[Dust Quarter] Quacian Botany: The Real Thing

83rd of Ashan 722

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[Dust Quarter] Quacian Botany: The Real Thing


83rd of Ashan 722

Unfortunately, Faith wasn’t available at Eureka at the time of Woe’s landing on Rharnean territory. While he’d had a chance encounter with a kindly woodsman who escorted him to the village in due time, he’d been unable to locate Faith herself there. So he did the next best thing, and left a message for her, to meet him if it were convenient in the Order of the Adunih Chapter House of the Dust Quarter.

It was there that Woe made as discrete a landfall with his dragonling, Soz, as he could. The creature looked at him with deep red soulful eyes, as he stroked her beak. “Have a fly around, Soz, but don’t draw too much attention. We’ll not be long.”

With that promise, Soz reluctantly disentangled herself, and went flying into the skies above Rharne. She was often quiet enough, and blended in with the dusk sky easily. Having said farewell, Woe entered the Dust Quarter Clinic. Some of the people there, who’d seen his dragonling first hand, gave him odd looks, but soon enough got back to their business. They’d of course seen fliers before, and perhaps this was just another exotic one from a far away land.

Woe went to question the first person he saw, who happened to be a red headed lady, with an intense stare. “Hello, is Faith Augustin in? I had tried to make an appointment, and she is expecting me if I’m not mistaken…”

She stared unblinking at Woe for a few moments, and then stuck out her hand, “I’m Shanea. Yes, I think she’s around, keeping busy. I’m sure she’ll turn up soon…”

Woe nodded, and shrugged off the blue hood of his order cloak. “I’m happy to lend a hand around here in the meantime. I haven’t done much order business since Cylus.”

Woe was here in hopes that he could touch base with Faith on her well publicized experience in Quacia. It was a place that held some importance and nostalgia to him. Not only that, but it was becoming a newfound source of angst, as old demons crept into the fore of his awareness.

He’d heard unsettling rumors about what Faith might have faced beneath the city. It might be important to his own inquiry he sought to fulfill in Quacia.

Regardless, Woe followed behind Shanea, and did what he could to accept her lead in this Chapter of the Order.
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Re: [Dust Quarter] Quacian Botany: The Real Thing

83rd Ashan, 721
Whenever she came to Rharne itself, Faith came to the Dust Quarter clinic she had set up some arcs before. It was a litmus test, really, for how things were in Rharne generally and besides that, Faith felt that here was where she could do the most good, make the most difference. Save the most souls, she supposed. She understood and accepted that her time was limited and so she wanted to ensure that she was where she could help the most, and that was inevitably here.

To-trial, she'd come with supplies for them, and a few hours where she could work. Faith was more than happy with how things were here in Rharne and in the Dust Quarter clinic specifically, and she was therefore happy to be directed to go where she was needed most. That meant that, earlier to-trial she had spent time teaching some of the more advanced healers here techniques for disease prevention and more advanced diagnosis techniques. Faith enjoyed teaching, she was good at it and she felt that it was the second most important thing she did. Healing people, first and foremost, but teaching others to heal was something she relished.

After she'd taught that small group, Faith had been working in the clinic itself. She'd seen four or five new patients and made some rounds on the current patients, too. Then, she'd gone into the kitchen to talk about the menus and how they could have a more bespoke, healing menu.

And she was just leaving the kitchens as she looked up and saw Shanea and, behind her, Woe Morandi. Faith smiled and stepped forward. "Hello both of you. Shanea, I've made some changes to the menu for Mr Williams in bed four, I hope that's alright?" Shanea nodded. "I've written them down and explained why here." Faith handed Shanea the notes in her hand.

Then, Faith turned to Woe. "I'm so glad to see you. I'm sorry, I think I missed a visit from you in Eureka?" She gestured to the staff room. "Would you like to have a drink? Something hot ? We can talk about your letter?" If he was happy to, she'd lead him into the small but comfortable staff area and make them both a cup of tea. "I think sharing information about Quacia and Augiery would be very sensible and yes, you're correct. There is a lot to be said for the apparent coincidence of where I went. What about you? Was it equally coincidental?"

