• Closed • Proposing the Stormlakes Project

Vivian proposes her plan to reclaim the Stormwastes

Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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Vivian Shiryu
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Proposing the Stormlakes Project

20th of Ashan
Vivian sighed as she looked over her notes for the proposal she was bringing before the military high command. It was ambitious, and they may not consider it feasible, but she thought it was workable if they supported it. If not, she'd have to go back to the drawing board. When her name was was called, Vivian stood up and brought her papers, and the diagrams that had been included, into the conference room with her. When she entered the room, she saluted the high command. "Agent Vivian Shiryu, commander of the Storm's Edge fortress, reporting with a proposal to reclaim and repopulate the Stormwastes for Rharne." she said, her tone formal.

When given permission to continue, she switched to a military rest stance and started her proposal. "My proposal is simple in nature. As a Grand Warden of Lovalus, I can, once a season, bond with Lovalus and create a substantial amount of Brightgleam Water, roughly two miles of it. I can then add my blood to it, turning it into a Font of Life. These Fonts of Life revitalize the area around them, causing plants to grow, the soil to become useable for farming again, and bringing animals back to the area. In addition, as a unique property of my own steelblood, it will also create ore deposits. The blood steel ore it creates is as useful a solid metal as steel, though it becomes blood when hardened. I'm told the Order of Adunih has found some use for it in that state." she said, her tone still calm, though underneath it she was nervous.

"Now, I know that a single Font of Life, even one as big as a lake, will not be able to fully revitalize the Stormwastes. However, a single lake would be a start. In addition to the being able to create a seasonal lake, once per day, I can create smaller Brightgleam Oasis, and my blood will turn it into a Font of Life, with the same properties as the bigger lake, just on a smaller scale. My plan is that, early in the season, I create the lake as a starting point for the reclamation, then create several smaller pools over the course of the season to support the lake. Then, in the second season of the cycle, I create a second lake and repeat the process. Then, on the third season after the first lake, I manipulate the water I can create by binding with Lovalus to create either a single river or a river system linking the two lakes, to bridge the gap between the two lakes." she said, before pausing to catch her breath.

"Now, of course, all of this assumes I'm the only Grand Warden working on this project. If other Grand Wardens join me, the progress will be much faster. With a second Grand Warden, we could create two lakes in the first season, and both link them and create a third lake in the second season. With three, we could create three lakes in the first season, and link all three in the second." she said, before shrugging slightly. "However, to my certain knowledge, there are, at most, four Grand Wardens in existence. Myself, Vega Creede, Varlum Onarmus, and Faith Augustine. Faith is not member of the Lightning Knights, and Vega and Varlum are both on a well-earned leave. If any wish to join me on this endeavour, I will not turn them away, but I do not request they be assigned to me." she said, her tone sincere.

"Now, as to the repopulation of the Stormwastes. I propose the creation of a settlement at the site of the first lake, along the planned lines of the river between the first and second lake. Furthermore, I propose that the civilian portion of the settlement be largely made of volunteers from the Dust Quarter. If we work with the Institute of Innovation, they can be taught the necessities of farming and the trades needed to make a settelement thrive and grow into a proper town. However, I do not propose that we start the settlement with the civilians in tow. Instead, I suggest that we put out the call for volunteers to undergo training in the Institute either late this season or early next season. Then, I will take a military expedition into the Stormwastes and set up the first lake and begin construction on defenses that should, ideally, fully functional within a season." she said, pausing to catch her breath again.

"The reason for sending a military force out ahead of the settlers is simple. While the Nickels are destroyed and their creators are dead, we don't know what else has moved into the Stormwastes in their absence. If bandits or monsters or even just dangerous animals have taken up residence in the Stormwastes, sending a military force in first to establish defenses and clear travel routes will help keep the civilians safer and give the settlement a better chance of success." she said, before pausing as something occurred to her. "To further serve the establishment of the settlement, and to easier maintain the supply lines, I suggest we use Storm's Edge as the primary supply base for the expedition until a proper supply depot can be constructed at the settlement and the supply road between the settlement and Storm's Edge be firmly established and secured." she said, her tone calm.

