• Graded • [The Forging] Ice

From Tried's Mouth to the mysterious Tower, the waters around Scalvoris and the island itself hold a vast array of secrets, just ripe for discovery. Here are landmarks, jungles, mountains, forests and islands of note.

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[The Forging] Ice

And so, fully equipped and with riders who controlled them, the sohr kahlImage took to the skies. These flying creatures were beautiful and, alongside the member of the Elements who held on to the reins, they took two individuals each. It wasn't after all, a long journey. They flew over Scalvoris Town and they turned, then, to Ishallr. The air was freezing and, from their vantage point they could see.

Scalvoris was frozen. Even the water in the docks was freezing.

The majestic Sohr Kahl landed just in front of the entrance to Gambit's Gate and, as it did they saw all sorts of strange things. Creatures which simply did not belong there seemed to be walking on the usually barren and frozen island. They spotted all sorts of strangeness. It was always cold here - of course it was. But this was beyond possible. They landed in front of the opening, the entrance to Gambit's Gate. Ice crunched underfoot and the droplets of their breath frozen solid. There were all sorts of animals here. Predators and prey - and all of them mingling together in a manner most unusual. Out in the open.

As for why the riders landed there? Well, that was easy. They'd seen it when they were in the sky. Rising from Gambit's Gate was a mist. Multi-coloured, swirling mist which twisted up towards the sky.

When they landed, and the riders looked to them helping them down and supporting with equipment etc, they could see where that inside the caves were swirling with mist, too.

"Our orders are to drop you off and then circle" One of the two Elements who had flown them there said. "We'll be watching. Keep safe."

And with that, they would make sure that the group had everything they needed, and would take off.

If they went in to Gambit's Gate they found themselves surrounded by ice. This, in itself was not surprising. But the ice was - or seemed to be - glowing from within. Different colours, different shades. And they found themselves in a maze-like labyrinth. A twisting, winding confusion and - just to make things worse - the place was filled with mist.

And in the distance, echoing around the caves themselves, a wolf howled.

Info & Rules

  • This thread is for those who have gone to Ishallr in direct response to this thread
  • There are two Elements with you. They will do as you ask - but they will follow Kura's instructions first.
  • Ok, lovelies! You have a very specific situation here. This place is beyond weird. If you have an ability to withstand extremes of temperature (fire forged, marked, etc) - you still experience the cold, but like a normal person would if they were in the usual caves. If you do not have any supernatural mark / magic abilities, you will find it difficult to function. This is more cold than Ishallr normally is.
  • Any Defiers in the group would know that the elements here are .... well, for want of a better word, they're like they're over-caffeinated. They're not really "lucid".
  • Due to the time-sensitive nature of this, I can not hold out for people to post. If you miss a round, there will (I'm afraid) be consequences.
  • This style of event moderation - with objectives etc - was taught to me by a dear friend and one of the most talented Storytellers I've ever known. With thanks to Crimson / Straylor.
 ! Message from: Reminder
There are no required skill levels for this.
It is - undoubtedly - dangerous. It's a war.
What will get you hurt is NOT if you are low skilled. What will get you hurt is doing something foolish. There's plenty for everyone to do.
Equally, being highly skilled is not a guarantee of anything. This will need teamwork and smarts.


 ! Message from: Must-Do Objectives
  • Include any additional equipment you are carrying. Magic stuff etc. This is important and please remember that you were pulled here.
  • Include information about your journey on the Sahr Kohl here AND your landing.
  • Make up an animal that you see (you don't need to dev it) - it should be either a) an existing animal but with unusual colourings etc or b) a hybrid of existing creatures. The theme for this is "Icefire"
 ! Message from: Can-Do Objectives
  • Use the words Sail, Princess and Infection in your post.
  • Start a sentence with the words "Suddenly beset by an almost overwhelming urge to ...."
  • Fail at something you'd expect to succeed at (IC)
  • Succeed at something you'd expect to fail at (IC)
Next Post: Sunday 2nd May
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~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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Re: [The Forging] Ice

The flight to Ishallr astride one of the sohr kahl, was a brief but exhilarating one. It wasn't just the wonder and the heady rush of being carried by a mystical, winged creature that could have as easily snapped him up and devoured him whole on the spot...assuming it had wanted to. No, it wasn't just that. Up in the air and exposed to the elements, the wind in particular like a sail naked to the headwinds, it was cold. A cold so bitter that in spite of all the layers Arlo wore, the packets of orange sand sewn into his clothing, the wooden chicken leg and all, it still bit to the bone and took his breath away.

Lucky for him, the fellow guiding the great winged beast was seated at the front and provided something of a windbreak so long as Arlo ducked down just a little. Lyova meanwhile had retreated from the brim of his hat and scampered back into one of his heated inner pockets.

He wondered briefly, as they went, what sort of hierarchy existed among the sohr kahl. Pecking order, as it was. Was there some sort of dominant male or female? King of the sohr kahl, for example? Perhaps a favored offspring, son or a daughter, be it prince or princess, for lack of a better word. Or something else unique to these creatures. Such strange and uncharacteristic thoughts to be having at a time like this, under unconventional circumstances. Must be something in the air, Arlo figured, or the novelty of the ride.

It was as if the fates heard him and decided to play their tricks, as Arlo sometimes knew them to do. Suddenly beset by an almost overwhelming urge to let go his grip on whatever was keeping him firmly in his seat...just for a trill or two, like a kid bouncing astride a trotting horse lifting his arms and hands from the horn: As if to say, Hey ma, look! No hands!". But he didn't. It was an almost overwhelming urge. Not a decisive one. And if he'd killed himself at the start by pulling a stunt like that and plummeting down to the hard, frozen ground below, Vega would have killed him again when he got home.

Funnily enough, ordinarily he'd have failed miserably at any attempt to resist such a compelling urge, one fraught with peril and foolhardy at best, fatal at worst. He was Cassion's own son after all. Risk was in the blood. It was literally one of his domains, making him much more likely to succeed and survive after all. Perhaps his fear of angering Vega by being foolhardy, exceeded his fear of falling or his desire to laugh in the face of death itself?

But then they arrived with a surprising smooth landing, and waving off the helping hand offered up by the Element who'd piloted them there, Arlo swung one leg over and leaped to the ground, expecting to land lightly on his feet without missing a beat. He was an acrobat, after all, of the grandmaster plus variety. But as if the fates needed one last laugh at his expense, Arlo found the frozen ground much more slippery than he'd ever known even the slickest ice to be. Instead of successfully nailing his landing, it was a clumsier affair, slipping and sliding a stride before just saving himself from ending up on his backside. "Watch that first step," he said to the others. "It's a tricky one."

The strange, multi-colored swirling mist that Arlo had observed from above before their landing, only seemed stranger when on the ground and viewed at eye level. Inside the caves too, so far as he could tell, or at least just inside it's entrance. To say that this was a new and mysterious twist on what he'd experienced last time he'd visited this place, was an understatement. Not to mention the strange collection of living creatures that he spotted nearby, once he got the chance to really look around.

It was the one, or a number of those smallest of creatures that managed to catch his eye, though not to the exclusion of all others. They were curious little things, maybe six to eight inches tall at best. A flock, or swarm, or whatever, of them all together. Like tiny little reptiles that stood upright on their hind legs, clawed front legs much shorter than the back. Large round, curious and flashing eyes. They looked as if they were made of living ice somehow, but their innards swirled with the colors of flame. They were busy fussing, chittering, snarling and snapping at one another over a mangled pile of bright orange and red feathers, though they seemed to be doing it without causing much concern from the other creatures around them. He wondered what sort of cosmic affliction had caused all of this strangeness, affliction..Infection? At any rate, the scrappy little raptors might be small, Arlo thought, but they seemed scrappy and mighty, and sharp of tooth. He'd avoid tangling with those.

