The War of Slags Deep: Exposition 4

Actions have consequences, and all that.....

30th of Ashan 721

The shallow bay Egilrun is situated upon is used, these trials, for crafts and crafting. From boatmakers to weaponsmiths, glassblowers to metalworkers, the sound of hammers and saws can be heard almost every break of the trial, with crews working in shifts to produce the beautiful craftsmanship which they might, one trial, become famous for.

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Arlo Creede
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Re: The War of Slags Deep: Exposition 4

So many individuals, most of them unfamiliar to Arlo or only passing or vaguely familiar. So many differing personalities and in a small handful of cases, from Arlo's perspective, perhaps some outsized egos. He'd own to occasionally falling into that sort of quagmire himself on some rare occasion or another. He and Vega lovingly thrived on competition after all.

But all this talk about who was to be in charge and who ought not to, or who was fit and who wasn't for one destination or another, it didn't necessarily bode well for unity and cooperation going forward if not sorted out beforehand. As for who would lead, there were a few who seemed quicker than others to volunteer, or at least adopt an air and tone that made it appear that they were. Not Arlo. Maybe his blood simply ran too thick with his Immortal Father's own disposition. He was far from the rank and file sort, not the least bit inclined towards a regimented, ordered life.

Each individual, fighter or mage, strategist or intellectual, had their strengths that were often, none more valuable than any other. He didn't object to the idea of a leader stepping forward. It was simply that he was much less inclined to put his unquestioned trust, his life or the lives of those he cared for, in the hands of someone he knew about as well as he did a random man or woman on the street, no matter their title or rank. At least not on their say so at least without witnessing them in action. And even then, not blindly or without question.

A seasoned, masterful fighter, whose skills he might or might not have ever witnessed before, didn't always make a suitable leader. Nor was the intellectual always the cleverest person in the room. When Kura appeared to take charge, however, it came as something of a relief. Her, Arlo knew well enough already, even if much of it, he'd learned from Vega, that her assertion of leadership was backed up by skill, wisdom and experience. He only hoped their assigned groups would function well enough. The stakes were too high for it to be otherwise.

He wasn't surprised to have been assigned to the group that would head to Ishallr. And it made sense; he was far more familiar with the ice caves there than any of the other locations. But he also knew, based on those experiences, that these ice caves were unique and never without their surprises and new, unexpected pitfalls.

At least he'd taken measures before answering the call, to make sure he'd stay as warm as could be. For quite some time, he'd been using packets of orange sand, tucked into the lining of his clothing, to keep himself warm in the harshest environments. He'd equipped himself accordingly. In addition, on a second chain hanging round his neck, underneath his clothing and armor next to the wolf's tooth he wore, was a rather ridiculous looking, wooden chicken leg. It wasn't a dignified piece of jewelry, even had it been seen for others. But it wasn't useless either. Against his skin, the thing warmed him to an extent similar to a thick down blanket, had he been bundled up in one.

He crossed paths with Hart on his way to join his assigned group, and Arlo smiled, extended a friendly had to the man. Hart was one of the few present that Arlo knew by both face and name, and disposition as well. He wished him well during what lay ahead, and assured him that he and Vega shared a connection that allowed them to check in on each other's well being, no matter the distance between them.

When Elisabeth introduced herself to him, Arlo smiled again and nodded in greeting. "I am indeed Arlo," he said. "Well met, Elisabeth. I was at the ball and recall seeing you there, though I didn't have name to put to face at the time. Vega's spoken of you. It's nice to meet you, properly this time. Visions though?" he asked and then grinned a little, curious about that. "Well, at least I hope they were flattering ones?"

As for Praetorum's arrival, neither the name, face or reputation was a familiar one. He wouldn't be the first Ithecal had met, though he'd met very few overall. His smile stayed put for the most part, though a brow did creep up almost imperceptibly in response to the tone used to assert his position. Arlo had already, privately entertained his own thoughts on that sort of thing, and saw no reason to repeat it out loud. No reason either to start out by declaring his own position of maintaining a healthy measure of skepticism until more light was shone on the topic. "Well met, Praetorum. My name is Arlo Creede."

