
    Created by: Balthazar Black
    Race: Human
    Birthday/Age: 3 Ashan 704
    Title: Flame Trooper Recruit
    Medicine (Expert)
    Detection (Competent)
    Investigation (Competent)
    Combat: Blades (Competent)
    Intelligence (Competent)
    Stealth (Competent)
    Details: Pylos was born in Scalvoris and grew up traveling through the various islands. He never lived in one set village or town for more than a few years while with he grew up with his father- a traveling gambler, fisherman, and brawler. Pylos's father did whatever was needed to bring home some money at the end of the trial and for a long time they lived together happily. Then his father got sick, died, and Pylos was left on his own with very little to work from. He had amassed a decent medical knowledge through long nights tending to his father's injuries and he inherited his father's belongings so he tried to make a living as a traveling medic for a while. He thought about joining the Order but found himself drawn to the youthful call of adventure a little more than to the call of a healer. He told himself he would consider joining the Order when he was older and he instead turned his knowledge of the many villages and islands of Scalvoris to helping keep them safe. His father was never fond of the Elements, but in the absence of his real father Pylos began looking to prominent figures he thought were worthy role models.

    It was mere chance that he heard about Balthazar Black's exploits among the Elements but after Pylos heard the first story he found himself quickly enamored with the rumors about the man which ranged from surviving the eruption of Faldrass to establishing a settlement there. Despite the reality of the situations, Pylos has become convinced that Balthazar can do no wrong and after joining the Flame Branch of the Elements (which he was admitted to because his medical knowledge had proven valuable on an investigation) he has set out to learn everything he can from the senior Trooper.

    Links to threads where used: TBD


    Have been doing this a while now
    They may have up to 6 non-magic skills, 2 expert, 3 competent, 1 novice
    Ellis, Spirit
    Name: Ellis Dunne
    Created by: Elisabeth Angelus
    Race: Human
    Birthday/Age: Cylus 13, 696 (26 Arcs)
    Title: Classified - Spirit Trooper
    Location: Scalvoris Town
    Marks: Favored (Zuuda)
    Investigation - Expert
    Research - Expert
    Intelligence - Competent
    Socialization - Competent
    Cryptography - Competent
    Combat: Unarmed - Competent

    Details: Very few actually know what Ellis does for a living. If pressed, he tells people that he's a traveling scholar that wanders Scalvoris, documenting unique finds and researching. He's not lying really. As part of the Spirit branch of the Elements, his assignments usually involve the odd and weird, collecting information and taking it back to his superiors. Fairly new to the Elements, Ellis is still finding his footing. He is often sent into situations that need a light touch due to his jovial manner. He takes his faith to Famula seriously and under the tutelage of Carys Adare, has flourished. Mod approval needed for use of this npc
    Carys, Spirit
    Name: Carys Adare
    Created by: Elisabeth Angelus
    Race: Human
    Birthday/Age: Zi'da 45, 694 (28 Arcs)
    Title: Classified - Spirit Trooper
    Location: Scalvoris Town
    Marks: Adored (Zuuda)
    Stealth - Expert
    Intelligence - Expert
    Socialization - Competent
    Caregiving - Competent
    Teaching - Competent
    Combat: Blade - Competent