Faith didn't believe in coincidences, it had to be said, but she was prepared to suspend disbelief in the face of a pattern. So, she waited to see.
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Re: [Dust Quarter] Quacian Botany: The Real Thing

Woe had somewhat mixed feelings about Faith Augustin. One the one hand, she gave the appearance and had the reputation of someone who did good. On the other, he knew from firsthand experience that she was stubborn, intractable, and uncompromising, which wasn't always the best combination of traits in order to accomplish one's negotiations. But thankfully for Woe, he didn't come with ulterior motives this time for her to suss out. Hopefully he wouldn't do anything that would incurr her wrath.

He nodded yes to the offer of a hot drink, and followed her into the staff room. Once they were there, he gathered his thoughts, trying to think of what he might share and what he actually wanted out of this meeting. Surely, he wished to know what she'd discovered in Quacia. There were troubling rumors, something about a greater being, older than Immortals. Could it be the Wounded God, the invisible deity of Quacia? He couldn't deny an extreme amount of curiosity toward her experiences.

At the same time, he was eager to share his own experiences in Augiery. The way he saw this meeting, it would be a mutually beneficial exchange of information. Supposing that Faith saw him as trustworthy of anything she shared.

"Yes, there's much I can tell you of Quacia, should you be interested. But I'm curious about this thing you are rumored to have discovered deep within the city? I've heard rumors, of something old that you found there? Did you know that I adventured in the Underway myself once upon a time? Of course I was then looking for an escape to the Fortress, for a group of refugees, and not seeking mysteries."

Woe touched the red scarf around his neck, which was one of Eve's anchors. She was there with them at the moment, though she didn't show herself yet. "I have a ghost companion who lived a long few centuries ago, and may have seen something. But her memories are hazy at this point. Eve Mordacia was a Theocratic acolyte, the daughter of an Herald of the Wounded God."

Woe said it quietly as he could. "As for my own experience, yes Ethelynda absconded with me, among a few others. Gennadiya Lyosha, Zoro Astrian, and Xander Andaris. I alone made it all the way to the Dragon's resting chamber. Thankfully, he was not a malicious sort. Although I wouldn't call him friendly."

"As for the serendipitous nature of my trip, I've been to Augiery before... I was enslaved there once, before managing an unlikely escape seasons later." Woe looked at his hands, "I never expected to return to that region, but there I was. Perhaps Ethelynda chose me for that reason. However, if she expected me to become a guide of sorts, that would be her mistake. I know about as much about the pathways under Augiery as I do astronomy."

"At any rate, the Dragon I met, Kuvarakh, granted me his effigy as a reward, and a dragonling companion. Also a dragonet..." So having mentioned, Beans the dragonet crawled from behind the scarf, and quarked cutely. It resembled a bat-like dragon, but with a beak instead of a snout. Its voice was rather sweet, and effused with encouragement.
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Re: [Dust Quarter] Quacian Botany: The Real Thing

83rd Ashan, 721
She watched as he touched the scarf at his neck. To Faith's eyes, the item glowed clearly, marking it as an anchor. She wondered if Woe realised that, that she saw the anchors and the ghosts which surrounded her and him. There were those he knew about, those that chose to show themselves to him, but there were more than that. Focusing on his words, she nodded her head; the ghost he spoke of was potentially a source of useful information indeed. This man intrigued her, though, when they'd last met she'd banished a few of his hangers on, but now here he was with more ghosts attached to him. She listened to what he offered her - information, intelligence about Quacia - and she then listened to what he had experienced in Augiery.

