Wandering NPCs

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Wandering NPCs

Wandering NPC Repository
This repository is for NPCs that are not fixed to a location. They may be based in a particular city or region, but are able to move around those areas and the rest of Scalvoris.

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Re: Wandering NPCs

Prophet Only NPCs
Induks & Immortals


Name: Saoire
Race: Immortal (Gifts, Mentorship, Turtles, Gateways)
Age: Immortal
Titles: The Maiden of Gifts, The Mentor, The Gatekeeper, The One Who Does Not Fight
Skills: Immortal.
Location: Throughout Idalos - but she is resident on Faldrass where she resides in Saoire's Dream
Other Information: Saoire arrived on Faldrass following the events of the release of the Induk Faldrass and the eruption of the volcano in 720. She is a kind and soft spoken individual who is much more likely to be personally involved in the day-to-day happenings around her. She is passionate about her school and is happy to work with the Induks, the Council, and the people of Scalvoris in order to make it a place where everyone feels happy. Her gentle and kind nature should not be mistaken, however, for her being a pushover. She will mentor people, help people, facilitate growth - but she expects people to be working alongside her. She is passionate about teaching and loves giving gifts.


Name: Faldrass
Race: Induk
Age: Unknown
Titles: Faldrass, Induk Faldrass.
Skills: Unknown.
Location: Usually to be found on Faldrass where it lives in the volcano.
Other Information: Faldrass is one of four Induks on Scalvoris. They were imprisoned hundreds of arcs ago by a group seeking to sap their power and, eventually, were freed. Faldrass was freed first, in arc 720. The remaining three Induks were freed in 721.

As befitting fire, Faldrass is quick to temper and deeply passionate. Audiences with Faldrass are rare and it is not often that the Induk is seen. However, it seeks to protect Faldrass, and Scalvoris, and will do so fiercely. Of the four Induks, Faldrass is the most likely to suggest a violent solution to a problem.

Please see The Forged for more information on this faction.


Name: Ishallr
Race: Induk
Age: Unknown
Titles:Ishallr, Induk Ishallr
Skills: Unknown.
Location: Usually to be found on Ishallr, where it lives in the ice caves
Other Information: Ishallr is one of four Induks on Scalvoris. They were imprisoned hundreds of arcs ago by a group seeking to sap their power and, eventually, were freed. Faldrass was freed first, in arc 720. The remaining three Induks were freed in 721.

As befitting ice, Ishallr is cold and deadly. Audiences with Ishallr are rare and it is not often that the Induk is seen. However, it seeks to protect Ishallr, and Scalvoris, and will do so fiercely. Of the four Induks, Ishallr is the most likely to suggest a clever and subtle solution to a problem.

Please see The Forged for more information on this faction.


Name: Sweetwine
Race: Induk
Age: Unknown
Titles:Sweetwine, Induk Sweetwine, Ol'Tuck
Skills: Unknown.
Location: Usually to be found in Sweetwine Woods where it lives in The Emerald Tree
Other Information: Sweetwine is one of four Induks on Scalvoris. They were imprisoned hundreds of arcs ago by a group seeking to sap their power and, eventually, were freed. Faldrass was freed first, in arc 720. The remaining three Induks were freed in 721.

Sweetwine is rather whimsical, in comparison to the others. Audiences with Sweetwine are fairly common, although the Induk is not known for planning and tends to just turn up. Of all of the Induks, it is the one that is seen the most - usually in the form of Ol'Tuck as it travels slowly around Sweetwine. It seeks to protect Sweetwine, and Scalvoris, but also to bring beauty to them. Of the four Induks, Sweetwine is the most likely to suggest a clever, but very whimsical, solution to a problem.

Please see The Forged for more information on this faction.


Name: Scaltoth
Race: Induk
Age: Unknown
Titles:Scaltoth, Induk Scaltoth
Skills: Unknown.
Location: Usually to be found in the Scaltoth Jungle.
Other Information: Scaltoth is one of four Induks on Scalvoris. They were imprisoned hundreds of arcs ago by a group seeking to sap their power and, eventually, were freed. Faldrass was freed first, in arc 720. The remaining three Induks were freed in 721.

Scaltoth is calm and considered. Audiences with Scaltoth are rare - if you are not a Forged then Scaltoth will not see you unless you travel to the Jungle. It is seen very rarely, unless one is in the Scaltoth Jungle, in which case it is glimpsed now and then. It seeks to protect Scaltoth, and Scalvoris, but is aware of the "long game". Of the four Induks, Sweetwine is the most likely to suggest a very long term solution to a problem.

Please see The Forged for more information on this faction.

Current Council Members


Name: Rand Broson
Race: Sev'ryn / Human
Age: Born 667
Title: Militant of Scalvoris Council / Militant of Elemental
Skills: NA: Prophet only NPC. You don't need to know! :D
Other Information: Rand is a hard, fair man. He doesn't speak much as he believes that you learn a lot more by listening than you ever will by talking. He is the head of the Scalvoris Military (the Elements) and he is very proud of that job. A hard working man, he tends towards solitude and does not make friends easily. He has a temper, as his troops will attest and he will not back down when he believes he is right.


Name: Shania
Race: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Title: Gunvorton Overseer / Accountant of the Scalvoris Council.
Skills: Unknown
Other Information: If there is one thing which everyone agrees on, it is that Shania is a nice lady. Friendly, helpful and always willing to help out, she is the backbone of the growing region on Gunvorton. She knows everyone, it seems, and she's always there should anyone need a little bit of information. She runs the local inn and it is her job, as she tells everyone, to make sure that all who come to her establishment leave just a little bit happier.


Name: Marcelle Tren
Race: Mixed Blood
Age: Born 687
Title: Trainer of Scalvoris Council
Skills: NA: Prophet only NPC. You don't need to know! :D
Other Information: An educator of children by trade, Marcelle would be the first person to tell you that she is out of her depth in this whole Council thing. But she's doing her best and she has a sharper mind than she gives herself credit for. She is a passionate teacher and a friendly woman. Also, she isn't afraid of conflict and has the skills of managing a classroom of five arc olds. Veteran soldiers have quivered and quaked at her stare.


Name: Francis LeShard
Race: Mixed Blood
Age: Born 687
Title: Merchant of Scalvoris Council
Skills: NA: Prophet only NPC. You don't need to know! :D
Other Information: Francis is a shrewd businesswoman who is here representing the Merchants' Guild. Really that is exactly and only who she is representing. She has worked as a businesswoman throughout the north and east of Idalos and her bottom line is the profit. She is nice, friendly and polite to everyone. She would also sell her grandmother for the right price.


Name: Jo'ne Tide
Race: Mixed Blood
Age: Born 691
Title: Almund Representative of Scalvoris Council
Skills: NA: Prophet only NPC. You don't need to know! :D
Other Information: Jo'ne is the Mayor of Almund. Her father was a pirate and his father before him. Her mother was a whore and her grandmother a drug dealer and the bane of the seas. Jo'ne is a foul mouthed, tobacco chewing woman who will take no nonsense from anyone.


Name: Linca
Race: Biqaj
Age: Born 678
Title: Chief of the village of Havardr
Skills: Other things too. Need to know....
Other Information: Linca is the chief of Havardr, the hardest worker on the island, some say, and a straight talking fellow. He will trade, but he won't be fiddled and is a hard negotiator.

Scalvoris Town

Name: Leigh Birch
Race: Human
Age: Born 693
Title: Scalvoris Town Representative of Scalvoris Council
Skills: NA: Prophet only NPC. You don't need to know! :D
Other Information: Leigh is the Mayor of Scalvoris Proper. She lives there and has her offices there. She is a friendly and very well organised woman who is keen to listen to all of the opinions on offer. She has trouble sometimes as she can have a bit of a tendency to avoid conflict, but that just means that she sits back and doesn't take sides. It certainly doesn't mean that she's lacking opinions.

Former Council Members


Name: Brandel
Race: Human
Age: Born 640
Title: Former Albarech of Scalvoris Council
Status: Retired
Skills: NA: Prophet only NPC. You don't need to know! :D
Other Information: Previously the resident on Watch, a job he held for 20 arcs, Brandel was unanimously elected to the position of Albarech by his peers immediately upon the decision that there'd be one. He is very focused on the island and its well-being, without family or any other hobbies to distract him he works tirelessly. He hated the Pirate Lords and all they stood for and he is determined that, on his Watch, he will do good for the island and her people. He handed over his role to Kura but is happy to maintain a close relationship with the council and to advise as necessary.


Name: Sidhe'nn Fraear
Race: Human
Age: Born 679
Title: Former Accountant of Scalvoris Council
Status: Retired
Skills: NA: Prophet only NPC. You don't need to know! :D
Other Information: Sidhe'nn is a cold, calculating and utterly callous individual whose bottom line is money. He doesn't care if giving a little bit less money to a cause means the twenty five hungry children or vulnerably elderly folk die. However, what he does care about is keeping his well paid job and ensuring that he maintains his own lifestyle. Therefore, he does his job well and he follows the whim and ethos of the council. He used to do the same for the Pirate Lords and he was probably more vicious than at least seventeen of them put together. He was exited from the Council.


Name: James Witchbane
Race: Human
Age: Born 664
Title: Former Academic of Scalvoris Council
Skills: NA: Prophet only NPC. You don't need to know! :D
Other Information: James is an enthusiastic individual whose personality strongly resembles that of a puppy. He is enthused by learning, loves people and thinks the best of them. He is a dreamer, an optimist and determined to see the good in everyone. He loves swimming in the ocean (even when it's freezing) and never feels more free than in that moment of diving into the water.