At any rate, still, the cold was unlike anything Arlo had experienced before. He'd taken all the measures he could, before the fact when the unfathomable cold spell had rolled through camp back before the call. What good the layers of clothing would do him; his hat thanks to Cassion, the gloves, armor, coat and boots, orange sand and chicken leg and so on; remained to be seen. As for being prepared, he couldn't have been any more thorough. Except that considering the sudden nature of the call, the planning ahead wasn't exactly done with this particular outing in mind. It was just as it always was.

Over the arcs, Arlo had lost count of how many times he'd been called upon by one Immortal or another, and almost exclusively on a whim. Particularly where his father was concerned. Calling ahead or waiting for his son to pack a bag really wasn't Cassion's style. Therefore Arlo had adopted the habit of keeping a domain back on hand, packed full of everything he thought he might possibly need, or even think of needing. The nature of the bag meant that it held a lot, but still seemed of an ordinary size and weight.

What hadn't already been stashed in the bag, that he'd grabbed on his way out of camp, Arlo was wearing. His sword, a dagger, his short-bow at this back, a pistol crossbow at his hip and plenty of bolts for both. A ring on his finger, a single gold earring on one of his ears, a swirling green and blue gem in his pocket...
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Re: [The Forging] Ice


Arc 721, 30 Ashan

Darius, within the Glass Temple, had asked her if she was okay, prompting her to do what she always did. Smiling, she nodded, accepting his hug gratefully, needing a bit of familiarity and reassurance but for the most part shoving the experiences of the past two trials into the back of her mind. Uncertainty could taint one like a infection, and Elisabeth wasn’t about to let that happen to her – not with so much on the line. She allowed herself thirty trills to acknowledge what had happened, laying her head gently on Darius’ shoulder for the briefest of moments. He didn't treat her like a princess in need of saving, but instead, a friend who just needed a kind word and a moment to breathe. The young mage was grateful he was looking out for her in Balthazar’s absence.

Haven. Faldrass. Balthazar. Her heart was with them and the young mage had prayed. This time, she reached out to Saoire. Prior to the past two trials, Saoire had been the only Immortal Elisabeth had ever actually spoken to directly, finding her to be lovely and welcoming. To her, she sent up her gratitude. Saoire, thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for watching over Faldrass as you do. I’m hurrying home as fast as I can.

There was a new mission and she needed to focus now.

Elisabeth had both Darius and Prae with her, which helped lighten her heart and soul a bit. Arlo was a new acquaintance, but she knew Vega and had no worries about the man that had captured the redhead’s heart. Still possessing the visions from their trip to the Heart, she was aware of a few of his capabilities. Looking around at their faces, she felt confident of their ability to complete the mission ahead of them.

Looking down at herself, well…. she needed to change her clothes.


DariusPermission for Darius' actions obtained from Darius had been insistent on her at least trying to rest as they made their way to Ishallr, but they had to get ready to go first. Bringing them all up to speed on the events of the previous two trials had been something of an exercise in speed talking - Elisabeth had experienced a lot. The crossing with U’frek. The Glass Temple with Chamadarst, Woe, Ziell and Bao. The Element Hall with Woe, Kura, Ru, and Moeske. The visions on Faldrass. The visions from Woe’s glasses. Elisabeth possessed a mindful of information, and even more after listening to those that spoke in the Glass Temple. She tried to get as much of that information to them as possible, realizing the more people that knew what she knew, the better.

The problem, as always, was time – they didn’t have enough of it. After quickly changing her damaged clothing and putting on her leather vest, the group as a whole was swiftly outfitted with cold-weather gear. Elisabeth, having borrowed an enchanted cloak from Yeva – the same one she had gifted the redhead in Zi’da - slipped it on and immediately noticed a difference. The cloak itself shifted to a deep crimson color although Elisabeth herself didn't know what that meant.

Gloves, check. Another pair of gloves?

Check. A third pair? Yep.

She wasn’t letting Darius tease her about losing her gloves. Not this time.

Leather vest, cloak, winter clothes, rings, gloves - what was she forgetting?

As they were outfitted, she tried to convey information to the others, explaining that Prae was one of her mentors and good friend. He had been instrumental in helping her fight her fears of fire, trained her in battle, blade work, conditioning, and Defiance – even having been present for her initiation. In turn, she brought Prae up to speed on Darius and the Barony, explaining that he was the leader of the other settlement, Hopetoun, where Arlo was living with Vega. It was something of a large connect-the-dots game, but again, the more they all knew, the better.

Sorting and settling everything she needed into her pack, including the rations ordered by Kura, she closed it up and grabbed the sword and scabbard borrowed from the Elements. It wasn’t hers, currently hanging out in her room at the Knight’s Rest, but it would do.

Walking to where they were to meet the Sohr Kahl’s, Elisabeth was juggling a few different things and managed to drop one of her spare set of gloves, getting a few feet away before noticing they were missing and running back to grab them, muttering to herself. She didn't think she would be able to get the mount with all three pairs of gloves accounted for, knowing her luck, but as the fates would have it, she barely managed it.


Looking up at their transportation, Elisabeth felt a bit of relief that she had a little experience with flying mounts. Praetorum, back in Rharne, had taken her on a training assignment into the Wastes. Their mode of transport had been a Kheledzan named Sivan. The experience had been interesting, and it seemed, helpful in preparing her for the trip to Ishallr. She would be sharing a mount with Darius and once they both scrambled up and were secured in the saddles, the last-minute checks began, making sure everything was ready for their departure. Turning to give Darius a quick smile, their mount jerked forward and to the skies they roared.

Her training mission with Prae had been in the mildness of Vhalar. The bracing cold of the supernatural Ashan climate they were facing was indeed something else. It took a bit to get used to just how cold it was in the skies. The speed at which they were flying was also something to take into account, as well as their height. Darius, positioned behind her, had wrapped her up in a blanket and tried his best to allow her space to rest. While she closed her eyes a few times, Elisabeth wasn’t sure she ever actually managed any meaningful sleep. It had been important to Darius, so she tried.

As they broke free over the Hollow Sea, Elisabeth could see their destination ahead…but it was what she saw past Ishallr that captured her attention – Faldrass. She was so close to home. To Haven. To Balthazar. She only hoped Kura would honor her wishes and tell Balthazar that she was alright and what was happening. There were so many things she hoped he knew. Gently rubbing the slender silver ring on her finger, she took a deep breath - which was very hard to do from the height they were traveling at.

Turning to look at Darius, she saw that he was looking too. It was hard to talk, between the wind and cold, but she felt the need to tell him how she felt if only to share it with another who understood so she could tuck the fear back where it would need to remain for her to do what she needed to do. “I’m worried about Faldrass. They said what we do could potentially cause problems. I hope someone warns them.” Part of her wished they were on Darius’ ship right that moment, sail up and heading for home…but they both had been chosen for a different purpose and they had a mission to complete.

They banked around Ishallr, giving Elisabeth her first look at the island Darius had told her about. It was hard to see anything from up high, but what she could see was a multi-colored, swirling mist that twisted up towards the sky. It seemed very odd, but she didn’t have much of a chance to think it over before they were descending. Her last-minute thought before touching down was that she hoped their mounts had enough traction to land on what appeared to be ice. Lots of it.

The landing was rough, jerking to a stop, struggling against the restraints meant to secure them. Groaning a bit, she untangled herself from the saddle and began the process of sliding down off the Sohr Kahl. Her head and stomach were a bit unsettled, but Elisabeth knew she would feel better once she was on solid ground.

Once her feet hit the ground, however, it was apparent that Ishallr had something else in mind. The slick ice grabbed her foot, tossing the raven-haired mage to the ground in an undignified heap. It was right about that time she heard Arlo's warning. Muttering to herself, she got herself back upright and decided it was time to take in the surroundings as the rest of the team dismounted, hopefully, better than she had.