Faith quirked an eyebrow when he said that he bore Kuvarakh's effigy. That meant something to her, because she had previously discussed with Frosvinndur what that meant; and what it meant was that Woe Morandi was strong enough to bear the effigy. That meant that he was someone with a specific focus, too and Faith was interested in what that was.

But, she was who she was and she was used to gathering information her own way and so she chose not to pursue that piece of information right now, but rather she waited in the hope that the conversation would flow organically there. So, she focused on what he was talking about now. "That's very interesting regarding Augiery," she said. Then, she looked at him and asked the first question she had. "What's Kuvarakh like?"

She asked that question because she was interested but also because she needed to gather her thoughts . What she should tell him about Quacia, and how much she should trust him was something which she had to decide.

Faith considered it for but a moment and then she spoke. "The Wounded God," she said softly. "Is a dragon. " Pressing the pads of her fingers against each other, Faith continued with her explanation. "It was vile, truly." Her eyes darkened with the memory of what had occurred there, "and people died. But we stood against the Theocratum and I believe that it has fallen." As grand as her words were, Faith gave a slight shrug. "But I have to go back and help. I believe, as I said to you in my letter, that I was sent there for a specific reason, although I did not go alone of course." She looked rather sad, but said nothing on who went with her. "It is a difficult time there, I think. It's my plan to go there, maybe in the next few trials. If there's any information you can give me, that would be very helpful."

Her eyes met Woe's and she sighed slightly. "He ... the dragon ... he is the kind of evil which unites nations against him. He's currently held in a sort of stasis, and I want to make sure that it's permanent." It was, she was sure, but she needed to help there. "When I've been there and get back, maybe we could meet up again? I think this time will be an intelligence gathering, getting the lay of the land sort of trip. I can gather more complete information - things were rather hectic last time."

Silver eyes regarded him. Faith had decided to trust him and she hoped and prayed that it paid off. Cynical, yes. Obstinate, determined, so focused that she was something like a steamroller? Yes. But she knew no other way to be and yet, despite all of that, she had to have faith that the world was a good place and the people in it were fundamentally good people. So, if he wanted to be part of it, she'd believe it was for the right reasons until and unless he gave her cause to doubt.

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Re: [Dust Quarter] Quacian Botany: The Real Thing


When Woe removed his hand from the red scarf that covered his neck, he felt Eve’s voice in his mind. ”There’s something different about this one. Have we come to play with her?”

Woe suppressed an eyeroll, ”You know, she can probably hear you, if not sense you, Eve. Might as well stop playing games and come out. But no, she’s not for fun and games.” He said, meaning it.

”She has power, I can see that. More than you, by far.” Eve said, ending her possession of him, and appearing by the side of them. She appeared there, as a soft incandescent figure, shrouded in dark sheer fabric. Her form was largely indistinct, due to her age and length of degradation over the years. Half of the memories she held may not have been her own. But she cherished them for the light they brought to her, remembering what it is to be alive.

She kept silent for a time, standing by Woe’s side as he looked to Faith apologetically. “Sorry, she’s rather… frisky for an older ghost.”

“Kuvarakh?” Woe began, and tried to find the words to describe the dark dragon. “He’s dark, and terrible like a carnifex. He hunts those who use the darkness to hide their misdeeds, and visits upon them much the same terror they sow.” Woe frowned, thinking, “I suppose he might’ve chosen me, because I was once a carnifex for the Andaris Dungeons. A torturer, punishing criminals and state enemies alike. That was after Erastus let me out from my indenture.”

“I believe he’s been hunting the Naer, disrupting their slave raids on the villages surrounding Augiery.” Woe’s face darkened when he mentioned the place. “I once was captive in Augiery, for a season or two before fate saw me freed on a slave galley. Thankfully, my stay there was short, but it left a lasting impression upon me.”

Then, a phrase Woe never expected one such as Faith Augustin to utter, came out. The Wounded God. He was real? And… a dragon? He listened with rapt attention to her account. She mentioned a need to go back and help… with what? “Quacia is a lost city.” Woe said, and felt sad as he said it. He once held high hopes for the city of magic liberalism and sinful indulgences. But it fell to ruin, and seemed destined to do so time after time.