Darius, when he arrived, seemed to have his own thoughts on leadership, and Immortal's help him, Arlo inwardly groaned. Four people, two assertions of leadership. This didn't necessarily bode well for the challenges ahead. Therefore Arlo wasn't inclined to toss his hat in that already crowded ring. Circumstances as they played out, would inevitably sort it all out soon enough. "Nice to see you again, Darius," he said, though he only knew the man, mostly his name, in very brief passing.

As he was about to share what useful abilities he might bring to the table, a diri the size of Arlo's own fist peeked out from behind the folds of his cloak and slid upwards onto the brim of his hat. Seemingly made of something like clear, blue tinted water and shaped like a teardrop, her eyes were enormous. Almost comically so, which she blinked curiously as she took in the members of the group. A gift from Jesine, given to him arcs ago just after he'd left home. "This is Lyova. She may have something to contribute along the way. She's able to pass through walls or other surfaces and travel on ahead by some distance. Able to communicate back with me telepathically. Which tends to make her a very good scout," he said. Indeed, Lyova had performed that role a number of times by now, and had saved him from any number of surprises that might be laying in wait up ahead or around a blind corner.

"I'm marked, blessed, by U'frek, Qylios and of course, Cassion. Each blessing comes with unique abilities that may be of some use," he considered. "I've mastered sword, bow and brawling. And acrobatics," Arlo added but was sure to clarify. "Not just for entertainment purproses or exhibition, but I've refined it for use in combat."

"Also," he added as an afterthought, but one he felt might be useful indeed. "Thanks to one of my father's blessings, should a member of our party become injured, should we need to rest for a spell or should the cold become too much, I can set us up a safe haven, a safe camp outside the material plane, that will keep us warm, safe, dry and protected for a time, and keep out any of those who might intend harm."
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Re: The War of Slags Deep: Exposition 4

All the icicles are scowling scowling ooh oh

Oram listened. Oram observed. But mostly, Oram dripped. He had obviously been soaking wet when he appeared here in the Glass Temple, and just as obviously he still was. And so were at least a couple of the others assembled. The traveler’s suggestion that those who were drenched like himself should dry off and change clothes had been ignored. Instead, there were suddenly Elements on hand announcing that Sohr Kahl were due to take off in ten bits, presumably with the teams Kura had barked out on their backs.

This would not stand. Because if it stood for any length of time, it would freeze solid. Oram looked down at the floor. The water he had tracked in was already frosting. As a Fire Forged, Oram was not in any immediate peril. But, if the Albarech and her Elements had their way, he would soon be mounted atop a giant bird lizard flying high through the frigid air while his diri remained here.

He looked quizzically at Amoach. Amoach looked back. Its look might have been quizzical or not; it was hard to tell without eyebrows or facial muscles. Obviously, they could maintain some sort of contact all the way back to Faldrass. Did the strength or nature of that connection change with distance? Would the protection it afforded Oram from the elements change or lessen? This trapper didn’t know. And he had no intention of finding out by flying off on a Sohr Kahl dripping wet to see how long it took for him to turn into an icy dorsal spine.

”I’m going home to change,” he announced simply. ”I don’t live far from here, and have everything I need there. Then I will go to where the Sohr Kahl are taking off. Will I be able to do this in less than ten bits? I don’t know. And I don’t care. These will either still be there to take me to the Sweetwine, or they will not. Either way, I will wearing dry clothes.”

And then, with a curt, leave-taking nod to those he knew, Oram strode out to do just that.
word count: 369
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Re: The War of Slags Deep: Exposition 4


Xander had no opposition to doing as he was told, it seemed that this woman Kura was to take charge over all and he was more than willing to take her instruction on where to go and who with. He nodded to show his acceptance of the order given to him by the woman and moved to find his way to the others he was supposed to be travelling with. He mused that they would seem like an odd bunch, the small being a race of which he was unfamiliar with and the other two men both seemingly much different from himself.

