[Quacia] Blood on Our Hands

71st of Ymiden 721

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[Quacia] Blood on Our Hands

71st of Ymiden 721, Mid-Evening

Continued from here

Woe emerged from the gateway and into Quacia in nearly an instant, Opal's moonstride gait carrying her through moonlit areas, directly to the intended destination. Woe was heartened by his arrival. Generally, that meant that there was a chance that the person he sought also wished to meet again. Whether Woe would be able to bargain for her to return with him, was another matter.

The scent of wood ash and soot-filled choked all life from the city of Stone. At a glance, Woe could understand perhaps why Moseke's followers had sought to find acceptance, and gather a following to her. The arrival of Moseke's faith presented an alternate path to that of the Wounded God. A way to work with nature, rather than desecrate it. Yet it was never so simple. Nature had laid siege to Quacia since the cataclysm. Death and doom were commonplace. The city was always expanding, contracting, burning, and rebuilding. Diseased and wretched at one moment in history, and Glorious and forward-thinking at the next. In those qualities, it was a living thing.

The city breathed in and out, growing at one moment, burned down to rubble at the next. It could be wounded to be sure, but then scabbing over and then recovering. There was an underlying spirit of strange optimism and hope about the place that wasn't easy to perceive for most. Yet it was there, beneath all of the darkness, fire, blood, and gloom. Just as Xiur had told him during the feast, Hope was always there, even if it was hard to see.

The moonlight shone a path on the way forward, and Woe though he had a concern about Augusta, he calmed himself. There was no sense proceeding in anxiety, no greater time waster than fear and paranoia, which could prompt mistakes that wasted even more time. He had under thirty bits to locate Augusta, and convince her to come back with him. Or he'd have to wait until another night. Again and again, until she was no longer willing to meet with him. Then, would the door to Quacia forever be closed to him.

He was in the Shanty, and the ruin was almost palpable in this district. A field of rubble about a mile wide, festering beneath the high-rises of the Fortress, and what remained of the Gleam.

There was no time to waste, yes. So Woe called up Breen from the Beneath, bidding him to seek out traces of Augusta's emotional scent. Breen had met with her before, he knew and would be able to recognize the pattern and texture of her sorrow, if she did indeed suffer. IF not, well he was an extra pair of eyes at least.

Woe dismounted Opal, and proceeded quietly along the streets, invoking the ability gifted by Ziell, to walk as silently as feathery snowflakes upon a hill. He went forward, and soon enough received word from Breen in his mind. "Master, she's in there."

Breen's presence was felt within the broken-down frame of a tenement structure. The embers of yesterarc were all over the building, having been burned along with the rest of the old-growth in the surrounding countryside, in the Quacians' Zeal to purge anything that might harbor the lingering Creep.

Woe silently entered the doorframe, which left an open sky above him. He guided Opal into the building, and she acquiesced, following him inside. While he had no fear that she might be stolen or harmed, it was best to be careful.

Woe followed the whimpering of Breen to its source, where he stood beside Augusta, in the corner of a partition in the ruins. Woe entered, unheard by her at first. Then he slid his spectacles from his pocket, onto his face. It might help to explain quickly why and how he'd come, but first, he'd want to have an actual word with the woman.

She was curled up, wearing simple leather trousers, a linen shirt, and a measure of cloth that served as her bedroll. Was this how she was living? Who was this brute who ruled her life now?

"Augusta." Woe said, and then again, louder, "Augusta, it's me."

She stirred in her sleep, always having been a light sleeper, she rubbed her eyes and then shot up when she caught sight of him. It took a moment, but eventually, she recognized him. "Woe? How did you... Why are you here?" She looked a touch frightened, and he couldn't blame her, remembering what he'd been capable of while infected with arcane madness.

He shook his head, holding his hands up. "I want to foster your independence, from this man you've fallen in with..."

She stared at him a moment, and then heaved a shallow laugh, "Foster independence. What manner of ironic wordplay is that? How is it you 'foster' independence."

Woe's eyes rolled to the broken ceiling above the ruin. It was going to be a long thirty bits.


Template by Natalia Gregorios
Last edited by Woe on Sat Sep 11, 2021 5:16 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 858
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Re: [Quacia] Blood on Our Hands

"Right, maybe independence wasn't the word. I meant more in the way of employment."

