• Information • Melrath Rebirth Cycle 721 Roster

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Dahlia Veldaris
Approved Character
Posts: 19
Joined: Fri Feb 12, 2021 3:32 am
Race: Human
Renown: 40
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1



Re: Melrath Rebirth Cycle 721 Roster

Roster Sign Up Form
Character Name: Dahlia Veldaris
Are you a Resident or just Visiting?: Resident
Age and Race: 23, Human
Profession: Dahlia is studying and working to make her name in the Veldaris family
Preferred thread topics?: anything
Character Goals: Dahlia wants to help make the Veldaris family even stronger.
Modbombs? Yes/No/Maybe/Ask First: Yes please!
Additional Comments: Hello everyone!
word count: 63
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