One of the men, the one Xander believed to be Oram as he had been instructed to move to one side earlier by Kura, seemed to rather hastily make his exit from the building announcing that he was going to change into dry clothes in preperation for the journey and that he did not know if he could even manage to do so in the alloted time and that he did not care. Xander was not sure how he felt about such a brash statement but he chose not to question the man on it, deciding that it did not help to waste the ten bits they did have bickering. Instead he looked at Bao and Zoro and inclined his head respectfully.

"It is good to meet you both and I would have you know that I will do everything within my power to ensure that this journey is a success." He doubted the statement was really needed but it made him feel more comfortable to say something to the strangers. He would have assumed that Oram would be their leader but it seemed who out of there small group would take charge may remain to be seen. He could do it if he had too but his lack of knowledge regarding magic and spirits made him feel somewhat ill equipped to be the one leading the way. He hoped that Bao, Zoro and Oram, if he made it in time, would be better informed and have a better understanding than he did.

Looking around though it seemed that perhaps Oram had not needed to leave so quickly, as before it came time to leave they were provided with some supplies. Clothes, rations and equipment. Xander had brought his empty waterproof leather pack with him and so he placed enough rations for a few trials not knowing how long they would be out in this Sweetwine wood. On top of this he placed a blanket and some dry clothes incase he found need of them. He sealed the back then and lifted it onto his back. He already had his heavy fur lined wool cloak on that he had bought when travelling to Rharne with his children all that time ago and his travelling clothes with the gambeson and Brigandine ontop were also fairly warm clothes. Coming from Krome he was accustomed to the cold anyway but it certainly seemed there was a supernatural feeling to the cold that had fallen on Scalvoris at this time.

Checking that his sword was securely fastened to his hip and taking a piece of fabric he wrapped it around the hilt and tied a knot in it to make sure it did not slip out of the scabbard at any time during the flight he had heard they would be taking. The last thing he needed was to lose his blade. Ready to go he returned his attention to his companions and rubbed his now gloved hands together. "What's a Sohr Kahl?" He asked to Bao and Zoro as he waited to leave. He had seen his share of flying steeds in Rynmere, Jacadons mainly but he knew they were unique to his homeland and flying creatures outside of Rynmere were mostly a mystery to him.
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Re: The War of Slags Deep: Exposition 4

Nir'wei had been quite ready to insist on certain measures for the protection of people drawn on that day with reputations looming over their heads. Faldrass had encountered much the same problem, after all. It would be naiive to believe that a crisis as large as Faldrass, or indeed this, would only attract the most altruistic and generous; he would not point fingers, exactly, but he had already levelled a sceptical eye upon Hart, recalling the damages of his Wishes in the past, and Elisabeth for the records that had landed on his desk, as a Councillor with nationwide jurisdictions. He could not speak of the others before Kura entered to wash them under the carpet, however. Perhaps it was for the better. Perhaps not. Ultimately, as she began to lay out her plan and distribute those gathered with military efficiency, he realised that it hardly mattered.

It was why he turned to Hart, when he approached and offered apologies for being lumped along with him for the trip to Scaltoth, and set a hand on his shoulder. "My opinions don't matter," he replied plainly. "Yours don't matter. None of ours matter. The only thing that matters right now is doing everything to save Scalvoris and its people - and making sure nobody dies or becomes seriously injured in the process." In the face of the eradication of Scalvoris, he would suck up his personal feelings on the matter and live with them. This time, he hoped, he'd do it better than Faldrass, if such a situation brewed up again.

Eventually, it was time to gear up and leave. When Elements arrived upon Sohr Khal to bring them to their destinations, so too did Traveller, drawn to Nir'wei by Gaddwin, and carrying in his saddlebag the emergency travel kit he'd grown prone to keep close for times where a moment's notice was needed, like these. One of the many benefits of essentially living with no fixed home, as he'd been content to manage with for most of his life. "I'll leave Squeak here." He'd have preferred to send wolves with the others to Ishallr and Sweetvine, but Kura's instructions carried an unspoken instruction to keep as much of his force around Hart as he could spare. Squeak remained manifested and followed at Kura's heels, sniffing everything he could stick his nose against but ready to answer any time she wanted to know his progress, or any details about their environment, while the rest dispersed and Nir'wei set off without delay for Scaltoth.
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Re: The War of Slags Deep: Exposition 4

Your Review
All PCs


This is a mid-way review for all PCs who have been taking part in "The Forging." The threads are long and you've done some jumping around between threads, some of you - and, since it's now grandfathered into last season, I'm doing this review for two purposes.