At least Balthazar hadn't been there to see it. She wouldn't have lived that one down. Fall less...

Elisabeth immediately noted the beyond frigid temperatures. They had said it would be cold, but it was really, really cold. Viden was cold. This…this was something else. A new level of cold and suddenly she was extremely grateful for the lend of Yeva’s cloak.

Her cerulean eyes gazed about, but the first thing she noticed wasn’t something she could see but feel. The elements. Turning immediately to regard Praetorum, her questioning eyes fell to him. “Do you feel that? What’s wrong with them?” Elisabeth had only just gained her first mutation in Defiance, so sometimes things she felt were considered normal by other defiers, just new to her. The nature of the elements, what she was sensing, was something different.

Her eyes fell over the scenery. They called where they had landed ‘Gambit’s Gate’ but she was unaware of what it referenced or any history about it. There hadn’t been time to research, sadly enough. Oh, but Arlo had been on Ishallr before, so he probably knew. The dark-haired mage wasn’t ready to pelt anyone with questions just yet, wanting to do a thorough sweep of the area – looking, listening, feeling what was there. It wouldn’t have been good to get caught off guard two bits after they had arrived.

What was apparent was that the swirling mist she had seen earlier seemed to be emanating from Gate. What that meant, she didn’t know. Hopefully, they would find out. She briefly considered if the mist was affecting things on the island but there wasn’t enough information to jump to that conclusion just yet.

There were animals. Everywhere. Animals that absolutely did not belong on Ishallr, as far as she could tell. More importantly, they all seemed to be acting very strange. Elisabeth herself wasn’t knowledgeable about animals, so hopefully, someone else was.

Before she could ask, a curious sight appeared before her. Sitting on a ledge nearby, a small creature - appearing to be half emperor bat and half crescent hare - curiously considered her. Elisabeth had seen both bats and bunnies..but this hybrid creature was...different. Banny? Bunnat? Crescent Bat? Ah ha! Blue in color, it appeared as though it had ice crystals embedded in the skin, giving the appearance of a crystalline structure. As it shifted over into a bit of shadow, however, one could see swirling white and silver ribbons beneath the surface of the skin, almost glowing. Tilting her head curiously, she watched as it flew off into the sky, shaking her head at the fantastical nature of it all.

Striding over to where Arlo stood, she started adjusting the sword/scabbard that she had been lent by the Elements and her bag while waiting for the others. Suddenly beset by an almost overwhelming urge to inject a bit of humor into the occasion, hoping to stem the tide of butterflies trying to escape from her stomach, she turned to look at her team, giving them a smile. “Wanna build a snowman?”

OOC Equiptment/Items

Winter Weather clothing/gear provided by the Elements

Ladies Leather Vest - Tier 3 Masterwork

Provisions provided by the Elements

Average quality longsword + scabbard - Provided by the Elements

RIng of Reversal

A whetstone that can repair any battle damage or dulling of a blade, if used on the sword over the course of a trial. Depending on the severity of the damage on the weapon, it may take anywhere from a bit to repair the weapon, to a full trial. "

Silver ring - Connected to Balthazar's

A pair of silver rings that are connected to each other. Whoever wears them knows if the other is in danger or needs help and knows which direction they are in.

U'frek's Hip flask
The hip flask which U'frek gave Elisabeth will re-fill itself magically once a day (when full, it holds roughly enough for 4 shots of spirits, or 2 glasses of wine). It only ever holds alcohol, but when she drinks from it, it will taste of the alcohol she wants it to taste of - and while she can get tipsy from it, it will give her no other side effects, she will suffer no hangover from it, never get drunk to the point of throwing up, etc. It works only for her, or those marked by U'frek.

Chamadarst's Coin
The Coin which Elisabeth finds in her pocket is icy cold and made from glass. It has a single use of a favoured ability on it from the mark of any Immortal NOT listed as sibling, ally, or enemy of the Coinking. Alternatively, it may remove 1 curse from 1 individual. Please choose one use and PSF it.

Cavani's Cloak - Borrowed from Yeva
This cloak shimmers a soft color in complete darkness that echoes that of the wearer’s aura. While this item does little to protect against weapons, its strange ability of heating an individual up or cooling them down (depending on the season) makes it an interesting keepsake.
Last edited by Elisabeth Black on Sat May 01, 2021 3:40 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 2331
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Re: [The Forging] Ice

Arc 721, 30th of Ashan
Preparing for an adventure at such short notice had not been easy. Had he received enough warning, Darius might have packed many more things, but the reality was that he had put Hopetoun first. It was his way, he supposed, to ensure that others were in a position of safety before venturing out into the wild unknown himself. He had always acted in such a way, protecting those he loved before considering his own welfare. Some might have thought it an admirable trait, but Darius knew it to be a flaw; like an infection, it would eventually take its toll. That had led to the mariner having less of his own equipment than he might have liked, but Kura had ensured that the group was not lacking any of the essentials.

Rising above Scalvoris on the back of a Sohr Kahl, Darius braced himself against the freezing wind. Elisabeth sat in front of him and behind the Element who held the reigns, and in a bid to give the brunette an opportunity to rest, he wrapped a blanket around her form in an effort to shield her from the worst of the biting cold. Suddenly beset by an almost overwhelming urge to blush - for holding a beauteous woman close to him would inevitably have that effect - Darius wished the heat in his cheeks would spread throughout his body, but to no avail.

Ishallr loomed towards them from beneath, but Darius' gaze turned elsewhere, initially towards Scalvoris Town itself, which granted him a unique view of his childhood home, and then towards Faldrass. The volcanic island looked still and peaceful from so high up, but he knew the situation would be quite different on the ground. Vega would be organising the people, he was sure, while Astra secured the ships, which were visible off the coast, rocking in the icy cold water, without an unfurled sail between them, lest the stormy winds blow them back onto the rocks. Elisabeth's expression of concern reached him then, and he nodded in agreement: "Aye, I'm worried, too. We'll get back there as soon as we can, I swear it."

Numb cheeks had replaced his blushing ones by the time they landed, and Darius braced himself for the impact. But the Sohr Kahl touched ground without too much difficulty, and the mariner suddenly realised that he had been so focused on everything and everyone around him that he felt responsible for, that he hadn't paid any attention to the fact that he was actually riding an airborne creature. This was not normal behaviour for a man of the sea, and as he released his protective hold on Elisabeth and readied to alight from the Sohr Kahl, he marvelled that he had not appeared to have any difficulty with their mode of transport.

Cassion's son warned them to dismount carefully, but the advice came too late for Darius. He stepped down just after Elisabeth, and as the brunette stumbled, he reached out to catch her. All he succeeded in doing, however, was to slip, then overcompensate, and then slip again, until he found himself falling forwards and face-planting into a soft pile of snow. Apparently he could fly through the air, but not simply walk without falling...

Extricating himself from the fresh powder, Darius shook his head and brushed as much of the chilly substance from his beard as he could, before turning to see an unusual creature looking back at him. His embarrassment was briefly forgotten as he considered the curious being: a small snake, seemingly made of ice, but with a tendril of flame visible within its form. The pair stared at each other for a pair of trills, before the creature slithered away and out of sight.

Summoning the energy to pull himself back to his feet, Darius brushed himself down, then gathered his things, pulling out his mirror and readying it as he approached Gambit's Gate alongside the others. The mist was a wonder to behold, but it would make their exploration all the more difficult.