    Details: Carys Adare, serious and soft spoken, was a Zuuda long before being recruited by Jacien into the Spirit branch. Having been marked right before turning twenty arcs old, Carys has invested a great deal of time into understanding her abilities and responsibilities to the Idalos. Her talent is stealth, blending into almost any environment with ease due to some unfortunate circumstances in her youth - and no, she won't talk about it. Her superiors often assign her new recruits into the Spirit branch to ease them into service. Mod approval needed for use of this npc
    Dante, Flame
    Name: Dante Ward
    Created by: Balthazar Black
    Race: Human
    Birthday/Age: Fifty arcs old, 2 Cylus 672
    Title: Flame Trooper, Alchemist for the Elements
    Location: Works primarily out of the Element Hall in Scalvoris Town. Travels as needed for work.
    Skills: Alchemy (Expert)
    Engineering (Expert)
    Smithing (Expert)
    Mount (Land) (Competent)
    Textile Production (Competent)
    Detection (Competent)
    Woodworking (Competent)
    Axes and Bludgeons (Novice)
    Details: Dante is a skilled craftsman who put his hand and hammer to work for the Elements of Scalvoris at an early age. He joined the Elements with relatively little skill that would help them in the investigative fields and was put to work with the alchemists in the Flame Branch. He has spent the majority of his life working with the other craftsmen in the Elements to produce the cloaks and badges and other equipment that is needed, when it is needed. His time working with the Elements has lead to him becoming very good at the things he does, but he does not often look outside Scalvoris for inspiration. Dante believes deeply in the work the Elements do but he is not a great fighter. His skill with hand and hammer extends only to his craftsmanship but he has never felt that he was not doing his all for the island.
    Lydia, Flame
    Name: Lydia Clement
    Created by: Balthazar Black
    Race: Human
    Birthday/Age: Twenty arcs old, 37 Ashan 702
    Title: Flame Troop Recruit
    Location: Almund Element Hall
    Skills: Investigation (Expert)
    Combat: Axes and Bludgeons (Competent)
    Cryptography (Competent)
    Detection (Novice)
    Intelligence (Novice)
    Appraisal (Novice)
    Details: Lydia is one of the smarter recruits to join the Elements in arc 721. She has a mind like a puzzle that is always working and breaking down the things she looks at and investigates. She is the most clearly cut out to become a detective and yet she is constantly held back by her own lack of confidence in her conclusions. Even with all the evidence present, she would be reluctant to move on a case where she thought there was even a small chance that she could make a mistake. She is a careful, quiet, and dedicated worker who just needs to learn to break free of the shell she is creating around herself to become a better Element. She is one of the three Flame Trooper Recruits who was assigned to work with Balthazar Black out of Almund in arc 721.
    Skal, Flame
    Name of NPC: Skal Nij'Ufnaj
    Race, Age, Gender: Biqaj, 27 Arcs (13 Ymiden 694), Female
    Type: Intermediate
    Branch of the Elements: Flame Troops
    Skills: Axes and Bludgeons (Expert)
    Investigation (Expert)
    Mount (Flying) (Competent)
    Navigation (Competent)
    Seafaring (Competent)
    Stealth (Novice)
    Brief Description of Personality: Skal is a little hot headed but she is a loyal and good Flame Trooper. She follows orders to the letter and has a black and white sense of right and wrong. In her mind, if you don't agree with a system, why should you join it? She believes deeply in the Council of Scalvoris and the leadership of the Elements. Skal has a passionate hatred of pirates and piracy which lead her to joining the Elements. Her training has not tempered that hate, but directed it.
    Links to threads where used:
    Blodwen Golly, Land

    Name of NPC: Blodwen Golly
    Race, Age, Gender: Human, 32, Female
    Type: Intermediate
    Branch of the Elements: Land

    Mount (Ground): 60 (Expert)
    Teaching: 55 (Expert)
    Blades: 45 (Competent)
    Athletics: 40 (Competent)
    Animal Husbandry: 35 (Competent)
    Animal Training: 20 (Novice)

    Brief Description of Personality: A kind person who enjoys teaching other people about how to handle mounts and pack animals. She is a good trainer of riders in the Elements. She rides a halfrein, and uses a cavalry saber as a weapon. She often leads patrols on the road between Egilrun and Scalvoris, and on other roads around the island. She's genial and nice.

    She stands at about 5'9" and has brown hair and gray eyes. Average build.
    Links to threads where used:
    It's not about the Destination
    A Deer's Dula
    If You Do
    Homer, Land
    Name of NPC Homer Stickles
    Race, Age, Gender: Human, 21, Male
    Type: Desk Trooper
    Branch of the Elements: Land Elements

    Expert: Politics, Intelligence
    Competent: Writing, Tactics, Socialization.
    Novice: Detection.

