A Face For Darker Deeds

Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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Revan Blackhand
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A Face For Darker Deeds

9 Cylus 721
He couldn't believe he was considering it, but he was. Revan had never held life as some precious thing to be protected and cherished. You had to fight to survive and thrive. If you couldn't fight or find people to fight for you, you ended up in the dirt. However he'd never been fond of killing or fighting in general. He thought that murder was a bit of a dramatic step but recent events had made him wonder if it was a necessary one. If he was going to kill someone, he had to do it before Cylus passed so he could act in the dark and he had to be sure there was no evidence left behind but what was evidence? What could people use to track and discover him? The very thought was dangerous but the practice would be far, far more difficult to cover up. If he did what he was thinking of doing, he would need to be careful. Very, very careful. He would need a new face for it as well but he'd already found one.

There was a man, a human man so nothing he hadn't shifted into before, who seemed to come by a tavern in the Dust Quarter every few trials for a long night of drinking. He had a kind face. A harmless, unassuming face and a build to go with it. People would look at him and look over him... though his hair was a little red and that probably wouldn't help in Rharne. Then again, hiding in plain sight was an option. Regardless of the red hair, Revan decided the man had the perfect face to use for the darkest of deeds- he just wasn't entirely sure that it was worth committing murder to solve his problem. The woman with Jacques' child threatened to bring his worlds colliding together if she wasn't dealt with swiftly and she would not be paid off. Or perhaps Revan just wasn't persuasive enough. Killing her felt like a step too far but what choice did he have? He could not let his worlds collide like this.

His uncertainty boiled inside of him for a trial or so while he considered the face he wanted to mold onto himself. He'd learned to manipulate his illusion when he was younger and had been very careful with the skill since, but not careful enough apparently. He didn't want to make a decision that might bring down the Blackhands without giving them input so one night he called his most trusted ally, Willow, to a meeting in his house in the Earth Quarter. He locked the doors, covered the windows, and spoke quietly when he addressed her. She sat down comfortably in one of the chair's he'd provided and leaned back while she waited for an explanation. Naturally she was hoping he had a job but there was no one else from the crew here so she suspected it was something else.

"Thank you for coming quickly. I've been considering a matter that I think I need your opinion on." Revan wasn't quite sure how to go about saying it and didn't just want to spring it on Willow but his beating around the bush seemed to bother her a little.

"Well get on with it then." Willow said.

"I've been thinking about bringing an assassin into the Blackhands." Willow's eyes widened in clear surprised for a moment before her expression seemed to relax into consideration. She wasn't immediately shooting him down? He didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

"Why?" She asked with a level tone. They had talked about assassins in their glory trials. They thought assassins were cutthroats who took the easy way out but times had changed. Sometimes the easy way out was the only way out. If they'd had an assassin or been more aware of that network, Jacques might not have been murdered. However Willow had asked an important question he could not give her an honest answer to. He'd known Willow for a long time, she was better at telling when he was lying than others but they were liars by nature and so every word was met with a little skepticism anyways... how would she know the truth?

"For protection but also for if we encounter a particularly difficult person." Revan said.

"There are safer ways to deal with difficult people." Willow said. He knew the forms she meant. Bribery and intimidation did a lot when you knew how to use them right.

"Not always, not for every issue. Some people won't be moved."

"Revan, is there something going on that I should be aware of?" Willow asked with suspicious eyes. Revan grimaced and looked around the room for a moment as if he'd find his answer somewhere else. Perhaps one trial he could build a convincing lie by looking around the room but not totrial. He sighed and shook his head.

"There is a situation, but for the moment it is only my problem. The Blackhands are not at risk." Revan said with a solemn look on his face.

"What is it?" Willow considered any problem that Revan had a problem for the Blackhands.

"Ghosts of the past, don't worry about it for now. If it becomes a larger problem I'll tell you more." Revan was not sure he would ever tell her more, but he knew he had to be more careful with the face he used for Morton.

