40 Vhalar 716
There had been a knock at the door the same time for the past three days and each time Malcolm had ignored it. He didn't know what the time was, what the weather was like, or what day it was in Vhalar, only that he was hungry, exhausted, and more than likely still drunk. A mighty thump jolted him from his half-sleep and Malcolm rolled over on the bed to fall out and struggle to his feet. He went down the stairs and stopped half way through the living room to stare at the front door, which had been rammed again. "What!" He barked.
"Malcolm, its Ben, open the door!"
Malcolm closed his eyes, he didn't have the strength for visitors, his head was throbbing and he had a chesty cold that wasn't going anywhere fast. "I'm sick Ben, go away, I don't want your kids to get sick."
"Open the door!"
Malcolm swore under his breath and undid the lock to let Benjamin in. The man came in quickly and closed the door behind him, only to jump back and throw a hand up over his mouth and nose. "What in the world is that awful smell?" He batted at the air with his free hand as if that would help.
"Me," Malcolm sat down at the table.
"You smell worse than my wet socks after a three trial hike."
"That's because I haven't washed in almost seven."
"I hope you're not trying to set a record?"
Malcolm laughed despite his bad mood and horrible hangover.
Ben looked around the place, it was dusty and there were empty wine bottles in the kitchen sink and on the the mantel. "Let me guess, Elyna didn't welcome you home with open arms and a big fat kiss?"
The knight blinked slowly and inquired about the time.
"Its seven, you have class in two breaks and are on duty after lunch," Ben reminded him.
Malcolm had forgotten that he had promised to return to work today. "Tomorrow," he grunted.
"No tomorrow, right now!" Ben shoved him and got the fire going to heat some water. "You can sit in the bath while I catch you up on everything. You stink and if you want to keep your job at the university, you better shave your face and get your act together. I've never seen you like this before, and I've seen you when you're pretty low, Cap."
"She doesn't want me, she said I can see the baby but we're done."
"My woman said far worse than that to me, it's baby brain!" Ben encouraged. "That's all. They go crazy! She wouldn't even let me sleep on the bed! I'm still staying at the bloody inn!"
Malcolm smirked. "Vanessa was never like this."
"Yeah well, at least Elyna hasn't tried to poison you."
"She might as well," Malcolm hissed. "I can't think straight, I don't have any energy, and I can't face that classroom today."
"Get this done, our watch this afternoon is only short, we can get some dinner and have a drink. You can tell me all about Ne'haer."
Malcolm screwed up his face at the thought of drinking anymore. "I just want to sleep."
"Tabard off, shirt off, boots... wait, you've been sleeping in your boots?"
The knight bowed his head and found the energy to get to his feet. "Don't go up stairs, you don't wanna know where I've been pissing."
"You filthy bastard," Ben laughed. "Honey wine?"
Malcolm threw his head back and laugh, and laughed until it was hard to breathe. It was good to see Ben again.