Name: Liza
Race: Human / Sev'ryn
Age: Born 694
Title: The Merchant Queen
Status: Missing
Skills: Negotiation: 65, Appraisal: 65, Business Management, 60, Seduction: 50, Glassblowing: 50
Other Information: Liza is a friendly woman who has taken the rag tag nature of Egilrun and turned it into a place for trade. She is keen business woman who is more than able to strike a hard bargain. She is hoping to strengthen trade negotiations with Viden and to be able to supply them useful and unusual goods. She is loyal and tenacious and will always work for the betterment of Egilrun specifically and Scalvoris generally.
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Re: Wandering NPCs

Elements NPCs


Name: Lyari
Created by: Kylar
Race: Sev'ryn
Birthday/Age: 22nd Zi'da, 697 (20 Arcs)
Title: Trainer for Troops
Skills: Blades: Longsword (60)
Ranged Combat - Crossbow (60)
Mount (45)
Animal Training (40)
Animal Husbandry (35)
Details: Lyari came to Scalvoris when he heard what had happened, with the hope of making a name for himself. But he soon found his purpose. Thanks to his previous training in the Iron Hand of Rynmere, he had the knowledge to use enough weapons to make his way through every section of the Scalvoris military. He was soon recognized for his versatility and use, given the role of tutor for individuals at a time. His last partner was promoted, so he is now waiting to train and work with someone new.


Name: Azar Yinris
Created by: Ari'sora
Race: Sev'ryn
Birthday/Age: 17th Saun, 686
Title: Element; Air Troops
Skills: Detection: 75, Discipline: 60, Endurance: 75, Intimidation: 30, Leadership: 50, Mount (Scalvwing Steed): 50, Strength: 75, Tactics: 75, Teaching: 75, Thrown Weapons; Shuriken: 75, Unarmed Combat: Da'Riya: 75, Whips; Whips: 60
Details: Azar is semi retired due to an old injury that has left his vision weak in his left eye. But he continues to teach the younger Elements, and he volunteers his free time to help teach the people of Beacon how to fight if they are interested in learning.



Name: Eshilda

Race: Mer

Age: 21st Zi’da, Arc 691 (Age 27)

Title: Administrator

Skills: Discipline: 35, Unarmed Combat: 20, Swimming 40

Other Information: Eshilda is a Mer of unparalleled discipline. She is curt and to the point, caring little for needless prattle. She is incredibly loyal to the Water Troops and works tirelessly to keep this command post in ship shape. She is responsible for greeting guests, setting up training requests for troops, and dealing with daily communication with the two Element Halls on the island. Frequent communication with the Water Assistants ensures that the Water Troops deal with their assignments with clockwork efficiently.



Name: Simone
Created by: Ari'sora
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 1st Vhalar, 688
Title: Former Element; Earth Troops
Skills: Athletics: 75, Blades; Katana: 75, Detection: 50, Discipline: 50, Endurance: 60, Leadership: 30, Logistics: 40, Polearms & Staves; Quarterstaff: 75, Ranged Combat; Shortbow: 90, Stealth: 60, Strength: 50, Tactics: 75, Teaching: 75, Thrown Weapons; Bola, 75, Unarmed; Brawling: 50
Details: Simone retired from the Elements when she got married and decided that she wanted to raise a family. Now that her kids are getting older, she volunteers her time at Beacon to teach anyone who wants to learn how to defend themselves. She is thinking about rejoining the Elements as a weapons teacher, but does not want to be put in the field again.



Keim'an Thojo


Born: 7th Vhalar, 680

Skills: Bladed Combat (Sword): 70, Shield: 70, Domain Magic: Defiance: 65. Others: TBC

An experienced military chap, Keim'an is a member of the Flame Troops. He is a friendly individual, despite having quite a scary appearance. His eyes seem to be red more than any other colour and his face is very scarred. He is very proud of his hair, which he wears pulled back in a high ponytail at the top of his head. In terms of what he does, he is proud to call himself both warrior and mage and his last partner, who he worked with for a long time even under the old regime, has just retired.


Name: Heve Tare-Flame qalar-Treid
Created by: Ronan
Race: Ellune
Birthday/Age: 2nd of Cylus, Arc 678
Title: Scalvoris Flame Trooper
Skills: Writing 40, Intelligence 15, Linguistics 20
Details: Heve didn't have much to offer to the world. He enjoyed words on paper, writing and reading them but outside of that he didn't seem to have much in the way of useful skills. A path in the printing or scribing business wasn't something Heve saw himself do so he decided instead to explore the world a little. He ended up in Scalvoris, enjoying the cold climate there, allowing him to operate almost the entirety of the year, give or take a dozen or so trials during the hot season. Here, he was discovered by a fellow Flame trooper while he was summarizing conversation he heard around himself, keeping track of multiple stories at the same time, accurately writing them down, albeit in a summarized form. While not a hundred percent accurate, he was able to recreate the conversations afterwards, given time. His flame trooper badge was on his uniform not much later. Heve works mostly during interrogations or important court sessions and has handled more delicate conversations than most other troopers of his rank.


Name: Samantha Reid

Race: Human

Age: 72nd of Zi’da, Arc 686 (Age 32)

Title: Administrator

Skills: Discipline: 35, Intelligence: 30, Investigation: 40

Other Information: Samantha serves as the administrator for the Flame Troops command post. Like other administrators at the other posts Samantha manages the flow of communications, arranges training for the troops when requested, and manages the necessary upkeep for the Redoubt. However she is an excellent judge of character as she was previously an investigator. Her ability to read people’s intentions is so impressive that the Flame Deputy requested that she serve in the command post to keep an eye on individuals as they come and go. Even if someone of ill intent makes it past the guard posted outside, they won’t be able to lie their way past Ms.Reid.


Animal Trainer

Name: Elise Flarsdotter
Race: Naerrik
Age: Arc 686
Title: Animal Trainer
Marks: None
Skills: Animal Training (80), Animal Husbandry (70). Others TBD
Other Information:
Elise loves animals, loves her job and really hates people. She would be much happier if she never had to see another person again and could just spend her life amongst her beloved pets. That is what she sees them as, each animal here is hers and she'd really rather that no one took them away. However, she accepts that they must and she gets on with it. She is a surprisingly good teacher to those she accepts, but in order for her to get there, you have to really love animals too.


Sylvia Macklin


Born: 7th Vhalar, 667

Sylvia is the receptionist at the Element Hall in Scalvoris Town. She is a very efficient, very friendly and very nosy individual who really does enjoy getting into other folks' business. She is a very good source of gossip, but is abysmal at keeping a secret. She doesn't consider her dreadful habit to be dreadful at all, in fact she would consider herself a model citizen. Despite her tendency to gossip, Sylvia is a kind soul and is very good at her job.[/googlefont]
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Re: Wandering NPCs

Adunih NPCs
Headquartered Here
White & Grey Cloaks

Gold Cloaks


Name: James Monohue
Created by: Yeva
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 41 Ymiden 655
Title: OoA: Gold Cloak
Skills: 35 Medicine (Master), Teaching (Master), Socialization (Expert), Gardening (Expert), Psychology (Competent), Caregiving (Competent), Science (Competent)
Details: Master Monohue is a patient and kind man, sought after by newer recruits to the Order of Adunih for his great ability in teaching. He truly seems to care for the success of each of his pupils and will go above and beyond to make sure that they are skilled and well-rounded in the art of healing. Born in Melrath, he is a spiritual man and believes in maintaining balance in all areas of life and makes a trip back to his homeland once an arc to visit his son and two grandchildren. Unfortunately, Master Monohue is getting older and his body aches more each day. He struggles with arduous physical activity and his eyes aren't what they used to be, but his hand is steady and his mind remains sharp. Selfless, compassionate, wise, humble, intelligent, and content. Part of a group containing: James, Yeva, Demaki, Ras'sa, Donovan


Name: Jan Khoro
Created by: Woe
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 12th of Ymiden 679
Title: OoA: Gold Cloak, the Golden Guardian.
Unarmed Combat (Da'riya)
Master Medicine
Master Hunting
Expert Meditation
Expert Teaching
Competent Endurance
Competent Science

Details: Master Jan is perhaps one of the less conventional Gold Cloaks on the Island of Scalvoris. While many of his contemporaries have risen to the rank of gold cloak through their medical prowess, Jan has in equal parts risen to his rank through promoting a rigorous emphasis on personal health for his charges. Part of that includes a curriculum that involves learning the martial art, Da'riya, in order to defend themselves against hostiles, when they cannot deescalate a situation.

He's not too well regarded by the other cloaks on the island, but he is nevertheless one of the finest makers of pain-management medicines, granted by his considerable abilityt o procure fish with medicinal properties, as an expert fisherman.

His focus is on personal physical health most of all, and preventative measures to stave off poor health. He's well accustomed to physical activity, and can very easily keep pace with his younger charges.

Part of a group containing: Jan, Woe, Sera, Giselde, and Nason


Name: Elliot Ratched
Created by: Balthazar Black
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 94 Ashan 666
Title: Gold Cloak in the Order of Adunih
Skills: Psychology (85/100)
Caregiving (80/100)
Persuasion (60/100)
Medicine (30/100)
Discipline (30/100)
Research (20/100)
Gwelliph (Favored?)
Sevrath (Favored?)
Details: A calm, sage-like individual who can not easily be provoked into anger, Elliot Ratched has been a member of the Order of Adunih for as long as he can remember. He joined the Order in his youth and spent a few arcs studying physical health before shifting his focus to mental health issues and psychology. His work earned him the attention of the Immortal Twins and Moseke and their marks. Elliot finds difficult subjects fascinating and enjoys the challenge presented by them because they allow him to further his own studies on the interworking of the human mind. Elliot lives in Almund with a small family he does not often talk about. He is a simple healer, looking to make his way in the world and help as many people as he can along the way.
Notes: This NPC has the Gwelliph and Sevrath mark, making them a “mod input NPC.”

