• Solo • A Shimmer in the Sand

A small island with an active volcano, Faldrass is the home to Saoire's school and to the Faldrass Induk.

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A Shimmer in the Sand

Ashan 28, Arc 721

That trial, the son of Ziell rose as soon as dawn broke. He had come to Faldrass in order to talk to Vega Creede about the Heart of Scalvoris and Lovalus, and Xiur, their shared patron Immortal had asked them to build a beacon. He would spend most of the time with that later on so that the ship that Xiur had mentioned would reach the island’s shores safely, in spite of the coming mist, but he wanted to make use of the time until then. When he had arrived on Faldrass, Vega had shown him some of the resources that she had found on the island.

He planned on returning to Faldrass a soon as the war was over – he had offered to teach Vega alchemy, among other things – but he had no idea when that would be yet. There were so many things that were still uncertain. He wanted to study some of the wonders of Faldrass, some of the little miracles that had risen from the ashes, now, and take the memories with him when he returned to the main island, so that he would have another pleasant thing that he would be able to hold on to during darker moments.

The clothes that he put on that morning were simpler than what he usually wore in Viden, as they had been since his arrival on Faldrass, simple dark pants, a shirt, a coat, and sturdy boots, and a cloak. He enjoyed his elegant, bespoke suits, and his luxurious home in the Obsidian Prism, greatly so, but there was a part of him that was quite happy with a simpler kind of life, nevertheless.

Besides his cloak, he also got a number of little vials and containers made of wood and metal from his alchemy kit and put them into his domain bag, followed by one of his notebooks as well as writing supplies – he planned on taking notes about the resources that he studied and gathered. After he had given the matter some thought, he also added some water and a light snack.

Some of the settlers were already awake and moving about when he left the camp where Vega and Arlo had allowed him to stay for as long as he was on Faldrass. He wished them a good morning and exchanged a few words with them – he liked those people, they looked out for each other and were full of hope – before he told them where he would be going, that he would gather reagents on the beach right outside the settlement.

He hardly ever went anywhere without telling people, even if he would be right outside the settlement. Just disappearing would not be a good idea in his opinion. Vega or one of the settlers might need him for something – they might have a question about the beacon or need a doctor for example (he had already given them medical advice the trial before).
word count: 496





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Re: A Shimmer in the Sand

It was warm on Faldrass, Doran decided as he made his way through the small settlement and to the beach, warmer than on the main island and much warmer than in Viden where the temperatures usually varied between very cold and very, very cold. A part him felt the need to surround himself with ice and snow – he was his father’s son in that regard – but another part of him quite enjoyed the pleasant weather on the island.

Before long, he had reached the beach that was covered with warm orange sand. He stood there for a moment, inhaling the salty sea air. There was a light breeze coming from the ocean, he noticed, and he closed his eyes for a moment in order to focus on the way it felt against his skin – and listen to the sound of the waves that crashed against the shore.

There was something about his surroundings – so calm and peaceful in spite of the coming war – that reminded him of his dreamscape. In the past, Emea had been his refuge, the place where he had gone to meditate, to relax and be at ease, and let his thoughts wander. He felt the same way now. There was something about the sounds and sights and smells around him that helped him clear his mind, become calmer and feel at peace.

He allowed himself to enjoy that state for a few moments before he finally went to work. He removed a small shovel from his bag and began to scoop orange sand into the first couple of containers. He wanted to use it for alchemy, and besides, it would help keep things warm in winter. After a while, he put the shovel away again though, pulled the fine gloves that he wore off and tentatively touched the sand with his bare hands.

It felt warm, like the sand felt on a sunny trial, but it was not in any way unpleasant to touch.

Smiling slightly, he filled the last container as is before he rose to his feet again in order to eat and drink something and eventually continue his exploration. As he did so, he gradually began to move a bit further away from the water again, only in order to stop abruptly and look at a plant that he had noticed, growing in the warm sand. It took him a while to identify it. He had heard the settlers talk about it before, and he had even seen some of the berries, but he was not as intricately familiar with Faldrass’ flora as they were.

The plant in question had wiry, creeping stems, with small, oval or elliptical green leaves and long runners, with red berries on the lower stems. It was a Rubrum Berry plant. For a moment, he considered digging it up and taking it with him, so that he would be able to grow his own Rubrum Berry plants; but he didn’t know when exactly he would be in a place where he would be able to start a gardening project again.

For that reason, he put his gloves on again – he had no interest in getting red stains on his fingers - and simply filled a container with berries before he made a note in his book, about the appearance of the plant as well as the berries themselves. He would study them more extensively later on though.

Perhaps, he would attempt to dry them.
word count: 577





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Re: A Shimmer in the Sand

Doran had not gone to the beach with a specific resource in mind; he had decided to just see what he would be able to find. In a place like Scalvoris where every little inch seemed to be filled with strange and unusual things making a definite plan seemed unnecessary to him. You just had to turn your head a little and keep your eyes open in order to discover an alchemical resource, fruit and vegetables or wood that you could use to build something. He knew that all those things were likely due to the Grand Fracture of Fei that was located under Scalvoris; that did not make them any less amazing in his opinion though.

When he noticed a shimmer in the sand, as if something reflected the light, he stopped for a moment nevertheless, and furrowed his brow, surprised, before he decided to take a closer look. There, in the warm volcanic sand, was some sort of shell. The shimmer that he had noticed before came from the inner shell that was reflective, like some sort of miniature mirror. In a way, it reminded him of the Gemini Wood that Vega and he had decided to use for the mirrors for their beacon.

When he picked the shell up in order to examine it, he noticed that the outer shell had a rainbow pattern though. He smiled slightly as he traced its surface with a finger, very carefully, before he made a note in his notebook and finally put it into one of his containers in order to be examined in more detail later on. A moment later, he found another shell, slightly smaller than the first one, but no matter how hard he looked, there were no more of those strange shells after that.

That didn’t matter to him though. He hadn’t gone to the beach in order to gather a lot of resources – he had just wanted to see what was there, to explore and study, and take a little break from his work. In Viden he had a reputation as a very prim and proper professor; but Viden was far away, and there was something about the warm sand and the water that seemed so inviting that he simply stopped for a moment in order to take his boots off and roll up the legs of his pants. A few moments later, he was wading through the surf, just talking a walk parallel to the beach, boots in one hand and his bag in his other hand, enjoying the way that the water and the sand felt against his bare skin.

Soon, he would have to go back to Hopetoun, but for the time being, he enjoyed those moments of relaxation, that brief respite from the war - and the peace, which was one of his father’s domains, with a smile on his face.
word count: 482





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Re: A Shimmer in the Sand

Review Rewards

Big Dee

Points awarded: 10


Meditation: Using the sound and smell of the ocean to meditate
Detection: A shimmer in the sand
Detection: A plant growing in the sand
Detection: A light breeze that touches your skin
Writing: Taking notes about your observations

Magic: No magic exp

Other: + Orange sand, Rubrum Berries & 2 Ignis Clam shells

Yo! S'been a while, huh?

Ah, some moments of well-earned relaxation for Doran. Very serene and calming thread to read as well! I very much enjoy the mental image of the stern professor Doran standing barefoot in the sand, pants legs rolled up, taking notes on every interesting thing he comes across and looking mighty pleased with himself. Your description of him wandering the beach looking for stuff to use as reagents reminded me of my childhood visits to the beach where I'd collect the prettiest shells to bring back home. Good times. I wonder what Doran will use his newly acquired sand and berries and shells for. Knowing him, he probably has half a dozen ideas for projects thought up already!

Enjoy the rewards!

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word count: 230
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