[Hopetoun] Borderin' on Hey Nonny Nonny.

20th of Cylus 721

A small island with an active volcano, Faldrass is the home to Saoire's school and to the Faldrass Induk.

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Vega Dweeb
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[Hopetoun] Borderin' on Hey Nonny Nonny.

20th Cylus, 721
Earlier on, she'd gone hunting and now, Arlo was cooking the evening meal. He was busy and Vega was looking around at the place. It was aptly named, Vega had decided. Hopetoun. Town of hope. She approved, certainly, and as such Vega felt an immediate sense of peace and positivity about the place. She'd come here - they'd come here because she needed to rest. Not physically, but psychologically. Or, more particularly, physically and psychologically. The siege at Storms Edge had been exhausting, and Vega was more tired, more damaged than she'd ever been. And that, she considered, was saying something since ~ last time she was here on Scalvoris, she'd been taken over by a lava demon-thing, become Death-Forged and then she'd been burned alive and her legs shattered as she died and was brought back.

All in all, Vega decided, she was kind of surprised that they'd come back here, but at the same time it felt right.

Vega had a lot of healing to do ~ a lot of things to work out for herself. But here it seemed that there were a group of people who were together for a good reason, a genuine attempt to do some good, bring some hope, something resembling peace. It was what she needed, Vega thought and knew. Arlo believed it, too, and she had to admit, as she walked through the settlement, that she kind of liked it here. Kind of. Sort of. A bit. She didn't want to be too positive about it, just in case it was something that ended up being not great. It looked great, it sounded great, but Vega didn't know whether she completely believed it.

So, with a grumpy air to her, Vega stomped into the middle of the settlement. She found herself a place where she could be in a clearing. Where there could be people around, sitting around a campfire and being together. As she spotted the area in question, Vega recognised that it was currently empty but that didn't matter to her. Making her way there, she sat herself down on a log. Taking her fiddleThe fiddle itself is, as it seems to be, an antique and beautifully crafted instrument with a lot of history. When played by one of Xiur's blessed, however, it provokes one of three emotional responses in all those who hear it. The response is directly linked to the kind of music Vega is playing and the emotion will be the one she is trying to instil. For all three, this imparts a feeling, does not determine anyone's actions but provides a "nudge", nothing more. The responses Vega is able to provoke when she plays this fiddle are:
a) Hopefulness: with upbeat and cheery music, those who hear the fiddle being played will have a boost to their resolve and feeling of optimism - Vega can not make them feel optimistic that X or Y will happen but can instill a general feeling of being more up beat.
b) Peace and calm: with gentle and slow music, those who hear the fiddle being played will feel calmer, less inclined to violence or anger. Again, a general feeling, not one that she can target as feeling peaceful towards X.
c) Entranced: with a haunting melody, those who hear the fiddle will be focused on the music, pulled in to the emotion of it and will feel the urge to focus on that.
Vega can use this ability once a trial and so long as she keeps playing, the ability will work for up to an hour. However, she has to be playing, it has to be heard etc.
out from where it hung at her waist. Then, Vega lifted the instrument to her shoulder, nestling her chin against the rest there.

And she started to play.

As she did, first one person, and then another started to notice her. To hear the songVega has developed her ability to the point that she can use sound as a means of increasing the skills of those around her. Her devotion to Xiur and Qylios is such that she is determined to be hopeful, and to always do her best. She can play and, when she plays, it gives a boost to the skills of those who hear it. When Vega focuses on a group and actively uses this ability - she is able to inspire them to be the very best version of themselves. Any and all who are in the room / area where she plays (so not someone that hears it in passing, they have to be listening) have a +1 level bonus on a non-magic skill for the next trial (so, novice becomes competent, competent becomes expert etc). This skill will be directly linked to the focus Vega has so - if it is in a camp preparing for battle, for the soldiers it will be a combat skill - but the cook for that camp would gain a bonus to cooking for the troops. No more than one bonus per day can be given. that she played. The tune Vega played was upbeat, cheery and optimistic, and she was focused on these people, this place. It was, without doubt, what she wanted it to be. She wanted this place to be the sort of place where hope mattered, where there was the possibility of hopeful and committed actions making a difference. Bonds between people, courageous acts as individuals and in a group. Slowly moving the bow across the strings Vega opened her eyes and looked up at the stars as she played.

And she let the stars guide her. As she played the notes, created the sound, Vega simply let the stars guide her. Tiny pin-pricks of hope, lights in the darkness. She played and - as she realised that more and more people were coming to the area where she was, that they were sitting and chatting and laughing and being together - as she realised those things, her hand moved the bow across the strings and Vega smiled.

Last edited by Vega Dweeb on Tue Mar 30, 2021 8:28 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1024

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Hopetoun] Borderin' on Hey Nonny Nonny.

20th Cylus, 721
At first, it was quiet - as in there weren't many people around. But as her fiddle playing echoed out across the evening air, people came.

All of her life, Vega had been - or had felt that she was - an outsider.

