Name: Joe Himple
Race: Cadouri
Date of Birth: Zi'da 55th 691
Languages Spoken:Fluent = Common
An orange-furred cat cadouri. Standing at 5' even. His snout and belly fur are a lighter shade than the rest of his coloration. He has green and black eyes, and often sports a world-weary expression.
He prefers to wear knitted wool clothing, and especially enjoys tweed suits.
Born in Saoire's Dream, Joe was raised as the youngest of five siblings in a family that often saw his fellow siblings competing for the attention of the parents. Joe was a quiet one, and tended to go his own way, however. Whereas many of his siblings became ostentatious performers and spectacle types in their career paths, Joe preferred a simpler life, putting his nose to the grindstone and working a simple job.
He apprenticed early to a cadouri barber and found his passion making others look good, ironically enough.
When the time came for the cadouri people to arrive in Idalos, it didn't take him long before he set off to find his own way in the world. He set off for Rharne, hoping to work as a barber and stylist. There, he acquired a job with a local salon in the Earth Quarter. He learned much about the ways of Idalos through that job, listening to the stories of war and turmoil and toil that the customers brought in. He learned even more about how to run a proper business, and the commercialism that the perpetual giving of Saoire was quite alien to. Still, he adapted well enough, and took to the life of a simple worker with earnestness and grit.
Sometimes the salon owner even trusts him to manage the place! This is where he picked up a talent for managing business situations, checking the salon menus and catalogues. Seeing to the ledgers, that sort of thing.