"So," he finally spoke, addressing Praetorum as he sent a grim glance through the gateway and into the mist beyond, "I hope your navigation skills aren't reliant on good visibility."
  • Average quality studded leather gambeson, leggings, and boots.
  • Average quality longsword.
  • Average quality dagger.
  • Waterflask.
  • Mirror with magic healing ability. Your mirror functions as a normal mirror - but it emits a constant warmth along with the constant glow. It will function as a camp-fire if placed on the ground and keeps the person carrying it in a constant state of warm - summer or winter!
  • Saoire's box of chocolates. A small box with 10 8 chocolates. They are, frankly, beyond delicious and taste like your very favourite thing. You find yourself unable to more than 1 on any trial. But each one provides the following to whoever eats it for the next 6 breaks: "Saoire's domain of Gifts is not merely one of physical goods, but of the happiness and joy that comes with both giving and recieving a well meant gift. This ability allows the Blessed to give both themselves and anyone they're with a feeling of joy and good cheer, banishing negative feelings like sorrow, anger, and fear."
  • Cassion's book. Cassion has given Darius a book in which to write things.
  • Other winter equipment provided by the Elements. (Spare clothing, rope, crampons, rations, etc.)
  • Vega's skill bonus. This skill will be directly linked to the focus Vega has so - if it is in a camp preparing for battle, for the soldiers it will be a combat skill - but the cook for that camp would gain a bonus to cooking for the troops. No more than one bonus per day can be given. (Chosen skill: Field Craft.)
  • Vega's flag bonus. PCs who are working towards the goal of the clan are given more support, more help. Things happen quicker and more efficiently for that reason. PCs who are actively using skills which benefit the "clan" and are doing so with NPCs / PCs of the "clan" - may assume that the task is less difficult and by everything going smoothly and people helping, everything falls together more easily. This allows the task to be easier / a stroke of luck /teamwork to mean that the task is completed in 50% of the time OR to 2 levels higher a standard than they could otherwise achieve.
Last edited by Darius Baer Bottom on Tue May 04, 2021 1:24 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 1087
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Re: [The Forging] Ice

Praetorum had thought himself accustomed to flying, after all these arcs with Sivan; he’d thought he’d known what it was like to sail through the skies with wings flapping under him. But nothing could have prepared him for the sheer speed of the creature beneath him.

Wind whipped at his face as the sohr kahls quickly left Scalvoris Town in their wake, and Prae shivered. Even with winter clothing bundled around him, even with the fire his defiance spark kept burning within himDefiance Mutation - Inner Flame, cold seeped into his bones like an infection, locking his joints and tensing his muscles. Still, flexing his hands, he found he was still functional, if deeply uncomfortable.

He could only hope he would stay that way, as they approached the column of rainbow mist that rose from Ishallr. He wanted to be in as close to top condition as he could manage for a mission like this. Arlo had spoken with confidence, and held himself with the air of one who could take care of himself no matter what, but Elisabeth was inexperienced despite her talent, and Darius appeared to be no fighter at all. If they encountered more of these elemental wolves Arlo had mentioned…

Well, they’d deal with that when it came to it. He had on his leather armor, every bit as good as plate; he had his Silk Scabbard around his wrist, his domain bag at his hip, two rings on his claws, and his shield and staff at his back. He’d made all the preparations he could with such short notice, and now, as they began to descend towards the island, all he could do was hope they would be enough.

The sohr kahls’ landing was smooth; his new allies’ were not. Suddenly beset by an almost overwhelming urge to laugh at his companions flailings, Prae covered his amusement with a badly faked cough, and carefully dismounted, fully expecting to join them in falling over.

To his surprise, though, Prae found himself landing steady on his feet, mostly due to how carefully he’d held on to the saddle as he slid off it. The ice beneath him was still slick and slippery, but forewarning helped a great deal in staying upright.

Once he was completely steady, Prae looked around, scanning their surroundings for danger. Mostly though, what he saw were ice and animals—animals he would have expected to have fled with the landing of the sohr kahls. Yet here they stood, out in the open as if fearless.

One in particular caught his eye, for how striking its coloration was. It resembled a Scalvwing steed, only where all the Scalvwings he’d seen had been solid colors, this one seemed almost to gleam—its mane in particular seemed to be an ever shifting, shimmering blue that in one moment would resemble the hottest of flames, and in the next the coldest of ice. It was ethereally beautiful, the sort of creature that belonged with a fairytale princess.

The howl of a wolf cut through his fascination, and without thinking, Prae stilled his mind, emptying it so the voices of the elements could flood in, carrying with them the knowledge of their every moveDefiance Mutation - Ceaseless Dance. It was instinctual at this point, for him to spread his awareness out two hundred feet in each direction to search for threats.

Only this time, his awareness unexpectedly failed him. When the elements spoke, their voices were garbled and incoherent and too quick to make out properly. And it wasn’t just with his defiance sense—now that he was paying attention, everything about the elements here was just a little bit wrong, just a little bit delirious.

Elisabeth felt it too, it seemed, and Prae nodded. “Something’s wrong with the elements here,” he said for the benefit of the non-defiers in the group. Focusing, Prae tried again, reaching out his awareness slowly, trying to decipher their voices and feel the motion of the air around them.

“Visibility isn’t necessary, as far as I’m aware.” Prae said absently in response to Darius’s question. “I believe a destination is. But I don’t know how abstract that destination can be for this to work; I’m going to try something.” Stepping forwards, Prae padded slowly towards the entrance of the gateway, slow enough for his companions to easily keep up and do whatever else they might wish to.

As he did, he envisioned three destinations in turn: the induk of Ishallr, the ice statues Arlo had mentioned, and the center of the cave system. For each destination, he reached for the part of him that had acted as an unerring compassAbility - Never Lost Again for all these cycles, and tried to understand, to envision, to know the path to each.

His hope, naturally, was that he could lead their group directly to the induk, but given that Prae didn’t know where it was at all, he elected to cover his bases with two other likely starting points.
Descriptions of all in CS

Currently Equipped
Silk Scabbard on wrist
Ring of Reversal on claw
Gate-Ring on claw
Sorelian Steel shield on back
Quarterstaff on back

Domain Bag on hip

Plate-like Leather worn
Winter Clothing provided by the Elements

In Domain Bag

Mental Map
Calling Coin
Survival Kit (T7)

You Same Bolt?
Last edited by Praetorum on Sun May 09, 2021 4:17 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 903
Let's play 'What's Weird About Prae'


  • A fiery rune shines under his right eye
  • A firey glow in the back of his mouth


  • A ring of blue runes floats over each of Prae's wrists
  • A silver shield marks the back of his right hand
  • A ring of light around his left forearm


  • His tail is about eight feet long, usually knotted around his waist
  • His body temperature is uncomfortably high


  • Wind gusts with every step he takes
  • The area around him is slightly more static-y than normal
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Re: [The Forging] Ice


They arrived.

Arlo spent the journey there thinking about strange things and beset by the urge to show off. The freezing air battered his face, but his many layers and his hardy natureGM Endurance combined with the strange chicken peg-leg and the many many layers meant that he wasn't hindered by the cold. The wind was a serious issue, too, but again his previous experiencesGM acrobatics helped. These things combined to mean that he was able to enjoy the flight more than, perhaps, would be expected.
Objectives Met!
Fully Equipped! ~ You included your equipment, the journey and landing.
Icefire! ~ Your animals met the objective! This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.
Secret Objective: Hunting In Packs ~ You described a group of animals. This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.

Elisabeth tried to rest during the journey, but even though she was also used to extremesExpert Endurance it was actually the constant battering by the windCompetent Acrobatics which made sleep difficult. It was too much for her to quiet her mindCompetent Meditation against the constant onslaught, although she managed to snatch moments, here and there. The wind stole her words, though, the noise up there as they careered at enormous speed was a constant high roaring sound.
Objectives Met!
Fully Equipped! ~ You included your equipment, the journey and landing.
Icefire! ~ Your animal met the objective! This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.

Meanwhile, Darius had not really paid attention to the flight itself, but he found himself in the sameExpert Endurance situation as Elisabeth with the added bonus of being FireForged, and so not feeling the cold. He may not have been mindful of it, but he, too, had been constantly batteredCompetent Acrobatics by the wind. It was difficult, bordering on impossible to hear Elisabeth's words, despite how close they were to each other.
Objectives Met!
Fully Equipped! ~ You included your equipment, the journey and landing.
Icefire! ~ Your animal met the objective! This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.