Her mother had died during Vega's birth and, in many ways, that simple fact had defined the daughter of Faldrun and still did. Her father had lost his wife, because of her. She knew ~ of course she knew ~ that it wasn't her fault. But it was still true that, because of her, her mother had died. Her mother was a Sev'ryn and that meant that Vega was a half-breed. Looking back now, she recognised that she had experienced a normal childhood. Growing up on the boat with her father and three cousins, the boys had teased her.

Because in all the ways that mattered, they were her brothers.

Yet she had felt every slight more keenly, noticed every difference. The only half-breed, the only female - aboard a boat of male biqaj who loved her, but just didn't understand her. And, as she withdrew more and more, the differences grew ever more apparent. And so, Vega Lei'nox had been ~ for a long time ~ a seasick biqaj who was all elbows and knees, angry at the world and stubbornly and determinedly self-isolating. Looking up as another member of this community Darius had built and was building came and sat and listened, Vega smiled a greeting and remembered what had happened next.

She'd gotten over herself.

All her life she had been loved, cared for, and part of this clan. They had teased her because they knew that she was one of them, part of them and their stories. And now, these trials, Vega had caught up and she was aware of the same thing. Like reading, she supposed, as she watched more people arriving as a result of, and in response to, her playing. Arlo had taught her to read. She was still slow at it, and her handwriting resembled a panic-stricken spider dipped in ink and dropped on a parchment left on a desk in a boat in a storm. But still. It was legible.


These trials, Vega knew that she belonged. That she was part of many things. As a Lightning Knight, she had helped in Storm's Edge but even there for all that she had done, she had not fitted in. As exemplified, she considered, by her court martial. But none of that mattered because she had been helping the people on the ground, on the front line. The ones who did and who moved and who worked. The ones whose backs would break, it felt, with the weight on their shoulders and that had been what she needed to do. So, she understood the need for belonging, for community, for commitment.

She needed to heal.

Vega knew that. Her thoughts danced in time with the music she played but, just like that, they retained a melody. A cohesive tune. She needed to heal because she was exhausted. Yet, here on Faldrass, they had not found the luxury resort which they'd been looking for. But in fact, what they'd found was far far better for her, and Vega already knew it. So many little things, tiny coincidences which crashed together to make a synchronicity so great she couldn't deny it. Darius, someone she knew. Chip, someone she knew. A group of people all needing to work together, to build, to grow. People who - like her - needed to heal but would do so by getting their hands dirty and getting on with what needed doing.

Her hand moved over the violin which had been blessed by the Immortal she followed - her silver blood glowed in the light of the fire and the first night stars ~ more than that, though, the glowing star - like freckles on her chest in the shape of a dragon glowed too as Faldrun's daughter played. Because, not only had she found what she needed, and met people she knew. Not only was this a place, she knew, where she could fit in and do good and heal and laugh and be with Arlo and her family? Not only was this exactly what she needed to do and where she needed to be, despite it not being what she'd been going towards?

It was called Hope.

And so, as Vega fiddled, and the optimistic music filled the night air, she smiled at the people. "Tomorrow," she said, her voice in harmony with her playing. Not singing, exactly, but more like the talking-signing-mash-up that Arlo did . "Tomorrow, let's work for Hopetoun. Tonight, let's dance for it."

In a small village of tents surrounded by strangers, she grinned as she realised that she was quite content.

And so, the daughter of Turmoil played Hope's Song on Xiur's fiddle, focused on tomorrow being a good day for the settlement. As she did, she sent a prayer to Xiur. "I'll do this every night I'm here, Xiur. In your name," she promised. And, indeed, she would.
word count: 875

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Hopetoun] Borderin' on Hey Nonny Nonny.


Meditation: Examine the reasons for your feelings
Meditation: Recognise a moment of feeling content.
Meditation: Examine the past, as dispassionately as you can
Psychology: An individual can feel isolated even in a group
Psychology: Everyone has a breaking point.
Psychology: Emotion can be a psychosomatic trigger

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Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 10
- - -
Comments: You described what Vega felt like after Rharne very well in my opinion. I read quite a few threads related to the siege at Storm’s Edge, so I know how exhausting it was. It sounds as if it was indeed a fortunate coincidence that Vega and Arlo ended up in Hopetoun. I like that Vega isn’t too positive about it though. You never know if the first impression will last!

Vega’s fiddle abilities (and her instrument itself) sound truly useful. I appreciate that you provided the information on them in the thread. The scene where Vega played the fiddle and let the stars guide her was beautifully written. I like that her being Nalos plays such a big part in her threads.

Her devotion to Xiur – and hope – is obvious.

I didn’t know that Vega had felt like an outsider during her childhood. I have to admit, I didn’t know much about how she grew up, so that was interesting to read. I’m glad that she knows that she belongs now, and it does truly sound as if the place Arlo and she found is better than a luxury resort. I hope that she will indeed be able to heal on Faldrass!

Enjoy your rewards!

P.S.: I was curious about the title, I have admit. What does “Hey Nonny Nonny” mean?
word count: 291





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