"I'd say it is a pretty big problem if you're considering an assassin to deal with it." Willow remarked. He had never done it before. Then again, he'd never thought Jacques had a child.

"I'm considering an assassin for the good of the Blackhands. You and I have never been willing to go that far, maybe we need someone who will to get the jobs done." Willow couldn't know that the conversation was more than a battle of ideology. Revan needed to know if he could cross that line.

"You sound like you've made up your mind already." Willow was right. He realized that but he wouldn't admit it.

"I haven't, I just don't know how long we can do with without having someone around willing to get their hands dirty." Revan said.

"We've been doing this for arcs, Revan, we are getting along."

"Are we?" And that was the final word of the conversation on hiring an assassin for the Blackhands.
word count: 1118
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Revan Blackhand
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Re: A Face For Darker Deeds

9 Cylus 721
Revan sat in front of a mirror looking at the face he wore for the name. A solid jaw, shaggy brown hair that seemed to brighten a little by the ends, a little bit of a beard, a sharp nose and an angry brow. It was the face he wore most often and the face he had dedicated most of his personality to. More easygoing than Morton and a leader of thieves. He walked with a limp that he had never earned to throw eyes off of him. He stood with a slightly slouch at times even. Revan was a good face. The first face and the one that would prevail above all the others... but it was time to forge a new face.

Revan closed his eyes and thought of the man he'd seen in the tavern. The kind but unassuming face that would become the face of a killer. He could not recall it perfectly but that worked in his favor because the changes he made between his face and the original would help him make his face more unique. The jaw was softer but not much and the hair was far shorter but still somewhat shaggy. Hair that was colored a dark red which in some lighting might have been brown. A friendlier build. Lean but sturdy. It was still human so it did not require the more dramatic changes that Morton did. Nothing special about his eyes or ears. Human. Human. Human.

When the new man opened his eyes his face was not what it had been. It was not Revan's. The Yludih tilted his head slightly as he examined the new face. Who was it that sat before him? Names slowly slipped in and out of his mind before one of them settled well in his mind. Grimwald- maybe Grim for short. Or Wald... no Grim was better. The name would work even if it seemed a little strange. It would take time for him to define this new face. Time to figure out what it was and was not willing to do and be for the crew. A killer, yes, but what more? He'd learn in time.

"Hello, Grimwald Blackhand. Welcome to the team."
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Re: A Face For Darker Deeds

Experience: +10 xp


Deception - A little truth makes a lie believable
Deception - Covering up motivations with general platitudes
Deception - Adopting the face of someone you saw in the bar
Leadership - Consulting allies before making decisions

Skillplay: Appropriate to level.

Loot: “Grimwald”
Injuries/Overstepping: None.
Renown: None.
Wealth Points: None.
Collaboration: no
Magic Experience?: No.


This thread was an interesting look into Revan’s perspective on life, and on the concerns that guide his actions. I don’t know if I entirely agree with all his thought processes, though. A limp makes his appearance *less* noticeable or memorable?

It is interesting that Revan would make a point of proposing hiring an assassin to his associates when he himself is planning on taking on that role in his new guise -if I am understanding the plan correctly? Almost seems like he’s just asking to be sussed out. I’m sure it’ll be fine.

Your description of the process of inventing a new face seems a bit short, though to be honest I’m not sure how you were supposed to write it differently. Modeling Grimwald’s appearance on somebody else in the Dust Quarter is another interesting decision, something that will have consequences (see below). I would suggest that some more investment in Deception or Meditation will help Revan with this process going forward.


People will periodically mistake Grimwald for some guy named “Adahn” if and when he appears in public in the Dust Quarter. The ramifications of this could be convenient or highly inconvenient depending on the circumstances. Adahn is reasonably well-liked, although he owes some people money. Nothing ominous, but it could encourage some unwanted approaches while in the Dust Quarter, or the odd refusal of service unless he settles his tab should he happen to order a drink at the wrong establishment.

Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 313
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