Blue Cloaks


Name: Arjori Vyn'yahn
Created by: Nalin Marit
Race: Sev'Ryn/Human
Birthday/Age: Ymiden 20, 690 / 27 til this coming Ymiden
Title: Gold Trimmed Blue Cloak of Order of Adunih
Skills: 70 Research, 50 Socialization, 50 Medicine, 40 Seduction, 40 Writing, 30 Science, 25 Mount(Horse), 20 Bookbinding
Details: Arjori is a bit of a fanatic when it comes to medicine and researching it. She will actually chase down patients and people that have strange diseases just to ask them questions about it. She doesn't really "Treat" Patients, more just learns about them, so it's a wonder that she's made it all the way up to Gold Trimmed Blue in the Order. Currently she is living in Almund and has been snapping up every chance to learn about the sicknesses in the area.


Name: Demaki Moonshore
Created by: Yeva
Race: Biqaj
Birthday/Age: 3 Ashan 692,
Title: OoA: Blue Cloak
Skills: Gardening (Expert), Brewing (Competent), Science (Competent), Singing (Competent), Caregiving (Novice)
Details: Demaki is a clever and flirtatious Biqaj, but only with the same sex. Born on the open water like many of his race, Demaki has always desired to stand out among the crowd. The most attention-loving of the group, he does not like idle time or silence. Instead, he must be moving, acting, or learning. This might be countered only by his love of nature, with aspiration of becoming a renowned botanist and creating new medicines for apothecaries everywhere. More than once, his sharp tongue have created friction around him, but his lighthearted jests and smarmy demeanor tend to win over stubborn individuals after awhile. Quite a caring soul, Demaki often masks his weaknesses and keeps others at an emotional distance until they gain his complete loyalty.
Playful, witty, confident, bold, quick to call bullshit. Part of a group containing: James, Yeva, Demaki, Ras'sa, Donovan


Name: Ras'sa
Created by: Yeva
Race: Mer
Birthday/Age: 8 Saun, age unknown.
Title: OoA: Blue Cloak
Skills: Swimming (Master), Psychology (Expert), Medicine (Competent), Caregiving (Competent), Alchemy (Novice)
Details: Ras'sa can come across as a bit unsettling, silent and watchful. When she does reach out to someone telepathically, her voice sounds deep and somewhat gravelly, but holds an observant wisdom. She is fluent in Common Sign and is attending the university to obtain her certifications n Psychology. She finds the human mind a scientific wonder and is a patient Mer, although has a tendency to approach them as objects of study rather than with heavy emotion. Often seen in the library, Ras'sa favors research and aspires to have a breakthrough in psychological sciences. In her free time, when not reading, she stays close to the beaches, studying marine life for new medicinal ingredients. Precise, calculating, level-headed, meticulous, alien. Part of a group containing: James, Yeva, Demaki, Ras'sa, Donovan


Name: Donovan Blair
Created by: Yeva
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 16 Cylus 689
Title: OoA: Blue Cloak
Skills: Medicine (Expert), Research (Expert), Socialization (Competent), Discipline (Competent), Caregiving (Novice)
Details: Rumors will claim that Donovan Blair has never smiled. Clearly untrue, those who know him cannot help but admit that the handsome surgeon has a stern, no-nonsense approach to his work. He has thrown himself fully into the Order's affairs and strives to create new procedures that will take over Idalos' medical community. He can have a bit of a short temper, perhaps from all the caffeine he favors and insomnia, but is sharp, ambitious, and unrelenting when it comes to finding cures for his patients. With much effort of Demaki's part, it was discovered that he came from somewhere near Etzos and growing up his family was no stranger to wealth. Donovan does not like talking about himself and is reserved, almost painfully so and struggles to maintain close relationships. This has largely to do with the loss of his young wife, who died in Zi'da 697. Devoted, controlled, dominating, quiet, mature, aggressive. Part of a group containing: James, Yeva, Demaki, Ras'sa, Donovan

Kazira Tatieru

Name: Kazira Tatieru
Race: Sev'ryn
Age: 37th Zi'da, 699
Title: Healer/Librarian
Skills: Caregiving: Competent, Detection: Expert, Medicine: Competent, Psychology: Expert, Research: Expert, Teaching: Competent, Writing: Competent
Other Information: Kazira is a very kind woman who hates to see anyone suffering. When she does, she cannot help but do everything in her power to help them. She is a member of the Order of Adunih; a blue cloak with a hood and three medical research trims. It is her job to assess incoming residents to see if they need to be sent to the Order Outpost to recover before taking up residence in Beacon. When not called upon to do that, she acts as the librarian for the Community Centre library, and researches various herbs and medical techniques. She reports her findings to the Order once a season.
Stationed Here


Name: Sara Folstiv
Created by: Woe.
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 37 Ashan 702
Title: OoA: Blue Hood

Master: Caregiving
Expert: Logistics
Competent: Medicine
Competent: Socialization
Competent: Politics

Details: One of the more talented Nurses in Egilrun since arriving with Jan's group, Sara has been more or less put in charge of the distribution of care, and observation of medical Triad. As such, she's a bit of an unofficial leader of the group, even if Jan officially holds that title. Jan bears no resentment for the perception, but welcomes her expertise in all things organizational.

She has a love of socializing with locals and her fellow cloaks in the order, and will not turn down an invitation to entertainment at one fo the various establishments around Egilrun. She often holds fund-raisers around the richer districts of Egilrun, and thus brings even more funds to the operation.

Part of a group containing: Jan, Woe, Sera, Giselde, and Nason


Name: Giselde Malkior
Created by: Woe.
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 21st of Cylus 699
Title: OoA: Blue Cloak
Unarmed Combat (Da'Riya) Expert
Athletics Competent
Medicine Competent
Discipline Competent
Fieldcraft Competent
Meditation Competent

Details: Undoubtedly Master Jan's most favorite blue cloak and student. She alone among them has taken his emphasis for physical fitness to heart, and learned quite well to defend herself as well as running drills for a group of students when necessary.

Rowdy but congenial, Giselde enjoys spending time with her fellow cloaks, and often is seen to accompany them when they're out among the field. Her competence at survival craft makes her extra useful during these excursions. She doesn't let it get to her head that she's the favorite of Master Jan, and always makes an effort to include others in her latest field trips.

Part of a group containing: Jan, Woe, Sera, Giselde, and Nason


Name: Nason Greythistle
Created by: Woe.
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 22nd of Vhalar 701
Title: OoA: Blue Hood

Medicine: Master
Discipline: Expert
Endurance: Competent
Gardening: Competent
Resistance: Competent

Details: Nason is undeniably the finest anatomist and surgeon among Jan's group but is often found frustrated and flustered when the workload gets to be too much. He'd very much like to have someone else on the team who can add to the surgical talent on their unit, and is often seen to encourage new green cloaks to pursue just such a pursuit.

He's also the foremost anesthesiologist of the group, putting Master Jan's special catches to good use as he harvests their special ingredients for the painkillers that are so needed for his work.

He's been known to get drunk at the Lemon Messy more than once, but so far hasn't allowed this drinking habit to get in the way of his daytime work.

Part of a group containing: Jan, Woe, Sera, Giselde, and Nason

Green Cloaks


Name: Bren
Created by: Ronan
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 5th of Vhalar, 701
Title: Gold trimmed, green cloaked healer of the Order of the Adunih
Skills: Socialization 15, Medicine 30, Caretaking 5
Details: Bren is a simple farmer who took up the mantle of healer after seeing the good that came from the Order. He's only been working as one for the past few arcs but recently earned his promotion in Arc 717 to gold trimmed healer by assisting in the surgery of and afterwards looking after Ronan. In doing so he fulfilled the last of his tasks to get the increase in rank. Bren is not particularly skilled or talented but shows a strong empathy towards others, looking after and checking up on them long after his actual job has been done. He's stationed in the Order house in Scalvoris town.


Name: Rami
Race: Human/Avriel
Age: 27
Title: Greencloak, Apprentice
Marks: None
Skills: 30 Needlecraft, 40 Medicine, 20 Caregiving, 10 Psychology
Other Information: Rami is the first and oldest of Galenas Greencloaks. Her arms and legs have light downy feathers rather than hair, prompting her to favour long-sleeves even inside. She did have vestigial wings, but they were amputated, likely by a mother trying to hide a child that would be put to death. Only scars remain. This is conjecture however, as her first memories are of being chained in the belly of a ship as a child.

She eventually wound up in Scalvoris, and when the novelty of a Half-Avriel wore off, her then owner was happy enough to gift her to Galena when she showed interest in healing. In return, he got lifetime beyond basic care and healing for free.

Particularly skilled with a needle, Rami would go further if she concentrated on the here and now a little more. Often off in a daydream, she misses much of what Galena tries to teach her. She does on occasion show a startling insight into other peoples motivations.


Name: Dhatri Zyq'Nacj
Race: Biqaj
Age: 25
Title: Greencloak, Apprentice
Marks: None
Skills:20 Business Management, 35 Medicine, 20 Caregiving, 25 Socialization
Other Information: The second of Galenas Greencloaks, Dhatri is unique in that he was freeborn and chose to join the Order in Scalvoris himself. Having seen family members come home mauled or not at all, Dhatri wanted to learn to heal and preserve life. Despite this, he finds it hard sometimes to behave in a way Galena approves of, his love of the Nel and tendency to find trouble often rearing its head.

