• Solo • [Saoire's Dream] Can Kindness be Taught?

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13th of Cylus 721

A small island with an active volcano, Faldrass is the home to Saoire's school and to the Faldrass Induk.

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[Saoire's Dream] Can Kindness be Taught?


13th of Cylus 721

"So, do you have any experience at all with teaching students?" Said the large overgrown rabbit in front of Kalortah. He was dressed in the most ridiculous suit, with a patched blazer, an orange bowtie, and yellow pants. His feet were bare, and long like a rabbit's. His hands were tiny and he stood at six feet tall. Overall, he was a grotesque example of his kind. Kalortah wondered to Delroth why he must be so afflicted, to always get these types in a school setting, but nevertheless, here he was.

"Yes, I’ve taught in the University of Scalvoris.” Kalortah truncated his reply, for fear that he might vomit in the face of Mister Rabbit and his mange-ridden face.

Garth Kindman clasped his tiny hands together at that, happily. ”Good, then we probably don’t have to go through too much of a refresher course for you to get started! You already have some teaching experience. We just need to do an evaluation, of your teaching style… I’ll be your willing subject!”

Kalortah had to suppress the physical reaction that this revelation induced. He wanted to narrow his eyes, furrow his brow, spit on the ground, any number of negative reactions, but he maintained his composure in the face of what he’d heard. ”So, erm…”

Kindman stared at the avriel a moment and then smiled, his grotesque buck teeth showing. The singer had to stifle another gag. ”Well, that means… You start the class off with an introduction normally. I thought you said you have taught before?”

Kalortah shrugged, ”I never volunteered my name to new students. I just launch right into the lesson, headlong usually.”

”Oh my.” Kindman wrung his little hands at that, but then smiled again, ”Well, it’s good to try and put your class at ease at first. To set their expectations that they won’t be judged for how they keep up, and that you’ll be maintaining the pace of the classroom with their needs in mind. Teaching is as much a caregiving process as being a nurse, a medic, a parent. Do you have children, Mister Satravial?”

Kalortah’s voice caught in his throat. Instinctively, he wanted to throttle the meek and soft-bellied prey-animal before him. He wanted to shout invective, and hurl insults. But he knew this wasn’t done in polite society. So he only sat with his hands in his lap, waiting for the mood to pass him by. By Delroth, he really needed to kill someone or something. His anger was getting out of control lately. But then, his feelings here were entirely reasonable, or so the avriel felt.

”No children.” The mortal born said, ”And what does teaching have in common with nursing?”

Kindman stood slightly agape at his student for a second before responding, ”Well, as a nurse one is tasked with setting certain expectations for a patient, and establishing a predictable routine through which they can begin to trust the person caring for them, and thus receive appropriate treatment. As a teacher, you’re also tasked with giving them the same thing, only with a focus on administering knowledge to fresh minds!” Kindman seemed excited by the prospect.

word count: 544
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Kalortah is always under the effect of the Tarouz ability,

Eldyn Morose
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Flavius Erythrian
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Re: [Saoire's Dream] Can Kindness be Taught?


Yet, Kal was not excited by this prospect. While certainly, there was an appeal to occupying a position of authority, and enjoying the admiration of your students. What seemed less attractive to him was the idea of being kind and nurturing their young minds. He didn't coddle people. if they couldn't hack it in the rough and tumble of a competitive world, then what use were they at all? The Cadouri, to his mind, were in for a rough awakening if they expected the world to open its doors without ulterior designs on the small furry folk.

"Uh-huh. Was all he said to Kindman.

"So, let's begin with a little sampler." Kalortah quirked a brow at Kindman, wondering what it was he had in mind. Did he... did he want Kalortah to teach him something? The idea wrankled on his nerves. He was here to learn to teach, not to teach his instructor! What a farce! He was about to tell him as much when Kindman seemed to anticipate his objection and cut him off at the pass. "It's important to see where you're at with regards to your instruction style, so I can cater your mentoring to your particular needs... See, you're already learning!"

His sacchirine manner made Kalortah want to throttle the rabbit. But he held himself in check, resisting the temptation. Doubtless, he wouldn't be able to boast that he taught at Saoire's school if he ended up strangling the first peer mentor who tried to foist his soft-bellied platitudes upon him.

Kalortah nodded, and cleared his throat. "Very well, Kindman! Do you know what scales are?"

Kindman thought on it for a moment, tapping his chin, "Scales? Like those on a turtle shell?"

