Nap Time

Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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Revan Blackhand
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Nap Time

1 Cylus 721
"Any second thoughts?" Revan asked the wide man with the thick beard and crown of hair he'd just spend his night trying to steal from with old 'I can't get drunk but you can so lets make a bet to see who passes out first trick.' Things had gone sideways when a little loose commentary about the man's balding had turned his mood sour. It only got worse when the man, named Ernst, lost the drinking contest in a rather embarrassing manner. So the angry Ernst challenged Revan to a brawl and while Revan did not want to brawl with the man, he was beginning to think it would be the only way for him to get his nels. They'd stepped outside into the cold, raging blizzard over Rharne and took shelter in the alley between the Harlot 'n' Hound and the building beside it. The alley didn't do much to help them endure the cold but the alcohol kept Ernst warm and it filled Revan with a jittery sort of energy that made him want to move.

It was probably that abundance of energy that lead to him ultimately agreeing to the fight. Ernst had a few friends with them but as soon as they stepped out and remembered the blizzard, they all went back inside. Revan was sure one of them would come out to check on the fighters in a little while but hopefully they wouldn't be out there for long. "Never, put 'em up." Ernst said as his arms swayed into some loose form of defense and he surged forward on unsteady feet. Ernst was wasted but he was a big guy and in this form Revan was a little shorter than him... and Revan was not very good at fighting. Most of the time a fight came, he ran. It was more profitable to run than to fight most of the time but in this case fighting was the only way he'd make the money he was owed.

Ernst threw a wild haymaker at Revan that was sloppy in everything but the sheer force behind it and Revan brought both of his arms up to block it. The impact sent him backwards as little and Ernst advanced in a sluggish stumble while Revan shook out the pain running through his forearms. Ernst swung again and Revan dodged it this time by using his smaller size to duck under Ernst's arm and come out behind him. Ernst looked around, apparently having lost track of where Revan was due to the drink in his system. So Revan came from behind and jumped on Ernst, wrapping an arm around the bigger man's neck and trying to squeeze the consciousness from him while Ernst stumbled and fell forward onto all fours due to Revan's weight suddenly upsetting the drunk's balance. Revan squeezed and Ernst gurgled something but he didn't go down. In fact it seemed like he was getting up onto his feet again.

He was definitely getting onto his feet again.

Revan felt himself lifted from the floor as Ernst pushed up, up and onto shaky legs. He wobbled backwards and slammed Revan into the alley wall causing the thief's grip to loosen enough for Ernst to slip free. Ernst barreled forward gasping for air while Revan groaned and gripped his chest in pain. Get up! Get up! He's still standing! Revan rolled onto all fours and began pushing himself onto his feet when suddenly two big arms wrapped around his waist and Ernst began to hoist him into the air. Luckily, depending on your perspective, Ernst was still very drunk and Revan's weight proved to be too much for him to toss causing his legs to buckle and Revan to fall down on top of him.

Landing on Ernst hurt a lot less than being flattened against a wall so Revan scrambled back onto his feet faster than his larger opponent. Ernst groaned and rolled a little on his back like a turtle that had been overturned and Revan took the trills to catch his breath. This night was not going nearly the way that he had planned on it going. He shook out his arms as Ernst rose into a kneeling position and then ran at the large drunk tank, swinging his fist in a wide arc and cracking Ernst across his cheek and knocking him unconscious though it was mostly the alcohol that had done that. Revan yelped- a strange noise he was not used to making, and shook his hand in pain. Ernst had a hard cheekbone. Revan wiggled his fingers a few times to make sure nothing was broken and then rubbed his knuckles.

"I hate fighting." The thief grumbled before looking around to make sure there were no witnesses. The blizzard that by now was making the outside unbearable to even the fighter ensured almost everyone was inside but Revan still gave the area a look. Windows? Clear. Street? Clear? Alley around me? Clear. Then he pat down Ernst's pockets, relieving him of a handful (but not all) of his nels. Revan's logic was that if he took some but not all, Ernst would think he'd simply spent too much drinking the night before. If he took the whole pouch it would be a little more clear to Ernst that he'd been robbed. Revan walked over to his cane, picking it up with his cloak before throwing the cloak on and assuming his limp again. He took a few steps to practice and found it much easier than he'd thought it would be. It was easy to act hurt when you really were in pain.

He limped into the tavern again and told the man's friends that he was outside and unconscious but Revan could not lift him. The friends went rather promptly to retrieve Ernst from the storm and by the time they got back inside, Revan would be gone. He didn't want to stick around long enough for anyone else to cause a scene. He couldn't move far, but the next tavern in Rharne was never very far.
word count: 1044
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Revan Blackhand
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Re: Nap Time

1 Cylus 721
"So it went poorly?" Willow asked as Revan lowered himself onto his bed. He'd ultimately called it quits when is seemed like the storm was letting up and he went back to his house to discover Willow had taken shelter from the blizzard there. He didn't mind. She was a Blackhand, access to his house was part of that, but only certain parts. She said she was disappointed to find he wasn't home and he'd explained the small con that turned into a brawl he'd won purely because his opponent was nearly too drunk to stand and he couldn't become drunk. He left that part out though. He never told Willow enough for her to put together what he was despite he clear suspicions. They'd been around each other too long for things not to have slipped. For example, she knew he didn't really have a limp.

"No, it worked." Revan pointed out as he untied a small pouch from his belt and tossed it onto the table across the room. A small pain flared up in his chest and threw off his aim causing the pouch to hit the ground in front of the table instead. Willow laughed and moved over to pick it up.

"Good throw." She mocked as she looked through the pouch at the nels he'd stolen. She poured them out onto the table and looked at him with a little disappointment. "Oh great, we're rich now."

"It's more than we had and I didn't want to take enough for him to notice. I'm working on something bigger, just give me time. My friend will find a target in Earth Quarter." Revan said as he rubbed his chest slight. He didn't want to keep working jobs he thought might end in brawls so he was going to have to give the city a look again as Morton.

"Am I ever going to meet this friend?" Willow asked. Revan shook his head. Morton's face was Jacque's and she was one of the few people who could make the connection now that their old friend was dead.

"He's kind of a prick." Revan said, rising slowly from his bed and crossing to his cloak which he'd hurled at Willow when he came in. She surprised him and his immediate thought was to fling the cloak to by him time to draw the sword from his cane but when he realized it was her the situation diffused quickly. Revan folded it up and set it on the foot of his bed.

"Ouch, that's bad coming from you." Willow said, counting the nels on the table again as if she expected it to make more appear.

"Well, it's accurate."
word count: 472
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Re: Nap Time

Review Rewards
Character: Revan

Points Awarded: 10
Magic Applicable: None

  1. Endurance - Fighting in the cold
  2. Detection - Making sure no one is watching
  3. Pickpocketing - Taking an amount that won't be noticed
  4. Pickpocketing - It's easier to steal from unconscious targets
  5. Etiquette - Alerting an unconscious man's friends of his condition
  6. Unarmed Combat (Brawling) - Throwing a wild punch
Injuries: Sore knuckles from a direct hit, light bruising on Revan's back from being slammed into a wall. A bit of rest and minimal use will be just the thing to heal this up.

General {} : Looks good- keep it up!

Notes: This was definitely a drunken brawl! Ernst spared no expense, but his altered state wasn't aligning with his fists in this one. Revan showed he was outmatched, and luck was most certainly his for the win. You describe actions very well- I can almost picture the fight as it happened! I snorted a bit when Revan yelped after the punch, that made my day. Shame no one else was there to hear it...
word count: 175
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