1. Because you all deserve a little bonus!
2. There are some things which will significantly impact threads going forward for the PCs in the current season. So I'm putting them here.

If you have taken part in these threads (Life & Death, Souls, Song, Ice, Balance, Ishallr) then you are awarded what is in this set of tabs. Specific PC rewards are given below.


XP: 20
Renown: 20


Leadership: Making your voice heard in a large group.
Leadership: Working in a team.
Leadership: Ensure that everyone in your group knows what your strengths are.
Logistics: Dealing with large groups of people
Logistics: Organising expeditions
Logistics: Ensuring that everyone has appropriate equipment.
Politics: Political leaders are not the only type of leaders
Politics: Make sure that everyone knows what is expected of them.
Politics: Tell people what their roles are, and what to expect.

Life & Death
  • Tier 2: Congratulations! This review confirms that Doran has achieved his Tier 2 in research! Well done on a truly remarkable achievement.
  • Cassion's favour: Doran did something very few mortals ever do - he surprised Cassion. The Immortal of the Story is pleased to have met him. You have 1 favour from him, should you call on him.
  • Nalos: Doran progresses in his Nalos mark.
    • Shooting Star A Bow can be blessed to emit a ray of star light in a path that displays the trajectory of the arrow nocked upon it. This does not affect the shooter's ability to maintain this aim, and if the light moves from the target upon release of the arrow, the shot will still miss the mark. This effect can be called upon three times a trial.
    • Cooling/Warming Trend The Blessed can impart an actual rise or drop in local temperature, to bring relief and encourage good moods. This can be up to a 15-degree effect in a single building; a 10-degree effect over a city block, or a 5-degree effect over a small village. At "Adored", raise the effect by an additional 5 degrees, and make the new 5-degree area be the size of a large town. At "Exalted", add another 5-degrees, and have the new 5-degree area be the size of an entire city. This effect will remain for an entire trial, but can not be generated again for another three.
  • Daia's favour: The Immortal of Prosperity is impressed with Kura's part in this. You have 1 favour from her, should you call on her.
  • Velduris: Kura increases her Velduris mark.
    • Regulate Temperature Being too hot or too cold can both be fatal, and this skill allows the bearer a way to prevent that. By concentrating, they can restore their body temperature to it's natural level, whatever may be affecting it on the outside. This can allow the favored to survive anything from a wildfire to an arctic blizzard, at least as far as heat and cold are concerned. However, the hotter or colder the favored is, the more they have to concentrate.
    • Lupine Senses This ability allows the bearer to share in their wolf companions senses for a time, no more than half a break. This lets them hear, see, and smell what their companion does in addition to what they themselves sense.
Sweetwine Songs
  • Adored of Delroth. Congratulations! This review confirms that Delroth is pleased with you. He has bestowed Adored status on to Kal.
  • Wanted: Kalortah has been banished from Scalvoris and is a wanted man. There is a bounty on his head.
  • Tarouz. With your new status, Kalortah gains the following
    • Nest Considered by some to be Delroth's greatest blessing, Nest allows a Tarouz to designate a home or building as his or her 'nest' once per arc. By doing so, the Tarouz grants the abode the ability to remain hidden, even against practiced eyes, of any who should seek to rob or harm the Tarouz. Addtionally, the Tarouz will always be aware of his or her Nest, and may be able to recollect with certainty every object held within. As a final benefit, the Tarouz will always rest fully and peacefully in his or her nest, cutting their time needed to sleep in half.
    • Feathergrace The Tarouz' avian familiar may, once every 9 trials, grant the Tarouz a single feather from it's coat. The feather may then be imbued by the Tarouz to improve the charisma of the one wearing it, drawing the eyes of those around them without any true explanation as to why. The Feathergrace draws the targets' interest and attention, forcing them to focus on the Tarouz. This effect may only last two trials, after which the feather must be incinerated lest it confer a curse that causes the opposite effects to happen to the wearer.
    • The Charismatics Toolbox II The character is granted an extra six skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Appraisal, Cosmetology, Animal Husbandry, Animal Training, Flying, Socialization or Seduction. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses..