Kalortah almost slapped him then and there for his ignorance, before he realized the sly cadouri was testing him. Aha! Trying to thwart Kalortah at this game! Kalortah actually found the game of deception rather invigorating for his mind, and was starting to enjoy the process of learning. Even so, when he spoke, he spoke through his teeth, still rather annoyed at the faux ignorance displayed. "No, Kindman, not those kinds of scales. I'm talking about a group of pitches sung in notes in a singular octave, whether descending or ascending... You've probably heard many of your fellows practicing scales, if you know any serious singers among your kind. It's a manner of warm-up and training exercise, to test your range."

Kindman nodded, and lit up in pleasure at his mentoree's patience. He had learned about avriel from Saoire, that they were impatient and irascible. That they could fly off the handle at the slightest provocation. He was glad that this didn't appear to be the case with Kalortah, and nearly satisfied that the avian humanoid would be able to teach for a class in Saoire's school.

word count: 491
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Kalortah is always under the effect of the Tarouz ability,

Eldyn Morose
Larza Impre
Flavius Erythrian
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Re: [Saoire's Dream] Can Kindness be Taught?


"So scales are a way of stretching your voice, so to speak? Like we do when we go for runs, or like some craftsmen crack their knuckles before working!" Kindman chimed in, excited that he was having a bit of success with Kalortah. He had heard things about the volatile former Councilor of Foreign Affairs. That he'd given some of his staff nightmares from his meanness and the blitheness through which he fired people. He'd heard this through the grapevine, during last Zi'da, as gifts were delivered by Saoire's folk, and letters arrived at the Dream for all their requests of gifts for their loved ones. Sometimes other things were mentioned, which the people of the Dream found interesting enough to remember. Particularly people concerned with the mental state of folk, such as Garth Kindman.

Kalortah couldn't help but temper his previous anger, in the face of the Cadouri's soft-bellied excitement. On some level, he saw this thing as a prey animal, something he would lift up and drop from a height to kill and then tear into with his talons for a swift meal. The avriel instincts ran deep, even in Kalortah, especially given how long it'd been since he purged the need for aggression, "Indeed, Kindman. There are a few benefits to doing scales every day if you intend on improving your voice. Like stretching, or morning exercises for those who are about to have a very physical day in the... er workshop." Kalortah smiled with a manufactured sweetness.

Nevertheless, Kindman didn't seem to see beyond the visage of Kalortah, to the irascible and violent individual beneath. "Very good! Now, how do you do scales? I'd like to learn!" Kindman leaned forward, clasping his furry fingers between each other as he waited for the avriel to continue.

Kalortah nodded, anticipating that it would be the next step, to actually perform a simple demonstration of what he was speaking of. He started with a simple octave, a group of pitches that would be easy even for someone with no vocal talent to learn. He started low to high, and then high to low. He recited each note after it was sung, making sure that Kindman took it on board and understood which notes were which, and why they scaled from one to the other.

When at last the lesson was concluded, Kindman and Kalortah chatted, in a back and forth that Kalortah found most grating and obnoxious. Such small topics as gifts and flowers, and workshops. The avriel wished to flee then and there if this was a preview of things to arrive.

word count: 444
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Kalortah is always under the effect of the Tarouz ability,

Eldyn Morose
Larza Impre
Flavius Erythrian
Milian Le Moigne
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Re: [Saoire's Dream] Can Kindness be Taught?


Review & Rewards


Points awarded: 10
Magic xp: N/A

Discipline: x 3
Singing: Singers use scales, groups of pitches within an octave in order to warm up their voice.
Teaching: x 2

Renown: 5 (because there's no way this meeting doesn't get chatted about amongst people at Saoire's Dream)

Skill Review:
All Skills used appropriately to PC's level

Such discipline Kal maintains to be amongst the little people.

The reactions you wrote regarding Kal's inner thoughts were direct and very appropriate to whom I've come to understand Kal is. At the beginning at least. I was surprised that he adjusted mid-thread in response to the little game Kindman was playing with him. Kal saw it for what it was, and the interaction became something different and dare I say...positive!

I enjoyed the back and forth between the two. You've always written npcs well and this is a great example piece of why I hold that opinion. Kindman wasn't simply a background npc - he enhanced the scene, but the focus was always on Kal.

There was a lot of discipline employed on Kal's part to not give into his darker urges. I don't have a lot of experience with Avriel so I'm curious if it's something that is common amongst the race or specific to Kal - the darker urges that is. I know Avriel are supposed to be haughty and think they are superior, but not much beyond that. I'll have to do some research!

Great job! Enjoy your rewards!


word count: 269
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