• Graded • [The Forging] The Emerald Tree.

The home to the Induk Sweetwine and populated by fairies, this enchanted forest has many secrets

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[The Forging] The Emerald Tree.


Kal found himself on a stage. It shifted and changed and there, suddenly, he felt the wind blowing against him and he could see that there was the open ocean behind him.

His way out, it seemed, was sealed. His choice made.

The cliffside which this particular stage was at the bottom of was a sweeping stone one, with benches carved out of the rock. There, people sat. Hundreds of them. It grew dark and the sun left the deep orange glow as it sank into the ocean - around him the place lit with tiny fireflies.

And Kalortah realised who the audience were.

They were Delroth.

Each and every one of the hundreds of people here - thousands, maybe - were Delroth. The Immortal looked at him, expectantly, from thousands of eyes. All gazing at Kalortah.

The tension in the air was palpable. And then, one of the Delroths - the one at the front seat - gestured.

"Sing, then, Kalortah, and tell me now what you have done."

A hundred hundred Delroths. All looking at him expectantly. Just then, a small fairy-like creature emerged out of the broken glass jar dropped by Zoro Astrian and it flew up and buzzed in Kalortah's ear. Then it buzzed again. Flying around him, angrily, the small creature flew and did it's very best to be an utter pest.

As for Delroth? He waited. All of him.

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  • This style of event moderation - with objectives etc - was taught to me by a dear friend and one of the most talented Storytellers I've ever known. With thanks to Crimson / Straylor.

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Re: [The Forging] The Emerald Tree.


The stage shifted and changed, until he found himself on what appeared to be a stone amphitheater. Idly, Kalortah wondered how well the acoustics could be on such a stage, with the open air all around. His eyes tested the air currents, if there were any, and tried to judge how best to perform his songs so that they carried as beautifully and well as possible.

Then, when his eyes adjusted to the sights in front of him, he blinked. Delroth. He hadn't seen his patron in many arcs, not since he absconded with his precious bracelet in exchange for his blessing! And yet, here he was. Many of him, a multitude and flock of Delroths! Kalortah was scarce to wonder if he was imagining things, or if he'd fallen down and was now dreaming.

Yet no, this was very real. He felt too lucid for it to be some vision. There was tension in the air, yet Kalortah had been through many rough performances and dealt with incredibly difficult audiences before. From rowdy biqaj to upstarts who tried to upstage him with a lute. His mind drifted back to his rival Devin, and then Kalortah smirked. How would his rival feel if Kalortah told him that he'd performed a song not just for Delroth, but many Delroths! Kalortah was absolutely wrapped up in the conceit, that he almost didn't notice the fairy creature buzzing in his ear. He tried his best to shut that out. He didn't want some gnat to ruin his chance at greatness!

Then, Delroth spoke to him. He bid Kalortah to sing and tell him what he had done. Kalortah felt the fullness of his health replenishing every fiber of his being, as the Covenant was sealed. The stage was His. And He would perform to the best of his ability, going through the favorite pieces from his own song book.

He started with an old standby, altering a few words here or there so as not to offend Delroth. Avriel become Avian, and he thought to tamp down on the ugliness of certain lines, but in the end kept them in.

He opened up, without warming his voice. In truth he didn't need it. He felt entirely refreshed and ready to sing, despite the gnattish fairy buzzing in his ear.

"Ahem, cries of the Unfeathered, for those who aren't blessed by your domains, Your Glory."

So, he began the first song,

"Strong winds blow,
Through the arms of Cypress trees.

Flesh of Avian and Slave,
Both part 'neath a butcher's blade.

The suns shine on pools,
Where lesser life's blood leaked.

The Feathered's Prey falls,
Her cries unheard in green glades

The Plumage of the victor,
Ruling with Glory all under his shade."

Then, the next song, which he announced to Delroth, even as the buzzing in his ear intensified. "Saun Rains, a little number I wrote while in Yaralon, dreaming of the women of the hidden city that my kind have often sought out, but never uncovered."

"Dry soil yearns for the Saun rains,
Below a copse of green trees.

Atop the cold dark soil does lay,
The Fruits of the busy bees.

Shadows flee far from the South,
Chased by ambition to shackle men.

Flying out from Audrae's Mouth,
The call to seek darkest fen.