  • Fairy Friend: Xander has shown himself the friend of the fairy folk. Should he be on Scalvoris, he can call on them and they will help him.
  • Daia's favour: The Immortal of Prosperity is impressed with Xander's part in this. You have 1 favour from her, should you call on her.
  • Taithir: Xander progresses in his Taithir mark
    • Serpent Tongue This skill is seemingly useless at first, as it only allows the bearer to understand the language of snakes. However, this gives the bearer access to all the information that snakes can gather undetected, allowing those who know how to listen to find information they might never have otherwise learned. There are myriad other uses to this ability, depending on the ingenuity of the Shield-Bearer.
    • Serpents Interception Referencing the blinding speed of a striking snake, Serpents Interception creates a dome around the Shield-Bearer that extends in a five foot radius around them. This dome blocks all physical projectiles, no matter how strong. An opponent could, however, walk right through this shield to engage the Shield-Bearer close range. It is worth noting that this dome does not prevent ranged attacks from inside the dome. The dome lasts for three Bits and can't be used again for a full Break..
  • Fairy Friend: Zoro has shown himself the friend of the fairy folk. Should he be on Scalvoris, he can call on them and they will help him.
  • Daia's favour: The Immortal of Prosperity is impressed with Zoro's part in this. You have 1 favour from her, should you call on her.
  • Fairy Sword: Zoro's cutlass glitters in the same colour-changing beauty that his skin did during this event. Once a trial, he may use it to emit a ray of bright golden light which can dazzle his opponents. It is now sharp and of masterwork quality
  • Colour-Change: Remnants of this remain. When Zoro is stressed or feeling an intense emotion, his skin takes on the same hue as his eyes. This is not as extreme as he experiences in the event, and it is only at times of big emotion.
  • Fairy Friend: Oram has shown himself the friend of the fairy folk. Should he be on Scalvoris, he can call on them and they will help him.
  • Fairy Form: Once a season, Oram can transform into his fairy form. His equipment shrinks with him, etc. He can remain that way from sun up to sun down. (which makes it tricky in Saun, just saying)
  • Daia's favour: The Immortal of Prosperity is impressed with Oram's part in this. You have 1 favour from her, should you call on her.
  • Sojourn: Oram progresses in his Sojourn mark.
    • Cassion Compass When first marked, every Sojourner receives a small gold compass. This compass does not point the way North as most compasses might, but instead will point the direction to a place of the Sojourner’s choosing. In order to apply, they must have visited this place before in a manner that allowed them to experience the journey there. Teleportation will not count as a justifiable way to input a destination. The Sojourner can impart this compass to others for use to navigate to the location of their choosing and once they have reached the destination, the compass will be instantly transported back to the Sojourner’s person. This compass cannot be lost in any way. If destroyed or stolen, it will take five trials to return, whole, to the possession of the marked.
    • Road-Kissed Cassion’s chosen cannot help but choose the life of the road. It calls to them, commands them march along it. But this is no curse, as the road cares for the chosen who tend and travel it. Those with this ability often have a much easier journey than those who do not. Inclement weather, obstacles, dangers, these all still exist on the road but tend to be much less disastrous to the marked if they were not expecting to encounter them. Travel time for the marked is reduced by 25% as they naturally know the fastest paths and shortcuts to reach their destination. This ability does not apply to ‘discovering’ hidden ways into restricted areas, but simply allows the marked to naturally take the quickest un-obscured path between any two points they are traveling towards..
  • Fairy Friend: Bao has shown himself the friend of the fairy folk. Should he be on Scalvoris, he can call on them and they will help him.
  • Bubbles!: Remnants of this remain. When Bao is feeling particularly happy and gleeful, he breathes out bubbles.
  • Cassion's favour: The Immortal of Adventure is impressed with Bao's part in this. You have 1 favour from him, should you call on him.
  • Daia's favour: Bao's actions in attempting to arrest Kalortah have earned him the respect of the Immortals watching. Bao has 1 favour from her, should he call on her.
Scaltoth Souls
  • Adored of Chamadarst. Congratulations! This review confirms that the Coin King is pleased with you. He has bestowed Adored status on to Woe.