“There’s much I can tell you. Of the Five Guilds. Of the Royal Court. The Lair, the Creep, and some of the Theocratum even, although my knowledge there is a little stretched.”

“I can tell you now whatever you need to know about any of those topics, if you only ask. Otherwise, I can furnish some notes for you on various topics of significance. Although I warn you my writing tends to meander.”

Woe thought about going back to Quacia, but with his position in Egilrun, it made things complicated. He had so much to do, it was difficult to fit it all in a day. “I wish I could travel with you to Quacia… Perhaps, if you took Eve with you? You could learn some more about the Theocratum that way? She used to be an acolyte, and is privy to secrets.”

Eve was still silently regarding Faith with a sort of jealousy, as she spoke with Woe. When the mention of giving her over to Faith came up, her eyes flashed red, and Faith would sense the sudden anger.

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Re: [Dust Quarter] Quacian Botany: The Real Thing

83rd Ashan, 721
Faith took her role as Famula's champion very seriously and she turned her red-tinged eyes to Eve. Faith frowned ~ just a little ~ as she looked at the ghost and her face took on an air of seriousness. The ghost spoke to Woe, and Faith heard her voice. "I do," she said when Eve told Woe that Faith had power; Faith's expression was one which Woe had seen before. It was strange, she would consider later - Faith very rarely got stern and strict - yet this was the second time that she would do so with a female companion of Woe's, who Woe had brought to her.

Later on, Faith would wonder if that meant something specific about her and unexpected female guests or whether in fact Woe had poor taste in women. Her conclusion there would be her own, but right now she was far too focused to consider it. She needed to observe this for a moment and so, as Woe spoke of the dragon he had met, Faith listened intently and she watched.

Their talk turned to Quacia and Woe made a kind offer. "I'd like to do both, if I may," she said, when he offered to answer her questions or provide notes. "It will allow me the best of both worlds, if you didn't feel it was too much of an imposition." And then, Woe did something which surprised Faith and, it seemed, surprised Eve too. Faith was watching her, but as the ghostly woman turned her angry gaze to Faith, that anger meant that Eve showed her hand more.

Looking at the threads which connected them, Faith saw it. "No, that's not going to be happening," she said. Without pause or question, , she severed the connection to the anchor around Woe's neck. "You are right," she said, quietly and calmly with the red of her eyes glowing deeply. "I am powerful. But I would see if you were feeding - or trying to feed - on me." her gaze was the same unwavering one he had seen before and, once she had unanchored Eve from Woe, she used the Zuuda-granted ability to Banish, Eve.

Her gaze then turned to Woe. "You've been being drained of energy, life, whatever you wish to call it. You may experience some ... something, as you get your energy back. I can help, if needs be." She didn't think she'd need to help- she was moderately sure that Woe would feel a rush of energy born of the syphoning stopping. "You should notice a difference," Faith said and shelved the discussion on Quacia for the moment, choosing instead to focus on making sure that Woe was well.

Because he had been consistently drained for some time and there was, Faith knew, no knowing how drastic a change he would feel. "Forgive me, for not discussing it," she said with a smile. "But you were being attacked, and I had the tools to defend you."
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Eve did indeed elicit a wave of surprised emotion, surprise, anger, and betrayal. Her eyes glowed red, and she attempted to dig her claws into Woe even as he made the offer to Faith, of Eve's service.

Her emotion turned into materialized vocalizations as she rasped shrilly at the two, "The Wounded God has arisen! I have seen it! As I died, as I returned! You cannot forestall his return! He is the Lord of Death, his hunger will consume all!"

Then she began chanting, in the old prayer words of the Theocratum, albeit slightly twisted into an accusation or a curse toward Faith.