He's also entirely in love with Rami, who remains entirely oblivious, despite his continued attempts to woo or otherwise impress her.


Name: Squid
Race: Human
Age: 8
Title: Greencloak, Apprentice
Marks: None
Skills: 35 Medicine, 5 Surgery, 25 Climbing
Other Information: Squid, the final of Galenas Greencloaks, just sort of showed up one day four years ago. Scrawny, malnourished and with the beginnings of frostbite, the boy would tell his name and nothing else. Despite Galenas best attempts, he remembers nothing, and stubbornly refuses to give up the one thing he does remember. Squid might not be a name for a little Lord, but it's his. Although Galena insisted on calling him Bernard for a year straight, his refusal to respond to it finally had her giving up, and it's been Squid ever since.

With a penchant for climbing places he shouldn't, and a natural gift with herbs, Squid is a happy, relatively carefree if occasionally unintentionally morbid child. He also really loves the hat Rami made him.
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Re: Wandering NPCs

Ranger NPCs
Chief Rangers


Name: Oinine Hyde
Created by: Amaris Nyme
Race: Sev'ryn
Date of Birth: Vhalar 98 691
Title: Chief Ranger - Scaltoth Jungle
  • Field Craft - Expert: 75/100
    Hunting - Expert: 63/100
    Stealth - Master: 87/100
    Detection - Expert: 70/100
    Climbing - Master: 92/100
    Longbow - Expert: 68/100
    Medicine - Expert: 61/100
    Unarmed Combat - Expert: 74/100
    Acrobatics - Master: 93/100
Details: Often referred to simply as Hyde ( as in run and hide ), one would not think that she had once been a child in the lap of luxury. Deciding that she would much rather "trapeze about the jungle" than carry on in the family import business, Oinine has a notable determination and sense of adventure that has lead to her being a chief ranger. As a protector and mediator for the Scaltoth Jungle, she takes her job far more seriously than she does herself, and is known for being a particularly brutal prankster.

Trade Route

Name: Naheim Olin
Created by: Amaris Nyme
Race: Mixed Blood - Ellune/Human
Date of Birth: Cylus 23
Title: Chief Ranger - Trade Route Wilds
  • Mount - Master: 97/100
    Detection - Expert: 71/100
    Spear - Expert: 65/100
    Animal Training - Master: 89/100
    Discipline - Expert: 72/100
    Hunting - Expert: 67/100
    Field Craft - Master: 85/100
Details: There is not known of chief ranger of the trade route wilds. Even for those that work alongside him, the most they could tell you is that he cares a great amount for his albino raven companion, and seemingly only that. Naheim proves to be incredibly private, and in most instances, indifferent to those around him.


Name: Mariam Folk
Created by: Amaris Nyme
Race: Human
Date of Birth: Ashan 120
Title: Chief Ranger of the Sweetwine Woods
  • Detection - Expert: 75/100
    Field Craft - Master: 98/100
    Blades - Expert: 63/100
    Hunting - Master: 87/100
    Stealth - Expert: 72/100
    Climbing - Expert: 69/100
Details: An apparently hardened woman, Mariam doesn't quite match her appearance. She seems much more like a child exploring the woods than a chief ranger. Her jovial nature tends to put off potential explorers, especially as she delightfully details the risks of they would be taking. She doesn't much match up to the seemingly pleasant woods in which she was in charge of.

Scalvoris Mountains

Name: Singhar
Created by: Amaris Nyme
Race: Human
Date of Birth: Saun 11
Title: Chief Ranger of Scalvoris Mountains
  • Mount (Ram) - Master: 83/100
    Strength - Master: 98/100
    Field Craft - Expert: 75/100
    Climbing - Expert: 72/100
    Hunting - Expert: 67/100
    Detection - Master: 76/100
Details: Singhar is a proud ranger that quite lives up to his position. He's most noted for his companion, a rather fierce ram named Shatterhorn. He remains an intimidating presence and few can get past him or Shatterhorn
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Re: Wandering NPCs

Criminal NPCs


Name: O'leon
Created by: Baya
Race: Mixed Blood (Human/Biqaj)
Birthday/Age: 39th Trial of Saun in the arc 687/30
Title: Pirate
Skills: Blades: Cutlass | 66, Larceny | 88, Seafaring | 75, Intimidation | 45

Details: O'leon is a pirate of no important who calls Almund home, he is known for his hand in the slave trade and connections. He is always open for shadier needs of the seas and is a well known face that frequents the ports. He is not an immediately frightening man but his ragged appearance and perpetual scowl that borders on petulant lead one to be wary of him. Rather than walk he has a nasty habit of stomping everywhere which only lends to the idea of avoiding him, he is never seen without a cutlass and cares little for keeping up appearances he could be a typical vagabond or beggar if not for his well-kept hair. Quick witted, calculating, and bitter make up the essential parts of O’leon followed closely by his dislike of ignorance, strong sense of competition and paranoia. He holds grudges like they were loved ones and when he does speak it is hardly kind or without a point. There is very little that could be considered good about O’leon save for his intelligence and ability to work hard and persevere. Rumor has it that as of 717 he is looking for a particular Tunawa within Scalvoris and is willing to pay for information.

Simon Mickelson

Name: Simon Mickelson
Created by: Balthazar Black
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 19 Ashan 674, 47 arcs old
Title: Ship Captain / Serial Killer
Location: Lives in Almund but travels.
Socialization (Master)
Combat: Blades (Expert)
Stealth (Expert)
Deception (Expert)
Singing (Competent)
Cooking (Competent)
Larceny (Competent)
Seafaring (Competent)
Details: Simon came to Scalvoris on a small boat four arcs ago and bought a small house near the port where he keeps his boat. He makes his living by selling passage around the islands. People who board his ship report nights of good singing, decent food, and excellent conversation. He is excellent at blending into whatever crowd he finds himself in and has made many friends over his arcs in Scalvoris. Unfortunately Simon is also a serial killer. While no Elements have been able to connect Simon to his murders yet, he is the killer known to the Elements as "Riverboat John." His victims tend to be transients who use his ship for passage. He offers them rides out of Scalvoris to whatever location they want to go to and they never make it beyond the Hollow Sea. Due to the nature of his victims, few people have been able to put together the connection to him. Simon operates under a strict code that he believes will keep him from being caught but only time will tell how long his reign of unseen terror lasts.

Tarrith Marit

Name:Tarrith Marit
Credit to / Created by: Nalin Marit
Found In: Direct whereabouts are unknown, last was seen leaving Havardr towards the Scaltoth Jungle in Cylus of 710. Has not been seen since.

History: This man is the father of one son and one daughter. Finding out that his daughter was mute broke this man mentally with the possibility that his male spawn might have Ink Bloom. As there was always a fear of this. He started beating his daughter when she wouldn't respond to his questions. Insisting that she find her voice no matter what. But of course that was too much to ask. The wife and kids were often seen with bruises and sometimes even blood on their clothing just before the mother helped the children get away. When the delusional man finally figured out what happened to his children it was too late, the authorities were already on him. In his escape he killed his wife and two of those authorities that were after him.

He was well known as a drunkard, seaman, and excellent fisherman, ocean or river, deep or shallow, along with being a great spear-man

Crimes: Abuse upon wife, and children. Rape, and attempted rape on many occasions, and finally murder of 3 people, two of them being military officials there to try and take him in.

Bounty Price: Havardr and Almund are looking for this man and have a bounty out for him of 250gn, and an extra 100gn if he's brought in alive.

Fame: Will gain quite a bit of fame with those of Havardr +10 and some with those of Almund +5(Any other amounts to be determined by a mod)

Other Information: This mans children are still alive, if you know of their whereabouts and run into this man do NOT give him this information or you bring them harm.
 ! Message from: Pegasus
Please speak to a Scalvmod before using this NPC


 ! Message from: Peg
This NPC has been captured and is in prison. Do not use him!
Name: Pang 'The Crystal Blade' Kinsell
Created by: Woe
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 21st of Saun 683
Title: The Crystal Blade; Formerly a Sergeant of the Watcher's Union.
Moderation Info: Mod-Input
Discipline: Master
Combat (Bludgeons/Mace): Master
Intelligence: Master
Transmutation: Expert
Meditation: Expert
Shield: Expert
Tactics: Expert
Endurance: Competent
Athletics: Competent
Strength: Competent
Engineering: Competent
Detection: Competent

Details: Starting his career as an adventurer in the employ of the Watcher's Union of Egilrun, Pang soon found he had an aptitude for apprehending criminals, and even caught the eye of the Warden of Slag's Deep. After a few years of guarding caravans and peoples homes, and pest control, Pang thought he could make a bigger difference with an offer of a job by the Warden. So, soon after becoming Sergeant of the Watcher's Union, he retired from the Union. While he maintains some connections with his old life, he more or less made Slag's Deep his life's work.

However, merely watching Slag's Deep, and the dregs of society that were escorted into it saddled him with a feeling of impotence, and inability to change society for the better. So he took much of the training and abilities he'd earned from his long service in Slag's Deep, and began dishing out Vigalante justice.

Using his connections with the Watcher's Union, he acquired targets of known criminals. Unbeknown to him, eventually he was given a false contract to apprehend a criminal, who was in fact a Glassblower's Unionist leader. Disgraced, yet still operating freely upon the island, he has laid low since that incident.