    Brief Description of Personality: Homer was raised with a silver spoon in his mouth. While his wealthy parents provided him with top-of-the-line equipment, he is still a green and untested combatant. Nevertheless, he possesses an aptitude for politics and raising through the ranks swiftly, by way of claiming credit for his squad’s successes. He arrived at a cushy position when his talents for keeping and combing over records were discovered. He is content in his position but wishes for more prestigious posts.
    Links to threads where used: License to Purchase
    Kyle, Air

    Name of NPC: Kyle
    Race, Age, Gender: Human, 12 Vhalar 690, Male
    Type: Intermediate
    Branch of the Elements: Air Troops
    Polearms: Spear (70/100)
    Ranged: Short Bow (65/100)
    Mount: Scalvwing (45/100)
    Detection (45/100)
    Animal Training (40/100)
    Investigation (25/100)
    Brief Description of Personality: A talkative and relatively playful Air Trooper who is more than willing to crack jokes and have a good time as long as everyone is safe. When there is work to do, Kyle is dedicated to getting it done but when the work is over, he'd rather have fun.
    Links to threads where used:
    The Mage and The Mounts: Vigil For The Missing (1)
    The Mage and The Mounts: Vigil For The Missing (2)
    Kit, Water

    Name of NPC: Kit
    Race, Age, Gender: Mer, 30 Cylus 692, Male
    Type: Intermediate
    Branch of the Elements: Water Troops
    Blades: Longsword (70/100)
    Detection (65/100)
    Swimming (45/100)
    Mount: Merquestrian (45/100)
    Deception (40/100)
    Teaching (25/100)
    Brief Description of Personality: Kit has a kind heart and wants nothing more than to see peace spread across the islands despite presenting himself as a carefree individual. He is more fond of his own race than others. He takes his duty to the Elements seriously because deep down he believes that the Elements are the best way to help him achieve that goal.
    Links to threads where used:
    The Mage and The Mounts: Sea of Lights (1)
    The Mage and The Mounts: Sea of Lights (2)
    Jerald, Land
    Name of NPC: Jerald
    Race, Age, Gender: Human, 91 Ashan 685, Male
    Type: Intermediate
    Branch of the Elements: Land Troop
    Skills: Polearms (70/100), Blades (65/100), Unarmed (45/100), Detection (45/100), Tactics (40/100), Athletics (25/100)

    Brief Description of Personality: Jerald is a good Trooper but a bad man. He does his job to the letter of the law but is typically rude or crass about it, showing little sensitivity about anything. He has been described as the least pleasant coworker many of the Elements have encountered but no one can argue that in a fight or on patrol, he is a effective partner to have.
    Links to threads where used:
    I'll Make A Man Out Of You (1)
    I'll Make A Man Out Of You (2)
    Nadine Nevarska, Air

    Name of NPC: Nadine Nevarska
    Race, Age, Gender: Mixed (Sevryn, Human) 29, F
    Type: Intermediate
    Branch of the Elements: Air
    Expert: Hunting, Athletics
    Competent: Fieldcraft, Combat: Blades, Mount: Air,
    Novice: Endurance
    Brief Description of Personality: Nadine is no-nonsense, and unsentimental about the animals she handles: the young, cute enormowls which she treats with a combination of gentle firmness and “nurse’s compassion”. She is generally positive, but in no way bubbly or cheerful. Nadine firmly believes that loving one’s job (which she does) is not the same thing as being happy every trial (which she isn’t); if you truly love what you do, she will tell people, then you love the bad times that come with it, too.
    Links to threads where used: TBD


    The most experienced troops which can be submitted by players.
    They may have up to 8 non-magic skills, 3 expert, 4 competent, 1 novice
    Kortha, Water
    Name of NPC: Kortha Zyq'Ufnaj
    Race, Age, Gender: Biqaj, 43, Female
    Type: Veteran, Captain
    Branch of the Elements: Water Branch
    Skills: Expert Seafaring, Expert Navigation, Expert Teaching, Competent Hunting, Competent Leadership, Competent Combat - Blades, Competent Endurance, Novice: Resistance

    Brief Description of Personality: Kortha is a powerful force in the Elements, years of experience leading her to the position of Captain of the Lady Adamant. Friendly but firm is how most would describe the captain, those that crew on her ship hoping to never be swapped to a new vessel. Despite being in charge of a large crew that can swap in and out of duties at one word, the Captain makes time for everyone, doing her best to teach them so that they may also sail across the seas and become as renowned as she did.

