Korin's Clinic

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Korin's Clinic

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Korin's clinic can be found in the Earth Quarter. It was named after the woman who owns it because it is her domain, and she runs it exactly the way she wants to. This clinic caters to those who do not want to be tracked. Whether it is a wealthy merchant's wife who needs to take care of a little indiscretion, or a member of the Shadow Quarter who is in need of healing, or even someone who is on the run and is simply passing through Rharne, anyone who comes here for healing is guaranteed absolute discretion and secrecy.

Korin keeps records on her patients' ailments in case they come to her repeatedly, but she gives them false names so that those records cannot be traced back to the people they are about. In addition to this, the records she keeps are encrypted, and reads as a personal journal about work related things (such as how difficult some supplies are to obtain, how expensive others are, how bored she is on trials where she doesn't receive any patients, etc.) to those who do not have the encryption key. As a final level of security, this journal is hidden in the hopes that if the clinic is ever searched, and the journal is found, it will be assumed that she simply She also makes it a point to never ask questions about who her patients really are, or what they may be involved in. Her prices are high because as a private clinic, she does not have the resources that the Order of Adunih has, but those who require her services are always satisfied by the absolute discretion that she can offer them.


Minor Service (treating a minor injury/illness, fixing a cavity, etc.): Tier 7 or 1 WP
Moderate Service (treating a moderate injury/illness, providing herbal remedies that she buys from others (mostly pain relief remedies), etc.): Tier 8 or 1 WP
Major Service (treating a major injury/illness, treating mental/emotional trauma, etc.): Tier 10 or 1 WP
Treating Poison Victims: Tier 9 or 1 WP
Surgery (of any kind): Tier 10 or 1 WP
Custom Services (Korin will not provide poisons of any kind, but for the right price, she can be persuaded to sell Saikuru, Buzz, and Fuzz, as well as antidotes for poisons that the patient is not currently suffering from): See Shoppe

Location NPC List

Moderator's Note: Players are welcome to use these NPCs if they're writing about this location.


Race: Sev'ryn
DoB: 123rd Ashan, 690
Title: Owner of Korin's Clinic, Healer
Skills: Business Management: Competent, Caregiving: Expert, Detection: Competent, Deception: Competent, Discipline: Competent, Intimidation: Expert, Medicine: Expert, Psychology: Expert, Research: Competent, Strength: Competent, Teaching: Competent

When tending to a patient, Korin is kind, gentle but firm when needed, and endlessly patient. But that is a side of her that she shows only to her patients. To her coworkers, she is a stern, driven woman who strives for perfection in all things. She demands the best from herself at all times, and she has no respect for anyone who does not do the same.

Korin is happy to teach anyone who is interested in healing and is willing to work for her, but she does so her own way. She firmly believes that treating patients directly is the most important thing that a healer can do. Medical research and making medicines and herbal remedies are all well and good, but they are for people who are interested in healing people, but are unable to be true healers for some reason. Or for those who are not interested in being healers. She does not feel that these fields are lesser when compared to "true" healing, anymore than she believes that being a healer is superior to being a Lightning Knight, carpenter, or anything else. But she believes that while important, they are tasks better suited to others. In her mind, why waste time that could be spent treating a patient making herbal remedies when she can buy them from someone else? Due to her beliefs, she insists that everyone she takes on as an apprentice focuses on treating patients directly as she herself does. This does not mean that she will allow healers who are new to their profession to deal with patients. Anyone under her guidance must prove to her that they are skilled enough that they won't make mistakes that could harm their patient and that they have a good bedside manner before she will allow them to treat patients.

The first thing that she teaches anyone that apprentices under her is the need for absolute secrecy and discretion when treating the patients who come to her clinic.


