The Mausoleum:
"On the way over, her heart stopped," The Element who had landed said to Jacien. He nodded. They had brought her here, because the Sohr Kahl could land, there was a large area and there were no living souls near for the ghost - or the emeans - to feast on. Here were just the dead.
"Bring her down," he said. He sounded calm, but there was a glint in his eye, an expression. He was eager. Keen. "Then leave."
"Sir," the Element replied and he did just that. He laid Elisabeth gently down and then turned and walked out. By now, Elisabeth was unconscious, although that was probably a mercy. Jacien knelt over her and, as he did he took off the simple silver ring he wore.
"Well, I didn't know that," said Cally and he nodded. "I'd appreciate your continued discretion." Cally thought about it. "Does Kura know?"
"Of course."
That was enough for the ghost. "How fresh is the freshest dead body here?" Jacien asked Cally, his hands examining Elisabeth and his eyes frowning. "Damn fools and their damn magics." Cally - rather surprised at the question - answered. "I mean... how fresh you wantin'?". "Freshest there is. Quickly."
Cally hesitated slightly, and Jacien spoke to her, calmly. "I need to keep this woman alive. But that won't help if the thing possessing her doesn't stop. Please, Cally." The wisp sighed and moved. "Grim this is," she said, muttering to herself.
The pair of them worked and it took time.
And then, eventually, Elisabeth's eyes opened. Jacien was there, sitting with her. He looked completely normal, as she remembered him. "You need to rest," he said. Indeed, if she tried to move, she'd find herself exhausted. "That feeling will pass, soon, and I will take you back to the Glass Temple." His gaze was, as it had been before when she met him in Almund, cool and almost amused. "You stopped breathing once on the way over here and again when you were here. You were possessed by a ghost of significant power." He reeled it off calmly. "Then, when your ... " a pause, "friend acted rashly and foolishly. To try and save you, he jeapordised the entirety of Scalvoris because you were too busy talking to get your trousers on." He did not sound angry - but there was a calm steel in his voice. "You stopped and talked. You changed your mind. You stopped and talked again. All the training in the world will not help you if you don't learn to stop and think and then act." He shook his head. "Drink this, it will help you."
He started the process of getting her dressed once again, she would realise that she was naked under the blankets. Her arms and legs were mostly numb, though, and she was barely able to move. There was no one else there, and he helped her with the drink intermittently as he dressed her. "You have been healed, but you nearly lost your leg to the frostbite, so it will be painful for a while. You have questions, no doubt?" One corner of his mouth lifted in a sardonic smile.
Next Post: Sunday 6th June