Yet there's still a bounty out on his head. He's known to use transmutation magic in order to reinforce the glasswork-shackles that are his trademark upon the criminal's wrists. They are temporarily imbued with the strength of steel, but designed to cut the wrists of those who try to break or slip out of them.
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Re: Wandering NPCs

Regional NPCs
Scalvoris Town

Ozbourne Kerrik

Name: Ozbourne Kerrik
Created by: Tio Silver
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 3rd Cylus, 630
Title: Former Warlock of the Scalvoris Seekers Cell
Skills: Defiance; 80. Abrogation; 30. Combat: Unarmed; 30. Teaching; 25. Brewing; 20. Intelligence; 15. Leadership; 15.
Details: Ozbourne, simply called Oz by most, has been a member of the Seekers ever since he was a young man. Brought into the group by his uncle and trained by him in defiance, Oz was always a firm believer that magic was a tool that should be shared with all of humanity and used to defend it from injustice. He spent his youth fighting instead of researching, using the power of the elements to defeat bandits, monsters and many other evils.

However youth does not last, and Ozbourne slowly found himself more and more tired after each battle, and more affected by the backlash of pushing his magic too far. This culminated after he overstepped himself fighting another mage and found that the earth, his kin element, had grown offended of being used as a weapon and abandoned him, no longer heeding his calls. To this day his kin element has yet to completely forgive him, and without its help the once powerful mage became too weak to face evil head on as he once had.

In recognition for his years of service but still wary of his now weakened power and lack of research skills Ozbourne was awarded Warlock status of Scalvoris, an island with one of the weakest Seeker presences. Since his appointment Ozbourne has stubbornly kept the Seekers presence on Scalvoris from fading, but has not been able to encourage growth under his leadership either.

Edward Ketchum

Name: Edward Ketchum
Created by: Balthazar Black
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 45, 46 Ashan 675
Title: Spokesman, Protestor, Advocate
Skills: Socialization (73/100), Psychology (60/100), Intelligence (30/100), Stealth (37/100), Cosmetology (78/100)
Details: Edward Ketchum is a chameleon of a Scavite who works to turn the public in favor of whatever organization is willing to pay him to improve their image. Factions pay him a good number of nels to obtain his services and once they have, Edward Ketchum works tirelessly to help that faction achieve their goals. As of Arc 720 it is believed by the Elements that Ketchum works for or has worked for the Church of Eternal Mercies, the Phoenix Faction, the Mer, and the Elements themselves(everyone needs good PR).

Maximilian Kale

Name: Maximilian Kale.
Created by: Darius Baer.
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: Arc 668, 3rd of Vhalar.
Title: Captain of Ufrek's Duty.
Skills: Navigation (Master), Seafaring (Master), Leadership (Expert), Socialization (Competent)
Details: Maximilian Kale was no pirate, but he had already shared the seas with them for many arcs before their mysterious departure in 716.

With a reputation for being firm but fair, Kale has earned much respect from those who have served under him. He is known to be calm in a crisis, and capable of navigating the waters of the Hollow Sea with ease.

He has travelled further afield, most regularly to Viden, but his vessel, U'frek's Duty, calls the docks at Scalvoris Town its home port.

Silas Guthersun

Name: Silas Guthersun
Created by: Darius Baer.
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: Arc 658, 72nd of Ymiden.
Title: Senior member of The Crafters.
Skills: Socialization (Expert), Politics (Expert), Leadership (Competent), Woodworking (Competent)
Details: Proudly Scalvoris Town born and raised, Silas Guthersun has supported The Crafters for more than twenty arcs. He opposes magic and dislikes trade with other parts of Idalos, thinking of it as Scalvoris Island depending on those from further afield.

He has regularly engaged with those in his social circle in a bid to persuade them to his views, with varying results. Although he holds strong views, he is not stubborn; he doesn't let his personal politics get in the way of his personal relationships, ensuring that he remains friends with those who disagree with what The Crafters are trying to achieve. As such, he is more approachable than some might expect, and is usually willing to hear the views of others.

He is also a hobbyist woodworker, and when he is not meeting with other members of The Crafters, he can often be found at one of the workshops in Scalvoris Town, working on a pet project.

Demetria Safora

Name: Demetria Safora
Created by: Darius Baer.
Race: Half-human, half-biqaj.
Birthday/Age: Arc 683, 4th of Zi'da.
Title: Acrobat.
Skills: Athletics (Expert), Endurance (Expert), Strength (Competent), Writing (Competent)
Details: Renowned throughout Scalvoris Island for her acrobatic prowess, Demetria has been amazing audiences wherever she goes for several arcs.

Standing at 5'4", she is often underestimated because of her size. She is deceptively strong, however, with a toned and lithe body that is capable of climbing, tumbling, flipping, and performing all manner of extraordinary acrobatic feats.

Demetria travels the island, going from town to town, earning her income with her performances. When spending time in Scalvoris Town, she can often be found training at The Proving Ground.

She is also eager to see others learn her vocation, and has written an instructional book titled The Art Of Acrobatics: From Balance Basics To Tumbling And Everything In Between.

Keanu Razor

Name: Keanu Razor
Created by: Alyssia
Race: human
Birthday/Age: 45, 83 of Ymiden 675
Title: Sacchrine Knight
Skills: Stealth(C), Dual Wield (Blade)(M), Intimidation(M),
Details:Keanu Razor is a large man that works for the Sacchrine Knights from Yaralon. He began working for the group when still a minor criminal; it did not take long for him to rise through the ranks of the knights. The knights are a group that help to "rehome" lost children though that's not what the children that have gotten free claim. When someone goes "missing" from the care of the Sacchrine Knights, the bosses send Keanu. A tall imposing man that would make anyone nervous. He is silent by nature while holding an imposing height. Not much is known about how the man does his work finding people. Only that when he has his targets in his sights they will go with him one way or another.


Curse Eater

Name:Gwyqora Zy'Akor
Created by: Qit'ria
Race: Biqaj
Birthday/Age: Saun 3rd, 689
Title: Curse Eater
Skills: Medicine 45, Intelligence 40, Engineering 37, Deception 34, Cosmetology 32
Details: The Curse Eater, as she is known, for her real name is kept secret, is a bit of a pariah in Almund. She was formerly a "curse maker" for hire, sailing from port to port, seeking jilted lovers, jealous spouses, and anyone else who wanted to get revenge on someone close to them. Gwyqora sold them "curses" which in reality was her typically using poisons, traps, and her manipulation to ruin their lives. There was nothing magical about it. Her business was successful, and she made quite the reputation, and just her arrival in port sent husbands scurrying home from their mistresses.

Until she picked the wrong victim. She poisoned a man who was in a trade dispute with another merchant. The poison was meant to just make his hair fall out and his bowels loose for a season. But he had a bad reaction to the poison and ended up dying. Unfortunately for Gwyqora, that man was the lover of an immortal, though which is still unknown. The immortal decided to give Gwyqora a taste of her own medicine, and afflicted her with over a hundred lesser curses, one of which that prevents her from dying until the curses are released.

The immortal wasn't completely cruel, and told the woman that for each curse she helped release in another, one of her own would be lifted. So Gwyqora's life was dedicated to researching lesser curses, often caused by mages or spirits or other magical phenomena. Every day she suffers under the pains of her own curses, and is now an outcast of Almund, never approached except for those that seek her insight into curses.



Name: Francine Devoi
Race: Human
Age: Born 690
Title: Seamstress for Darbyton
Skills: Sewing: 65, Gambling: 60, Resistance: 50,Others: TBD
Other Information: Francine, or Franc as she likes to be called, is a fairly typical Darbytonian. Hearty laughter is usually heard from Franc and she can drink most men under the table without breaking a sweat. She works sewing and mending working clothes, creating new ones. It isn't imaginative and beautiful, but she's performing a service and she seems content. She lives in a small wooden home, well kept and clean but largely lacking anything personal as she doesn't like to get too wrapped up in such. She is a fan of playing cards and drinking games.

The Scholar

Name: Lyam
Created by: Kyreen
Race: Mixed (Human/Biqaj)
DoB: 10 Vhalar 660
Title: Scholar
Skills: Logistics 45, Research 77, Writing 63, Teaching 51, Mathematics 35, Science 27
Details:Lyam is an aging, somewhat androgynous, scholar, who keeps track of of the bloodlines in Darbyton. Their presence is part of every Naming Trial celebration in Darbyton as each mother brings her new child/ren to be formally named and recorded in the family bloodlines and geneology. As a sideline, Lyam also oversees the children's basic education once they are old enough.

Lyam is patient but firm with the children, meticulous in their recordkeeping, and beginning to suffer from arthritis in their hands which sometimes results in needed someone to scribe for them.

Ex Hunter

Name: Jericho Heshler
Created by: Shl'Drei
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 10th Zi'da, Arc 684 (37)
Title: Ex-Hunter
Skills: Hunting (80), Shortbow (35), Investigation (49), Stealth (27), Unarmed Combat (59) Field Craft (64)
Details: Jericho is a very seedy, very shady man. He's often seen dealing with the rangers or hunters, though he has no weight with them and he frequents darbtyon -Something about caracals, specifically the bounty he wishes to impose on all of them. He keeps himself up in inns and lodging- but anyone you ask will tell you where tj find the arrogant man.