  • Cassion's Favour: The Immortal of Travel is pleased with Woe's actions in this story. You have 1 favour from him, should you call.
  • Sombran. With your new status, Kalortah gains the following
    • Bottomless Chest No matter the circumstances, those who wield Sombran will often find themselves with a need to transport a significant amount of wealth, whether to spend, hoard, or trade. Since wealth is, rather frequently, a heavy thing, this ability makes it significantly easier for the Sombran to transport their wealth. Bottomless Chest grants the Blessed access to a pocket dimension where they can hold all their wealth, whether currency or goods. They can open and close the gate to this dimension at will, and unlike things like Domain Bags, Bottomless Chest cannot be damaged. In addition, this ability acts as a mobile bank and generates interest, an additional 2 WP every season.
    • Ostracism While the Blessed finds being isolated to be a helpful thing, other beings generally find it undesirable. With this ability, the Blessed can inflict an intense sense of isolation upon others. This feeling lasts for a whole trial before fading, and the Blessed can only use it once per trial. For those used to being around others, this feeling of isolation can be crippling. For those who already consider themselves to be held apart from their fellows, it is notably less useful.
    • Merchants Skills II The character is granted an extra six skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Business Management, Discipline, Investigation, Detection, Mathematics, Socialization, or Glassblowing. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses..
  • Fracture Scar: The fracturing Hart has experienced has left it's scars, as you've already described.
  • Daianya: Hart progresses in his Daianya mark.
    • Inner Voice Once activated, the Favored has the ability to make themselves heard clearly by any and all in a radius around the Favored, without having to yell or scream. If they do yell or scream, the radius doubles. This ability is active for up to one hour a day. The radius on this is roughly the size of a tavern at Favored, a village at Adored, a castle at Exalted, and a city at Champion.
  • Ezere: Hart progresses in his Ezere mark.
    • The Smell of Conflict This ability can be used to smell aggression and the intent to harm. Violence or the potential of violence has a strong smell. Some marked use this ability to patrol the streets of their city, following the scent to scenes of violent crimes and putting a stop to them. Others catch a whiff of violence growing in the bar and decide to call it an early evening. If someone intends to do the marked one harm, one with this ability can smell it on them.
    • Chill Finger The user of this ability can impart the effects of hypothermia on anyone they meet with skin on skin contact. The effect is immediate and spreads from the point of contact throughout the entire body. During the warmer months this ability, at best, imparts sharp tremors and shortness of breath, but during the colder months it can debilitate an opponent with weakness, chills, and tremors. Not meant to be a deadly ability, this power paradoxically guards the victim against the fatal effects of the chill they are affected with. Although they will experience the full devastation of hypothermia, they will be freed within a break (or when the marked removes contact) with their body temperature restored to a natural, healthy state..
  • Daia's favour: Ralgar has impressed with his willingness to work with the others, despite his dislike of the Immortals. His ability to be understood maintains - after the event he will find that he maintains this ability but it must be activated. He can activate it once a season and it lasts for 3 days.
  • Cassion's favour: Ralgar may call on the Immortal of Adventure once, and he will help him.
  • Daia's favour: Daia is pleased to see how Yeva is working with the group - that sort of companionship impresses her. You have 1 favour from her, should you call on her.
  • Sevrath: Yeva progresses in her Sevrath Mark.
    • Sevrath's Will (Minor) With a large amount of concentration, the user is capable of focusing energy into a small plant or sapling of their choosing to coax it into a form (An inanimate object, a room, etc). Using this ability will require multiple events to "convince" the plant to retain the shape that is willed unto it. The character will usually have to sing or play music for the plant in question to calm its wild ways. At this stage, the formations created by this ability are often small and easily destroyed.