Kalortah bowed, still ignoring the fairy in his ear. He had one last song to sing before he received the judgement of his patrons. But he had others in his catalogue, and was of course capable of adlibbing if need be. Yet he hoped that wouldn't be needed. He sang the last song, an ode to Delroth himself. He cleared his throat, and sang in and out, through every line without pause but with perfect cadence and rythm.

”Grand Calamity, your riches are without bounds,
Your majesty unchallenged,
Your Greed still astounds.

Grand King of Birds, to thyself due must be given,
My gift is not worthy,
My wretched soul unforgiven.

Master of the Wind, your gifts are without compare,
Your wings soar above all,
Where your ears won’t hear my prayer.”

So having recited the last poem, he took a final low bow, before the Delroths, his forehead almost touching the stones of the Amphitheatre as he awaited judgment. As he bowed, he said, "And now, I've claimed this entrance for your Glory, Delroth! Have I done well?"

word count: 746
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Kalortah is always under the effect of the Tarouz ability,

Eldyn Morose
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Re: [The Forging] The Emerald Tree.


There was silence from the audience following the first song.

After the second one, the silence was deafening. The fairy buzzed in his ear again and again.

And then, he sung the third song.

For a brief moment there was silence once more and then, there was rapturous applause. The sound of a hundred Delroth's clapping him escalated and roared around him and then there was a single high-pitched squeak as the sole Delroth (suddenly) stepped forward and caught the angry fairy between his fingers. He squished it, as one would a bug.

"You have done very well, Kalortah, and I am pleased with you."

His words were honey, and his expression beneficent. "But let me show you what has happened."

There in front of Kal was suddenly a scene, formed from the wind and air, of what had transpired in the Glass Temple. Of Delroth's kind and generous offer and Kura's response. In the image, Kura looked a lot uglier than Kalortah remembered it, and Doran was drooling.

"They told me no. I have a plan for how to deal with that," he said quietly. "But, my friend, first, I would hear your thoughts on what I should do now?"

After all, Kalortah knew these mortals. Maybe he'd have an insight Delroth lacked. It was, of course, unlikely in the eyes of the Immortal. But one never knew. "I've stopped their communication, of course." Just in case Kal was going to suggest that. He hated boring suggestions. And then, of course, he added. "And I've paused the group a while. Just a little."

He smiled.

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  • This style of event moderation - with objectives etc - was taught to me by a dear friend and one of the most talented Storytellers I've ever known. With thanks to Crimson / Straylor.

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Re: [The Forging] The Emerald Tree.



Kalortah felt the applause, rather than heard it. In his air-sight, he could see beautiful shapes upon the air as the Delroths applauded him, and he thought he could die then and be happy. Then the gnat that was bothering him was squished between Delroth's magnificent forefinger and thumb. He was so damned majestic.

He told Kalortah he was pleased with him, but then quickly pivoted to show him what was going on in the Glass Temple. The first thing that struck him, other than Delroth's absolute magnificence and beauty, was how much Kura had let herself go. And who was that drooling idiot next to her? Kalortah frowned that this was the best that Scalvoris could produce. And yet, they had the wherewithal to understand that Delroth didn't hold all the cards.

Therein lay his lord's problem.

Kalortah knew Kura was absolutely stubborn and intransigent when she set her mind to something. She wouldn't compromise. It was her word, after all, that had convinced even Kalortah of the need for war against Slag's Deep. A war he had voted for himself.

Doran was an unknown party, but he didn't look like much based on what Delroth was showing him.

Kalortah thought for it a few moments, a few long moments before arriving at a solution, or what he thought might be a solution. "I think, my lord..." Kalortah began and wondered why these mortals wouldn't accept him as their lord and savior, after his so incredibly generous offer. How could they refuse such a gift, and then refuse his lordship over the Island?!

"I think, my lord, the strength of your position, as great as it is is not absolute." Kalortah tapped his chin, and thought for a few more moments, "I think if you'd show them more grace than they deserve, most assuredly, and let them into the Emerald Tree, this entrance to wherever they're going... And then trap them in here, you may have a stronger bargaining chip than otherwise."