Aside from that he's a pretty neutral guy- morally grey, willing to do just about anything for coin. But horribly vengeful, much like his- well that's a tail for another time. To make things short. after one of his informants went silent, Jericho seemingly moved to Scalvoris to do business. He has a name for himself back home, and is an accomplished hunter... sorry, was. After a hunt left him with a serious eye injury, Jericho put away his hunting necessities. He managed to defeat the predator, and he wears the pelt proudly despite having lost nearly all his reputation for it. The caracal pelt never leaves his person, and at times he can be a bit wordy about his conquest, often twisting the story in his favor. That said, he will exchange information in return for things- what those 'things' are depends on what your asking for.


Mad Mage

Name: Walter "Walt" Holgate
Created by: Victor Amielle
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 71st of Ymiden, Arc 650
Title: The Mad Mage
Skills: Empathy 65, Animal Husbandry 60, Alchemy 55, Transmutation 40, Fieldcraft 40, Hunting 30, Engineering 30, Polearm (Quarterstaff) 25
Details:Once upon a time Walt was a reputable alchemist, Trasmuter and Empath and also a student of zoology at the prestigious Academy of Viden. Due to a bad case of Overstepping he lost his mind and ran away. For the past four decades he has been travelling around Idalos, making animals as well as people go crazy and conducting experiments of a very questionable nature.

Walt suffers from paranoia as well as wild mood swings. Sometimes he appears to be a a nice old man that wants to share his wisdom with the world around him, and sometimes he tries to kill you. He also frequently talks to himself which is either another sign of his madness or perhaps simply due to him being lonely.

He usually sleeps in a house entrance, a tent, a cave or a hut in the forest that he has built from twigs and branches. He has not had a proper job in ages due to his fragile mental state, but he sometimes sells the things that he finds in the wilderness. Sometimes people also give him money because they think that he is a just poor, mad beggar.

Walt has white hair, a thick beard and questionable bodily hygiene, he smells, and his once fancy robes have been mended so often that they are nearly unrecognizable. His favourite animals are fish that he often eats raw. Sometimes he also eats mice or roasts a squirrel over a campfire because meat is meat, right?

Credit:Victor Amielle


Name: Eirnala Suffock
Created by: Avrae Kyric
Race: Yludih
Birthday/Age: 32 Arcs on Saun 17th, Arc 684
Title: The Witch, The Wildling Woman
Skills: Medicine - 80/100 - Master
Graft Magic - 50/100 - Competent
Note: Can only be used in the Scaltoth Jungles. Is not available to be used to initiate anyone
Details: Eirnala Suffock has lived in Scalvoris for a very long time- and been despised almost as long. Even though she is a healer, she is also a mage. While this may not have been an issue, when she newly learned Graft magic, her little sister got terribly injured. In an effort to save her, Eirnala used her graft magic- and not only did she not save her sister because of her own inexperience, but she also turned her body into a disfigured, grotesque mess that was unrecognizable. Those who knew it was her fault, blamed her, and Eirnala fled to live out in the wilds surrounding Scalvoris. She practices her healing and magic in secret. Her advantage is that she has studied a variety of diseases, even old ones that are thought to be eradicated. Sometimes, if the Order of the Adunih fail to save someone, that someone's loved ones might seek out Eirnala for help instead. Eight times out of ten, she has an answer when no one else does. When she doesn't, she isn't afraid to use dark magic to find one. Eirnala only comes into Scalvoris town once a season, and otherwise can be found in her hut in the Scaltoth Jungles.


Name: Gaul Jundland
Created by: Rakvald
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: Saun 25th 672
Title: 'Jungle Jim'
Skills: Hunting: Master, Fieldcraft: Master, Endurance: Expert, Blades: Expert, Engineering: Expert, Storytelling: Expert, Swimming: Competent, Leadership: Competent, Athletics: Competent

Details: A fairly well known big-game hunter operating out of Havardr, Gaul makes regular excursions to the Scaltoth jungle, and other locales around the island. He charges a good fee to accompany anyone around specific locales. His prices are fairly high, as many prior clients claim his expertise as invaluable.

Little is known about his past, but tall tales have it he once wrestled a King Crocodile at the age of 13, overpowering it with nothing but the leathers he wore and a rusty spike. He's as much a proponent of spreading his fame and deeds as any, and many times when asked about having accomplished one deed or another, he rarely fails to spin it out of all proportion. The stories are rarely believable but always entertaining.

Depending on the danger of the expedition, Gaul or one of his apprentices will generally accompany a person for a set fee:

Mild Danger: 1 wp for 10 trials
Moderate Danger: 2 wp for 10 trials
Serious Danger: 4 wp for 10 trials
Certain Death: 10 wp for 10 trials.

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Re: Wandering NPCs

NPC Groups
U'frek's Luck

U'frek's Luck

A large schooner that can typically be found either in the waters around Scalvoris, or either the docks of Almund or Scalvoris town.


Name: One-Eyed Frank
Created by: Emerit Nji’Hadi
Race: Mixed race (Human / Biqaj)
Birthday/Age: Who knows, but the best guess is somewhere in 50s. (DOB: 660s)
Title: Captain
Skills: Seafaring (75), navigation (30), leadership (60), boatbuilding (15)
Details: One-Eyed Jack is a man of direct humor or a smack behind the ear if you don’t listen to what he's telling you. Usually a barked command. He has sharp gaze however and the one-eye moniker comes from the fact that he always seems to be looking at people with only one eye. His face turned enough just to see what he needs to see. Where he might sometimes lack in properly motivating others in words, he makes up in leading ships through the trickiest passages around Scalvoris. That earns him enough respect that even if sailors talk about him behind his back, they all know that without Frank, they’d be sometimes as good as dead so they generally listen. Because as he says: “I knows me stuff so you butt off or you gets me boot up yer arse."

First Mate

Name: Dubh “Dubby” MacGollan
Created by: Emerit Nji’Hadi
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 35 arcs (45 Ymiden, 683)
Title: First Mate
Skills: Seafaring (70), Blades: Twin Daggers (50), Appraisal (60), Forgery (65)
Details: This one? Well, he is a shady character through and through and everybody knows it. He comes to the ships only to have at least one legitimate reason for his earnings. But at night you’ll find him in the back streets - dealing, forging or backstabbing. After all, man’s gotta make a living.


Name: Starry Eyes
Created by: Emerit Nji’Hadi
Race: Biqaj
Birthday/Age: 26 arcs (DOB: 15 Cylus, 692)
Title: Navigator
Skills: Navigation (75), Cartography (80), Writing (45), Detection (73)
Details: His real name is Lyari but everyone calls him Starry Eyes for two reasons. One is that his eyes are generally grey or silver resembling the colors of the stars. The other is that he is often caught staring – either up at the sky or off towards the horizon. Yet, his navigation skills are next to none for the nel he asks for. He is happy to be underpaid as long as he can get on a ship and map the coast, the seabed, anything. Starry Eyes doesn’t talk much which sets him apart from the rest of his kin. You won’t see him much in taverns or socializing for that matter.


Name: Toothless Jack
Created by: Emerit Nji’Hadi
Race: So shriveled up it’s hard to know, but many say human.
Birthday/Age: Goingstrong past 70 arcs but still shimmies up the rigging like a 20 year old. (DOB: 642)
Title: Good ol’ sailor
Skills: Acrobatics (80), Endurance(85), Gambling (60), Stealth (15), Climbing (75)
Details:Jack is your lewd sailor from the docks. Half the time it’s hard to understand what he’s saying since most of his teeth are missing, but by the bawdy expression on his face it does not take a genius to figure out what words he spat all over his chin and the audience. He might be old, but he will beat any fresh blood to the crow’s nest and trick the un-observing out of all their money in a good game of cards.

The Caldwell-Zyma Family

Family Info

The Caldwell-Zyma family has been around Scalvoris for several generations, but they haven't been of much note until a fortune was made in trade with a recent generation. Originally, about eighty arcs ago, the Caldwell Triplets and the Zyma Twins were known as a union of business, and it was a time of adventure within industry. They pooled whatever money they had made through expeditions and jobs, supplemented the rest with investors, and started a trade business headquartered in Almund.

While they have no "noble" or "old-money" ties, the Caldwell-Zyma name became known because of a tabloid-like interest when the Caldwell Triplets and the Zyma Twins wed to each other in an entangled mess of romances that entertained a lot of people in Scalvoris. Newspapers, bards, and gossipers frequently performed/shared about the family, their parties, and relations with sneak peeks into their private lives. Especially when a suspected murder occurred to one of the triplets. Many bards were convinced that Regina Caldwell had taken out the other; for within a season, the widower Tito Zyma married Regina Caldwell. Whether this was true or simply earned the bards more coin, has never been confirmed.

Regardless, Regina and Tito combined the family's name rather than taking one over the other. What followed was even more unfortunate accidents as the other Caldwell Triplet and Zyma Twin found untimely ends during their own business dealings. In their death, Regina and Tito claimed everything and took on guardianship of their two children. Regina and Tito went on to have four children of their own.

These six children who are known as the Six Caldwell-Zyma Heirs.

Regina and Tito taught their children that hard work and independent effort was vastly more important than inherited wealth. To put a point on this, they set a deal that if the children renounced their monetary ties and managed to build themselves up to a respectable level of wealth through a proper and law-abiding business, then they would be included in the massive sum of wealth that'd been accumulated under the Caldwell-Zyma name. If they didn't, they would be taken care of - to an extent - but they would not be included in the will.

So, it was that the Six Caldwell-Zyma Heirs spread out across Scalvoris to build businesses under their name. It is now this that most people are aware of, rather than the lurid scandalous history of the previous generation. The Six Heirs have gone on to have their own children, expanding the family (about twenty children and grandchildren) and often having similar aims with teaching their offspring the importance of industriousness.