Then, after a moment's hesitation, Vivian decided to voice what was probably the part of her plan most likely to be rejected. "In addition, I propose expanding the military high council. If we are successful in reclaiming the Stormwastes, it will greatly expand the territory controlled by Rharne. Given the strain the military command experienced during the Siege, and with all due respect to the high command, it is highly likely that the reclamation of the Stormwastes will be too much for a four-person council should there be another serious attack." she said, taking a deep breath.

"To rectify that, I propose expanding it to a twelve person council, three from each branch of the knights. One group to manage law and order within Rharne itself, another to manage the Stormlands, and a third to manage the Stormwastes. This will, I believe, severely lessen the strain on the high command, as each group will have a much more manageable territory to oversee." she said, her tone calm. "To ensure communication between the three groups, if this is taken on board, I also propose that the whole of the high command meet once per cycle. Each cycle would be in a different one of the three command areas. So in the Hot Cycle, they could meet in Rharne, in the Cold Cycle they could meet in Storm's Edge or Caervalle or Volta, and in the Rebirth Cycle they could meet in one of the Stormwastes settlements." she said, before deciding to wrap it up.

"If anyone wishes to look over the plan, I have a written copy of it, as well as maps of the Stormwastes from scouting missions conducted during the last arc, here. I am also aware that we'll likely need more than one settlement to fully reclaim the Stormwastes, but creating the lakes and rivers will set the foundation for more settlements beyond the first." she said, laying her papers on the desk before returning to a military rest position as she waited to see if the high command had any questions for her or until they reached a decision on whether or not to approve her proposed operation.
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Re: Proposing the Stormlakes Project

 ! Message from: Pig Boy
Vivian has the support of the Lightning Knights high Command and will be able to start on her plan, as soon as the structural changes to the knights high command has been made. As the one who made the suggestion, she will be tasked with choosing the candidates for the newly promoted High Council. You may either nominate existing Knight NPCs, or else dev some to fill the ranks. Submit these to the Dev Forum, where I will take a look over them and approve or disapprove as necessary.

The settlement of the Stormwastes will have to wait for the release of the Settlement System, but for now Vivian has the go ahead to start working on setting up the infrastructure they will need. Depending on the progress she makes toward that end this season, her efficacy or lack thereof in this season will have knock-on effects in the Settlement next season.

However, Rharne's finances are somewhat strained, especially on the military side and she will be expected to foot the bill for at least some of the construction of infrastructure. Or else she will have to petition certain factions that have the finances to fund such a venture. This doesn't mean she'll own the Settlement itself, that will belong to Rharne as stipulated in her proposal, but she will be largely in charge of the expansion and running of the Settlement, as a Military Governor, should she succeed in setting up the infrastructure.
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Re: Proposing the Stormlakes Project

Vivian nodded at the conditions set by the Council, elated that the proposal had been accepted. She had figured there would be some restrictions set, or some requirement she had to fulfill, so she wasn't put out by the need to either help fund it or secure funding for it. Instead, she was excited for the campaign to come, the chance to reclaim and settle the lands Faldrun had taken from Rharne, to help lift up the poorer population of Rharne through the project and to achieve a great victory against Faldrun. The Stormwastes was his most successful blow against Rharne, and taking them back would undo that at long last. She was wound like a top when she left the room, and she barely managed to make it to a more open area before she let out an excited whoop. She had a lot of work to do, sure, but she was looking forward to every moment of it.

Of course, there was the slight problem of getting everything set up. She'd have to look up raw materials suppliers and she'd have to talk to the Institute of Innovation, as well as make a public announcement to the Dust Quarter. But still, she thought, she was able to get started on something she had been planning since the War of Death and Souls. Calming down slightly, Vivian left the temple to return home and start figuring how she needed to talk to.
word count: 246
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Re: Proposing the Stormlakes Project


Vivian Shiryu

OMG I'm sorry this slipped off my radar. You should've pestered me :P

Anyway, Vivian is really showing her leadership and political chops here well. BTW you're of course good to proceed with the whole Stormlake's project.

Sorry again. Good writing.
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