Augusta's face screwed up at the idea, but if Woe was reading the rest of her body language correctly, she wasn't totally opposed, "I can't just leave. The Dragoons have had tight control over anyone going in and out. None of us can leave."

"Leave that to me. I can get you out, but I need your agreement."

Her face softened, and she shrugged, "What do you want from me, and what are your terms?"

"I will put you in a home not far from where I reside. I'll put you on my personal retainer, giving you a salary. What I expect?" Woe sighed, "Things didn't work out between us, and I accept it. But you know we share a bond, a contract scribed with the blood of your mother. A shared sin that would make it imprudent to separate us by much of a distance, lest either one of us is compromised. For that reason, I require you to maintain close contact and check in with me on occasion. And as for the job itself, I need someone to watch over my children while I'm busy." Woe thought on it more and considered that he could simply strip her memory away. It wasn't foolproof that she'd remain ignorant of her mother's murder even in that event, but that was an option on the table. Yet, Woe didn't want to make her forget. Whether for reasons of sentimentality or fear of solitude, he didn't want to be alone in that act. He realized that he enjoyed the idea of being bonded to her in such a revolting way. It almost seemed romantic to him, but then he already knew he was twisted.

She frowned, on being reminded of her mother's murder. Although it had been her idea, the onus for its execution was mostly on Woe. She might have lingering regrets over that, and it was precisely the reason why Woe needed to keep her close to him. "Well? We can leave immediately if you wish. You cannot tell anyone where you're going, I can't have people coming after my family..." Woe's voice trailed off.

And for a moment they were present in the moment. Woe standing in front of her, she crouched in that corner of the dilapidated ruin in the Shanty. She gave it a few bits of thought, and Woe counted everyone himself. Finally, she stood to her feet, and walked over toward Woe, extending her hand, "I'll take the job, then." Woe took her hand, and squeezed it then shook. He didn't smile, this wasn't a happy occasion, but a necessary one.

"With me then... I'll introduce you to someone." So saying, Woe led her by the hand to the outside of the ruined tenement. There, Opal stood in all her radiance, cloaked in a white veil. Breen was also nearby but in spirit form. Woe brought her along toward Opal, and with his hand in hers, placed it upon the muzzle of Opal, touching the Destiar's veil.

"You're sure about this, then. But then I suppose the choice is not ideal either way." Woe stated, giving her hand another squeeze as he placed it upon the veil of Opal.

"Why am I touching this horse's head-cloth?" Augusta quirked a brow at him.

"Opal can bring us home. This is how it works..." Woe said, awkwardly. It was never quite easy to explain away the supernatural, but they would have time and occasion to share their developments later on.

In a bit or so of laying their hands on the Destiar's veil, her answer was then answered as the horse whisked them away, through the Moonstride gait and back toward Egilrun.


Template by Natalia Gregorios
word count: 658
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Re: [Quacia] Blood on Our Hands


Mount: Performing an agile dismount of your animal.
Mount: Arriving from afar on a Destiar traveling the moonlit gait.
Seduction: Squeeze your subject's hand to reassure them that this is right.
Seduction: Convince someone that they want to go with you.
Stealth: Using an ezere ability to make less noise, so as to attract less attention.
Stealth: Creeping up upon a sleeping person.

Loot: -
Lost: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: -
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 10
- - -
Comments: First of all, Opal sounds like an exceptionally useful mount, and I like how she uses moonlight to travel. I really enjoyed the description of Woe’s arrival in Quacia quite atmospheric. You made it sound like a fascinating place, dark and diseased, but hopeful at the same time!

I read the previous thread because I was curious as to why exactly Woe was travelling to Quacia. I also couldn’t help but wonder why Augusta was living in a ruin now. Did something bad happen in Quacia?

Either way, I found the entire scenario quite fascinating!

I also found it interesting that Woe apparently sees his (former) magic as an arcane madness and an infection now. You handled Woe’s convincing Augusta to come with him well in my opinion, by mentioning their past actions as well as giving her a job.

I wonder how Woe’s children will react to her – and what happened to Whale and his entourage that Augusta was staying with.

It doesn’t seem as if she was particularly fond of them!

I look forward to reading what happens next!

Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 270





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