    Everything she does is for the good of Scalvoris, her heart true to the place she grew up and loved. Anyone who has ill intentions discovered upon her ship is apprehended and brought home, any pirates found are captured and arrested and any that seek to take money for only themselves and not for the good of the crew are thrown out immediately. Despite being a stickler for the law, Kortha is always willing to go on adventures with her crew when they have no set orders, travelling to different places in search of exploration and potential valuables. Any loot found is shared among the crew, after being approved to be kept by the higher-ups, and Kortha ensures everyone has their fair piece.

    Links to threads where used: N/A
    Osmond, Flame
    Name of NPC: Osmond Bean
    Race, Age, Gender: Human, 40 Arcs (1 Cylus 681), Male
    Type: Veteran
    Branch of the Elements: Flame Troops
    Skills: Investigation (Expert)
    Stealth (Expert)
    Socialization (Expert)
    Mount (Flying) (Competent)
    Athletics (Competent)
    Detection (Competent)
    Blades (Competent)
    Psychology (Novice)
    Brief Description of Personality: While he wields a weapon because it is required for his job, Osmond prefers to approach all situations with an open, peaceful, and nonjudgemental mindset. He believes deeply that neutrality, when feasible, enhances his ability to analyze all aspects of a situation. If a situation can be resolved peacefully, Osmond will always attempt to do so. If it can not be, he does his duty. He's deeply devoted to the people of Scalvoris and does his duty to the best of his ability at all times. Injured during the apprehension of the Raskbuck crew on Ymiden 25, Arc 721.
    Links to threads where used:
    Hercule Blanc, Flame
    Name of NPC: Hercule Blanc
    Race, Age, Gender: Human, Male, 36 arcs old
    Type: Veteran
    Branch of the Elements: Flame Branch
    Skills: Investigation (Expert)
    Psychology (Expert)
    Socialization (Expert)
    Mount (Land) (Competent)
    Cryptography (Competent)
    Detection (Competent)
    Blades (Competent)
    Art (Novice)
    Brief Description of Personality: Hercule Blanc is somewhat of an old school investigators within the Flame Branch of the Elements. He values the footwork and slow peeling back of each layer of each case. He cares deeply about the cases he works on and does all he can to help the people of Scalvoris while maintaining professionalism. He is a skilled detective with a mind that is always working. He enjoys difficult cases and working with other skilled detectives. He is always learning and looking to learn, which has helped him many times throughout his career with the Elements.
    Links to threads where used: Stolen Moments, Saved Lives

