56th of Ashan 722
Lorogh had to go!
It was time for class, and it was no less important that he attend now than of any day. The campaign would commence in just a few days. They'd be marching him straight back toward Winter Reach to deal with the raiding remnants of the former government there, so he had to take advantage of his presence in Cahryst NOW! This was the center of educational excellence in the entire Empire, which really meant something significant to Lorogh. Considering himslef a proud Imperial, he saw that Raskalarn's principles of advancement of society and cultivation of the human condition trickled down to her people. And that optimism toward things that were useful were no less evident than in Cahryst.
He presently walked on his way toward the laboratory, which would be the site of the current day's lessons. There were students of all types on the grounds. A few younger women gave him eyes, giggling at him. Probably hadn't seen a cadouri before. He just shot a wink at them, and kept marching along on his way toward the laboratory, a spring in his step. It wasn't all that bad to be different!
Under his arm, he carried a few scrollcases full of his schematics, including the beginnings of what would someday be what Lorogh called a functioning 'gearbox'. Something so simple, constructed of springs, gears, and other energy containing bits. Under the other arm, he held the prototype. Well, not yet even a prototype, but some bits of string and steel springs, and wooden bits that would hopefully be constructed and made into a working model of what he wished to accomplish. They were all stuffed into a small box.
Thus, as he arrived at the doors to the laboratory, he found himself unable to get inside. He had to wait for someone to come inside or else leave, before he could slip through. So wait was what he did. As he waited, he considered all of the progress he'd made up to this point, in his innovations, and cast his eyes toward where his research was going. He wanted to make things better, to make things 'go'. This was the place to do it, and though he was eager to join his comrades in their fight against the ignorant ex-government of Winter Reach, he relished every moment he had to indulge in his curiosities in Cahryst.
Presently, a flock of people came out of the Laboratory, in a slow stream. Lorogh attempted to get in between them, but they were coming out in such regular intervals that he couldn't quite do it without being rude or pushing. "Excuse me! Pardon! May I...?"
Eventually he did get a foot in the door as the last to exit departed, and from there he leveraged his foot's position to fling the door open.
Once inside, he set his prototype to the side, and shut the door behind him. Once it was secure, he picked back up his prototype, and headed down to the facilities. Today, they'd be working with chemistry, and Lorogh hoped to explore how a volatile chemical combination could result in EXPLOSIVE physical force.