He is Strong,
You are Weak.

You Have Blood in Plenty,
But He is the One Who Bled.

"HE HAS ARISEN!" She screamed, and her screams faded into a whisper as she was cut off from all anchors, and severed from the world of the living, from one moment a powerful phantom, now down to a shred of a whisper.

Woe felt the sudden disconnect, first as an emotional change. He'd grown accustomed to the snarky Theocratum priestess, as a companion. While Faith reflected that it was possible that Woe had poor taste in women, he could have confirmed it without the slightest shame. He knew himself, and his poor taste in women. From Emma Heen, to Emelia Enners, now to the ghost Eve. He had a history of choosing women that were at the least a terrible influence, at worst a betrayer of the highest order.

He felt the disconnect as a change in his blood first. A slight burning, as the nature of his body changed. Something was definitely happening, was this the 'Effigy' his dragon friend Kuvarakh had spoken of? Is this why it'd taken so long to manifest, because Eve had been holding him back?

Faith would sense the change in Woe's blood should she make contact at any point, given her Zuudarian abilities for sensing the blood of people. There was a definite change, as a slight sheen of sweat showed on Woe's brow, and he looked even paler than before. He looked sickly, but he didn't feel it. In fact, he felt better than he had in some time.

"I... I didn't realize she'd been feeding on me constantly." Woe admitted, "I had made a pact with her, informal, that she should feed on me and never any others. It was the terms of our deal that she feed only upon me."

Woe lifted his eyes to Faith, and frowned, "No, I would've done the same had I seen another so put upon. But then, it was my choice. Still, I understand the reasoning behind your decision."

However, suddenly alone again, he couldn't help feel a sense of sadness. Breen arrived at his side, emerging from the Beneath, and lapped up the sadness dripping like sweat from his fingertips.

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Re: [Dust Quarter] Quacian Botany: The Real Thing

83rd Ashan, 721
The theatrics which Eve performed were not sufficient to give Faith pause or cause her concern. It was simply the way of things. She watched, dispassionately, as the ghost was banished and then observed with interest as Woe was freed from the influence he had been under. Faith was aware that Eve was hurting him, but as she felt his blood change beneath her fingers, she saw him physically shift. "You look rather unwell," she observed, but added. "Yet your vitals are stronger than before." Her observation of his pulse, beating at his neck, allowed her to see this and she queried with him. "How do you feel?"

When Woe said that he had not realised just what the extent of Eve's drain on him was, Faith nodded. "It's insidious, certainly. Your blood has changed, I can feel it." she looked at him and considered it. "This is the Effigy, yes? I'd be interested in drawing some of your blood, examining it, if you were willing." With a slight smile, she explained. "Beyond the barriers, there is no ether. I have some dragon blood, but I'd be interested in seeing how much this changes mortal blood to look like dragon blood - and how it interacts with the ether, too. That's an issue."

There was a genuine sense of fascination on Faith's face and she wondered whether he'd let her examine his blood a little. It was something which might help with their understanding of dragons, of the worlds behind the barriers - and of medicine generally. If he had questions, she'd answer them, and if he allowed it, she'd do it there and then. "It seems that Quacia is an important place to both of us," she said. "I'm happy to keep you informed, as things transpire." She considered it for a moment, and then spoke further.

"The wounded god isn't the only dragon I've come across," she said quietly. "We've met another, behind the barriers at the edge of the world. There are many of them and the awakening of them is..." She shook her head slightly. "I can't help wondering if it coincides with the situation in Scalvoris, the Forging?" She had been at Saoire's Feast, after all, and she'd seen what happened via the potion she drank. "Do you think that the release of the Induks might be linked to the release of the dragons at much the same time? " It was a theory which had bandied itself around in her head for a while and, in it made sense to her to discuss it, now. It seemed appropriate. "Because that, plus the death of Immortals? It's quite the coincidence if not." Looking outside, she considered it.