    Advanced Veteran

    Trean McFrank
    Human, 30 ish, Male.
    Branch: Flame Troop
    Skills: Unknown at this time.
    Brief Description of Personality: Trean is a quiet but fundamentally kind man. He is gently spoken and is quick to be helpful. However, he will follow the letter of the law to the Nth degree and he takes his duty very seriously.
    If I Had A Hammer
    I'm Not Into Chains
    I'd Hammer Out Danger
    I'd Hammer Out A Warning
    The Pirate's Bust
    Looking Into The Black
    Into The Badlands
    Serenity & Serendipity
    One Bad Day
    Miranda Preston
    Biqaj, 25 ish, Female.
    Branch: Flame Troop
    Skills: Unknown at this time.
    Brief Description of Personality: Miranda is something of a loner. She does not socialise or fraternise, she does not chat. If orders are needed to be given, she gives them and she will not bend - at all - in terms of her job.
    If I Had A Hammer
    I'm Not Into Chains
    Red Alert
    Warning Shots
    Alone In The Garden
    I'd Hammer Out A Warning
    Do All Leaders Get Hand Cramps?
    Into The Badlands
    Make Yourself Useful or Leave
    The Clam Queen
    Low Flying Clouds
    One Bad Day
    I See Dead People
    Mixed Sev'ryn / Human, 25 ish, Male.
    Branch: Flame Troop
    Skills: Unknown at this time.
    Brief Description of Personality: Tib'ron is a stubborn individual who believes that crimes deserve punishments. He is not openly hostile, but he is far from friendly. He never crosses the line of professionalism, but he certainly doesn't go out of his way to help.
    If I Had A Hammer
    I'd Hammer In The Morning
    I'd Hammer In The Evening
    A Child With Scissors
    I'm Not Into Chains
    I'd Hammer Out A Warning
    Arming The Unarmed
    A Trial To Remember - Volume Two
    Bare Necessities and Hobbies
    An Unexpected Guest
    One Bad Day

    Leadership - Mod Permission Only

    Jacien Raque
    Name: Jacien Raque
    Race: Human
    Age: 3rd Saun, Arc 687
    Title: Master of the Bazaar
    Skills: Business Management: 90, Discipline: 70, Linguistics: 70, Intelligence: 65, Socialization: 55, Intimidation: 50, Writing: 30....and a bunch more you don't need to know about.
    Other Information: The undisputed master of the Almund Bazaar, Jacien is a cunning and ruthless man who rules the sea of stalls with an iron fist. He lives in the administrative office at the centre of the bazaar and issues sales permits to anyone who wishes to set up a stall, though makes a point of meeting each of them in person to make sure they know that he's the boss, and auctions off the most popular stall spaces on a near daily basis. The Element soldiers patrolling the bazaar are firmly in his pocket, and any merchants who wont pay his permit fees or customers caught disrupting the peace are only given one warning before being harshly dealt with.

    Jacien came to Scalvoris as a young boy with his father, a merchant from Nashaki, though was left stranded after his dad was killed by pirates over a price dispute in the bazaar, which at the time was ruled by one of the Pirate Lords and was a far more violent and disorderly place. With no one to turn to and no possessions except for a handful of his fathers merchandise Jacien was forced to fend for himself, and became a small street peddler in one of the dingy back alleys. He was constantly robbed and scammed in his early years, looked down upon because he was a kid, but through those hardships Jacien learnt to be shrewd, ruthless and clever, and slowly but surely built his way up from a simple peddler to the biggest stall owner in the bazaar. When the Pirate Lords disappeared Jacien saw his chance and teamed up with an officer in the newly established Elements, seizing control of the bazaar with military might and establishing order within it for the first time since the founding of Almund. Not once has he ever forgotten what it was like to be at the bottom, and because of that he works tirelessly to ensure that the order he has brought to the bazaar is never broken. (Jacien is a mod permission only npc - please contact a Scalv mod if you'd like to use him!)

    Threads: N/A
    Code for submitting an NPC

    Code: Select all

    Name of NPC
    Race, Age, Gender: 
    Branch of the Elements
    Brief Description of Personality
    Links to threads where used:
    Code for adding threads where a particular NPC is used:

    Code: Select all

    Name of NPC
    Link to new thread(s)
    I'll move NPCs to the relevant tabs as they get approved, and delete posts here. Hope that helps!
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Re: Element NPCs


Up to Date!!!

Nadine Nevarska added!
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Re: Element NPCs

Name of NPC: Blodwen Golly (Intermediate)
Link to new thread(s) /viewtopic.php?t=30068
Summary: Golly manages a hostage situation at the Glassblower's Union in Egilrun, fetching Woe to help with the negotiations.
 ! Message from: Avalon
word count: 39
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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Re: Element NPCs

Name of NPC: Osmond Bean
Link to new thread(s): The Ghost of Almund
 ! Message from: Avalon
word count: 18

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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