Finally, Praetorum was able to really see what amazing creatures the Sohr Kahl were. Not only was the ithecal used to flying, but his own hardinessExpert Endurance and his magical mutation allowed. For him, too, the real issue was the constant bombardmentNovice Acrobatics of the wind, which seemed to be trying to unmount him. Thankfully, although it wasn't born of balance, his experience of flyingCompetent Mount really stood him in good stead and he made it.
Objectives Met!
Fully Equipped! ~ You included your equipment, the journey and landing.
Icefire! ~ Your animal met the objective! This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.

After the journey, as exciting and freezing and terrifying and exhilarating as it was, the group landed. Arlo stumbled on his dismount and, while he might have expected to be more graceful, he slid forward. Despite his warning, however, both Elisabeth and Darius actually fell, landing on the ground. First Elisabeth, landing in a heap on the floor and then, Darius who went even further and landed face first in a snow-pile. At such extremely low temperatures, the snow itself wasn't wet, as such, it was tiny individual flakes of ice. But, what they both did was discover something quite, quite unusual about their surroundings.

Where they touched, the snow and ice melted. Even the briefest touch caused it which meant that both Elisabeth and Darius, in the time it took to fall, to land, to get back up, were wet. Darius was sodden all down his front, head to toe. Elisabeth, down her back and legs. As Praetorum utilised the fore warning and did not fall, there were only two of them who realised that they were wet. However, it was more than that.

Where they touched, the snow and ice melted.

Even the briefest touch.

And so, both DariusFieldcraft boosted to Expert and ArloMaster Fieldcraft realised something very quickly. This meant that they would have to not stay still. Resting would be difficult if not impossible because getting wet here could well mean death.

Which, of course, was something of an issue for Darius and Elisabeth in this moment. Darius, as Fire Forged, was in far less of a situation than Elisabeth. Within seconds their clothes were freezing solid. Those who knew and understoodEither Fieldcraft at Expert or Fieldcraft at Competent with specific sub-zero survival knowledges survival in extreme cold would understand just how dangerous their situation was.

They had to move. They had to keep moving. If they stood still, soon they would be standing in mushy sludge. Alongside the creatures they saw individually, they all spotted something as they made their way forward. Statues. Ice statues of beasts from legends and stories. Things which had been heard of in tales, or not heard of for hundreds of arcs. Legends, hybrids, strangeness. Should any of them either examine a statue close up or notice from a distanceDetection of Expert or better they had no tool-marks, no indication that they were shaped or carved in any way by mortal hands. Made purely from ice, they were perfect.
There, in front of them was Gambit's Gate. None of them had been here before, so it was hard to know what to expect. For Dariuslived on Scalv all his life and Arlovisited Ishallr on multiple occasions & explored then they knew for sure about the legend. Elisabeth Research Expert had read about a legend of a ghost here, but Darius and Arlo knew the tale. The tale of Isis.

They took a moment to have a good look around, they saw the ice statues. But they couldn't stand still to do so. The cold was biting into them and even the Fire Forged felt the brisk chill. And the wolves continued to howl.

Arlo felt the tooth against his skin. Four howls they heard, one after another - and as they did Arlo felt the tooth change. With the first howl it felt like ice against his flesh, another howl and the scorch of fire. The third and it felt like mud against him and, at the fourth, he felt a whisper of wind ~ almost like a breath ~ against his skin.

The wolf continue to howl, and the tooth continued to cycle in that change.
Objectives Met!
Words!~ You included the appropriate words! This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.
Urges!~ You included the phrase!! This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.
Success & Failure~ You surprised yourself, twice! This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.

Elisabeth was dealing with her own situation here. She felt the cold start to bite into her, the wet clothing from her tumble being something which was a major inconvenience. She was, no doubting it, hardy and strong. But she had grown up in Viden and knew what frostbite could do.

She knew that for them all - each and every one - time was of the essence.
Words!~ You included the appropriate words! This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.
Urges!~ You included the phrase!! This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.
Success & Failure~ You surprised yourself, twice! This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.

For Darius, this place was both familiar and not. He was wet and that was a major, major issue. His Fire Forged nature would only help so far - and this level of cold was beyond the norm. He could hear his Diri and knew what was happeningI'll update with specifics, but if you want all the info, you'll need to read the Life & Death thread! . Specifically, on the ride there, he had got the message about FeiDoran is concerned that people are clear. You should approach any places that are related to the Original Being Fei with the utmost caution and respect. Chrien’s anger about her mother’s death and the fact that people are desecrating graves play an important part in the current conflict. But now, he got the message that someone called ChucklesImage was talking about the ScalvFlameThe Scalv Flame is the burning, beating heart of Scalvoris. There are four Induks but it is the fifth, the soul which binds together the body. It is what gives life to the island, and allows the island to serve its purpose. It is connected to each Induk, by tunnels of ice and lava and water and air. The men in masks, they sacrificed to the ScalvFlame, believing they could harness it. Sought to strengthen the chains around the Induks, but The Hat-Man Arlo killed the Death Forged Rose and they did not succeed in their foolish quest. It is a great responsibility, to maintain the balance of Scalvoris. It is the gravestone which holds the pike.. And how important it was that they release the induks in orderTo release those which are trapped, you must break the seals. They are the chains, which hold them in place. Chainstones. Three for each Induk, break them together or it will burst out and destroy without reason. Ishallr must be freed first, or Faldrass will fall into the water. With only one Induk free, Scalvoris is in danger! You must free Ishallr, and then Scaltoth and Sweetwine together.
Objectives Met!
Words!~ You included the appropriate words! This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.
Urges!~ You included the phrase!! This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.
Success & Failure~ You surprised yourself, twice! This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.
Secret Objective: Acrostic!~ You used one of the words acrostically! This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.

Both Praetorum and Elisabeth could feel, via their usual sense with the elements, that things were chaotic here. Wild and not right. It was like they were drugged or overexcited. For Elisabeth it was a cacophany of noise. For Praetorum, it was like a constant high-pitched buzzing. They weren't hurt or upset, quite the opposite, but the elements were not right.

Praetorum tried his ability. It worked, it definitely worked. He knew which way was north. He knew where he was. Exactly. But the ability didn't work that way nothing in the ability suggests it tells him where other things or places are - it says that he's never lost, because he knows where he is.. He knew exactly where he was, though.
Objectives Met!
Words!~ You included the appropriate words! This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.
Urges!~ You included the phrase!! This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.
Success & Failure~ You surprised yourself, twice! This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.

And in front of them, was Gambit's Gate. The multi-coloured mist swirled around them and, where they had walked their footprints had frozen back over. The place was treacherous. Deadly.

Would they go in?

Info & Rules

  • This thread is for those who have gone to Ishallr in direct response to this thread
  • The Elements have flown up and are circling.
  • Ok, lovelies! You have a very specific situation here. This place is beyond weird. If you have an ability to withstand extremes of temperature (fire forged, marked, etc) - you still experience the cold, but like a normal person would if they were in the usual caves. If you do not have any supernatural mark / magic abilities, you will find it difficult to function. This is more cold than Ishallr normally is.
  • Any Defiers in the group would know that the elements here are .... well, for want of a better word, they're like they're over-caffeinated. They're not really "lucid".
  • Due to the time-sensitive nature of this, I can not hold out for people to post. If you miss a round, there will (I'm afraid) be consequences.
  • This style of event moderation - with objectives etc - was taught to me by a dear friend and one of the most talented Storytellers I've ever known. With thanks to Crimson / Straylor.
 ! Message from: Reminder
There are no required skill levels for this.
It is - undoubtedly - dangerous. It's a war.
What will get you hurt is NOT if you are low skilled. What will get you hurt is doing something foolish. There's plenty for everyone to do.
Equally, being highly skilled is not a guarantee of anything. This will need teamwork and smarts.

