• Graded • Wish Upon a Star

12th of Ymiden 721

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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Wish Upon a Star

12th of Ymiden, 721 - Home, Scalvoris Town

The door closed behind them as Kori'än exited the house, looking at Aokan as the young boy practically bounced on his feet. He had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep the sigh inside. Spending the night out in a warm night of Ymiden, doing nothing but... In fact, Kori'än wasn't even sure what they were supposed to be doing. Counting stars? Making wishes? Something about it. He leaned against the cold stone wall, lips pressed together as he looked up at the quickly darkening sky. Laneey ― lucky girl ― had remained inside, not needing to partake in this particular tradition. So, for the first time in what felt like forever, but was, in fact, no longer than twenty days, probably, Kori'än was truly alone with his younger half-brother.

Was he supposed to say something?

If he were, he supposed that was too bad, because he didn't, instead focusing on his breath to keep himself from saying something he would end up regretting. It seemed like the only constant in their lives ― Aokan being excited about something until Kori'än went and threw a bucket of cold water with his words. He never really regretted his words, exactly ― he never said anything he didn't mean, and what he did say was what he thought was the truth. Sometimes, hearing the truth was painful, but it was better than living a lie. What made that unpleasant feeling in his stomach appear was how disappointed Aokan could get, almost as if he was missing the point altogether.

And perhaps he was.

This was all too complicated. He was already tired, and they hadn't been outside for even a break. Why did it feel like every single interaction was a chore? And more than that, why hadn't he just left, go on about his own life? Objectively, Aokan wasn't his responsibility. It was a promise he had made to his mother, but he didn't even know if she was still alive. Not that he liked to think about that. So why didn't he leave?

"Look, Kori, there are so many stars!" Aokan's voice cut through his thoughts, and Kori'än blinked, turning to look up at the sky. It had darkened already, too quickly, and he frowned, slightly worried at how lost in thought he had become to completely lose track of time like this. "This will be easy!"

"Wha―" his voice cracked, and he cleared his throat briefly, ignoring his brother's curious eyes turning in his direction, "What are we supposed to be doing?"

"Make a wish! And a prayer to Xiur. I think." Great. Aokan 'thought'. Just like his brother to get incomplete information. Well, it wouldn't do any harm to entertain his brother, he supposed. "Who is Xiur?"

"An Immortal."

"Of what?"

"The moon? The stars? The sky? I don't know." The name wasn't strange nor new, Kori'än probably had heard it from somewhere, but he couldn't remember the Immortal's domains.

"Hmmm," Aokan drawled out, chewing on his lower lip in thought. "Well, can we make a wish to him without knowing?"

Kori'än opened his mouth to answer, then closed it again, frown deepening. Could they? Well, certainly, but whether the Immortal would answer their prayers or not... Trying it out wouldn't hurt, though, so he shrugged, the gesture awkward as he was still leaning against the wall. "Maybe. You can just try to do it."

"Then, I'll wish for a family." The words came so quickly that Kori'än almost missed their meaning, but he caught it, and he faltered, fingers curling in fists, nails pressing against his palms to keep his face straight. Those words weren't supposed to matter. They weren't supposed to stir anything inside of him at all. Letting outside emotions wash over him was a recipe for disaster, and if he wanted to do what he needed to do, Kori'än had to keep focused. And yet, there he was, feeling something heavy in the pit of his stomach, something akin to nausea wash over him. Not similar to the regret he was growing used to feeling, though.

"Kori? What's your wish?" Aokan nudged at him, and he took a step to the side to escape the bony finger.

"I don't have anything to wish for." Well, that wasn't precisely the truth, now, was it? Still, he wasn't about to share his inner thoughts with his younger brother. That didn't seem the right words to use, either, though, because Aokan's face turned into a sad frown.

"Everyone wishes for something!" That didn't seem like what the other was initially planning to say, but, honestly, Kori'än wouldn't press.

"How do you know that?"

"I just do!"

Despite the mood, Kori'än huffed, amused, rolling his eyes and leaning his head back against the wall, facing the sky. There really were so many stars tonight. "Well, I don't." He knew a complaint was coming, and he knew they would stay on this back and forth forever if Aokan had anything to say about it, so he quickly added, "Isn't Laneey waiting for you?" Kori'än didn't even need to look at the other to picture the pouting.