    • Sru'Alubosa (Minor) Standing for 'nature form,' the user is capable of turning small portions of their body into stone or wood. They must be in direct contact with sturdy, natural object containing stone or wood. Other natural objects such as earth and sand are not encouraged, as a low level user is unable to maintain the form of the body part. Potential loss of the body part is high if the user is not familiar with that natural component..
  • Daia's favour: Daia is happy with how Nir'wei works with the group. You have 1 favour from her, should you call on her
  • Velduris: Nir'wei progresses in his Velduris mark.
    • Weathered A marked of Karem has an innate mastery of survival techniques. Thrown into the worst of what Idalos can visit upon them, the marked can somehow thrive in the most dangerous conditions. This ability is an encompassing change, giving the marked the ability to control their body temperature, find restful sleep wherever they lay, and most remarkably, to resist succumbing to both thirst and hunger for twice as long as any other of their species.
    • Werewolf Werewolf draws upon the champions connection to the wolves of Idalos to transform them into something similar, their form a mix between that of their mortal self and a wolf. This form lasts for up to a break and enhances the strength, speed, and senses of the champion even further, as well as giving them razor sharp claws and fangs. The form cannot be taken again for a full trial.
Individuals of Ishallr
  • Ralaith's favour: Ralaith is pleased with how you dealt with his device, all those arcs ago, and how you have kept that bear. You have 1 favour from him, should you call on him .
  • Famula's gaze: The Immortal of Souls has held a part of Arlo's soul in safe keeping for these arcs. This coupled with his ability to see ghosts and his saving of the ghostly pirates has drawn her attention. She watches him and he is aware of a connection to her.
  • Sojourn: Arlo progresses in his Sojourn mark.
    • Fight Another Day Although Cassion is loathe to admit it, there are circumstances where retreat is the best option. Although the god enjoys testing his durability and limitations, the same cannot always be said of his servants. This ability can be invoked but once a Cycle and allows the Marked to escape from any situation in which death or severe damage is an absolute certainty. Unlike teleportation or protective shields, this ability relies on the roil of narrative to serve as its vehicle. Elements in the environment or for the actors within the environment change to either allow the Sojourner to improve their situation or make whatever course of action less desirable to enact. Usually, when used against an enemy, this ability favors the enemy. If the torturer was set on an excruciating regimen to extract information, finishing by simply killing the captive, a messenger would arrive to reveal that the information was retrieved in another way, making such things unecessary. Perhaps in that moment the Sojourner would realize that the rope tying down their left arm was frayed and that the jagged edge of the splintered rack they had not noticed before was in just the right angle to begin working on that fray. The beast descending on the Sojourner from above, looking for a quick meal, would suddenly be aware of an even tastier meal within easy distance. Fight another Day is a chaotic ability in that it changes the framework of the situation to take the pressure of immediate death or mutilation off of the Sojourner...but it is not careful on where that new focus might fall. Many a Sojourner using this ability has found that it has made the situation immeasurably worse, even if they are now in a place better able to survive it.
    • Saga Servants In the thick and the thin, the Sojourner seeks allies. Adventure is nothing without friends at ones side. Saga Servants are those granted to the Sojourner for their adventure when needed, spun into being by word or song and powered by memory. A Sojourner may, once a Trial, summon up to two NPC's to assist them. Depending on the severity of what is being asked, they can last for the entire trial (Helping to sail a ship, mechanical tasks) to a few breaks (Planning an elaborate heist, battling on a mountaintop). In order to summon a Saga Servant, the Sojourner must tell the story of this servant into being. The Servant is most often someone the Sojourner has met and adventured with before, but they can also be fictional characters. As the Sojourner tells their tale, the air ripples and the servant takes form. A full story must be told for each servant, after which they appear and act approximately as described. A Saga Servant knows no more than the the Sojourner and cannot be more skilled than the Sojourner. The Sojourner chooses two or three skills when creating a Saga Servant they want them to excel in. The story told about them must illuminate these qualities. A Sojourner can ascribe to a Saga Servant the same skill tier as they have in any skill they possess save magic or magic based abilities. They will be at the bare minimum to qualify them for the tier. They appear with whatever simple equipment the Sojourner needs them to have, or describes them as having, although none of this is permanent. Should the Saga Servant be injured, they do not bleed. Instead, the story the Sojourner told will leak out of their wounds. Should the entire story be told before the injury is attended to, the Saga Servant ceases to be.