"What will it do, when the dust settles, to the nature of our world? It feels like a balance is tipping. Whether it's unbalancing or righting itself though? I don't know."
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Re: [Dust Quarter] Quacian Botany: The Real Thing


“So…” Woe began, and he felt fine, though he could tell that something had changed about his appearance. He looked at the back of his hand, covered in a cold clammy sweat and pale as if he were sick. Yet he felt nothing of the sort. “I feel very well, actually.”

“Blood?” Woe quirked a brow. Of course, he knew Faith to be the Champion of Famula, whose domains included Blood, Servitude, and Souls. Perhaps she had some ability to perceive changes in the blood, or else it was a theory she had. Whatever the case, Woe was slightly intrigued by the ability. “Perhaps. I’d be careful though.”

“The dragon I met, Kuvarakh… His dragonlings came from eggs that dripped with poison… and his spawn also cling to shadows. I believe those are his chief aspects or domains if you will.” Woe thought that was right. He had no other point of reference, but to call them domains. “I wonder if my being mortalborn would have any effect upon it? I make it no secret in Scalvoris, taht I’m the son of Sintra.” He admitted. And it was true, he’d been notoriously terrible at keeping his own secrets. But then, he had ways of disappearing himself, so that none could bother him.

“Quacia is important to me. Very. I have contacts there, with the Guilds of Hospitality and the Guild of War. I can put you in touch with them with but a letter, should your path take you down that way.” Woe wondered for a moment, about the Wounded God, about Quacia, about the Creep, and Faith’s place in all of this.

She spoke of the Forging, and of the Immortal deaths. Woe didn’t know much about metaphysics beyond his own experience. Which to be fair was considerable, yet he was exposed to it as blind as anyone, thrust into the thick of it without much fo a clue for how any of it worked. He didn’t have all the answers, like a Professor Augustin or a Devout Thetys. He was just as lost as any of them. He just about knew how to conduct his own affairs, and that was enough for him.

“I don’t know?” He said finally. And then, if she’d want to, he’d let her take his blood. “It might be slightly toxic, I fear.” He said, not understanding how he knew that. Just that he did.
Off Topic
Will be continued in another thread
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Re: [Dust Quarter] Quacian Botany: The Real Thing


Review & Rewards

Name: Faith

Points awarded: 15 (Issued via UCP)

Intelligence: Inferring from the general to the specific allows you to make judgements about individuals
Investigation: Choose the timing of your questions to give yourself time to think

Renown: N/A

Skill Review: Appropriate to level.

Name: Woe

Points awarded: 15 (Issued via UCP)

None requested

Renown: N/A

Skill Review: Appropriate to level.


Having a bit of experience with Woe/Faith threads, I was curious to see how their relationship has evolved since their last meet. I've always found their connection fascinating, which is a credit to the writers so kudos there!

Goodbyeeeeee Eve!

I think the thing that is so fascinating about Faith and Woe put together is you never quite know what to expect from either of them. Quacia plays a large part in this collab and it's fun to see the different characters get together with others and share their experiences. I'm not sure anyone had the full scope of what went down, or how it plays into everything else going on (kudos to Faith for considering that angle) but it's exciting seeing pcs crawling towards that understanding.

Faith, as always, is delightfully focused on getting information in her own way. Woe is his deep-thinking self who finds himself minus a malicious ghost in the end. Both paths are wonderfully written with some fantastic sections devoted to how they could help the other one with their assorted issues.

Woe is very matter-of-fact here, laying out his thoughts on Kuvarakh for Faith. I enjoyed his thoughts on why the dragon offered him effigy. It's an intriguing theory to be sure!

I have to admit, I'm curious about the Faith and unexpected female guests thing too! Perhaps that mystery will be solved another day.

This isn't simple material, but necessary to push plots forward, and both of you did a excellent job in making the collab entertaining! Great writing and I look forward to seeing more of this relationship!


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