Race: Human
DoB: 27th Ymiden, 685
Title: Security
Skills: Athletics: Competent, Blades: Expert, Endurance: Competent, Intimidation: Expert, Ranged Combat: Competent, Strength: Competent, Tactics: Competent, Torture: Competent, Unarmed: Expert, Whips and Flails: Expert

When dealing with people of...questionable morals, it is always a good idea to be protected. While Korin asks no questions of her clients, she is aware of the possibility that criminals may seek her out for healing for just that reason. Varik is her protection just in case someone she has treated in the past decides that she is a liability that must be eliminated, or that the medicines and drugs that she sells would be of better use in their hands.

Varik was once a skilled mercenary. When he had one close call too many on the battlefield, he decided that it was time to seek out other employment. He met Korin by chance when someone was harassing her at the market, and stepped in to intervene. It turned out to be a good decision on his part, because she offered him a job as security for her clinic on the spot. Varik is an intimidating man in appearance, and he is even more intimidating if you anger him, or threaten something that he cares about.

At first, it was a purely business arrangement, but over time they became friends, and as more time passed, they became more than that. Varik's loyalty belongs to Korin, and Korin alone due to the feelings he has for her, and there is nothing that he would not do for her.


Race: Human
DoB: 40th Saun, 720
Title: Apprentice Healer
Skills: Caregiving: Competent, Cryptography: Master, Detection: Expert, Discipline: Competent, Logistics: Competent, Medicine: Expert, Psychology: Competent, Socialization: Competent

Travis works at Korin's Clinic as Korin's apprentice. He respects the woman who taught him everything he knows about medicine a great deal, and he has taken her beliefs as his own. Travis is driven to succeed, almost to the point of obsession, and he is as much of a perfectionist as Korin is. But he has a charm that makes him very easy to like, and he is especially popular with the women.

His duties at the clinic include being the person who greets people as they come in, making appointments for people, and general administrative work as well as treating patients. Although he has been Korin's apprentice for many arcs, and his skills are far greater than the typical apprentice, Korin still hesitates to allow him to treat more than the simplest of ailments on his own. Rather than take insult at this, Travis understands that she is expecting the same perfection out of him that she demands of herself, and he sees it as a challenge to improve, and to earn her acceptance of him as a fully trained healer.

Travis has a skill far more valuable to Korin and her clinic than his medical knowledge; his skill in cryptography. As a child, it was a hobby of his, but there was a time when his life depended on his encryption skills, and during that time, he mastered the craft. Although he wants to be a healer now, and that is his focus, he uses his skills to encrypt Korin's records before she enters them into her "journal." The original copies are then burned so no evidence of their existence exists in case the clinic is ever searched.

Credit: Seira Shiryu
Last edited by Seira Shiryu on Fri Nov 12, 2021 7:47 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 1376
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Re: Korin's Clinic

Sorry for getting to this so late.

Heya Seira, I like the idea of an independent clinic. However, there's a few things here that pop out at me on reading it over. Let's see if we can sort them out?
  • It specifically states that discretion is served, and even criminal elements. I kind of think that any criminals and possibly people looking for discrete treatment will not consent or want their ailments to be recorded. Even if the names are changed, they can be searched by the Lightning Knights or other investigators, which can lead back to the patients in question even if their names are changed. I just don't see it. Either they are a discrete, shadowy clinic, or they're a high class place that keeps meticulous records. I'm having trouble marrying the two versions. Unless she encrypts the records possibly? But then she'd need really good cryptography skills or someone working for her with the same.
  • The services wouldn't be charging WP outright. I'd rather you determine what Wealth Tier they serve. Any specific ailments/injuries would be a flat rate of 1 wp probably. Remember that 1 wp is a considerable sum, like an average person's seasonal wages. Bear that in mind when coming up with pricing.
  • I like the NPCs. They are good and seem to have lots of story potential.
word count: 234
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Seira Shiryu
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Re: Korin's Clinic

I think I've addressed the issues you've brought up. I went with the encryption route and gave one of the NPCs Master cryptography to allow for that. I have also reworked the pricing to include tier levels.
word count: 39
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