Name: Regina Caldwell
Created by: Carver
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 82; 23 Zi'da, 639
Title: Mother of the Caldwell-Zyma Heirs (Travels)
Skills: Politics (90/100), Deception (70/100), Logistics (60/100), Business Management (50/100), Socialisation (40/100).
Details: In retirement, she has very little interest in the Heirs' businesses, but a great deal of interest in the private lives of her descendants. She loves gossip, and has a constant companion in an enigmatic, androgynous bard who constantly regales her with song, poetry, and rumors. It is said that the bard is also her bodyguard, and shouldn't be tested if one doesn't want to get their throat slit. Most of Regina and Tito's later wealth was made through acquisition and investment of smaller businesses.


Name: Tito Zyma
Created by: Carver
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 80; 18 Saun, 640
Title: Father of the Caldwell-Zyma Heirs (Travels)
Skills: Business Management (90/100), Mathematics (70/100), Logistics (60/100), Politics (50/100), Deception (40/100).
Details: In retirement, mostly, he likes to secretly meddle in the Heirs' businesses to see whether they can handle competition. He likes to take walks and say hello to people, though he has to use a cane due to a bad knee. Most of Regina and Tito's later wealth was made through acquisition and investment of smaller businesses.

Scalvoris Town

Name: Franciszka Zyma
Created by: Carver
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 54; 39 Vhalar, 665
Title: Scalvoris Town Caldwell-Zyma Heir
Skills: Etiquette (80/100), Textile Production (70/100), Socialisation (60/100), Business Management (50/100), Needlecraft (40/100), Art (30/100).
Details: One of the two children from the other Caldwell-Zyma couple. Franciszka (or "Franci") had the hardest time adjusting to her new guardian as she was a child when her parents died. She dislikes the agreement made by Regina and Tito. She does not have an extraordinary business, but rather runs a small-time shop


Name: Tytus Caldwell-Zyma
Created by: Carver
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 51; 82 Ymiden, 669
Title: Faldrass Caldwell-Zyma Heir
Skills: Etiquette (80/100), Textile Production (70/100), Socialisation (60/100), Business Management (50/100), Business Management (40/100), Caregiving (30/100).
Details: First born of Regina and Tito. The Golden Child who is assumed to be the one that might actually get the entire will, despite the agreements made. The other Heirs distrust Tytus a great amount, even though Tytus tends to be a friendly and happy man. He has a lovely wife, five children, and six grandchildren.


Name: Violet Caldwell
Created by: Carver
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 48; 14 Cylus, 672
Title: Almund Caldwell-Zyma Heir
Skills: Intelligence (80/100), Socialisation (70/100), Intimidation (60/100), Investigation (50/100), Business Management (40/100), Deception (30/100), Politics (30/100).
Details: One of the two children from the other Caldwell-Zyma couple. The Black Sheep of the Family, Violet refused the idea of the whole Heir deal for a good portion of her young adult life. She was heavily into the black market and drug trades, until about her mid-30s when she pivoted and decided that she did want to try to be included in the will. Since then, she has built up a highly lucrative mercenary company that provides personal security protection services.


Name: Rupert Zyma
Created by: Carver
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 48; 20 Ashan, 672
Title: Darbyton Caldwell-Zyma Heir
Skills: Cartography (80/100), Business Management (70/100), Logistics (60/100), Art (50/100), Engineering (40/100), Socialization (30/100).
Details: A quiet, stern man who keeps to himself but operates a mapping business for trade routes - mainly to keep updated maps, so he manages scouts to check on trails/new dangers.


Carver's Personal NPC (approved here).


The proprietor of the North End Lodge.

The Red Ravens

The Red Ravens

The Red Ravens are loosely based in Almund

The Raven

Found In: Almund

Title: Drug Kingpin - The Raven

Race: Human / Avriel

History: The Raven has history reaching back to the desert coasts of the western world, having grown up within harsh, dry climates and unbearable heat. It was a struggle, living among the tribes there, as they not only had to fend off the constant promise of death from lack of food or dehydration, but they also had to fight for control of territories. More often than not, it was constant manslaughter and the persistent sight of the dead left many of the young desensitives to its horrors.

Not many a sure where Zachariah came from exactly, but some are certain it is from a tribe in the west due to the body scaring he wears under his tunic. There are many who are even less sure of how he escaped such a harsh environment and survived enough to end up in Scalvois, though some speculate that it was due to the help of one of the Pirate Lords. Nevertheless, Zachariah is a calculated, cold killer who will make an example out of anyone if it means holding power over the people of his crew: The Red Ravens.

Crimes: Theft against the city, Arson against the city, Assault upon an Accountant of the City, Assault upon a Militant of the City, Murder of a Militant upon the City, Murder of multiple citizens of the City, Kidnapping of multiple citizens of the city, Involvement in illegal organizations to distribute drugs throughout the region, Drug Trafficking, Slave Trafficking, Raiding of commercial trade caravans, disruption of merchant trade routes.

Bounty Price: 10,000 GN

Renown: 50

Motives: This character is motivated by power. He is drawn to actions and demonstrations of power and control and becomes calmingly infuriated when the situation turns out to be the opposite. He is not above violence and murder and will use fear to motivate others into working with him or bending to his will. His loyalty is in himself and he will gladly exterminate a member of his crew in order to advance ahead in his line of work.


Name: Sava O'Ne
Created by: Freya DuCarinos
Race: Aukari / Sev'ryn
Birthday/Age: 104th Vhalar Arc 700 / 18 Arcs
Title: Supplier / Drug Crafter
Skills: Chemistry - Expert, Mathematics - Expert, Alchemy - Expert, Medicine - Competent, Poison - Competent, Gardening - Competent
Details: Sava is branded with the mark of a slave, having been abducted by Zachariah from her home in the farmlands surrounding Etzos only five arcs ago. At the time, she was experimenting with a new kind of drug that was meant to help relax and focus the mind, to maneuver quicker, faster, and better. Having forcibly requested to try the drug, The Raven liked it so much that he "hired" her onto the crew. Sava used to believe that she would be returning home, but as the arcs ticked by, she's grown used to working with The Raven and his band.


Name: Ulum Sutton
Created by: Freya Ducarinos
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 100 Ashan 653 / 65 Arcs
Title: Supplier / Drug Crafter
Skills: Chemistry - Master, Mathematics - Master, Alchemy - Expert, Medicine - Expert, Poison - Expert, Gardening - Competent, Hunting - Competent, Fieldcraft - Competent
Details: Ulum has always been an oddball, even in his younger days, though he was wise enough to know when to stay quiet and when to bounce before things went south. He was in the drug scene once before and quit due to new found love. However, such pleasant things don’t last long in this world and while out on an educational expedition one afternoon, his family mysteriously disappeared. Several seasons passed as his searched for them, his living conditions deteriorating into homelessness until he finally gave up and drifted. By the time he became aware of his situation, Ulum found himself in Scalvoris, begging for enough change to get a jug of ale from the local Tavern. It didn’t take long for his path to cross that of drug dealers and black market shade looking for the best hit from new drugs the streets could offer. Nothing was up to par, however, and so, he decided to use his previous training and nature knowledge to craft out of the world drugs. After a rather brutal business meet with The Raven, Ulum was hired onto the crew as a drug supplier.


Name: Asher Makov
Created by: Freya Ducarinos
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 17 Saun 683 / 35 Arcs
Title: Distributor
Skills: Intimidation - Expert, Strength - Expert, Unarmed Combats (Brawling) - Expert, Detection - Competent, Negotiation - Competent, Persuasion - Competent, Mathematics - Novice
Details:Asher has lived a life as rough as the region that he lives within. Being a born native, the man takes everything in stride given that there’s not too many horrific things he hasn’t fallen witness to. The good, the bad, and the ugly are just simple moments in a day to him. Asher isn’t one to linger in a place too long and knows the back routes, best corners, and keeps regulars on the side. There is only one person he’ll ever admit to fearing and that’s The Raven.


Name: Bria Lestel
Created by: Freya DuCarinos
Race: Yludih
Birthday/Age: 90 Ymiden 681 / 37 Arcs
Title: Distributor
Skills: Negotiation - Expert, Persuasion - Expert, Unarmed Combat - Competent, Intimidation - Competent, Intelligence - Competent
Details:Bria is a weathered soul, young at heart, but trapped in a body that’s been a victim of time and ruthless obstacles. Her flesh is littered with scars, both self afflicted and inflicted by others, and gaudy makeup is used to cover them, along with the deep, stress wrinkles that mar her expressions. Her personality is every bit as pleasing as her appearance, as it is both ugly and rough to be around. She makes good selling drugs and that might be the only reason why The Raven keeps her around. Bria could negotiate the coin from your pocket, even on a bad day.


Name: Kal'um Mouri'wa
Created by: Freya DuCarinos
Race: Sev'ryn
Birthday/Age: 34 Ashan 696 / 22 Arcs
Title: Distributor / Material Fetcher
Skills: Fieldcraft - Expert, Hunting - Expert, Fishing - Expert, Gardening - Expert, Unarmed Combat (Dagger) - Competent, Intimidation - Competent
Details:Kal’um is a Sev’ryn still searching for his familiar. He found his way to Scalvoris through means of poor navigation and communication and decided to settle here while he awaits another vision of his familiar. Through odd means, he stumbled upon the Red Ravens while looking to offload animal carcusses and herbs one afternoon. It was odd that an old man would by the whole lot from him but Kal’um didn’t care. He had coin for food, shelter, and clothing. This business deal carried for quite some time until Ulum suggested to Kal’um that he be hired onto the Red Ravens. He doesn’t distribute much and if he does, he sell drugs fairly cheaper than the other do. He knows how to survive though and wouldn’t mind training other who cross paths with him.