Current State

 ! Message from: Current State
  • Arrived at destination
  • Ascertained information about the elements
  • Noted the strange melting phenomena
  • Attempted to use some abilities to stop yourselves getting lost.
  • Arlo You are managing against the cold, but you're feeling it. You are not yet tired. You are starting to feel hungry.
  • Elisabeth You are managing against the cold, but you're feeling it. You are wet and this poses a significant danger to you. You are not yet tired. You are not hungry.
  • Darius You are managing against the cold, but you're feeling it. You are wet and this poses a significant danger to you, although your FireForged nature mitigates it somewhat. You are not yet tired. You are not hungry.
  • Praetorum You are managing against the cold, but you're feeling it. You are not yet tired. You are not hungry.


 ! Message from: Must-Do Objectives
  • Keep Moving! If you stay still the ground beneath you starts to melt. This means you have to keep moving and walking behind each other is risky.
  • Whisper something under your breath.
  • Use a piece of your listed equipment.
 ! Message from: Can-Do Objectives
  • Use a malapropism in your next post.
  • Start every sentence with a vowel.
  • Face a fear (IC)


Between leaving and arriving, you get the following information:
  1. Magic has gone haywire. Don't use it unless absolutely necessary.
  2. The strange animals are happening all over the place. None of them seem to be violent
Next Post: Sunday 9th May
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Re: [The Forging] Ice


"U'frek's piss," Darius whispered under his breath as he felt the cold seeping through his clothes.

A chill ran down his body, and he turned to face Elisabeth, who he knew was not FireForged like himself. Insofar as he could tell, she was beginning to soak through, too, and something would need to be done before they both succumbed to frostbite. Oram, he realised, would have already had them taking shelter, or resting in front of a blazing fire, within trills.

Idleness, however, was not an option. All around them - beneath their feet, and where the Sohr Kahl had rested - the ice was beginning to melt. It had started slowly at first, but the more they lingered, the more the usually solid ground began to liquify. Action was required, and that meant they all had to move.

"Onward," his gravelly voice stated simply, "before we all fall through the ice."

As he began to move, hurrying his paces, the mariner pointed towards the melting ground beneath their feet. It made no sense, of course. In such freezing conditions - unusually cold, even for Ishallr - the ice shouldn't melt to the touch, and yet...

Alas, there was no time to solve such mysteries. Arctic temperatures and wet bodies meant they had to keep moving. One hand held onto Darius' mirror, and he could feel the warmth of it in his palm. Information was essential, however, and he relayed to the group everything that Katara was telling him, while also providing the Diri with an update of what the group was experiencing.

"Each Induk in order," he told the others. "Ours first, and casting magic needs to be avoided!"

Approaching Gambit's Gate, Darius could feel his throat tightening in fear. Other sailors had been lost to the caves of Ishallr, including Captain Kale of Ufrek's Duty, and the manner in which they had vanished still occasionally haunted his dreams during the coldest nights of the arc. Isis, too, was known to him, if only in name and tale, but it was enough to cause no small amount of trepidation for the seafarer. Even so, he pushed on.

"Apparitions be damned," Darius scowled.

Alarming as it all was, such terror could not prevent him from taking a first step into the mouth of Gambit's Gate at one side of the entrance to shield himself from the wind. Outside, and exposed to the elements, he would not last long; at least by stepping into the unknown, there was a chance he would find shelter and a hope of survival.

Illuminated sunlight bounced off the mirror as it warmed his palm, the reflection bouncing off the statues that were still visible outside.

"Elisabeth, take this," he said, turning to look at the brunette following him and holding out the mirror, but as he tried to keep himself moving in a circle to avoid slipping through the ice, he fumbled the speculum, and after a pair of half-catches, it fell from a low height onto the cave floor.

Initially, Darius thought it was lost, doomed to a watery fate as the ice melted beneath it, but no such thing happened. Eyes of steel grey widened at the sight, and for half a trill, the Scalvorian almost forgot to keep moving.

"I'm going to walk around it," he told his Videnese friend as the mirror sat on the ice and offered a heat like that of a campfire, "and you should do the same. Abandon your pack."

"Arlo," he called out to Cassion's son. "Are you able to take Elisabeth's things?"

"Undress," he instructed Elisabeth. "Awkward, I know, and I'll be doing the same, but we both need to abandon our wet clothes, and I will help you."

And, assuming the others were agreeable to the plan, that was precisely what he did, providing the brunette with a means to brace herself and also helping her to remove her wet clothing, all while keeping himself moving around the warmth of the mirror. Urgency meant that the group was forced to work quickly together, and Praetorum was summoned to lift the poor woman so that her leggings could be pulled off over her boots. Once she appeared to be getting taken care of, Darius wasted no time in peeling off his own clothes, carefully extricating himself from the sodden garments and tossing them onto the ground away from where everyone was walking.

Ishallr had a habit of finding Darius in a state of undress, he realised, even if his experience with Yeva had only been a dream...

"Any point in keeping these wet clothes for later, Arlo?" he asked the more experienced man as he took fresh, clean clothes from his pack and - still walking - began to put them on. "Unbelievable how cold it is. Imagine how much warmer it must be in the Sweetvine!"
  • Average quality studded leather gambeson, leggings, and boots.
  • Average quality longsword.
  • Average quality dagger.
  • Waterflask.
  • Mirror with magic healing ability. Your mirror functions as a normal mirror - but it emits a constant warmth along with the constant glow. It will function as a camp-fire if placed on the ground and keeps the person carrying it in a constant state of warm - summer or winter!
  • Saoire's box of chocolates. A small box with 10 8 chocolates. They are, frankly, beyond delicious and taste like your very favourite thing. You find yourself unable to more than 1 on any trial. But each one provides the following to whoever eats it for the next 6 breaks: "Saoire's domain of Gifts is not merely one of physical goods, but of the happiness and joy that comes with both giving and recieving a well meant gift. This ability allows the Blessed to give both themselves and anyone they're with a feeling of joy and good cheer, banishing negative feelings like sorrow, anger, and fear."
  • Cassion's book. Cassion has given Darius a book in which to write things.
  • Other winter equipment provided by the Elements. (Spare clothing, rope, crampons, rations, etc.)
  • Vega's skill bonus. This skill will be directly linked to the focus Vega has so - if it is in a camp preparing for battle, for the soldiers it will be a combat skill - but the cook for that camp would gain a bonus to cooking for the troops. No more than one bonus per day can be given. (Chosen skill: Field Craft.)
  • Vega's flag bonus. PCs who are working towards the goal of the clan are given more support, more help. Things happen quicker and more efficiently for that reason. PCs who are actively using skills which benefit the "clan" and are doing so with NPCs / PCs of the "clan" - may assume that the task is less difficult and by everything going smoothly and people helping, everything falls together more easily. This allows the task to be easier / a stroke of luck /teamwork to mean that the task is completed in 50% of the time OR to 2 levels higher a standard than they could otherwise achieve.
word count: 1187
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Re: [The Forging] Ice

 ! Message from: Peg
Hello Ishallr players! Please be aware of a couple of things.

1. I need you to (as Darius has done) clearly state to me if you are stepping inside the cave or not.
2. To let me know what (if anything) you are doing outside before you step in (again, Darius, you've done this).

I understand that there may be discussion between you as players - but as PCs, you need to determine your individual actions and therefore I would ask that you make no assumptions, going forward, about what other pc's do.

Please go with "If / then" conditionals OR tell me what you would do if the pc does not do this in an OOC list at the end.