Kalortah thought on it a few moments. He had heard that a cadouri had been made a council member. Was that Bao Bao? The red panda that accompanied them? Surely such a hostage would be more valuable. "My lord, if you show them deference, show them how absolutely magnanimous you are capable of being, and then close the trap... You will perhaps have captured several high-value hostages."

Kalortah thought it was a sound plan. And devious enough to appeal to the Immortal of Birds and Greed. He enjoyed the idea of turning the tables on that sour-faced cretin and his gaggle of followers. Yes, this would be a sweet moment, when they had to defer to Kalortah's wisdom and superior position.

word count: 468
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Kalortah is always under the effect of the Tarouz ability,

Eldyn Morose
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Re: [The Forging] The Emerald Tree.


Delroth looked at Kalortah and a smile crossed his face. "I like that, very much!" He smiled beneficently upon his faithful servant, and a plan began to form but, just then and playing out in front of Kalortah's eyes, Cassion and Daia stepped in and things changed in an instant. They were safe here, of course, him and Delroth - this was a little piece of Delroth's land, after all. But the Immortal of Vanity frowned. "This does not bode well, those meddlers," he said and he sounded irked.

Still, he was who he was and he considered things in the way he did. How could he gain from this? His greed was as absolute as his vanity and his mind worked overtime as he considered it. Then, he turned to Kalortah as the realisation of what he should do here hit. These people were not important. Not even vaguely. Whatever way he turned now, he would be shown in a bad light and he absolutely hated that idea. So, he needed a scapegoat.

Looking at Kalortah, he considered it briefly, but chose against it. This one was devout and loyal - and those were rare. "You saw how the fairies attacked my birds, yes?" Delroth smiled at Kalortah, his grace and charm in full flow. "I will open them back to the tree, they may step through. There is one of the fairies who aided them, and she has died," he said, rather like he was talking about a broken vase. "You will go to them and tell them that, should they bring me her body, I will return her to life. Also, I will clear the way for them to where they seek to go. I ask only that they give thanks to me."

He waited to hear if Kalortah had any questions. If not, with a twitch of a feather, a blink of an eye and a wave of a hand, he was gone - once more standing with his companions at the doorway to a tree.

Info & Rules

  • This thread is just for you and me!
  • It's no longer cold!
  • Due to the time-sensitive nature of this, I can not hold out for people to post. If you miss a round, there will (I'm afraid) be consequences.
  • This style of event moderation - with objectives etc - was taught to me by a dear friend and one of the most talented Storytellers I've ever known. With thanks to Crimson / Straylor.

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Kal You are the very peak of avriel fitness and feel great. You can now post back in Sweetwine Song.


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Re: [The Forging] The Emerald Tree.

Your Review


I enjoyed this thread so much! The plot that it came from, the actions of Kal, were so completely IC and perfect that it required a very specific response. I love how honest and true to your pc you are, how well you write him and how I really feel like I got an insight into him in this thread. Thank you so much - and I hope you enjoy your rewards.


XP: 15
Renown: 10


As you as "exited" from the "Sweetwine Singers" thread, Delroth speaks to Kalortah. He tells him that he is sending Kal to Rharne and there, he wants Kal to focus on developing the Rharnians love of birds. He says that he'd like Kal to think of the Glass Quarter as filled with potential worshipers. He explains that, since Rharne has Ilaren living there, a temple per se would be a bad idea (although a shrine would be lovely!) - but an aviary of exotic birds, an art gallery filled with paintings of exotic birds - capture the passion for fashion and direct it to beauteous plumage - any and everything he can think of, he instructs, and Delroth will be pleased. The more bird-focus and bird-love and bird-adoration? The better.

He gives Kal a small, very beautiful, pin for the lapel of his jacket - it's an exquisite tiny piece of cut crystal depicting an exotic bird which seems to change colour. While Kal is wearing that, he says, all the love and adoration and admiration for birds that he can muster - will be devotion to Delroth's ears. High society will adore it, he's sure. And, as such, they'll adore Delroth.

He'll be watching.

You may submit an NPC of up to 450XP who is a Rharnian citizen / business owner / purveyor / generally helpful person (you decide) who will help you in this endeavour. S/he may have contacts. Please submit them as a City NPC, but they'll be usable by Kal while he's in Rharne doing this stuff.


I'm not awarding you knowledge for this - as that will come in the main review.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this review - drop me a PM.
word count: 376
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