      These Saga Servants must be at the marked size or smaller and must be capable of the skills they are assigned. Should they be injured and running out of story, the marked may tell more story about them to supplement what is being lost. Should an enemy be familiar with this ability and have a storytelling skill equal or greater than the marked, they may interject opposing narratives into the Saga Servant once injured, thus changing their loyalties or even what they're good at. If the narrative of a Saga Servant is hijacked, a Sojourner has no ability to end the mark until it reaches the end of its duration. Some Sojourners have remarked on how real the Saga Servants seem and a few even whisper that if told well enough, they even seem terrified about their own mortality. A Saga Servant can be maintained indefinitely so long as they are not performing immensely dangerous or complicated tasks by simply continuing their story from trial to trial (Although this counts as a use of the ability and against the Saga Servant limit)
  • Ziell's favour: Elisabeth has impressed Ziell with her focus on trying to talk down Isis. You have 1 favour from him, should you call on him.
  • Famula's gaze: Her interaction with such a tortured soul as Isis - and her dealings with Jacien - have turned Famula's gaze to Elisabeth. As she is a mage, the Immortal of Souls simply watches at this time.
  • Death Forged: Due to her near-death experience, and the nature of it, Elisabeth has been fundamentally changed in terms of Scalvoris. Chuckles will recognise her as Death-Forged. Whatever that means (you'll find out soon).
  • Cassion's favour: Very few people impress Cassion. Darius is one of them. You have 1 favour from him, should you call on him.
  • Daia's favour: The Immortal of Prosperity is impressed with Darius's part in this. You have 1 favour from her, should you call on her.
  • Tiger: Ledas will join you as a spirit companion at the end of this adventure. You may submit him to the PSF. He has the following:
    • 400 XP to share among non-magic skills (as an NPC all his skills are /100)
    • He can take a physical form or a spirit form. He has human level intelligence. In addition, this spirit can communicate not only with Darius, but with other tigers. Only Darius can hear him speak, to anoyone else it will sound like he is growling or making tiger-noises, but they are also in constant telepathic contact. If he is too heavily drained or badly injured he will revert to a spirit form until he is either rested or healed. He can also choose to revert to spirit form at will, and Darius can still communicate with him in spirit form.
    • His physical form is large and glowy. No one is mistaking him for a "normal" tiger.
    • He has a bond with Famula, Daia, Cassion, U'frek, etc (the Immortals from this event) and will speak of them fondly.
    • He is most comfortable when in Scalvoris. He dislikes travel (he's a stay-at-home type of tiger).
  • Daia's favour: The Immortal of Prosperity is impressed with Praetorum's part in this. You have 1 favour from her, should you call on her.
  • Taithir: Prae progresses in his Taithir mark.
    • Serpents Interception Referencing the blinding speed of a striking snake, Serpents Interception creates a dome around the Shield-Bearer that extends in a five foot radius around them. This dome blocks all physical projectiles, no matter how strong. An opponent could, however, walk right through this shield to engage the Shield-Bearer close range. It is worth noting that this dome does not prevent ranged attacks from inside the dome. The dome lasts for three Bits and can't be used again for a full Break.
    • Serpentine Awareness This ability allows the Shield-Bearer to detect the heat signatures of other people, causing them to appear fiery red in their vision. The real benefit to this ability, however, is mental in nature, as it also gives the Shield-Bearer an automatic awareness of everyone around them through this detection, even those who would normally be out of sight. This ability lasts until deactivated, but causes a migraine with sustained use.)
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this review - drop me a PM.
word count: 4321
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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