Thanks guys !
word count: 126
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Re: [The Forging] Ice

In spite of Arlo's warning about how uncommonly slick the ice was, a full half of their party fell, straight off the dismount. It wasn't a great start, all things considered, to an outing that promised to be fraught with peril and more than a few surprises. Of course, ice was slippery under ordinary circumstances, and even his own somewhat carefree approach had probably been better not done at all. It had nearly undone him, just as it had Darius and Elisabeth.

Alas though, falling on slippery ice was one thing, though it wasn't exactly the start one would hope for. It, the really strange thing, was how soggy the pair was when they got up, in spite of how quickly they climbed to their feet. "At these temperatures, that shouldn't have happened," he said as they were attempting to brush themselves off. "It, the ice and the snow should be dryer than dry. It shouldn't melt that fast," Arlo added and pulled out his notebook and a pencil to jot the thought quick down. It would be wise, he thought, to keep a list of their observations as they went along, so that he periodically could ask Lyova to relay useful information back to Kura and Doran.

Alas, he'd have to make uncommonly quick work of it; for the instant he glanced down at the page to make note of the strange anomaly, Arlo realized that the ice beneath his feet was beginning to melt. Another thing that shouldn't be happening, so quickly he began moving, if only in relative circles at that point; while making note of that too, to avoid ending up trotting through puddles. A glance behind him seemed to mirror what was happening to Darius' and Elisabeth's clothing. It was freezing quickly. "At this accelerated rate, neither of you can afford to wait, since the layer of insulation between your body and the cold has been destroyed. And the effects of the wind are going to make that worse." Once said, Arlo tugged at the thick scarf round his neck, into which had been sewn packets of orange sand like the rest of his clothing, up around his face to reduce his exposure.

Apparently, even as they all got moving quickly, Darius already had some ideas about how to address their current predicament. Of course in a world where everything worked as it ought to, heading indoors or at least inside even an ice cave, might alleviate part of the problem, since it might act as a shield from the wind. A lethal one in this case. As it happened, however, this was no ordinary place or set of circumstances, and they couldn't rely on anything to work as it ought to. And then there was the question of what might be laying in wait inside of that cave; colorful mist notwithstanding. A legend of Isis, for one thing. Alas, their options were limited; but Arlo felt compelled to add a note of warning at the least.

"If inside Gambit's Gate, I'd advise a level of caution." If there was any other choice, given the fact that time for them was critical and options were limited? Alas, Arlo couldn't at all be sure. "I've never visited this section of the ice caves and can't even say for sure if it's connected somehow with the parts that I have. I also can't guess what might be in there beyond swirling mist and Isis the ghost. Also," he added, laying a gloved hand flat over his chest where the wolf's tooth rested against his skin. "If what I'm sensing is anything to go by, the four wolves I talked about earlier, back at base, may be nearby." As to whether that mattered where it related to the fix they were in or not, Arlo couldn't begin to guess.

And would the mirror even work in this place as well as Darius hoped it would? Only Darius knew for sure how it ought to function or how they could be use it. Ah, but who knew, nothing yet had gone as it might have been expected to.

Either way, he'd knock out a quick line in his book regarding the wolves and the sensation that their supposed nearness induced, just in case, then pulled out a small piece of jerked beef from his sack to chew on as they moved closer to Gambit's Gate. It was one of the very small drawbacks to being Cassion's son, and being granted greater physical strength and endurance than was the norm. It kept him hungry, really hungry; and required him to keep fed to maintain that. "A damned inconvenience," he whispered, muttered, under his breath.

Arlo had kept to the rear of the pack as they moved, intent on observing what he could, when he could. And that meant that Darius entered the gate. In keeping with his own thoughts though on taking a longer look at the statues, for it might prove to be very, very important, Arlo had lagged behind and then paused outside the entrance. As he remained on the move nonetheless, in a somewhat oblong pattered, he dipped into his sack and pulled out a map to have a quick look at. A so called treasure map of the surrounding area that he hoped might be of some use.

"I'll be happy to hold Elisabeth's things," he called out through the opening, when Darius called out to him. "I'll do it here outside if you don't mind. I'm sure Elisabeth would appreciate the extra privacy while she changes without an audience, and I'd like to take the time to examine these statues while we still can, and have a look at a map I brought with me." All things considered, probably better to do that outside in the light a few stones throw from the entrance, even with the mist, than inside tighter quarters where visibility might be worsened by dark and colored mist. Or ghosts named Isis buzzing away in his ear.

If Elisabeth was happy for him to hold her sack, or whatever, he'd accept the burden, should she choose to join Darius inside. It was no problem really, and he'd sling whatever she gave him across his shoulder, balanced off with his own pack, while moving, constantly and veering off just a bit to get a closer look at the statues. An uncommon collection of exceptionally uncommon creatures, Arlo thought while getting a closer look at the statues.

And not surprisingly, at least to him, it struck him that while the subject matter was definitely a departure from anything he'd witnessed before, they couldn't help but cause him to wonder; the similarities between these, and the statues he'd spoken of back where they'd gathered, all of them together. "All these statues, they're disturbingly similar to the ones I talked about before," he said to anyone remaining nearby, or called out to those in the cave, were they capable of hearing him at this distance.

As for Darius' question about their once wet and now frozen clothing, should Arlo have been in the position of hearing it, he'd call back, "I'd say they'd dry out eventually, even while frozen, but not if they're balled up and stuffed in your sacks." A freshly washed blanket, after all, wet and then frozen from being hung up in the freezing outdoors, would dry eventually through a process that Arlo wasn't remotely science-y enough to either explain or completely comprehend in those terms. A physicist might be able to set him straight in that regard, and yammer on about vapors and subjugationsublimation; in which case said scientific explanations would sail right over his more practical head.
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Elisabeth Black
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Posts: 1726
Joined: Tue Sep 29, 2020 3:51 am
Race: Human
Profession: Little Wonder-Bunny of Anger
Renown: 1035
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Wealth Tier: Tier 8

Re: [The Forging] Ice


Arc 721, 30 Ashan

A whole lot of somethings were not right. A whole lot of somethings were making Elisabeth question their situation.

Of more immediate concern – wet clothing. It took her only a few trills to realize how the snow and ice had reacted to her and Darius, feeling the clothing on her back and legs freeze instantly. Elisabeth had known it was cold – really cold – but the almost instant freezing meant one thing – the temperature was well below the freezing point and that wasn’t good for long-term viability.

Imagining herself back to Viden, Elisabeth quickly went through the knowledge she had about frostbite because that was the immediate concern. All about frostbite. It, the temperature, was below the freezing point, so 30 bits to frostbite and more like 15 bits with wind…and there was wind. It was true she was a Defier but what was less sure was if the elements were offering her and Prae any deference whatsoever. Additionally, Balthazar and Prae both had taught her that the elements didn't enjoy working against Defiers but, as it had seemed outside the Element Hall in Scalvoris, it was possible they simply didn't have a choice.

Out of all the amazingly unwise things to have done, she thought. “Unbelievable, girly…” Annoyed, she began muttering under her breath about the stupidity of falling, encouraging herself to think. Elisa, come on…think girl, think. A common condition in Viden, frostbite was, caused by the freezing of skin…basically. Either direct exposure or transference. An annoyed Darius and herself were dealing with wet clothes that had frozen, and there were only two solutions – change clothes or dry them out. Unable to wait for the latter, changing clothes it was....and apparently, they were on more of a time crunch than they had realized. Ishallr's Induk needed to be freed first, according to Darius, and magic needed to be avoided. Awesome.

Already working on it by the time Darius started instructing, she had no time and trills counted now. Outside the gate, she quickly rummaged in her pack and grabbed a spare shirt to replace the wet one. Eyes quickly found Ufrek’s Flask and while she briefly considered taking a drink from it, she recalled that drinking alcohol wasn’t advisable in extreme cold. It would make her feel warm, but ultimately only served to worsen the situation.