"Urgh, fiiiine," Aokan drawled, opening the door and looking back at Kori'än. He just made a small motion with his hand, and his brother's pout deepened. Still, the boy finally re-entered the house, closing the door behind himself and leaving Kori'än alone.
word count: 951
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Re: Wish Upon a Star

As soon as he heard the door click shut, Kori'än breathed out, eyes still focused on the sky as he slowly lowered himself to the ground, hugging his legs. He had too much practice already and it wouldn't be something like this that would make him cry, but he could feel the pressure behind his eyes. He had no idea why he was so affected by Aokan, all the time. He wanted to pretend it was due to his mother ― their mother ―, but he knew it would be just that ― pretending. It should be simple to admit that he cared about the two kids that were probably destroying something inside the house at that very moment, but that also meant taking on a responsibility of raising them that he was not ready to. Worse yet, Kori'än had no idea how to take care of others when he could barely figure himself out. How was he supposed to create a home and a family, when he himself barely even knew what that meant?

Most of what he knew, what he remembered, was running from those damned Avriel, trying, without success, to hide from their games and taunting. All he got from it was memories of bloodied feathers and how painful a mistake and a failure could be. Athart had never been home ― in fact, nowhere had ever been home. His mom was his family, but no matter how much he tried, he could never be her, and so, what did he have to offer to two way too hopeful children?

A soft, shuffling sound yanked him out of his thoughts, and he quickly turned in the direction of the sound, hand searching for a bow that wasn't there. Kori'än relaxed though when he saw Shawa's yellow and dirty face, black eyes reflecting the eyes of the stars and staring straight at him, although the huge dog kept her distance. "Hey, girl," he whispered, leaning forward and extending a hand towards the dog. He knew it wasn't going to lead to anything ― Shawa had been skittish and refused to get near anyone ever since they got the house, and Kori'än also didn't have the patience to try to befriend her. There was no reason to, after all.

Just like he expected, the dog didn't approach. Her ears lowered against her head and Kori'än could see the fur on her neck rising. With a sigh, he slowly retreated his hand, resting his chin on top of his knees and staring. After a while, Shawa sat down, although her body still seemed tense.

"What am I supposed to do?" he whispered at her as if she had an answer. Kori'än turned his gaze back to the sky, biting the inside of his cheek. Would Xiur answer, when he had no connection with the Immortal? Would he answer even if he had? His mom had worshipped Moseke all her life, and still, she had been left to rot in Athart. Not that he blamed Moseke, not at all. For all he knew, the Immortals could very well be just another force of nature ― they existed, they were necessary, they could fail, and they weren't all-powerful. His mother believed otherwise, but Kori'än himself had never seen anything to prove him wrong. Or maybe he just hadn't looked in the right places.

It didn't matter. "If anyone is listening..." he whispered, feeling like an idiot for it. But then again, maybe no one was listening, and he shouldn't even worry, "Please, please show me the way," his voice cracked, and he snapped his mouth shut, running a hand through his hair and gripping the black strands. He sounded ridiculous. There was no one to guide him anymore, and if he wanted anything, he'd need to take it from himself. And if he failed somewhere along the way... when had that ever stopped him from trying? "Well, guess it's time to try and build a home here," he whispered again, this time turning to the dog.

Shawa, obviously, didn't answer, yawning loudly and laying down on the ground, curling up in a ball, the breeze softly brushing against a fur that was too dirty to be healthy.

"Perhaps I should start with you. You are easier than Aokan."

It wasn't exactly a joke, if he was being honest with himself.
word count: 744
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Re: Wish Upon a Star

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A very interesting and character-revealing thread. And my first acquaintance with this character.

Kori'än strikes me as a decent and caring young man, but one who is understandably ambivalent about taking on an external responsibility when he has his whole life in front of him. His personality and that of Aokan really come out here, in a comparatively short scene.

Kori'än’s musings about his mother are poignant without being melodramatic. It’s clear that he misses her. Is she alive? Will he ever see her again? What she want for them if she were there?

And his trying to be strong when there’s so much on his shoulders is touching, too.

I wonder what will happen with Shawa, too, whether Kori will ever bond with her. If she’ll ever let him clean that fur.

In short, I can’t wait to find out what sort of life he manages to build for himself in Scalvoris.

Enjoy your rewards! I know I enjoyed this thread!
word count: 197
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