Name: Taylon Agca
Created by: Maxine
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 27th Cylus 687/ 30
Title: The Enforcer/Shark
Skills: Unarmed Combat (Brawling) - Expert, Leadership - Expert, Intimidation - Expert, Axes and Bludgeons - Expert, Discipline - Competent, Detection - Competent
Details:While Taylon is a man of infamy in Almund and one of The Raven's few confidant's, he's also one of very few words. The stoic man has been with The Raven for as long as the crew itself has existed. His loyalty and natural knack for leadership has made him an invaluable asset, as well as a key to the group's cohesion and focus. His blunt demeanor and heavy-handedness keeps even the most wily of the sharks firmly under his thumb. Much like his boss, The Enforcer elicits loyalty through fear rather than adoration. The dread of even garnering his attention keeps most average citizens out of The Red Ravens' business, and even the Elements have been known to turn a blind eye to his dealings rather than confront him.


Name: Koygen Fenathel
Created by: Maxine
Race: Biqaj
Birthday/Age: 7 Ashan 676/ 41
Title: Shark
Skills: Negotiation - Expert, Persuasion - Expert, Intelligence - Expert, Deception - Competent, Investigation - Novice
Details: Koygen is one of The Red Raven’s more recent additions. Prior to his membership, the charming Biqaj was a talented con man with vast connections throughout Scalvoris. Those he can’t swindle into doing his bidding are skillfully blackmailed, extorted, or bribed. When Koygen sets his mind to an outcome, there’s almost no line he won’t cross to see a goal to fruition. Nowadays he uses his gifts to keep The Raven well informed and The Elements off the crew’s back. Rumor has it he has a brother or a cousin in the Element ranks.


Name: Kenna Delvet
Created by: Maxine
Race: Naerrik
Birthday/Age: 80 Ymiden 690/ 27
Title: Shark
Skills: Unarmed Combat - Expert, Intimidation - Expert, Stealth - Expert, Thrown Weapons - Competent, Seduction - Competent
Details: No one but The Raven is entirely sure why Kenna left the Augiery. Most are too afraid to ask. The only whispers on the subject tell tales of a blossomed romance between the Naerrik and the Red Ravens boss when he dabbled in the slave trade. All that’s certain is Kenna is rarely absent from The Raven’s side. While Taylon is the undisputed right hand man, Kenna undoubtedly has the boss’s ear. She’s more than just a pretty face though. Short tempered and quick to aggression, few have ever escaped Kenna’s wrath unscathed.


Name: Talara Helviani
Created by: Maxine
Race: Eidisi
Birthday/Age: 30 Saun 671/ 47
Title: Shark
Skills: Linguistics - Expert, Stealth - Expert, Seduction - Expert, Investigation - Expert, Lock-picking - Competent, Poisons - Novice
Details: Like any Eidisi, Talara is known to have a very curious mind. She arrived in Scalvoris with hopes of receiving an education in linguistics at the prestigious Viden Academy. The door of opportunity came slamming closed on her after she was caught too many times abusing illegal substances. She spent some time working at The Siren's Embrace and quickly became a favorite thanks to her surprisingly sweet demeanor. It was there she became acquainted with some of Almund's shadier characters. As a member of The Red Ravens, Talara now spends her time working closely with Koygen, researching people of interest to The Raven and disposing of the crew's enemies quietly. Her pretty face and long legs make her a favorite among her male constituents. Talara and Kenna, on the other hand, are kept separate at almost all costs on The Raven's orders.


Name: Marciel Gordevash
Created by: Maxine
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 12 Zi'Da 695/ 23
Title: Shark
Skills: Blades- Expert, Unarmed Combat (Brawling) - Expert, Interrogation- Competent, Torture - Competent, Whips- Novice, Psychology - Novice
Details:Marciel is best described as The Red Ravens' resident loose cannon. Taylon discovered the young, ambitious man when he was nothing but a purposeless troublemaker plaguing Almund's streets. Under The Enforcer's watchful eye and armed with newfound direction, Marciel now dedicates most of his time to terrorizing opponents of his new crew. His specialty, however, is extracting information of The Raven's interest from stubborn subjects. Its not uncommon for the young shark to take his sadistic methods too far to get the job done. Some say he enjoys it just a little too much. His undeniable value and promise in Taylon's eyes keeps him protected from most backlash he probably deserves. The Enforcer and The Raven alone seem capable of keeping Marciel in check.
The Desnind Delegation


The Ti'al Representative: Spread of information, teachings, and exchange of ideas.

Name: Àbo The Ti'al Representative
Race: Sev'ryn/Eidisi
Date of Birth: arc 655, Ymiden the 45th
Skills: Teaching (Master), Writing (Master), Deception (Master), Politics (Expert), Gardening (Expert), Meditation (Expert), Socialization (Expert), Research (Expert), Cartography (Competent)

Appearance: 6'1, with black hair and striking blue eyes. His compection is pale with a tinge of blue. He often wears fine robes of Iyo silk, favoring hues of green and yellow.

Personality: A friendly and sociable man, Abo loves to celebrate with other people and enjoys large gatherings of people.

Marks: Yithnai (Favored)
Abo is part of the Cazav, a cult dedicated to Lisirra. He's infiltrated the The Oludibo Cikakken, but was always held back while in Desnind from higher office. He's taken it upon himself to lead the Ti'al portion of the delegation to Scalvoris, being one of the few willing to do so.


The Näfäkä Representative: The head of security among the delegation, responsible for guarding the Flutterbus.

Name: Igbaradi The Näfäkä Representative:
Race: Sev'ryn
Date of Birth: 697, 3rd of Cylus
Skills: Ranged (Shortbow): Master, Woodworking: Master, Strength: Expert, Endurance: Expert, Tactics: Expert, Fieldcraft: Expert, Hunting: Expert, Politics: Competent, Teaching: Competent, Discipline: Competent

Appearance:5'10" with dark skin and black hair and brown eyes. He often wears practical linen armors and animal hides. He usually carries the trappings of a hunter, such as a bow and field fletching kit.

Personality: No nonsense and disciplined, Igbaradi takes his role as head of security for the rest of the Delegation with utmost seriousness.

Marks: None known.


The Tsabar Represerntative: The spiritual advisor and seeker of spirits. They seek unity, understanding, and wholeness.

Name: Ma'aikata The Tsabar Representative:
Race: Sev'ryn
Date of Birth: 685, 1st of Ymiden
Skills: Meditation Master, Dreamwalking ?, Socilization Master, Psychology Master, Detection Expert, Unarmed Combat: Desnind Standard (Da'Riya): Expert, Gardening Competent, Athletics Competent

Appearance: Brown dreadlocks are pulled back to reveal a craggy, yet smiling face. Clear hazel eyes, set sunken within their sockets, tend to dart energetically over whatever scene they find themselves in.

A birthmark stretching from the top of the right cheek , running towards her upper lip and ending under her left eye, in the shape of a unicorn.

Personality: She's very lovable and brilliant. Having spent much time wandering Emea, she tends to appear detached from Idalos, and sometimes frustrates people by giving them the runaround in conversation, and being needlessly cryptic. Her loving nature though, this is what she's often admired for. Friends tend to count on this and her charisma whenever they need help.
Marks: Nyvahi (Favored)


The Aik Representative: The Health advisors, responsible for spreading the particular healing lore of the Sev'ryn people. They are accompanied by a group of volunteers.

Name: O'nse The Aik Representative:
Race: Sev'ryn
Date of Birth: 681, 11th of Saun
Skills: Medicine (Master), Needlecraft (Master), Caregiving (Master), Discipline (Expert), Gardening (Expert), Research (Expert), Intelligence (Expert), Graft (Expert)

Appearance: Gray, greasy hair tight in a bun reveals a lean, tense face. Her narrow brown eyes are set handsomely within their sockets, and tend to have a gentle gaze. Fire has left a mark reaching from just under the right eye , first running towards thin lips and ending on her left cheekbone and leaves an agonizing memory of unfortunate corruptions that she has endeavored to treat as illnesses. She has a lean frame, and stands at a diminutive 4'`11".

Personality: She's planful and balanced of temperament. Of course she's also rational, tolerant and punctual, but these are in a way balance by being possessive as well. She's devoted to Moseke, but sometimes trusts a little too much In her magic over her patron Immortal.

Marks: Sevrath (Favored)


The Mulki Representative: A advisor on issues of ritual and celebration, responsible for counseling the bereaved and overseeing the various rites.

Name: Muhïm'rìn The Mulki Representative:
Race: Sev'ryn/Biqaj
Date of Birth: 675, 12th of Zi'Da

Skills: Medicine (Master), Caregiving (Master), Cosmetology (Expert), Gardening (Expert), Dreamwalking ?, Singing (Expert), Dancing (Competent), Needlework (Competent)

Appearance: Golden, wavy hair hangs over a chiseled, wild face. Bright violet eyes, set high on his face shine with mirth. A small knife left a mark stretching from the bottom of the left cheekbone, running towards the left side of his lips and ending on his left cheek left a souvenir of an early life lived dangerously. His form is athletic and lean, and he stands at 6' tall.

Personality: The man is intense, yet sympathetic and calm when the occasion calls for it. He's also fun-loving and fearless, but far less strongly and often mixed with being a slightly gallows-humor as well. He is devoted to his adopted culture though, having come to Desnind after a life lived ignobly as a pirate.

Marks: Sevrath (Favored)

word count: 4481
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