Issue number two was the unnatural nature of the melting, which Arlo was noting as well. Only barely touching the ground and yet, it quickly began melting away. Eyes looking down, she took a few steps and noticed the same thing. Absolutely nothing about the landscape was falling inside what she knew to be true so perhaps the rulebook needed to be flipped on its head. Unable to completely disregard what life in Viden had taught her, but it seemed there was room for interpretation..and what was becoming clear to her, however, was that they could not stop moving.

Upper body was not so much of an issue. Obviously, the name of the game had been layers for the Ishallr team. Underneath, against her skin was an undershirt, leather armor vest over the top, and then the outer shirt. It was a good thing that Elisabeth was a practical girl. Uncompromising, there was no time for blushes and she could move and change at the same time.

Attaching her pack to the scabbard belt, not trusting it on the ground currently, she worked quickly. Elisabeth did not need to take her sword of for this part, luckily. Adjusting her cloak to the side, but not taking it off, Elisabeth quickly unfastened her outer shirt, stripping it off and tossing it to the ground, while being careful not to touch any of the wet parts lest she be repeating the procedure again. As always, while shivering at the feel of the ice cold wind, she pushed on. Unconsciously - or maybe that's just what she thought because she was trying to do it quickly - checking the rest of the clothing on her upper body, she noted that the outer shirt had taken the moisture, the rest seemingly protected by the leather vest. Immediately, she slipped on the new, dry shirt and refastened it, getting it situated, all while continuing to move closer to the gate, thanking Viden for teaching her the value of layers. Eyeing the shirt on the ground, it was possible that it would have dried eventually, even in the cold, but she wasn't willing to risk putting it in her pack with the rest of her spare clothing.

Aware that she now had an issue, Elisabeth was forced to take a moment to think. Aware that Darius had run into the mouth of the gate to change, she had been inclined to follow until her brain kicked in. Of course - the mist. Elisabeth had heard of climbers and hikers in Viden, when conditions were less than optimal, tying themselves to each other using rope for safety purposes and to keep people from getting lost in low-visibility situations. Unable to tell if this was one of those situations, she would have been remiss not to say anything. Arlo’s warning seemed to confirm her suspicions and she would have been a fool not to listen. Elisabeth had never met Arlo but she knew enough about his life with Vega to know that she needed to heed what he said. Upon further reflection, she decided to verbalize her thoughts, calling out to the rest. "I’m not sure we should be going inside the Gate unless we take some precautions. Anyone have some rope? I know in Viden, hikers lash themselves together. I'm not sure if that would be of use to us here?”

Asking Arlo to hold her things, Darius had done, and while she agreed with it, the two men were in different locations. Added to that, the fact that she did not want to run from one bad situation into another without input left her with a hard call "Awkward isn't relevant at the moment, Ox, " she called out to Darius. Elisabeth had no desire to be separated from her things so that left her with one option remaining...

Off came the scabbard and sword at her side, fastening the belt closed as she rummaged in her pack again and grabbed her spare set of leggings, regarding Arlo as she approached him, a bit of urgency evident in her voice. “Apologies. I don’t trust the ground and this needs to be done quickly. I'm sensible.” "I'm sensible" was her way of telling Arlo that while she appreciated his concern, more awkward would have been dying.

Offering Prae a quick smile, her voice provided concise information. “I don’t have a choice. If the pants stay on, I’ll get frostbite. I need to change my pants out but there’s no way for me to do that while walking. Are you able to pick me up, facing out, and I’ll quickly strip off the frozen pants and put on the dry ones? I'm sorry - you’ll have to keep moving.”

If he agreed and was still outside the gate, she would arrange the pants over Prae’s arm, allowing him to pick her up by the waist. As soon as her feet were clear of the ground, she began moving. Awkwardly grabbing the leggings she was wearing, she quickly pushed them down, legs shiver as she pulled her knees up towards her chest, moving them as quickly as she could down her legs and off over her boots, careful not to touch the part of the material that was frozen, and tossing them to the ground. Instantly grabbing the dry pair of leggings, Elisabeth stretched out the bottoms of the material, carefully avoiding the bottoms of the boots, and drew them up the length of her legs, quickly making sure everything was secure and in place before having Prae lower her back the ground.

On the chance he wasn’t still outside the gate or didn’t agree to the plan, then the leggings would have to wait for a beat until they could come up with another plan, together.

Original gloves came off, new gloves went on, just in case. As she did, she saw the flash of silver that resided on her ring finger - Balthazar's ring. Ever curious, was it telling him of her need or danger? Additionally, would her ring respond if he felt the need to be with her? A weird thing, need. Elisabeth only knew that it would tell her if he had true need of her or if he was in danger....and show her the way to him. A rising fear of never seeing him again threatened to overtake her, but as she had all trial long, she faced it with love, discipline, and the understanding that to get back to him, there was work to do for the good of all Scalvoris, which was now her home.

Elisabeth was going home to him. On this matter, there was no alternative in her mind.

In her mind, a tingling sensation came. Elisabeth had heard the name “Gambit’s Gate” before…but in relation to a legend. A ghost that haunted the Gate. Unable to recall more than that, she let the thought go, but not before asking the others if they knew anything. "Anyone heard of a legend about a ghost here at the Gate? I have a vague recollection of reading something but I can't remember what..."

As she got everything re-situated, relieving Arlo of her things, she noted what he was looking at - the most intricate, detailed, and stunning ice sculptures she had ever seen. After having seen so many of them during her time in Viden, she considered herself somewhat knowledgeable on the matter. Additionally, coupled with her keen sense of sightMaster Detection and it was clear to her that no mortal had created the sculptures. It...they... were too perfect, and she said as much to Arlo. “Aren’t right, these statues without tool marks.” Elevating the hood of her cloak over her head, she nestled down into the cloak, waiting for the group to reconvene with Arlo.

Elements were not acting right. Oddly hyperactive? Another Defier, Prae, had confirmed her suspicions, giving him a brief nod as she tried to wrangle any sense out of what they were saying. In her opinion, they were behaving like she did when there was too much information and limited time for her to convoy that information...so lots of fast-talking. Elisabeth glanced up, trying to concentrate on if she could wrangle anything out of her elemental companions, speaking softly to Arlo. "It's like they are drunk..."

OOC Equiptment/Items

Winter Weather clothing/gear provided by the Elements

Ladies Leather Vest - Tier 3 Masterwork

Provisions provided by the Elements

Average quality longsword + scabbard - Provided by the Elements

RIng of Reversal

A whetstone that can repair any battle damage or dulling of a blade, if used on the sword over the course of a trial. Depending on the severity of the damage on the weapon, it may take anywhere from a bit to repair the weapon, to a full trial. "

Silver ring - Connected to Balthazar's

A pair of silver rings that are connected to each other. Whoever wears them knows if the other is in danger or needs help and knows which direction they are in.

U'frek's Hip flask
The hip flask which U'frek gave Elisabeth will re-fill itself magically once a day (when full, it holds roughly enough for 4 shots of spirits, or 2 glasses of wine). It only ever holds alcohol, but when she drinks from it, it will taste of the alcohol she wants it to taste of - and while she can get tipsy from it, it will give her no other side effects, she will suffer no hangover from it, never get drunk to the point of throwing up, etc. It works only for her, or those marked by U'frek.

Chamadarst's Coin
The Coin which Elisabeth finds in her pocket is icy cold and made from glass. It has a single use of a favoured ability on it from the mark of any Immortal NOT listed as sibling, ally, or enemy of the Coinking. Alternatively, it may remove 1 curse from 1 individual. Please choose one use and PSF it.

Cavani's Cloak - Borrowed from Yeva
This cloak shimmers a soft color in complete darkness that echoes that of the wearer’s aura. While this item does little to protect against weapons, its strange ability of heating an individual up or cooling them down (depending on the season) makes it an interesting keepsake.
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